The Register News-Pictorial from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Register News-Pictoriali

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGISTER RIDAY DECEMBER 22 1882 0 e1 JB7 GtMBVICfi 1 astbata Groawwteh aai tiM Md the Adelaide uday Dae 22 1682 ribfa wfll to dropped at HIXON Proprietor Me 44 Good Leuhra ditto 0 ft Gold Dewi ft 0 TO Kts wtlliota etrert Giy Ata HMM Port 0 71 CLaCD HAMILTu! fits 90 top salt I anti ras Id 14141 BidUt 071 Tbe a RWHTW wtate paerad Ce Jerrfa 8 M74 8 54 9 0 02 UB dffwtDfrj paw vmu Uta (pig or dMctyeod ebo4M ewt ti UNO 17 0 NX ine Vo WmH ditto Block IM 1 98 0 repstta rate toe bOecce MaiHctA TO TO Meitastm TO $4 a muO gnetity of EM TO Sew Xsatata penalty aartta tbe thse appotwteri fat MM tCU 89 TO 7 i 10 54 00 01 OTO ITO 1U IM 19 04 8M0 OTO IM L7te 112 20 tt 8W M0 IMO ia 054 TO Kb 1A TO ue 406 40 TOP 111 10 10 0 UK 1 ti Jacota A Sosa the rathe rane of tbe 01 Mr? hem Meaiee mMm at peckape Meeritiw enaan ata add 13J8S naekacea et tbe foUnMog Aa TO4 track would turn at once and by bioeveMit produce tbe effort which was noticed Tbe etuno revolting enough TO TO 71 71 BNE SB 8 Sfasff Ten TO Ctaae tk Sept ewt Di unu 0twjLiAJLS Brant Do rtwttlpa Nnsmtaj Soath Awrtraltw to MH as us TO 1JM iat W3 Cl TO MS TOTO TOM MM TOSS ari TOTO TOM a TOTO a TOTO 970 9CT TOTO TOTO 97 TOTO TOTO 1U AOU 428 187 890 44S Ml 140 23M 4 I 187 Wheel We iner ton THE COMMISSIONER CROW! I A NDS IN THE SOUTH EAST Port AteiaMa Eaten Monarch and Victor far Mobrv Ifl MO PgctBeatira fatal" 40 ine 41 ine ft a tn Mcowta wuuvon and ntamaiN Hatuoru Labra 144 pra Rna Plan and Earn Daccratar 0 flUaSL Pmt A teista Doatrabst TO flMara Pthtt Laton tbto day a era Mato by ataaaara eta at Iteaib and Pert Altefa asebrar eartier toss at Ato ryttotAtowtii etottM read) tta Emfar GrrataBteeA SB CJra NW Port Gteoefc PM Morgan JAMB COWRIE ttaaaar 71 tom Bartteetate rora Erttthbwroh Otta SWNB 8W SB 8B NW NW 14 757 $14 4M 5TO 81 781 ra Rev imea Oto to balk fa COM WMrtytobelk to am 07 wte Cordtofa gmg aKaaure ouch ao that eubmitteJ by the Oovenuoent last inori Ita only wry to aaake largo eaUtea ounUibutro their fair abate io the roYeauo ia ti impcao a general property tax and there io not tbe aUjhtoet ebanee of ruch a tax being inpuood no long an Governmenio ate oupported by Parlia wnt in the pwrnicioue policy rt making' up defaienciee in the revenue by playing upon the land uad and tampering with kano reaaoc for exaggerating it If Bum's own etoteoaoat that befe the support of hie mother be eorrect it io aroch to be de plored that he has brought himaeif into such end position but with the eri deuce before them the Jury oortd Drt as honest men have come to any other eon danon than that recorded in their verdict of wilful murder TSB SMAU MARKBT DOCTOUmi tL rtnoMMk ton 1 paid st dil aw littrr and tonUnto deans SALB LAXD PBe Hflrtan 4 i 7 NSECTION respectfully inriied of ot Ivvmsb Stock o( rnniTMAS and nkw year's cards totoetboGswtftbs Wortfo Art MaaafMoctes sIm tend pstotod sOk worked otobad ootoarad photograph and otb Cbrds MAT 8 OO 08 RaafflMtoM las Art Pre ton Riwkieltov StottoaMW ta 00840 blrty IMcaara I pweG Tea 40 Uvm UM3 thMr tf Dhae Mitos' 1 tM per Iboon DS POSTS sovra AVWTRAUAN traa Jfaftowree (W frail mrta pkpu fuHttara to to pw Cmtto Brim Via Saa Sooib AMfaHrn DeostoM TO aom Imbu cam Hawacae and Arerw Cars or Goto Bor Borra Avuca Mactuttus and Batavia Boeatta Deeemh TO 1 pun OiBWt Pecmtor Mt 8 to AtuU ratal a Dumbui TO to 3uvu tiaa laiasM and Ns sortb Aastoanaa Dereniber SA 1 Vimnii Ns Seen Waias Qrairoura OUR SUMMARY I The next English ifafl will be dosed for aewapapare at noon on Saturday December 23 Our Summary will be published on that dav an officer when which not men was liable as the oemdnet of MABKKTA (ByTakMWto) TELEGRAMS MBLB0CR5B Arund Daerr her 0 TOM Xtrtnda frM PM Adrtoide CbivbMsn (Mm London Vte torton trow Port AdaMde WoMn ttov Lauto catfm Urt Katrina rav Glaajnw MBCXLAANBOCS Tbs Sovvw Aust? tut toft QmsWs wmrf todboarae at U4pa at iris lOtb pwd Btroah Um BenHt at 9 Cape Otway wat ror atod at Sub et the A Had Cj NormaBtortoad iaXAT Bxitain Join Itireifa thia to Vto TOM TOaetla pobt adblaux ABSTVBBi Tncaamv peeress IL BOCTH AVflTOAUAN 3 Uekym Miarv utm SHtomm DMt 1 TvwaJl Town and Pori Mptomt lan warn 14 OTercart may IA Tbraamuap 1A (fawnnt hasy 17 SOrty ram IS TtamtMnc 10 inn 9 ine nanjibora Low BUrtAX SAL Kin nan A Conreay ofend by were bo rations ta the asacrUneuL fall ivtKshm tf the toms ebt 'nad wJI bo found elsewhs Tn other markets 'ila re Mstnd are of wnMpcetaat nature lu liquids ah ms boo (pitted at 9s to Pi 6d Bsyal Bleed whisky a Mtm qnotatiooa Sod Star i lid put Qa Morrfa Ceefca Tbonpnoa BnWy and Ckptata iJoKa Retd In tin atom ana to the naaod cabin ARRIVED COASTWIRB Trumoav peens SL VICTOR ketch ST tom McLeod fro Port Victoria To aseke only partially thrown open to been taken np by selectors have had to labour under the serious disabilities At times ADELAIDE jnyncB to advrrttkersl 48 0 Total 180073 0 0 TMMIG7UT7ON AND EMIGRATION Retnre at ajaaaafm towards and ontvards al PM Adatalda dart tbs week ended Matarday DeceaMS Id lawanfa U5 Mnwdn Alt TXPORTS OULONIAL PRODUCE TM 160 CHRISTMAS NUMBER THE ADZLAIDg OBSERVES 979 14BU AM 1S41 9348 AM 448 98 891 KW VH M3UW S1441 7978 Nt flOTMOl 7M L70S 2L Giocajr tM 73 Noropnt ma 25 im 26 inn fl ltbny 23 toa to 32 Me rejwrw rwa nro inn ine bet ire PB0PS8TT SALTO Mr Jsta Nnato ropnrw knefae teM Mr rua'a rMdeuen an joaiMnwa isr BLN TMB POTATO MABTOEX 0 TttotMtoJ Wainwfaoi Bettn)i la prtatbM bMOM to Joins AS Utt TO DA8 MEETTNfM MrLmn'a TrfanM OeM fah JUdgs (rod to Cep4 METEOROLOGICAL DOC Um ataMpherie prurows tevpan tore lafataD and ttats of Um wauber rtirirterad al tbe AMsMe uhonrvatwry OMm tbe IM seven days St tbe bowro indicated 14 IA TO IL 18 TO rtapondiin fad tsu Wbead Wda Bear bears (Mroitoe GUnnfa HifDimsB Wkitoroe Adetowte heaneb Snadb Bart Basd thoroughly pur Mten wont drained have settiemesrt end ANOTHER TRIAL OR MURDER The present Criminal Sittings occupy an tmeovitoble position in the erimiaal annals of Booth Anstraa Thelengthened trial for murder which occupied the atten tion tbe Court during tbe 0nt half of the week wm mceedsd on Thursday by another The prisoner William Burna a seaman wm charged with the murder of Henry Loton the second officer of the British ship Douglas on the high seas in September Lrt The facts were reported when the vessel arrisd a week ur two sinoe The prisoner was brought before the Poboe Court and wm committed to take bis trial Inorder that the witneaees might be detained short a time poeriUe it was arranged that the trial should take place at tbe present Criminal tiittinp end yesterday the cmo wm heard before the Chief Justice As the oimo wm committed a British ship the Supreme Court of South Australia which ce of tbe British dependenciM han by Imperial legislation the power to tiy tbe case This however constituted one of the special featurre of the cese that ft wm an offence committed not in South AustraKin territory but in a British ship on the high seas Another noteworthy feature of the case wm that in the trial which iuimeoiately preceded it the accused per son himself elected to give evidence There ia no doubt an advantage in bearing the accused penon give lus own version of what occurred and it must bo admitted that the Crown Solicitor did not unduly toko odvMtojo of his right to CTocB eaumino It is worthy however that one of Che answers given by the prisoner to tbe Oown Sob dtor invested bis set more dearly with the guilt cl murder than did hie answers during his examination in chief In the ends of justice this is a desirable cad to attain and the testimony of other witnesses corroborated this one par ticular what the prisoner said there a no room for the merely sentimental ob jection the operation of the Accused Persons Evidence Act that it may entrap a prisoner into admiaaiou which may be fatal to him Ths etas wm in all respseto a much ampler one than that which engaged the attention ol the Court duimg the eartier part of the week That the unfortunate second ofiicerof the Douglas and killed by Bum wm clear beyond the fe'ntest shadow of a doubt The prisoner admitted and it was corroborated by the evidence of tbe other witnessus The terrible acene occupied only a few seconds and all the facts lay within a very compass The prisoner with the others in his watch had received a certain order which wm subse quently modified Thereupon according to the evidence of all tbe witneaaea except the prisoner the latter used very insult ing language to the officer Tbe officer twins a gesture which it ia stated wm customaty with him said to the prisoner Buras I want mme of your cheek" Upon thia Burns st once drew his knife and stabbed the unfortunate officer in the neck with such fatal effect that he almost in stantly expired There are only one or two points about which there was any conflict cd evidence the dtecrepaiMie being between the statements of Bums himself and those of the other witneaaea Bums alleges that Mr Loton the officer struck him but the weight of testimony was against thia and the relative position of the parties at the time renders it highly improbable Boids Ik alleges that ho did not make an insulting reply when the counter order wm given but hers again his statement ia at variaic i with that of the other a itnersea who do not appear to have bad any motive for wishing to get their comrade into trouble and whose evidence ia therefore entitled to belief According to then testimony Burna wm the aggressor ho gave the first cause for provocation it seems highly im probable that be wm struck by the officer and yet he instantly stabbed the unfortu nate man when the latter protected against his insolence It win be observed too that according to the own admission his knife wm in the sheath and he had to draw it before inflicting the fatal wound Not only were all the facte within a narrow conrpscs but there wm but little difficxky ia deciding that ths crime wm murder and not manalaughter There was nothing to show that the second officer had been unreasonably severe with the men Indeed the evidence including that of the prisoner rather pointed in the other direction Even supposing too that Burna had actu Hy been struck by his officer it is dif ficult to regard that as a sufficient provocation for the use of the knife Us English love of fair play roooila from tbs me of the knife a weapon of effeoee cr defence and art from the qwetion of the legal os moral guilt of th prisoners action his ctmduct would meet but little sympathy In this particular case too other oonrideratioM have to be tsken into account On board ship it fa essential that strict discipline should be main tained TTifa of couree would be simply impible if he gave an order please some of the to be stabbed Bi utal Burns was it romra a darker hue from the rircawMancea under it took place and to allow hfa atoa to go un punished would be mischievous in the extrtan At the asms time ft fa not desirable tlU the crime of tbe prisoner sbmdd be made out to be mors aggra vated than it really wm We observe that cease stress wm laid upc the fact that Loton wm not merely etabbed but that the knife appeared to hav been turned round while in his neck It does not ncmsaiily follow that this indicated special cruelty and malice on the part of Bun It fa quite coacmv that the offioer feeling if In Hew of tbe proeoet extremely tales Um QCEENSLAND MORTGAGE OOMPANT dniro to caD stteBtkB to thetr now taviu £15000 for InveataeBt 8 per eent Esrly appSrttfaa neeewary to BAKES Manajrar898rv Moriafta Ctamtwro Vktorta Aqsaro WITH AUSTRALIAN RAHWAY TRAIC Bun1 wair ef tnfte Um storth AattroHn Safi way for tfte week eiiHg Dcoeaber fl in aengetA 101703 pooda 11911 tone eve SYDNEY Aniv 1 Dereartwr ureta fro CrMwa HM acteouer Beia ina the Soul Sam or worts fra Hawton Decsmh Colwyn ter Londoneacatarg BsaS4e Co1aarr IsmcoWi Mineral 17400 ditto Vtgffthil! K0W ditto Pafam eofcm eadyMUne at pkm iiw ilaUaf 6 itllto Wtapplae ditto PsrfBBen and perfumed rotrtta fl ditto Pitch tar aad nta 8DC ditto Potato Mt cL Uro NS ditto SedAtrv aad hairt 9 pfa Soft am ealtprtre 44 toaa Seed and roota 410 rtML SowiM Mrtto IM ditto Ekian and Mdaal ditto epkoaneib fiudtia (UBanrnaemtedX 1 saTta toa 1 oeery and wnba papa 40 pkga INOLVEMCTEE roea OiMrtU o( Norwood bmou donee GbhMoa at Adelaida faaeni iaae fotwuri Bto rt Port Ailriaiiii bootrortor ktrirt Leese rd ol fttklmfli Yorkare Pieiswti tareer WiJlia Howry CtUHBiaa of Aberdrea iaboem IM Madair of Adefalde vsoemtaat ine boo 8 ine war A Cfaareart ine A OrereeM mitry a' fl 10 ii 11 TO JEAN CONLON Actfay WorebOMokeepur MAU KtrnCEA Ooeml fas Ofltoe Adelaida December 9 KiOh derived: Daeembee 0 Cato tl un Mefa jaiwa mfiod: Sfl Vato Done AaMe 0 Piefaaart NwMeairid HoastaM Wfad TO MS Mnrdb WMr ArsTULU Anirod: Deoenber XV Ralhnt Col'jmbn SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE ADBLAIDB OBsTOBVATOBY states wk Jan ujital OS tbri white uii a sd very atpertoe toowfa*g ivy A tit white fam crrrtaL OS 17a 64 Gaowdnp erome tn Ta CdT: tiMudaaaaie oryttM JUt 17 ey ehoiM wbae i yJaL 38 TO Sd Hixto Mm nowdrop miM stated rtto wyel Art 1 Id ttree uofoared erytal eoaaSer tTO 64 nowdrop eoeaur 831 to VieVrta nowdrop ITO 64 Hifblaad nowriow AB ITO straw etdowreo eryetal eouawr t30 7a 04 eoa nowteop Ot ITO ttmw oolound cryrtal oount 430 ITO avtatee white ovrtal SB vary rtoi oryitr onrater £30 IM caotee eeewteep 443 oiiBw cotoved oysttt ooaatar 430 Ma IsH 8ALBB Mr Catt Is not hating altogether a happy thus of in th Sonth Eut He to being besieged by deputations which it would appear bare no hesitation in speaking their mind Revereac for the august position of th dors Dot restrain th coon of criticism and a good deal nf (Jain if respoclful languaj to being indulged in have already re ferred to th repreeoDtatioM of th in fluential resident who waited upon the bon gentleman at Mount Gambier The interview there wm of a vwy friendly character although it dealt with cm or two critical queetim ef policy Subie quently Mr Catt visited Millirent a township which seems always able to collect an influential deputation upon the shorteat poseiH notice Here he wm lectured and croea examined aad made acquainted with a long string cf local grievances not of which ft must be confessed were fully substantiated by the evidence brought forward by the various speaker The chief ground of complaint had reference to the drainage works It hu been tbe bane of dra'naje operations in the South Er 't that they bare from first to last been earned out in a desultory and fragmental way Instead of being con ducted iu accordance with a genera) and comprehensive scheme such as that sketched by the Surveyor General suecea tive Govermnento have wierely provided funds for draining particular localitto Tbe sonsequence baa been that tu part of the work Ins been formed lands been have who moot the drains prove large enough cany off all the water at other times it accumulates and renders profitable cultivation fmpouible The Commfanoner promises that all this shaD be Let right if only the people have patience but con sidering the delays that have taken place in the part it ia Dot surprising that they should be outspoken and importueate One of tbe grievance dwelt upon by the deputation wm that the stock of th eettien wm 'uipounded for trespassing upon unfenced drains and the CoMurasiaaer wm uigrd to have the diains enckmed This he positively refused to do on the score of expense end yet tbe request does not appear to be an unreasonable one Surely the mun cbsnnda upon which tbe whole system depends should have some better protection against stray cattle than is afforded by the vigHance of the Crown Ironda Ranger armed with authority to impound the trespassera and get their owners fined rom Millieent the Commissioner made his ray to Narracoorte only to find him self assailed by a deputation mare voluble and more outspoken even than that from which he had escaped He wm first of al invited to explain his conduct regard ing the Robertson lands These it wiH be ranembeKd were originally offered for lease without of course any covenanta as to cultivation or nsifowi a Owing to wiputtsntatiore from the district a portion of them were withdrawn with a view to thsir being offered for eclec tic The deputation Dow Mled that the whole of them should be raeerved for agricultural usee and Mr Catt although peraonaDy convinced that the demand fa unreasonable very properly undertook to accede to ft con tenting himself by warning in ten ling selectors that if they took up the land the eruditions of cultivation would be rigorously enforced This following closely upon the bon gentleman's promise to seek further legislative authority for the relaxation of tit condition of culti vation give the impreaeion that he feel a tittle piqued at the persistency with which his proposal to lease the land Lm been resisted Speaking upon the rabbit question tuemben of the deputa tion brought against the Crown Lands Department the charge that favouritism had been shown to large pro prietora The Commfationer while repelling th imputation wisely con Bested to make further enquiry into the matter Be abo took occasion to refer to hfa mission across the Border which he explained had resulted in an arrangement with the Victorian Com missioner for the joint destiuction of rabbits on both sides of the boundary tine This will be good news fur South Eastern eettlera who while sub jected to the Decemty of rtroying rabbits on their own land have had the mortification of knowing that near to them are breeding ground where the creature are left quite unmetarted It i satisfactory to learn that the Victorian oister Em recognised the justice of the request that stop should be put to this state of thittga aad ft fa to be hoped that his ndertakingtoco operate with the Seuth Australian Government will be more faith fully observed than has been the undertak ing entered into regarding the phylloxera infected VHieyxrds of the Geelong dis trict It fa not Deceasaiy to refer to some of the other matteis to which the attention of the CosuDMakmer wm called by the Narracoorte deputation they are simply of local importance One other wut however of general interest wm allotted to The rotiilonte in centre of population in the South East a well in other parte of th eonntry naturally deem ft a greet hardahip that while they tax therrselvee for District Council pur poses the proprietors of the large estates go free This is a matter that demand the seritMN attention of Parliament but the proper way to deal with it i not by mean cf a pettifog Tbe taroasMr faeanertsit aa rodwcod to 9 ahrb4tt brt 4 on todaeod to ImL Dm lMiiosloi4 aad artifall uo for the hot pmedfaf tho at renUaa Tho aaalluit ootna'rolMosto tho ooadtMa at Ite wsattarrt teottSMof oboarvatica only LABOUR REPOET Dararasa 0 Mr roreeto that Mrfa Um patt fortnkrtrt to tao bean niriae a lento sobor at aroren aad (voml tarrt tar rartosB dMrieto tn tbo North tad oa Yorti PoefaaBla at Iran TM to ITO perMk with beat aad faditfa The otbor cfaora provided vftk saployMiaL efa Orpon4r for rtMkiee aad ouaau thopa MockMUtho and whortshfa mm driven acton batchen aad bakcrv haTO Miippwo Mrrfad Ooapfaa for and fara wmu eaoki far ktattaeo aad hotel from aad oetirri fail no tbepbrrda jettdeoMs rjni ofoonera kaothaooat taada mrrtod TO fabomrt reaehtM for Oorton sad pnMe sanies wsu dritm pJoaehawM far veolba tail protral The Christmas Number of the Obana will be an exceedingly interesting one Il will contain a Special Budget of Tales Sketches Kiddies Poetry Ac by Eng lish and Colonia! Anthora which wffl be printed in a separate SUPPLEMENT SIXTEEN PAGES Axtong the principal fsrtuna will be an entertaining Tale by a local writer ea titled Story of great interest by the eminent English Authoress rance Trollope TODD'S CHRISTMAS GIT'" numerous Rtoriee fndodtng BILLYCAN GOLD" SACRISTAN'S GRAND DAUGHTER" (By Sdwyn Eyre AND INGER 8T0RIES OR CHILDREN MISSUS" CHRISTMAS REEf besides Poetry Riddles Cheea wM many other features of internet The Early Edition of the Otarwr will be published on RIDAY DECEMBER 22 isd the Ite Edition oo SATURDAY DECEMBER 23 RUM aad Md 780 ptp 51S Kp 6 Iva 143 Tallow TOdttto trtt 0 1474 puk 104 Woot Lrawr io7nteVr8eetb Waobml 779 tai rUJ3 TO MLSO 0 tTaiiBBMBl nil Septa 416 0 AaiaaiaflMBf) Appant aad ifare 9 pkpa Arrowroot oonTOosr lirroi Ao SAM IK Bap sad Braatagi pk CWiwr SM ditto noutafi io ditto (TO yTS dttM Caoooamtod I SMe Bm( and port 4 ditto Bow (bottled) WOCro frta Book (priated) 9 pkpe Boots aad taeee ttdiue Bettie (fliaa) ditto Milium qnd dre Better 0277 TO Orrum Odm(mBpty0 ft M7T Skta Cberee KJ44 Oocta an! vatetes 8 pkaa Ctale rad ooko Mt tie Cm (mtfuaiiii preeervoe Ae MTC TO OonlMe rope sad wa(tiiaM0pkg8 Dreperr 14a lOtto Dram 9 ditto Rentawwan sad ohlaa 9 mn tai(diedasdp4rtledX70pkcB Rev aad nuu ttm Drlr4 BS3B th Praeh aad rairoteblet 0B pi vattarr lift ditto Gtam rad ffatetaroMdMe Ouiwi lerot ttarrt Gir'v 7300 baobab Gmeencs aod atui 773 pkz Bsrdwara ad tutiery 8 ditto acpeau to iaiplmoBtt tad tools 4t pkgs IrtTO Bsr sad rod 7 wm SbrMead bwp SB ditto Total B7MB PORT AD1AIDB BONDED STORB RRTTRNS Batara ibovta the Msotitt of tbe eodemew tkawd 0Mb roetfved aad dehravd fa tbe Beaded Stone at Port Atebida sad ttw eaarattfae reitninx ia bead 1 Mararari ttmoTO Be TO Madrrt 6S okta Mela 1TO0Z boh Mnrfaetan (eaoBBaarated) 1TOU pfep water $30 a Deoe 9VMH Pie tab nenrtas'a leporte it wM be sm that there fa a bell of roiaftrelf bbh pranwe hfa between the htitada of and ertearfinp in or bepoad Perth to tbe root New TOoabaA aad to tbe Booth of thfa beitthore ore tori at araao at to pre erar a aae to tbe aoatbrort at Daaodis aaothor mtb of TiflBanTOaad a third abnut aouh of Kina Geoepefa SrnmA file lty pstany Hooded along tbeooBthnwat etoar toiaod toabortlat and iioracn fro to fat IT aad abo at tbe head water of the Darliw where it reported that the rivsn aro ropir'jriof aort it woaM appear that there baa aronof tow prorate ijTOxo the teetbrta pnrUoos of 'foeenalarTO but aa no report hove be reetfvod fra that eoiorrj woihfa*g definite tea he Bid ine fain however tee niton at Altov Hvrfae aad Cbutatte WateJi fait at the fote and T41 at tbe latter) In North Attrtralia it fa ar Iran let 27" to 1st IT doudy tbenee tomL In New Zeslatel coMrally fine a 1th a BteWleMe of BOrth wttefa owing to toe Bto mmv of the tow area before epntera at L11ARLE8 TODD GoveraaeM Ab lit I Stet OCrPVKT SHIPPING CAPS BMDA Derate Gwu tema Jowm Cm award Wind WauA ate ms BMnb CAPI JKBVB Dewner Ute an 9ood AtTOStwe vta fa Port AdriaMe Wsd NW Mte B'SeCa ZlTO mid al JU I tst Qvvrae to prtd at 4 to ill eeiet MatehoTO TO rtta I is ankathMM all pM 9 data rt 8 Tte Afteieide AaMtottaa report Ttantap Dnibw AdaStoda bojvn eebere TO atrattOSSfa Cittwirriil (oto) adienSS ITO WEATHER REPORT ran oheervatioai recorded at tbo Adelaide Btorv at to 3 nvrnrlap December ma Tbe 3H urpuu with janab fro Wratora As( tral pored Owe Borde os Thwnlap tnoos Mrf oe arrival a Ae Beil Bwy "1 akttftdds Ibef iv Biy JeSy far rffasb nee uro Tbe teltowtne reraeb at tend attwarda tat toeaHnc at tbe Canto Basra ort Sifebnte ra Ehrarabcr fl fasthmi Balta far Port Qwtarrv OfcW Star Oss CORRBVPDNDRNCB Vnlriteer Tho flr Sonin Aaatraltao hinteer orce which waa antboifaed fa wae paid at tbe faltowinc rater for each day at drill or rarviee Artillery Ma and earatry and totortry TO abo 4a par day wren the non wew required to leave tbe fitetriete tn which they were enrolled Thta prmttton wm to airy pay" which the vohotteero Mrttrt the thne be neemnfl fri the GoeenuMrt for ether Mrtiraa Atlimnm'ee for ofbeeei wero onto ra Throe itefl oArera 46 a year tech and three Kaff raneanta 4171TO rack Tbe Act aboaltowed the ennluxmt of toluntauw withowt pay Coder etanra al tho DHtetat Oomdi Art of UM laettBMe btddinp an ea rented fro tbe paymrat of rates Chartae Mackay LLD wra bora in Perth 1814 and rerooved fa infancy to London He tweasw editor of tbe Gtapov Area io Bepteatar 1844 and touts the ttttonf LLD wm conferred ra to by tbe Glaraow Uatversitv The Adtnero woe wrecked on ArcWt 16 18SB on roei between Rivoli Bay aad Cbm N0rtheMrian4 flbt wm built fa 17 by Moras Lawrvueo Bin A at Poet GTOmbw TbeApeltaa white wm bnBt in 18S8 fim arrived here oe Anta No vtepa hero been taken tocJebli th a Medical school in eoenwetioe with the Celvvntty at Adetalde bet no doebt in dtM tie cm s'! be orainteeA M' If thereto a braalfa debt wMteyoi have Mt fnnnoity ranceikd of eoere jm can re cover by proeaaa ra tbe Lonl CosrL A Yoraahortattoto white to no doebt wen sweat and weB warranted would doubetea have bad addttfaaol pot if you bad arat your mum and adder a TlM Citasfa wm ertvortfaed to Inn tmdou an Novonbra Tbo pewtatw itot tee art yet beat rocctvod Rail Milan astaa (UN) ITO aMtorate34 MataScft rates (eetarai bsudraifa 4d eta CpL Kotanoura talcs treraral bandreda) 14 Tm Sip ns Yesterday's Garth eimtataa a notice specifying ail th street in which the severe have Umu laid down It fa intended to be we presume a notice iu conformity with soetxA 72 of the Adelaide Severs Act With regard to many of the street we pointed out re centh th effictal intimation should have been given some tune aga Tbe neglect to gh ft has involved the ks of a targe atDonot of revenns which if it had been duly collected would have obviated the necuaity fur tbe high scale at whidt th sewers rate is now charged It gratifying to find that the Hydraulic Depart ment haa at last been aroused to eon doosncM of ita past runiasTwi Even ex it ia tbe reoovesy only partial The Act expressly provides that Whenever after toe passing at tine Act a rawer shall here been laid down by th Commissioner in any street rtuate in th drainage are he shall publish in to Goraraaunt tiaaUa ft notice Ac Tbe announownaut in yee terdaye Ga4c fa signed Arthur Mifaraes 8 ditto Tvs TO IBiber bbeoks sM itaves 9 TOww rad bewn $Ml beds Brfa ptanodl 8737 rap foot Tta sad throe WC pkfi TotaM SB TO fli Atta TarprathM Trtpslta luvranerated (raw) 478 pkftL Vfacrar 5 rails wra tbotttedx it dre erte Worts fl sit 18 ptatt vAUnoumn Cbeera it eeras Ctaenry ditto Colles 33 ptfitt CnMectmcry ditM tafaUcOtto SHIPPING BY TKLBGBAM OeWHCrtL Petr Wxrau Arrived: Drasatbra Three Stem PoweOn Port Adttaida HJ Salted Dearabra ltor'in Port AdetaM Poat Praia TOitod Dora taw 9 Mary Web oter PratAftetatoe OeoLwa stated Deaerator Parian MOsim Mium Arrived Decorator 9 Parinffa Goeiwv ovxxiAMi Derarater 9 wmswwtb paMSd fawu Arrived: Ifarraolw 9 farara Cerarte Port Attalsitte KiNGsanu toiled: In 9 Mphta srtaowB: Bawttera ceert Peer twerk Itaitod: Draerabv fl Lebra Wallaroo Kisgston Arrived December fl Alert rat Aitafaiito Suited :9 CucroM Belfast tafted Docunbcr 9 Com Beata port ems MWboure BtscHoat Arrived: Dccembw Oraroat Port Adelaide TMTICOtOWUL Arrived: Deceraber VDrasla fl Vteterfara Port AwteUdtt Hnfara taSMVtton: WMboraooTLaadta TOfled 9 Weiranaa New Keslwri: Msm LaesretaTO Braetaua trail i Wtsd rate cloudy sidsit Arrived Decorator 9 Tetagrsph Ruerara TO EkmL BriehsM TOHed Dr Huber 9 AfabreLowitaa Boeeutorg Be tbieitay flUa WsbrtoML tfeb tay im Pnat Xrtv1L Dworafaev 7 SPECIAL ADVERTISEMCTTS XMAS GENTLEMAN ARE RE MINDKD OUR KW SHIPMENTSu4UMMKB HATS CLOV BS rNDBBTLGTHINa MCKN UCAftVBB COLOVRKD AND WHHB JtHlRTN BORDERED ANDKERCH1IS Pl JAMAS BATHING DR AW ERA SILK AND UGHT MELANGR rr COATS CHOICE HUiOS COATINGS 7 ROUSRUNGS Ac a BBOWN ft SON flew 77 KING WILLUM VTBEKT Port Durwto 9 80 1 Daly Wstera 9 81 1 A TttaaatCrXi Anee sprara1 rmu eme PortAacurtM Adelaide Geraldtaft Perth Albany Kocta Streaky Bay Cape Berds Bota Nttnaktod Porttaad capo otwy Melbeerse Pruneor) Low Heads Lks Rntra Capo Bowe Jervis Rae 76 Rydaoy Newrartte ff Maoquarto 78 TO Brisbem 70 Bockhsatca 8L Towwvilta TO Coohtowa Watart 34 Bourfce 16 WitesuBta TO Mraindie watwartb Bay DeuHtauta id Albery 4L Weepa tL ottes a oeu Crabs TO to TO pro dos tables Is 4 to TO per rail oyeterata to 46a Mr to Rabbtta la TO to TO 84 pra pail Ot rfver flah there bav been eood rapuly tas firt have beta araroe owtac io the totes PORT ADBLAIDB CVTOM BBTCRYB TWGBTr POU TRE WBXB xnubd Dscbbux Mtt 18 701 40 tta 1U 47 8 im 1830 WM 4 AK U1 $32 $4 14 860 tn 78 faon lil 418 4a 414 fle 08 fi tar 18 Tfb The report presented at the annusl meeting of the Bushmen's Club which wm Held last night goes lees into detail than some of ita predcceeeon Thia is not sorpriaing The Qub hra now lost the charm of novelty and hm token ita place among the well known and apparently neceeeary instituticsie in Adelaide Time is ae room now far lengthened explanations to the objects of toe Cub because thara are pretty widely understood and it fa not needful to expatiate upon the advantage which it offers to tbe dara it fa specially intended to benefit becauM if by this time the inrtitutkin cannot speak for itself and is not backed np by the recommendations of those who nave need it no good pur pose would be served by the Bounding of itv own trumpet It fa aatisfactory to find that it still eoDtinoss steadily to progress It has not only paid its way during the hat twelve montha but hra made a alight profit Complaints have frequently been made that the Club to tn an inconvenient position and we think there can be no doubt that if it were in some more centra) locality it would be mure largely patronised It appears that several attempts have been made to secure a better site bat without raccesa Either the locality had nothing special to reoommend it or tbe price asked wm too high Ae the present premises are with the ex ception of their locality eonvenusrt end well suited foe to purposes for which they are used and the property is yearly ineresmng in value the Board of Management have resolved to take no fur they action on lee some very advantageous opportunity for making a change come under their notice We observe that the Chairman stated that they had in view an extension of their premises in readme for th Jubilee Exhibition in Of course if this is contemplated it would almtttt settle the question of removing to snother locality At any rate if a movj is contemplated ft would hardly be wise to spend large sum in adding to tho pre sent building It is true that in oomtnon with city property it has in er earn ii in value hot though th premises aro wtD adapted tra th porpusa of the CIA CHRISTMAS HAMPERS iwtaWsr Bto Groede Oi Ten Pkira at Lsrki QwL nedwek TO Cuutod Tort Haus la raa fro TO to TO at to Sd per lb rowdy fc tt tabte BICB RIPBl fflLTON CBKB8B Qasra fa rad OKvra ora ws MaarataK Marte lown rad jtartk Ccraara Barta SoraUira Swaratar Ate (wry taldX Burts' fates oroin Dahlia Stout Lartrf ft frrihiaii RtauiiaoTO tai ilrtihnMft (1 PROUD SHAREBROKER aad LAND AGENT Oflra Orfava HibatawM 9tawfc Tpu School A tardy act of justice hm been done to the School Inspectors It is due to thrir position that toey should rank amongst Civil tervanta of the fnst c'ass Tbe work they have to perform is of a delicate ro flMaaible and arduous character and if they are worthy of the confidence reposed in them by the department they enould be well pud and treated with distinction There is at first sight something anoma lous in selecting for an alteration in the status of the Inspectors a time like the present when the report of the Education Lomwwrionen which will necessarily briij order redew the conduct and competency of those officers ia it may be assumed in contra of preparation but in reality ft to due to the office that those who occupy it should be in the highest grade Tbe only wonder to that tbe recognition now sooorded to the Inspectors has not been granted before It biu been often enough nought under the notice of the Govern ment in addition to which repreeen tationa have been wade as to tbe low nea ot tbe salat es received by the Inspectou The seniority for mally conferred upon Mr Dewirnrt to a fitting acknowledgment to his long and faithful services or mon than twenty he has been an spcctor and the capacity he hra shown to adapt himself to the VMtly changed conditions of our educational system strengthens hfa riatm to oontidenttmn It to certain that unless he is now qualified for the poet of Senior Inspector it to time that he retired altogether We have alluded to the report of the Education Commission and we foul justifad in mentioning the subject agair in order to point out that that report may now be considered fully due Before Parliament race a month or more ago ft wm stated that the Commission would very soon dose its labours and ths time that has been spent upon the work ought to have been sufficiently long for the purposes of a very exhaustive enquiry We ttett that tbe report sill speedily be forthcoming and that it will deal tren chantly and atthe same time suggestively with the weak points in the fating stem Ktl Sfpfcra 90 Pratt Dnad 648 TO ttfatmnoer a'taTO79tatak lTti tewr MO teas 440 Jsa rad pirawvea 8144 TO 17 040 1L8B3 130 fl 076 Dm SAWED fl 81 taniea TO Calcutta Dee 8ATLID COASTWM fl OBACB DARLING fliwiw for Wafarira Bas SPECIAL ADVERTISEMCTT8ATCHING1 MATCHINGS kaa toaCvteoowr PifawdaawfiPatraMUiatwv have iatt roortvaS aa BnS raauafaawot al Maata tora taM aad aro aow oa tew arau a siaralflerai rasortaarasof low krtiters Cwottas aad Wall Bracks at Ito sort vsetarta Mera rararaw Mj McBrah ftfor Hnater Braith Mra Paia sad faait? CIL Mil Prjor Bsadswl Lratobm WTO aed Dragfaa fa tbsiloso and IS fa As orawd rates Cray tara fa bdls tales 48 hidra bJs wool TTO I ram frora WaDaroo lM stem sad sn COMMERCIAL INTELLIGENCE RtgiOtr Thursday Draeutber 31 Th wheat Market ranatoe steady with Bowl (Moairy A nall parcel wm yoe tvrday at 4e MMd Lab Port Aiisiaiitai Knyvrv offer 4a ML freely but aeUsra for jsvtapt dahvwy are asking an advMoe ou chtofsta The demand at outport Mill ooc tinuea and relatively better rates ar? offered there than at Port Adelaida Ijut quite with bat little demand at CIO Sa to £11 5a for new and old ordinary brands and £11 to £13 for mw aad cM toadiag brands Bran Is id to la 5L tannediate pollard ta 4d to la 4d rate TO 5 barley TO la the import rorti: the suction rale of tbe can ot th Vieta from Mmritioa has been toe centra at sttraetio Tharw wm a good atteafov of the trade bet th bidding istber fuMfansta All the whites wmsitted but the price realised tao a de cline of 5s to TO oar ton last puttie therefore dore Dot comply with th Act Tbe mistake to the more remarkable because ft to immediately followed by a notice signed by the Oonuuiariooer inti mating that the scale of rates fur th Adelaide sewers Las been reduced to dd per annum in the pound onraresmeut and will be levied ail properties to the boundary of which the connection with tbe sewer is or may be carried1 We take it for granted that fa intended to have tbe weening of In that case it would have been wiser to have followed the language of the clause which renders liable rate the such lands or premises in the opinion ot the Commissioner could by mean of drains be drained by ruch Assuming that the notice agned by tbe Acting Hydraulic Engineer is valid within the expiration ot seven days from fta publication the property oapablo of being drained by the sewers whuh have been laid down will be liable to the rate which will be payable half yearly ia advance from the first of next month Tbe Act further spefafies that al tend not included in such notice and which in the opinion ot the Oommusiooer not be drained by any sewer shall be liable to pay one half oroly of sueh Whether there to any property in thia position we do not know There certainly ought not to be any in Adelaide though it ia possiHe there may be some in tbe euburt The list of streets in which the rawer are now laid down fa veiy long and the amount produced by a ninepenny rate should be sufficient to warrant a eneedy reduction Id the scale aa the area liable to the late to extended and the value of property increase BIRTHS BCMMEER Ob tto 13th at Mifaag tb wtf al ftansnr of raw KVTLKR Os the Hth December stJsUHtfown Mro Geow Better al a eoa On the IMh Daambcr at Lafarie Wnara Prate AMaMs Mra Meteilte Milter al a Mk OATS On tbe flrt Derasib al KsfaraTO tee wile of OaM of den hler (tUiborn WBR tethe 1Mb DooMhcr at BMertbc WatePtaite weteoraetn MARRIA SMITH ttth DeeeraW rt tbe of tbe pwvsca by ths Be I' Ihoraas WUlte youMMot tea al ths fate WUMun Virary of Miltoo In RHraheCh hccbJ dsnfhter of Wilken Smith Itaebwouj a Qullr MrDON'AJ Os tbs tfth De eacbraat TO Geoqro'e MagtH by wmcIbI Ucsaeo S' tbe Be A Ronaer Jotai Mcltossld Telscrsirt nxter PvlsrthoTf traly aos of Jobs MeDostad TO Lerma 4 Gteoefa Is Matilda tafttb dsagfrier of tbs late Jmds Ascraeoa at Ctanpbelitjwn DRATm BAILY On the flirt Deoeratwr at the rraMewce at Knowles Mariteroseh strost CoUege Part Mary rsHtt fl tbo lata Jahn Btalsfl afled 78 Arrived tn tbs eofaoy In 189 aSM 7 On tbe 17th December at Ksdina ettar a loo and painful Dlasa boras with CtofaUM raicnaUoB Mr Joua Mere fats at Ntane tn bia rtod year A eoloaM of 18 years CABB OS tee 81st Daoarabra at PratareL Chari Cur adopted ras of Osorea Btaasy aed fl yrua HoraSditto (Nl Mfaarol KI ditto VcctshiaLKl ditto ffotrit Brafaty fl aaasa 8 qr ctata Laraponture BaiSj Data 1 1 Weather 8 pm Mati'ULMmAra nJljtrTOteS Sl! Lw fr aidy fine 118 9 7X147 0 74 MW WtrACl rt n7 9 61HK 5T4 NW acitftsdcTO rate 9 48 L8 3 fl 0 fSUOftM St fi Mo 1819 70144 7S WSWatr'dla fr J09T719 0 77 8 ISW SWJUlflr fine a 9 7 ft Li ft WMdityfia hfa L0 7 STAPLB PBODVLX WPORTKD TOtvrn of ttipie prodoe at Koetb AsitraHa an ported fisrttg the weak anted Jatardsy Decorator to Antaatae Befog I 0 I AriraitnraittainaMialfi MO 10 flTTOWJSi Cl'OTOMS BBCBIT8 Abstract Mtsra of Cwtacra ncorpte for tbo laded ratsrdaj IS 1MB Po ttefaide farrtte 741 Trim rm and dparo SM EUsd dstira 479 Ad vilisiM Mt L40 Ontoo Port Annate IU Artfefas I Rcvi' DeIJraraL PortAtefaMe 1ML 7A A8T ADELAIDE 1NVE8TMBNT COMPANY UMITD hra See Eight Bntaued HOUSES at a abatMtia) character TO LETorBKU Tbs Terraieoe af tbe ASekUte ata Netwhas Traraway Corapany fa ns tbe crowd be tonvrag to GaDfany and tfoee to the bones Ha Itei will be one ebortiy Apply ARTHUR HARVEY Coranrasita CMstobara OUbart piac nianwfc JELLY ON THE VINE iB47rowfnc bi Aetatato ata the Traettfnp ef Modern Writer os Vine aUtnro aad Wine rnsltoK by Alex Kxu1 MJ) aatbocof Vi in Atwtraite Price TO 64 per prat TO WTC RIGBY BootwITO300e TO Kiaa Wltttam otooet 0 THOMAS WRBB BONA864 7 A WHlfar Wrat jARGS PIER HOTEL TMa Hotel wffl be OPfaTto VMtraa as afi ate Ml I KVA 3WU MOLtoe tto TWO Six Hocusuower STEAM MGrfBB OB KAxft ateaap Apply and lanry TM fll HYDATIDS PRXMNT1OM BETTER THAN CURB WATBft PBBCULAWia TMMOUGH SOLID STONE tote ft W1GG A BONi I NOTH SUMMER BICKOBDfa OTDONl WTNB YOU MHOULD T4KB rtltawfc lb MACKENZIE'S 1 fa HAIRDBWWNG AND SHAMPOOING SALOONS Palrcnteed by tbe tau al Adelaide Ailiiiais BO fi RCNDLE 8TREKT fapittas rattan! to Partairai BratearaaQ fats CEA SPRAY relievM temnorary LABSTTUDB earned bj EXURSslVB HKAT RROR8 to DIET OYRTOWDULORNCB tn AUOHOI1C B'KRaGx Ud 8MOKIYC BlUOt SNBBS SICK HKADACH CGirfHN BSS SKA SICKN KSS KVtR GENERAL DERANGR MLNTtt We UTOMAGH TO TO Kept by every ns 31flB GOOD Dry CHAMPAGNE Sale Wrap abo ftaHbw LAGER BRER ata HOCK GLYDB BUN ustawie 0 VY A I 8 JWflLLKRY AND OTHER NOVELTIESL are wl worth eaafa for tboee ramirins CHH1BTMAB AND NEW YEAR'S tilTK Me Mhra taiwiteaairata 364 7.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.