The El Paso Journal from El Paso, Illinois (2024)

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The El Paso Journali

El Paso, Illinois

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it a A ND JAVELINmKODndea ('tic5f llliii ft 1 '1 too far) that alLalltuents ot the world apportionment legislative doings I Illinois Incidents THE SUNDAY SCHOO hour ha many a of God sofiruri0a likc his prechinoa heartache with a hymn or sunn hurl Him down tlw mvi vv ua a i i And Saul cast books and high time that some of I will smite willions of souls that have been i am smut TJerty o't Carroll move 1 that the House ter but instead they took the first tod lourn till Monday afternoon fit 5 o'clock train to Chicago and were married to distinguish between the two ment which he best knew how to play eson thl it to those who go Into use Inti nvftUnd frrsns AiinH wntrn WAR li is I Samuel xvili 11 which hit the emeUot 'Wr '1L Belleville Steel Company In the nMl et Receivers Contesting a Preacher' Will Served One Halt Hie Sentenee Negre Murderer Captured at Mascoutah bio experience mentioned In the Du buqua dispatches Miss Kittie Pbniwell and Charles Martin of Decatur were married in Chicago tho other night The couple left tho home to attend tho the i vvvi iiiiv uxauav mmuiiic jsi wv enate apuropr lat Ion Keithsburg and that he was not the linn were uuvani eu io seconu reauing 1 Representative bill providing that wbo recently had the disagrees rain ATVinviaWAi nmwrlnnAl 1 tha I vu OR STARTLING AITH ULLY RECORDED WORK THE STATE SOLONS AT 'THE CAPITAL AN INTERESTING ANDINSTRUC TIVEXESSON MpeMilnir lhe arting Guest The is an easy graceful and en ti roly polite method of speeding the parting guest In vogue With Ameri can naval office: when the ship lies In the stream When a caller' has said all he has to say and heard all that anybody has to say in reply and yet has not the grace to take himself off somebody pointedly announces that the next boat ashorc will depart in fifteen minutes Only the dullest landsman falls to take this hint could be cured by music The medical Journals never report their recoveries by this mode But in what Where SUk Dree Grow on Tree Ouu of the greatest curiosities of the Panama Isthmus is the vegetable silk tree It is a plant that grows from fif teen Io twenty feet high aud In appear ance doos not differ greatly from other trees but the inner bark Is a perfect silky fiber Jong smooth and strong The natives separate it by means best known to themselves the process some what resembling that of beating flax When once it Is separated and spun into so closely resembling silk that it dll no atrret railway company In the Stale shall charge to exceed 5 cents per passen ger was made a special order tor Wednes day morning Representative McMurdy introd need a bill giving the South Park Commissioners of Chicago power to pur chase the air art gallery Mr Mefiectlons an Elerating Wholesome ood for Thought Study lagtho Scriptural Xcssou IntelUgoatly2aBd ProfItabhr Record of William BvDEot so badly hurt in a runaway accident that he will die I 'The fine residence of A Best near Nokomis was totally destroyed by fire loss $8000 insured for $3000 The Adjutant General confirmed the election of William Edward Hoinville as Major of the Second Infantry At Quincy while attempting to leave the fast hlcago tram lot the yards Lorena Dennis aged 18 of Hannibal fell under the wheels and waa totally injured The jury at Sullivan aenuitted Walter Trice and found guilty John Wallace both of whom were charged with killing rank Arthur at the Moultrie County air last fall Mrs Bertha Schvlltan of Qulney died from injuries received la falling down a flight of stairs Deceased was one of the oldest residents being 92 years of age The negro who was arrested at "Mas rout ah wns identified as West Harris the murderer of Sam Chase of ast St Louis Harris will be taken to Belle ville to stand trial for murder kbd Eustnan made an assignment lie has been in the grain business and also had a store at Meredosia and a mill tnd other property The essets are 535759 and the liabilities $1359? Dn Allen says he Is the only rerson of that name doing business at word for hero ah voel) anlrKpresslon sound Oat th OrtUaarv Weses wrote teat in a beer garden with plenty at liquid refreshment Yt a tt a a kzfil4 lea aiutAalAit AaM'na anti the motion prevailed In tin House Tuesday mnrnlnz Ssnat appropriation bill's were pat ed carrying $4000 a year to the State Horticultural Society SOO a year to each county farmers Institute and $100000 to the Illinois State reformatory Several bills ot the aanie character were advant ed to third reading A resolution providing that tbo committee on contingent expenses shall ascertain what clerks and janitors can bo dispensed with by tt regrouping of committees was carried Mr Callahan's bill to amend the act to exempt certain personal property from attachment by providing that tho appraisers selected shall be allowed $1 oaeh wq4 passed as was also Mr Erickson's bill provldlngttbat the County Clerk shall stamp the word sold" ou the warrant of the County Treasurer Ou alUunds sold for taxes The Senate re considered Its unfavorable rote on Mr Allen's bill for a gradual scale of Incorpo ration fees and passed it by a vote of 31 to 4 The nomination of Adolph Sturm of ull Text ot the New BUI a It Became a Law DR TALMAGE PREACHESpN A NOVEL SUBJECT 1 The Wonderful Soothing and neaHng power of Mnste as Illustrated by David jjelore When Resisted the Evil Is all the Greater 1 Taka the Cake Concerning this expression which has been much discussed of Ute the following from and An tiquities of Ireland1 describing a dance in front ot a shebeen is an in teresting illustration: churn dish 'stuck into the earth supported ob its flat end a cake which was to become the prlxe of the best dancer Tbo contention was carrledjon for long time with extraordinary spirit at length the competitors yielded their claims to a young man the son of a rich farmer in tbo neighborhood who taking the cake placed it gal lantly in the lap of a prettriirl to whom I understood ba waa about to be married dominant thought in the life of David Hume and Voltaire and Shaftesbury and even tho Earl of Rochester until one day a princely house in which they blasphemously put God on trial and the Earl of Rochester was tho attorney against God anu religion and received the applause of tho whole company when suddenly the Earl was struck un i dor conviction and cried: God i that a man who walks uprightly who I sees tho wonderful works of God and has the use of his senses and reason should use them in defying his Creator! 1 wish I bad baaiLb crawling leper in a ditch rather than have acted toward God as I have Javelin of wit javelin of irony jav elin of scurrility javelin of sophlsstry javelin of humap aild diabolic hostility have teen flying for hundreds of years and are flying now But aimed at wtial? At something that has come to devastate tho world? At something that would maul and trample under toot aud ex cruciate and crush the bumam race? The Wonderful Harp No aimed at tho gospel harp on which prophets played with somewhat lingering and uncertain I'ngers but harp which apostles played' with sublime certainty and martyrs played while their fingers were on fire liarp that was dripping with the blood of the Christ out of whoso heartstrings the harp wal chorded and from whoso dying groan tho strings i were keyed Ob gospel harp! All thy nerves a tremule with stories of self saerllico Harp thrummed bv fingers long ago turned to dust Harp that made heaven listen and will yet mako all the earth hear Harp that sounded pardon to tny sinful soul and peace over the grave where my dead sleep Harp that will load the chant ot the blood washed throng' redeemed around tho throne May a javellh slay me before I fling a Javelin at that Harp which it soems almost too sacred for me to touch and so I call down from their thrones those who used to finger It and ask them to touch It uow down William Cooper and run yonr fin gers over the strings of this Ilf says and ho plays: I There is a fjunlaln filled with blood Drawn from linuuuuel'a velua VCome down Charles Wcslcv and touch the He says will and he plays: 1 3 5 Jesus lover of my soul Iel me to tby boaou tty down' Augustus Toplady? and sweep your fingers across this gospel He says and he plays: Ilock ot Ages cleft for me Let me hide myaelt in tbee down Isaac Walts and take this He says and be plays: Alas and did my Saviour bleed Jii' And Old my Eoverelgn die? I1 Bliss come down ana thtum this gospel He says aud ltd plays: HalleluUn done! 1 believe on the bon Ineffable harp! Transporting harpl Harp cf eartbl Harp of Heaven! Harp saintly and soraphfc! Harp of God! Oh I like the Idea of that old monument in the ancient church at Ullard near Kllkennny Ireland The sculpture on that monument though chiseled more than a thousand years ago as appropriate to day as then the sculputure representing a harp upon a cross That Is where 1 hang It now that is where you had bettor hang Lot the javelin be forever burled the sharp edge down but bang tho harp upon the cross A now upon our souls let the harps of Heaven rain music and as when the rays fall aslant In Switzerland at the approach of eventide and tbo shep herd among the Alps puts the hero to bls lips and blows a blast aud saysGlory be to and all the shepherds Ou the Alpine heights or down in the deop valleys respond with other blasts of horns saying be to and then ail the shepherds uncover their heads and kneel in worship and after a few 'menents of sllenco some shep herd rises from his knees and blows an other blast of the born and saysThank be to nd all through the mountains the response comes from other shepherds Thanks be to so this moment lot all the valieyh of ear(th ref spond to the hills of Heaven with sounds of glory aud thanks and it be harp of earthiv worship to harp of heavenly worship andjthe words of St John iu tne Apocalypse be fulflllea heard a voice from Heaven af the voice of man waters and as the voice ol a great thun derer and I heard tho voice pf barpers harping with tbelr EivBna hold in auapeiiiion over' one nuusm hundredth At their yolutue of solid mat robbing atore ter Tub highest falls to the world are 1 offered at the ChlcffaftAnotloB the Bibbon I alls ot the xaaemltarX30 rornnenv hv Mexxr RAvne rttBrnef and A test Tee bones or tombs ofg ver giants have been found to various parts ot Eu rope SiXTBEMMjuneee ot gold are sufficient to that would encircle the earth Iw Bosnco there grows an tnaect eaiing flower which baa the smell ot camon trees to her father's yard Watchm anti Vital ftlagneia magnetism of man has a great Influence on the lime movements of a watch which he carries In confirmation of this there Is cited from the Electrical Review cate where an employe in a watch fac tory a roan of personal magnet ism had for many years strange expe rience with his watch As soon as he had worn a watch for some time it be gan to run in the most freakish way It lost or gained not so many seconds or minutes in a day as is the case with poor watches but one day gained an hour and the next day lost one Even the moat expensive chronometer became unreliable if the man mentioned wore it If another look' it up it kept time very well HM ather Was HI Rmi Pearl loding is the son of the wealthy owner hotel at Blue Sulphur Springs Ohio At his father's hotel he met and loved Miss Jean'' Harding daughter of a wealthy furniture man of Louisville His father also went to the Springs and he too fell Under the spell ot Miss charms The father then sent young Pearl away to achooL The couple kept up a correspondence and a few days ago he received word that his sweetheart had married his father and that she whom he had hoped to make his bride waa now hla step mother medicated by music vocal and instru mental let the world know what power there is in sweet sound whether rolling jyom lip or leaping from tightened chord or ascending from ivory key The Rob(Ui6uA Nature But when in my text I see Saul declin ing thitvnedicine of rhvthm and cadence aoi actually hurling a javelin at the heart of David tho harpist 1 bethink myself oLthe fact that sin would Hke to kill sacred music We are not told what tune David was playing on Gio liarp that day but from the character of the man we know thatit was not a crazy madri gal or a senseless ditty or a sweep of the strings suggestive of tlie melodrama but elevated music God given music in spired music religioiAk music a whole Heaven of it encamped under a harp string No wonder that wicked Saul I hated it and could not abide tho sound and with all his might hurled an instru ment rtf deatli at it 1 know there are styles of music that I sin admires and you hear it as you pass the casino or the dance hall and the devil has stolen most of the tiddies though 1 am glad the Ole Bulls hate snatched up the charmed strings from their desecration but it is a fact that sin has a javelin for sacred sounds In many churches the javelin of criticism lias killed the music javelin flung from organ loft or from adjoining pew of the supersensitive Saul's javelin aimed at David harp Thousands of people so afraid they may not sing scientifically they will not sing at all or" sing with suci low tone that no one hears them In many a church tho javelin of criti cism lias crippled the harp of worship If satan could silence all the Sunday school songs and the hymns ot Christian worship he would gain his greatest achievement When the millennial song shall rise and it is being made ready there will be such a roll of voices such a concentrated power of stringed and wind instruments such majesty such unanimity such continental and hemi spheric and planetary acclamation that it will be impossible to know where earth Roll on roll The following is the Senatorial ap portionment bill in full as it Anally passed the two houses: A bill for an act to apportion the State ot Illinois into Senatorial districts and to repeal an act therein named Section 1 Ba it enacted etc that until the taking and return ot the next ederal census and tho apportionment thereunder aa provide in the Constitution this State Shan be divided tuto Senatorial districts each ot which shall be entitled to one Senator and three Repre sentatives as follows to wit: Tne irst and ifth Wards and the Second Ward except that part lying south of the center line cLghl street and wesv ot the oano in tne county 01 cook anau constitute a The Twelfth Ward and the whole of the Tenth Ward except that part lying south 01 me center oi uluy street ana eai or me center line of Campbell avenue in the city ot Chicago in the county of Cook shall cousti tute tne Second District town oi Calumet in Cook Coun ty the Thirty first Thirty third and Thirty fourth Wards In the citv of Chicago in the county of Cook shall constitute the Third District The Twenty ninth and Thirtieth Wards of theicity of Chicago in the county of Cook shall constitute the ourth District The Third ourth and Thirty second Wards and that part of the Second Ward lying south of the center line of 22d street and west qof the center line of State street in the cityof Chicago In the county Cook shall consti tute the ifth District The Twentieth and Twentv stxth Wards that part of the Twenty fifth Ward ly ing north of the center Hue of Montrose boul evard and that part of the ifteenth Ward lying east of the centerline of Western ave nue In the city ot Chicago in tho county of Cook shall constitute the sixth Distnet The towns of Thornton Bloom Rich Bremen Orknd Lamont Palos Worth Lyons Cicero Proviso Leyden Norwood Park Maine Elk Grove bonaumburg Han over Barrington Palatine Wheeling North field New Trier Evanston and Niles in Cook uounty snau constitute me sevenin uutncc The counties ot Lake McHenry and Boone shall constitute the Eighth Dis trict The Sixth Ward that part of the fwenty eighth Ward lying between the Illi nois and Michigan canal and tbo center line of 3yth part ot the Ninth Ward south of tho center line ot ibth street and that part of the Tenth Ward south ot the center line of 21st street and east of the center line of Camp bell avenue in the city of Chicago in the county of Cook shall constitute the Ninth Dis trict The counties of Winnebago and Oglt shall constitute the Tenth District The ourteenth Ward the if teenth Ward west of the centerline ot Western avenue the Twentv eigbth Ward except that part lying between the Illinois and Michigan canal and the enntnr linn of SUth atraat anrf the Twenty seventh Ward of the city of Chi oago in the county of Cook shall constitute the Eleventh District The counties of Stephenson Jn DairiaMHftni4UyftH Ttfnrtr constitute the Twelfth District The Seventh Ward tho Eighth Ward and that part of the Nineteenth Ward bounded ion the north by the center Hee of Taylor street ou the east oy the center line of Desplaines street and ou the south by the center line of Twelfth street and on the west oy me center uno or xewoerry avenue in tne city of Chicago in the county of Cook shall constitute the Thirteenth District The counties of Kane and Du page shall constitute the ourteenth District The Nineteeth Ward except that part bounded on the north by tbe center line of Taylor street on tho east by the center line of Desplaines street on the south by the cen ter line of 13th street and on the west by the center line of Newberry svenne the Eleventh Ward south ot the center line of Lake street and tbe Ninth Ward north of the center line or lth street in the city of Chicago inthe county cf Cook shall constitute the ifteenth Dis trict Tho counties of Kankakee and Iroquois shall constitute the Sixteenth Dis trict That part of the Eleventh Ward north of tho center line of Lake street anulhe Seventeenth and Eighteenth Wards in the city of Chicago tn the county of Cook shall constitute the Seventeenth District The canntiea of ord and Ver millonf shall constitute the Eighteenth dls trtcLz The Thirteenth Ward and all ot i i the Sixteenth Ward except that part lying east ot the center line ot Noble street and south ot the center line of Division street to the center Hue of Milwaukee avenue in the city or Chi cago In the county of Cook shall constitute the Nineteenth district The counties of Marshall Wood ford and Livingston shall constitute the Twen tieth district Twenty The Twenty first the Twenty second Ward ahd that part ot the Twenty 1 Ifth Ward south of the center line of Montrose avenue tn the city of Chicago In the county of Cook shall constitute the Twentyfirst dis trict Twenty Tb Bounty ot McLean ball coiutltute tbe Twenty aeoond district Twenty The Twenty third Ward the Twenty fourth Ward and that part ot tho Six teenth Ward lytm? east of the center line oi Noble street and south ot the center line of Division street to the center line of MUwsukea avenue In the city ot Chloago Lrj the oounty ol Cook shall constitute tho Twenty third dis trict Twenty Tbe oounty of Peori shall constitute the Twenty fourth district Twenty The oonntv ot Will shell con stitute the Twenty filth district Twenty the counties of ulton end Tsiewill shall con tltuto 'tbs Twenty sixth district 'J Twenty The county of LaSalle shall constitute the Twenty seventh district Tweuty The counties ot Hanco*ck MoDoaouKh and Schuyler shall constitute the Twenty eighth district Twenty Tho counties otLee DeKalb Kendall and Grundy shall constitute the Tweuty nlnth district Tho counties of Champslim De witt and Platt shall constitute ths Thirtieth district Thirty The counties of Whiteside Bu reau Putnam and Stark ahall constitute tho Thirty first district Thirty Tho counties of Cass Me nard Mason end Logan shall constitute the Thtrth second district Thirty The counties ot Rock Talent and Henry shall constitute the Thlrty thirc district rnirty counties or rwe ncott and Morgan shall constitute the Thirty fourth district Thirty The counties ot Knox Warren Henderson and Mercer shall constitute the Thirty fifth district Thlrty Tho counties ot Greene and Maooupla shall constitute the Thirty sixth district Thirty The counties ot Adame and Brown shall constitute the Thirty seventh district Thirty The counties ot Montgomery Bond and ayette ahall constitute the Thirty eighth district Thlrty nlnth Tbe county of Sangamon ehafl constitute the ThlHy nlntn district The counties of Douglas Coles and Shelby ahall constitute tbe ortieth dis trtcL orty The counties of Macon Chris tian end Moultrie shall constitute the orty flrat district orvy The counties of Clay Marion Clinton and Washington shall constitute tbi orty second District orty Tbo counties ot Edgar Clark Cumberland and Effingham ahall eonatituts tbe orty third District orty The counties of Wabash Ed wards White Gallatin and Hardin ahall con stitute tho orty fourth district orty The counties ot Jksper Craw ford Richland and Lawrence shall constitute tbo orty fifth District orty Ths counties ot ranklin Jef ferson Wayue and Hamilton shall constitute the orty sixth District orty The counties of Madison Jersey and Calhoun shall constitute the orty seventh District orty The sountles ot Monroe Ran dolph Perry and Jackson shall coaatitute the orty eighth District orty nlatb The county ot St Clair shall constitute the orty ninth District The counties of Williamson Union and Alexander shaB constitute the iftieth District V' ifty Thoountlsof Pulaski Massac Johnson Pope and Saline shall oonstitut tho ifty first District Seo Wherever the Retard "ward or tn the city ot Chicago Is used In this set It shall be construed as meantnir tbewards as existing tn said city at the time of ths passage of this act Bee An act entitled set Apportion the State ot Illinois Into Senatorial Districts apthoved May 1882 tn force July 1 UkU la The Tabernacle In his sermon last Sunday in tho Brooklyn Taliernacla Rev Dr Talmage brought in a novel and practical con junction thatis suggested by a text per haps nover before chosen 'Ibe subject announced was: and tho text being I Samuel eighteenth chapter tenth and eleventh a A rt I Inoli lito vnet irl hie verges mau will serve God best by disappearing from this orlhat place this or that en viron menu A mob brought Christ to the top of the rocks back of Nazareth They did not and thev pronosed to nrArinirA RntwhflAl they were getting ready for the massacre Christ darted into tbe crowd and amid the confusion escaped to Capernaum and continued exorcising devils and cooling fevers and filling fish nets and giving healthy circulation ot blood to paralysis and curing dementia and turning corpses into living men arid women and doing his chief work What a good thing ho dodged the crowd en the roelcjback of Nazaretlil ItkcwIsfi at Jerusaleni one dav while he was sauntering tip and down In Solo mon's porch waiting for an opportunity to say kind words or do a useful deed the people proposed to pay him for his self sacrifice by stoning him to death but the record is escaped put Ot their bands Hatred See also In my subject the unreason able attitude or javelin toward harp What bad that harp in David's hand done to the javelin in hand? Had the vibrating strings of the one hurt the keen edgo of the other? Was there an old grudge between the two families ot sweet sound and sharp cut? Had the tri angle ever insulted the nolisheii shaft? Why tho deadly aim of thauiestroylng Weapon against the Instrument of sooth ing calming healing sound? Weil I will answer that if you will tell me why the hostility ot so many to the gospel why the virulent attacks against Christian religion why thb angrv antipathy of so many to the most genial most inviting most salutary inlluencP under all the heavens Why will men give their Ilves to writing and speaking and warring against Christ and tliu gos pel? Why the javelin ot the world's hatred and rage against the harp of heavenly love? You know and I know men who get wrathfully red in tlm face and foaming at the mouth and use the gesture of tho clinched tistand put down their feet witli indignant emphasis and' invoke al! sarcasm and irony and vltu neration and scorn and spite at the Christian religion What lias tho Chris tian religion done that it should be so assailed? Whom hath It bitten and left with livdrophobij virus in their veins that it should sometimes bo chased as though it was a maddened canine? To head off and trip up and push sending a telegram homaand asking forgiveness James McMahon of Chicago was parfloned out of tho penitentiary by Gov Altgeld He waa sentenced for three years for burglary and has now served about one and a half years He was only about 20 years of ngo when ho committed the crime and ex Attorney Longenecker thinks a sen tence ot one year would have been suf ficient TBE contested will case of the late Bev Hart Ison Thompson a former Bap tist minister ot Lebanon is on hearing in the St Clair County Court The de ueaced committed suicide by jumping Into a well He left an estate valued at $50000 claim that tho will made an unfair division ot the property and that the deceased was in Cook County a member of tbe Board of ehne Dr Perryman an expert test! CommlAsloncra of Labor was con I fled that all Iffen are Insane at times firmed as were also tlte other nornl and that the deceaaw was as sane Rs I fa HL nnuitlorso A triA! waa uaut'ua 1UI av puomvuc uvwun Va carried to reconsider the vote by which wm passed tbe bill fixing the compensation of members of tbo Genrral Assembly at (1000 for a regular and $3 a dsy for a special session but it failed of effect as the House refused to return the bill by a vote of S3 to 123 The bill providing for an increase ot six tu tbe number of Circuit and Superior Judges of Cook County was passed The House Wednesday struck out the enacting clause of the bill voting 910000to 11IJ tu prosecuting ex State Treasurers and tholr bondsmen foe misappropriating In terest Tbe bill suthorlilng the South 1'ark CommtMlouers to purchase the World's air art gallery was passed Iu tfio Senate a joint resolution was adopted that when the two housosadjourned it be putil Monday May 22 Tbe remainder ot the session was devoted to an attempt to reach tho anti pool selling blit Both houses adjourned until Monday 4 Against Intemperance The lesson for Sunday May 21 may be found Prev 23: 23 35 S' INrllODVCTORT' The intornatlnnal oomrnlftSnTire wtap centerline of State street in the city of Chl 1 ne international committee are ise h0 Munt of hall wde wake men They have given ns 1 tbJ forat District nere anotner leseon on temperance Certainly it is timely Until we are 1 right on this subject until we have banished lluuor from Christian tables 1 and Christian kitchens until we have 1 crossed off the Government's sanction until we have declared the saloon an outlaw until we have put dram drlnk ing wholly on the other side of the line Christian morality and ot common decency in a Christian land until all this is'accomplished there is room for the temperance lesson But the lesson is to be read In the light of the New Testament and of the new and better Christian civilization Get at the un derlying principle it does notmake us better men than they were then if it does not name to day a higher mor ality than was then exemplified then wo have riiissed the real core and kernel of truth involved Temperance through ages is a progressive virtue POINTS IN THE LESSON hath Literally to whom 1 oeiongswoe' veniy it is tneuiuiiKaru rightful possession and inheritance woe If you want that sort take the cup and it is yours Ibe word wools what is called an ono roatopoetlc term iso also is carrying Its meaning in its Wo wo is the wallingdry and it is noteworthy that the word is almost an exact transference of th) Hebrew sounds here being simllar'Wthe Greek ouai me! ah 'Jo whom be long such heart sighings? The moderate drinker (so ealledl will seek to make much of this thirtieth verse especially the part about tarry ing long at tho wine It is all right forsooth if one will only use judgment and not linger oyer too cup Sueh lan guage might apply with refjjren to tho light wines of ancient times but a dif ferent interpretation is needful to dny We make bold to say of the times that now are: There can bo no moderate drinking Two reasons: 1 The liquor of to day fiery swiftly Intoxicating alluring is different 2 The spirit of man quick volatile his nature keenly nervously susceptible his passions swiftly inflammable all all are differ ent We are coming readily to see that the only way to be temperate is to lot strong drink alone The only temper ance worthy of the name to day is teetotalism At last at that men would stop to consider what comes "at the last" Like them as to the poison and murder they carry like them as re gards treachery and deceit There is surely something suggestive in this word tho its present con nections It literally signifies behind at yburtoack A sudden darting pain at your heel and there gliding away behind you a venomous snake per haps it emblem of the drink that lies so smooth and quiet in the glasp Behind your back it will smlto you and to the death Let It alone Keen away from Itz own dart la there 1 The last three verses of the lesson 1 seem to us to be rightly taken to gother as a portrayal ot tho effects ot 1 the use of strong drink A more vivid 1 description of the dazed and reeling in ebriate was never written eyes shall behold strange women" i In 1 Imagination The word translated "strange women" is simpiy the feminine of the adjective strange and may have possibly wider significance strange things perhaps such as drunken men sometimes catch sight of in their frenzy heart shall utter per verse things" How fearful the issues of the heart from the tongue under the influence of drink! As one that down In tho midst of the sea or as he that Heth upon the top of a mast" The drunkard will tell you how true this is of his wretched experience And now hear his maudlin complaints "Who has smitten me? am not elek Who has been beating me? I did not know it HINTS AND ILLUSTRATIONS Here is a lesson that ought to stir up a lively and profitable discussion Do not render It the occasion for a lecture on temperance the people have had enougb of lecturing per se What we want in connection with this lesson is to draw forth their personal testimony on the manifest evil of strong drink and link It with a determination full and strong to have naught to do with the unclean thing" Once we 'all come to one mind in the Christian church oh this subject of liquor as beverage we snail be able to deal with It effectively What do you think about it? Ask each one to state his mind on tbe matter Does drinking seem to you an evil? Does it seem to you a sin? What do you think of intoxicating liquor at the 1 New Year itall on the sideboard in too 1 cellar? What do you think of It in the church? And what do you Jilnk wo ought to do about It? Agitate agitate! Some time we shall all be to line and in step Then down to the pit with 1 this devil's drink! There In the middle of the Street a shouting jeering 1 throng two hatlees men inrusung as cucn omer wicn ineir fists missing fire falling running bait brave half police nowhor* in sight Such was instantaneous pbotqgraph our eyes caught as the car stopped at the intersection of the streets the other day The next mo Zuvu uv car Hau puuvu ou mu iu9 man opposite glancing at the startled faces of the women muttered sdtto voce "Drunk!" and went on reading his paper We have gotten so used to it Is some one making a tool of him self? drunk is that all? "Well It is eaough to disgrace him and all of his every one of ns Where did we see the picture? A poor wight waking up in the morning eyes bleared face cut head bruised a piece ot generally dilapidated hnman Hy Underneath the words along with others' nameless here "What a glori ous time I must have had last night!" Wounds without Each year more bruises and broken bones more wounds some serious some fatal some all painful than you would see in 8 whole campaign of pitched battles And all for nothing When ahall re learn good sense? scarred veteran" the editor wrote it and the compositor set it up battle scared and we smiled The next oce printed It bottle scarred and we smiled and sighed too The wise man will let drta)c alone But alas" we are none of us as wise aa we should be What shall save ua from ths curse of drunkenness? The religion of Jesus Christ will do IL Taka Christ and all these things that degrade and destroy will be put away It Is a sig 1 nlflcant legend They toauded tbe king a poisoned how should he know? But the treacherous courtiers with con sternation saw the monarch hold itloft and dipping his finger in the liquid make the sign of the cross on tbe glass and instantly It was shattered to fragments Discarded Gowu The robes ot Queen Victoria are never sold or given away despite tho ensrgetle attempts which have been made from time to time td induce the attendants to part with some of these thousands of gowns which the wearer has probably lorgotteu that she ever possessed When the long reign is ended it is a question what will become of the coronation robes bridal gowns resplendent gar ments ot stately fete and royal cere monial worn to the old days before the magnificence of queenUness waa for gotten In the sorrow of widowhood or played! Jerome oLBrague sang while burning at the stake wb at keys of piano or organ consolation has walked Yeo hi church one hyrulHias rolled peace over a thousand of tho worriedper plexed anil agonized While' there are hymns and tunes ready for tbe Jubilant there is a rich hvmnology for tho and "Eventide" and "Autumn and ye and whole portfolios and llbrottos tears set to music All the wonderful triumphs of surgery and all tho new inodes of suc cessful treatment of nhvsienl anrl mni ta I ere: David played with hl "I arc aiscussre tn medical con hand as at other times and there was a i ycntlons abroacl I A Crt I UQOhi javenn hl nui uauu jia iavolin fnr ho snifL David oven to tho wall with it And David avoided out of his presence What a spectacle for all ages! Saul 3 giant and David a dwarf An unfor tunate war ballad had been composed and sung eulogizing Dayid above Saul That song threw Saul into a paroxysm of rage which brought on one of his old spells ot insanity to which be had been subject If' one is disposed to some physical ailment and he get real mad it I iwi Cli zven vfpsi3 aI rl very apt to bring on one of his old at 1 tacks Saul is a raving maniac and he 1 goes to imitating the false prophets or sibyls who kicked and gesticulated wildly when they pretended to be fore telling events Whatever tho physicians of the royal I I staff have prescribed for the dis ordered king I know not but David pre i scribed music Having keyed up thei harp his lingers began to pull tbe rhvtlini from the vibrating strings Thrum! Thrum! Thrum! No use The king will not listen to the exquisite i cadences He lets fly a javelin expect ing to pin the minstrel to the wall but David dodged the weapon and kept on for be was confident that he could as be fore subdue bad spirit by music Again the javelin is flung and David dodges it and departs What a contrast! Roseate David with a harp and enraged Saul with a javelin Who would npt rather play the one than fling the other? liet that was not the only time in the world's history tlftH harp and javelin Where their birthplace was I can not it is said that the lyre was first suggested by the tight drawing of the sinews of a tortoise aerpss its shell and that the flute was first suggested by the blowing of the wind across a bed of reeds and that the ratio of tmisjcal in tervals was first suggested to i ras by the different hammers on the anvil of the smithy but the harp seems to me to have dropped out of the sky and the javelin to base been throvn up from the pit The oldest stringed instrument of the world is the harp Jubal sounded his harp in the book of Genesis David olaved many of his psalms on the harp stops and Heaven begins whilejhe sang them The captives in in roll up thou millennial harmony! Babylon bung their harps on the wil lows Josephus celebrated the inven tion of the ten strlnced harn Thno tlu us the Milesian was Imprisoned for adding toe twentn string to tne tiarp because too much luxury of sounjd might enervate tho people Egyptian harps Scottish harps Welsh harps Irish harps have been celebrated What an inspired triatiorle! Everlasting honors to Sebastian Erard who bv pedals invented called tbo foot as well as tho hand to tbe harp When tbe harpsicord maker for whom worked discharged him for his genius the employer not wanting to be eclipsed by his subordinate Erard suffered from the same passion of jealousy that threw Saul of my text into the tivduring whieli he flung a javelin at the harpest The harp is almost human as you find when you put your finger on its pulse Other instruments have louder voice and may be better for a battle charge biit wbat exquisite sweetness slumbers between the harp strings waking at the first touch of tho tips ot the fingers It can weep It can plead Itcansoothe It can pray The flute is more mellow the trumpet is more startling the organ is more majestic the cymbals are more festive the drum is more resounding but the harp has a richness of its own and will continue Its mis Ion through all time and then take pare in celestial symphonies for St John says he heard in Heaven the harps of God The Ancient Javelin Hut the Javelin of my text is just as old It Is about 5 feet long with wooden handle and steel point keen and sharp But It belongs to the great family of death dealers and is brother to sword and spear and bayonet and first cousin to all the Implements that wound and 'slay It has cut Its way through the ages It was old when Saul Imthe scene ot my text tried to harpoon David It has gashed the garth with grave trenches Its keen tip Is reddened with tho blood of American wars English wars German wars Russian wars rench wars Crusader wars and wars of all nations aud all ages The structure of the lavelin shows what it was made for Tbe plowshare Is'snarp but aimed to cut the earth in jk preparation for harvests The light nlng rod is sharp but aimed to disarm the lightnings and secure safety The ax is sharp but aimed to fell forests and clear the wav for human habitation The knife is sharn but aimed to cut the Oread for sustenance But the javelin Is sharp only to open pumao arteries and extinguish human eyesight and take hu man life and fill tbe earth with the or phanage aud widowhood and childless ness 1 Oh I am so glad that text brings them so close together that wo can see the contrast between the harp and the javelin The one Ao soothe the iother to hurt the! one to save the other to de way theone divine tha other diabolic the one to play the other to hurl the one in David's skillful band the other in wrathful clutch May Godspeed the harp may God grind into dullness the sharp edge of the javelin Now whatdoes all this make you think of? It Suggests tome ninslc as a medl cine for physical and mental disorders David took hold of 'the mnslcal instru ana cvoKea from It sounas wnicn were for King diversion and afedica menL Bat you Say the treatment in this case was a failure Why was it a failure? Saul refused to take the medi ine A whole apothecary shop of cura tlve dregs will do nothing toward heal ing your Illness If you refuse to take tha medicine It was not the faultof Prescription but the fault of Saul's ob fstinacy David one of the' wisest and best of all ages stands hnfirn ns in tha text admin istering music for nervous disorder and cerebral disturbance and David Was rlzht Music la the mightiest force tnjail tlwcapentlcs 4 Power After the battle of Yorktown when a musician ws to auffe? imputations and before yjn jaTS oy the bounded artist called for arousieal in atrument and lost toot a note daring the tf minutes of amputation lllopo hr a l)e Rreal musician ednfronted an angry creditor played so eu Wreantittgiy before him that the creditor rorgavo the debt and gave the debtor Id fijuneas more to appease other credi An emlnent'physlcfan of olden 'time Record of One Week BusineM Measure Ireented Considered and Paued What Our Poblio Servant A're Doings In and Around Legislative UaUi Tbe Ijflw Vlaker Tbe House Thursday passed the See atorlal apportionment bill In tbe' en ate these bllh vere Appropri ating $2(LG(H for Improvements at for tbe Education of the Blind aV Jacksonville living Macoupin County an additional term of Circuit Court: fix the compensation of members ot the General Assembly at 1000 for a regular session and IS per day for a special session amending the law providing for the construction of drains ditches and levees providing for the management and' organization of life insurance companies: to compel State county and city treasurers and ertber custodians of public money to account for Interest on public funds in their possession A com munication was received from the Gover nor nominating the following persons as members of the Board of Commissioners of Labor: August Richter of Cook County to succeed William Rend resigned Stivers of Cook County to succeed Pay resigned Miss Mary Kenney ot Cook County to succeed Ethetbert Stewart resigned Joseph arris of San gamon county to succeed David Ross re signed Louis Tuiuaghi of Madison county to succeed Henry A Ainsworth re signed Senator Higbee then offered reso lutions concerning tbe death of Represen tative Meyer The resolutions were adopt ed by a rising vote and tho Senate ad lournea In the Senate riday message was road stating that the House had receded from the amendments the Senatorial apportionment bill applying to Cook vounty The Senate tlQn adjourned In the House Mr McKlnlevXnffered a resolu tion providing tor the payment by the sec retary ot State of $100 to defray tbo fu neral expenses of the late Mr Meyer ot lainoun several nun were unvunceu io econu reaainir The Meanness of Revenge See also in my subject a rejected op 1 nortunitv of revenue Why did not uiviu pica up oaura javemi anu uuri il I back attain? David had a skillful arm I He demonstrated on another occasion he could wield a stint aud bo could have i easily picked up that javelin aimed it at Saul the would be assassin and left 1 the foamimz and demented monster as lifeless under tho javelin as he had left Goliath under a sling Oh David now Is your chance No no Men and wo men with power of toftgue or pell or hand to reply to an imbittered antagon ist bettor imitate David and let the javelin lie at your feet and keep tho harp in your hand Do not strike back Do not play the game of tit for1 tat Gibbon In his history tells of Bajazet the great Moslem general who was brought a captive to the tenUof Timur He had attempted the massacre of Timur And his men Timur said to him: you vanished us I am not ignorant of the fate whfeh you reserved for myself and my troops but I disdain to retaliate Your life and home are secure aud I shall express my gratitude to God by my clemency to Beautiful Revenge ou tongue or pen or hand is inapt and more damage to the ono who employs it than the one against whom it is employed What! Ajavelfn hurled at you and fallen at your feet and you not hurl it tack again? Yes I have tried the plan I learned it from my father and It nil my life and it works well and by tho help of God and javelins not picked up I have conquered all my foes and preached funeral sermons iu honor of most tot them The best thing you can do with a Jave lin hurled at you Is to let it lie where It dropped or hang it up in your museum as a curiosity The deeuest wo ind made by a javelin is not by tho sharp edge but at the dull endot the handle to him who wields It I leave it to you to say which got the best ot that tight in the Saul or David See also in my subject that tho fact that a man sometimes' dodges Is not against Lis courage My text sas that when Saul assailed him avoided out of his presence that Is when the javelin was flung he stepped out of In direction or bent this way or in other words he dodged But! those who have read the life of DaVid know tout he wa not lacking in prow ess David had faults but cowardice was not one of them' When David who was I guess about fnnr and one half feet high went out to meet the giant was I guess about ten feet high it was big undertaking and tho unequalities of the struggle are so great that it struck the Idea of tho ludicrous and ha suggested to the little fellow that he would make a flue dinner tor a buzzard or a to me and I will give thy flesh unto the fowls of the air pd to the beasts ot the field" Ceurage ot th Rlgliteva When David jront out to meet that giant and conquered him lie demon strated as he did on other occasions his courage But I am so glad that when Saul flung that javelin David dodged it or the chief work of hts life would never have been done" What a less danger and expose their live or thelrjroputatlons or their usefulness un necessarily When mity go ahead though ali earth and bell oppose Dodge not one inch from the right po sition But whenj' nothing is involved 'step back or step aside Whr stand In the way of perils that you can avoids? Go not Into quixotic battles to fight windmills' You will be of more use to the world had tho church as an active Christian man than as atarget for javelins There are Christians always In a fight If they gj Into presbyteries or conferences or consocia tions they fight there My advice to you is if anything Is to be gained for God or the truth stand out of the way nt tha 1velltia avoided out of bls presence IVasblngtoti was as mighty In re treats as In his advances His rmv Wftuld several times have been destroyed It he had not dodged! He' dodged on Long Island be dodged on New Jersey heights Lincoln on hit way to Inaugu ration at Washington was waited for by assassins but he' took another train and dodged the desperadoes Me have high example of the fact that sometimes a other men uiday afternoon Oliverot SL Louis secured a judgment in the St Clair County Circuit Court against the Belleville Steel Company ot which A Mysenburg ot St Louis is the Pre klent lor and shortly aiter ward he filed a bill against the company tor relief alleging the company to be insolvent Judge Burroughs upon hearing of the matter appointed Cbas Becker and Mr Bernhard Goch both of Belleville as receivers tor Ute Belle vlllo Steel Company and fixed their bond st $100000 During the afternoon three mortgages given by the rompany ag gregatlng JI 15000 were filed one In (avor ot Oliver ot St Louis tor $50000 and two In favor ot the Tudor Iron works of St Louis for $40t00 and $2500? respectively The Bellevtlje Steel has had two Immense' plants in operation almost steadily since its organization about three years the Valley Nall Mill and the Waugh Steel Works giving employment to about workmen It is proposed to keep the works to operation until such time as toe court may order a disposi tion ot the property Mrs A A Deickmanx an old resident of Vandalia died while sitting Hull ViiVtJ its io nuu cuu ass aw threads it can be woven Into a fabric in a chair a obanabt containing over tvu ouau ficult for anyone not familiar with it e's ot grain the property: of John Mll to distinguish between the two This Her residing near St species of silk goods Is In high favor on burned Loss over $2000 the isthmus and a Colombian belle I the funeral of Mrs John Lake wife never happier than when she Is arrayed of the President ot the Rockford Insur in a gayly colored dress made from the ance "Company was very largely at trees in her yard tended A nEsrenATB necro sunnoaed to ho It is frequently claimed that personal West Harris was arrested at Mascou tan He snoa ana auieu cam inane another negro at East Louis Harria was well arpied nd jnado a desperate resistance when his arrest waa at tempted Be shot at Officer Scheel short range but'hlA alBi Was broken by a blow from another offioer in now safe tn the steel cage at the City HalL He Is sullen and refusee to talk of hla Geocoe Ewing was killed by an Illinois Central train at Chicago He was standing on the north bound track and was trying to nroaa The engine struck him throwing Ms body against the guard surrounding the elevated trackway The fence was carried away: by the biowand tha man fell to too street surface together with tha wreck age Ho died instantly Ho was 50 years old and Ijwvss a widow and child Jn The $SSf Off capital of tha ne State bank in Carmi has been subscribed The stockholders elected tha following di rectors: McDowell John Land lix VIskHlskL George Wust James A Miller and Thomas Halt After ad journment ot tha meeting the directors organised by electing McDowell President ell Vtskniski Vice President and Thomas Hall Cashier and Secretary The bank will be open for business Juno 1 One of the most interesting lot of ap pointments to tbe gift of the Governor of Illinois wm anuounted Tuesday it consisting of new members ot tha State Board ot Health who were promptly confirmed by tbe Senate: George Thilo of Cook County to succeed Reilly term expired William Qulae ot Cook County to succeed Dan tel 1L WililaaiS removed Borah Hackett Ste venson of Cook County to succeed Ham McKenzie resigned James Patrick of Cook County to succeed William A Haskell resigned Julius Kohl of Sti Ctair County to succeed A Clark resigned Gov Altosld has issued aroquteL tlon On the Governor ot Missouri for the return of Joseph Clark and rank Williams wanted at Jacksonville for i Tira first box of Callfornla cherrtes 3 hv Messrs 'iA although It only contained absed pound ot cherrte3jtsq(d qulcJy Pins at Greenvteto' dcstroywl fivaj: irsma nuameas souses Pond AMooreE' A Petrie'IEndKi Koetel ranmaa 410000k' wftK lesa Ls Qn st.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.