· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (2024)· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (1)


Vol. 31, No. 1, Supplement, March 2018

GUEST EDITORS | Nicole A. Raineault,Joanne Flanders, and Amy Bowman


The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2017 Field Season

New Frontiers inOcean Exploration· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (2)


PREFERRED CITATIONRaineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. Newfrontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor 2017 field season. Oceanography 31(1), supplement, 126 pp., 10.5670/ oceanog.2018.supplement.01.

FRONT COVER. A large Deepstaria enigmatica scypho-zoan jellyfish is imaged up close at 974 m depth off of San Benedicto Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico, on E/V Nautilus cruise NA092. This specimen, measuring approximately 55 cm across, was approached in almost complete darkness and remained undisturbed for several minutes, at which point it closed its umbrella and turned to present itself in high detail. An intricate network of anastomosing canals, assumed to be part of its digestive tract, is clearly visible. Image credit: D.Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility) and OET

Interior of a gas-rich pillow basalt off the west coast of Socorro island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico, from E/V Nautilus cruise NA092. Image credit: D. Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility) and OET· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (3)


ContentsIntroduction .................................................................................................................................1

2017 National Ocean Exploration Forum: Ocean Exploration in a Sea of Data ...................3

2017 Expedition Overview Map..................................................................................................4

PART 1. Ocean Exploration Trust – E/V Nautilus ......................................................................6


2017 Nautilus Samples Program .................................................................................................. 14

Nautilus Education and Outreach Programs .............................................................................. 16

Nautilus Field Season Overview .................................................................................................... 24

E/V Nautilus Mapping Summary 2017: Cascadia Margin to the Revillagigedo Archipelago and Beyond ............................................................................ 26

Expedition 2017: Wiring the Abyss in the Northeast Pacific .............................................. 28

Submerged Sea Caves of Southern California’s Continental Borderland ........................ 30

Peering into the Abyss: Studying Our Own Ocean to Advance Astrobiology................... 32

Discovering the Undersea Beauty of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary .............. 34

Quinault Canyon and Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary .................................... 36

Discovering Oregon’s Lost Coast: Finding and Studying Submerged Archaeological Sites and Landscapes on the Pacific Continental Shelf ....................... 38

Exploration of the Northern Guaymas Basin ....................................................................... 39

Biogeochemical Exploration of the Pescadero Basin Vents ............................................... 42

Exploring and Mapping the Revillagigedo Archipelago World Heritage Site in Mexico ...................................................................................................................... 44

PART 2. NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research .............................................. 46

CAPSTONE: NOAA’s Campaign to Address Pacific monument Science, Technology, and Ocean NEeds ..................................................................................................... 48

CAPSTONE Operations 2015–2017 .............................................................................................. 53

Exploring Pacific Maritime Heritage ............................................................................................ 54

NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer: Exploring America’s Deep Ocean .............................................. 55

2017 NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Mapping Highlights ............................................................ 56

2017 Midwater Exploration on Okeanos Explorer ....................................................................... 61

Working with Video to Improve Deep-Sea Habitat Characterization ...................................... 64

Engagement: Exploring Global Opportunities in 2017 .............................................................. 68

Diversity and Inclusion .................................................................................................................. 71

2017 American Sāmoa Expedition: Suesuega o le Moana Amerika Sāmoa ........................... 72

Deepwater Exploration of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument and Central Pacific Basin .......................................................................... 74

Discovering the Deep: Exploring Remote Pacific Marine Protected Areas ..................... 76

Mountains in the Deep: Exploration of the Seamounts of the Central Pacific Basin .... 78

Laulima O Ka Moana: Exploring Deep Monument Waters Around Johnston Atoll ....... 80

Deep-Sea Symphony: Exploration of the Musicians Seamounts ............................................. 82

CAPSTONE Sampling Overview: Providing Insights in the Remote Pacific ............................. 84

Exploring the Pacific Through International Partnerships ........................................................ 86· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (4)


Dense aggregation of the tube worm Oasisia aff. alvinae with high abundance of small yellow dorvilleid polychaetes on the outer tubes. Red polynoid scale worms and anemones surround the bush of Oasisia on E/V Nautilus cruise NA091 in Pescadero Basin. Image credit: D.Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility) and OET

Sponsored Projects: NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research ............................... 88

Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology ...................... 89

Pushing the Boundaries: Technology-Driven Exploration of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary ....................................................................... 90

Exploring the Sunken Heritage of Midway Atoll at the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Midway .................................................................................................... 91

Cold Seeps of the Cascadia Margin ..................................................................................... 92

Exploring US Mid-Atlantic Margin Methane Seeps: IMMeRSS, May 2017 ....................... 93

Innovative Observing Approaches to Better Understand the Big Picture ...................... 94

Northern Neighbors: Transboundary Exploration of Deepwater Communities ........... 95

Innovative Nitrogen Sensor Maps the North Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone ............... 96

Realizing Capabilities Through Broad and Expanding Partnerships ....................................... 97

DEEP SEARCH: Deep Sea Exploration to Advance Research on Coral/Canyon/Cold Seep Habitats ............................................................................. 97

Southeast Deep Coral Initiative: Exploring Deep-Sea Coral Ecosystems off the Southeast United States ...................................................................................... 98

2018: A Shift in the Focus of Deep-Sea Exploration ................................................................ 100

PART 3. Schmidt Ocean Institute – R/V Falkor ..................................................................... 102

Five Years of Research Aboard R/V Falkor ................................................................................ 104

R/V Falkor in 2017......................................................................................................................... 106

Epilogue ............................................................. 110

Authors ............................................................... 112

Acknowledgments ............................................ 116

References ......................................................... 121

Acronyms ........................................................... 125· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (5)


Introduction By Nicole A. Raineault, William Mowitt, and Victor Zykov

This annual ocean exploration supplement to Oceanography presents highlights of the latest field season for three vessels that investigate the world ocean: Ocean Exploration Trust’s Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and Schmidt Ocean Institute’s Research Vessel (R/V) Falkor. In 2017, work continued in the Pacific Ocean—with Falkor in the southern and western Pacific, Okeanos Explorer in the central Pacific, and Nautilus in the eastern Pacific, including Mexican waters for the first time. Late in 2017, after three years exploring the Pacific, Okeanos Explorer moved east into the Gulf of Mexico. Summaries of these expeditions describe new discoveries, advancements in ocean exploration technology, and outreach efforts aimed at all who are interested in the ocean’s secrets.

Continuing its mission of ocean exploration, innova-tion, and education, Nautilus embarked on its eighth field season in 2017. Part 1 of this supplement begins with a catalog of Nautilus’s technical capabilities (pages 8–13), as well as descriptions of new techniques and results of sample collection and analysis (pages 14–15). Next, we describe the global efforts of the Ocean Exploration Trust (OET) to increase interest and literacy in STEM fields through a vari-ety of programs and development of educational materials

(pages16–23). Finally, we report on the early discoveries made during the 2017 field season, which explored geology, biology, and archaeology off the west coast of North America, from British Columbia to the Gulf of California and Revillagigedo Archipelago (pages 28–45). Four of the 14 cruises focused on mapping the seafloor—a critical first step in characterizing ocean regions and supplying baseline data needed for future, more detailed explorations (pages 26–27). In addition, several of the 14 cruises were undertaken in partnership with the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries; the results of these joint efforts support NOAA priorities in the region. The Nautilus team looks forward to expanding these and other relationships in 2018 and beyond.

Part 2 of this supplement focuses on the advances and accomplishments of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, America’s only federal ship dedicated to ocean exploration. The ship recently completed surveys that contribute to the Campaign to Address Pacific monument Science, Technology, and Ocean NEeds (CAPSTONE), as well as other exploratory efforts by NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER). The OER section begins with the results of CAPSTONE (pages 48–53), including work in maritime archaeology (page 54), and introduces the capabilities of Okeanos Explorer (page 55). A description of innovations in ocean exploration follows, including ocean mapping, mid water column explo-ration, and the rich data source that video footage provides (pages 56–67). Next comes a review of OER’s continuing commitment to encourage the next generation of ocean

1· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (6)


explorers, scientists, and engineers through public engage-ment and education activities (pages 68–71). Then we take a deeper dive into Okeanos Explorer expeditions. Expeditions to several areas across the central Pacific included high seas surveys and exploration of the Musicians Seamounts and remote protected areas. We also report on how we manage our underwater biological and geological samples and lever-age the intellectual capital of shoreside scientists by opening up sample collections for community input (pages 72–85), and we discuss the importance of international partnerships (pages 86–87) and their emergence during CAPSTONE. OER’s sponsored projects include work with the Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology (CIOERT), and we present highlights of maritime archaeol-ogy and methane cold seeps exploration as well as showcase some new technology developments (pages 88–96). Finally, we discuss the power of partnerships to increase the potential for ocean exploration and highlight ones focused on deep-sea ecosystems in the Atlantic, including coral, and look at part-nerships taking shape to enable the goals of the new Atlantic campaign to be met (pages 97–101).

The final part of this supplement highlights some signif-icant accomplishments of R/V Falkor’s 2017 field season. Celebrating the ship’s five years of research, Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI) supported technology development as well as

research that examined scalable approaches to the character-ization of phytoplankton community dynamics, rates of past sea level change as recorded in the structure of ancient corals, diversity of geological processes surrounding some of the world’s most active submarine volcanic provinces, and unique and novel biological ecosystems discovered within large and remote protected areas. Through its philanthropic efforts, SOI aims to demonstrate how scalable innovation can tackle important scientific and societal challenges (pages 102–109).

In 2018, cruise plans call for the three vessels to work in geographically distant parts of the globe. Nautilus will com-plete its first West Coast to Hawai‘i circle, returning at the end of the season to San Pedro, California, and Falkor will continue to focus on the greater Pacific Ocean. Okeanos Explorer will venture into the Atlantic Ocean (including performing additional work in the Gulf of Mexico), initiating the Atlantic Seafloor Partnership for Integrated Research and Exploration (ASPIRE). This is a large cross-Atlantic basin effort in support of the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation, an initiative between the United States, Canada, and the European Union to advance knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean to improve stewardship and understanding. We invite you to follow along with our explorations online, and we look forward to sharing highlights of new discoveries with you next year.

ROV Deep Discoverer documents the benthic communities at Paganini Seamount, captur-ing high-resolution imagery that can be used by scientists to identify organisms and build a baseline characterization of what these habi-tats look like. Image credit: NOAA OER

2· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (7)


Ocean Exploration in a Sea of DataFrom October 21 to 22, 2017, experts in ocean exploration and data science, as well as other fields, attended the fifth annual National Ocean Exploration Forum at the University of California, San Diego’s, Qualcomm Institute, a division of the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology. The goal of the 2017 interdisciplin-ary forum, Ocean Exploration in a Sea of Data, was to move the application of ocean exploration data into the future. Partners from the Qualcomm Institute, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, NOAA, and others gave presentations, provided demonstrations on priority areas, and held discus-sion groups. Thinking of ocean exploration in broad terms, forum participants considered how relevant data—whether from satellites, ocean sensors, hydrophones, or deep ocean cores—can be integrated, analyzed, and visualized to under-stand the ocean in new ways.

Demonstrations of new technologies included those for exploring ocean data through audio spatialization and sonification, for applying near-360 degree immersive visual-ization of video and data, for exploring an active mid-ocean ridge volcano in real time through a fiber-optic cable con-nection to data, for visualizing Antarctic ice shelf structure and bathymetry from the air, and for allowing point-based visual analytics and habitat characterization using under-water photogrammetry. Participants shared impressions of these demonstrations and discussed how these tools could impact their work, areas of interest, and the ocean explora-tion community.

A Brief History of the ForumSince 2013, leading ocean exploration experts have assem-bled at National Ocean Exploration Forums to discuss the priorities and aims of a national ocean exploration program. These forums have examined the future of ocean exploration through the lens of a coordinated NOAA-led, multi-agency federal collaboration with the private sector and academia.

The inaugural 2013 Forum, called Ocean Exploration (OE) 2020, prioritized exploration in the polar, Indo-Pacific, and central Pacific regions and recommended expanding tra-ditional ocean exploration to include ocean chemistry and the water column. OE 2020 recommendations emphasized the importance of using a variety of exploration platforms, developing new technologies, creating citizen science opportunities, increasing and fostering partnerships, improving low- to no-cost near-real-time data accessibility, and enhancing and expanding ways to communicate about ocean exploration. Subsequent forums have built upon

these priorities and recommendations, helping to drive ocean exploration in both the public and private sectors in subsequent years.

Looking Ahead With these priority areas defined, further aims established, and additional ocean exploration conducted, the next step with the 2017 forum was to determine how the ocean exploration community can best manage large quantities of new and historical data and apply data science analysis and visualization techniques to them. The 2017 forum yielded community recommendations, described in a formal report to be released in 2018, for how data scientists, ocean explor-ers, and members of other disciplines can work together to expand traditional concepts of ocean exploration while driv-ing toward new discoveries, increased access to contempo-rary and historical data, and improved public engagement.

The 2018 National Ocean Exploration Forum will continue to build upon previous recommendations and will review ways to better explain ocean exploration to students and the public with a goal of developing recommendations for more effective messaging and engagement strategies.

Vicki Ferrini of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory demon-strates the SunCAVE’s near-360 degree capabilities at the 2017 National Ocean Exploration Forum. These immersive environ-ment technologies allow experimentation with new ways to represent deep ocean bathymetry, seafloor features, and other attributes of the deep ocean. Image credit: OER

2017 National Ocean Exploration Forum: Ocean Exploration in a Sea of Data

By David McKinnie and Adrienne Copeland

3· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (8)


2017 Expedition Overview Map

Page 78. Mountains in the Deep:

Exploration of the Seamounts of the

Central Pacific Basin

Page 80. Laulima O Ka Moana: Exploring

Deep Monument Waters Around Johnston Atoll

Page 61. Midwater Exploration on Okeanos Explorer

Page 72. 2017

American Sāmoa


Page 108. Underwater Fire:

Studying the Submarine Volcanoes

of Tonga

Page 107. Discovering Deep Sea Corals of the Phoenix Islands

Page 106. Eyes Below:

Mapping Johnston


Page 76. Discovering the Deep: Exploring

Remote Pacific Marine Protected Areas

Page 82. Deep-Sea Symphony: Exploration of the Musicians


Page 54. Exploring

Pacific Maritime Heritage

Page 107. Unraveling

Ancient Sea Level

Secrets· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (9)


Page 26. Mapping the US West Coast

Page 28. Expedition 2017: Wiring the Abyss Page 36. Quinault

Canyon and the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary

Page 38. Discovering Oregon’s Lost Coast

Page 39. Exploration of the Northern Guaymas Basin

Page 44. The Revillagigedo Archipelago World Heritage Site

Page 30. Submerged Sea Caves of Southern California’s Continental Borderland

E/V Nautilus Expeditions

R/V Falkor Expeditions

NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Expeditions

Page 42. Biogeochemical Exploration of the Pescadero Basin Vents

Page 32. Peering into the Abyss

Page 34. The Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary

Page 106. Sea to Space Particle Investigation· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (10)


Chemicals precipitate out of the hot fluids emanating from a hydrothermal vent as it is quenched by cold seawater in the Guaymas Basin on E/V Nautilus cruise NA090. The surrounding materials are coated in microbes. Image credit: D.Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility) and OET

6· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (11)


PART 1Ocean Exploration Trust –

E/V Nautilus

Note: All images in the Nautilus sec-tion of this publication are copyright Ocean Exploration Trust Inc. unless otherwise indicated.

7· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (12)


Nautilus is an efficient 64-meter exploration vessel with 17 permanent crew and berthing for a 31-member rotating Corps of Exploration. The ship is equipped with a Kongsberg EM 302 multibeam echosounder and two ROVs named Hercules and Argus that explore the seafloor. The ship has a data lab and a wet lab, as well as other scientific facilities, for processing digital data and physical samples. As part of our effort to share our expeditions with students and colleagues, we use telepresence technology to stream live video from our ROVs and various locations on the ship in real time to our Nautilus Live website (

GENERALBUILT | 1967, Rostock, Germany

LENGTH | 64.23 meters (211 feet)

BEAM | 10.5 meters (34.5 feet)

DRAFT | 4.9 meters (14.75 feet)

TONNAGE | 1,249 gross, 374 net

RANGE | 24,000 kilometers (13,000 nautical miles) at 10knots

ENDURANCE | 40 days at sea

SPEED | 10 knots service, 12 knots maximum

FUEL CAPACITY | 330 cubic meters

PROPULSION | Single 1,285 kilowatt (1,700 hp) controllable pitch main thruster; 280 kW bow tunnel thruster; 300kWjet pump stern thruster

SHIP SERVICE GENERATORS | Two 585 kVA generators, one 350 kVA generator

PORTABLE VAN SPACE | One 6.1-meter (20-foot) van

COMPLEMENT | 17 crew; 31 science and operations

FLAG | St. Vincent and the Grenadines


• Dynacon 421 ROV winch with 4,500 meter (14,764 feet) Rochester A06063 1.73 centimeter (0.681 inch) diameter cable

• DT Marine 210 winch• Bonfiglioli knuckle-boom crane, 2–6 ton capacity,

two extensions• Two airtuggers, SWL 900 lbs each• A-frame, SWL 8 mtns• Rescue boat davit with SWL 0.9 mtn• Oceanscience UCTD 10-400 profiling system;

max depth 1,000 meters


VSAT | 2.4 meter axis stabilized Sea Tel 9711 uplink antenna capable of C- and Ku-band operation of up to20 Mbps (C-band circular or linear)

REAL-TIME VIDEO STREAMING | Four Haivison X encoders designed for streaming live video via satellite to the Inner Space Center ashore

CAMERAS | Two Sony BZR-H700 high-definition pan/tilt/zoom cameras mounted to view the aft deck and port rail; one BZR-H700 in the control vans; Marshall VS-570 PTZ cameras in the wet lab and in the ROV hanger

COMMUNICATIONS |• Ship-wide RTS Telex intercom system for real-time

communications between ship and shore• Handheld UHF radios are interfaced with the RTS

intercom system for deck, bridge, and control room communications

• Telephone interface is available through a Rhode Island exchange for real-time collaboration between scientists ashore and on the ship

• Full Internet connectivity from shipboard LAN and wifi


E/V Nautilus· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (13)



AREA | 44.5 square meters (480 square feet)

WORKSTATIONS | Seven workstations for science manager, data loggers, navigators, educators, data engineers, satellite engineer, video engineer; seafloor mapping data processing; flexible bench space

RACK ROOMAREA | 17.3 square meters (185 square feet)

DATA STORAGE | 16 TB online storage for non-video data; 28 TB disk storage for video data


ELECTRONICS WORKBENCH | 2.3 cubic meters (80 cubic feet) of storage

PRODUCTION STUDIOAREA | 12 square meters (130 square feet)

CAMERA | Remote controllable high-definition SonyBRC-H700, Canon FX-305 for live deck television broadcasts and interactions

WET LABAREA | 19 square meters (204.5 square feet) with

5-meter-long (16-foot) stainless steel worktop

REFRIGERATION | • Panasonic MDF-C8V1 ULT –80°C/–86°C

scientific freezer, 0.085 cubic meters (3 cubic feet)• Science refrigerator, approximately 0.57 cubic meters

(20cubic feet)

HAZMAT | • Fume hood• HAZMAT locker for chemical and waste storage• Carry-on, carry-off chemical policy

ROV HANGARAREA | 24 square meters (258.3 square feet)

POWER | 110/60 Hz and 220/50 Hz available

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT | Hard hats, PFDs, high voltage gloves

LIFTS | 2 × 2-ton overhead manual chainfall lifts

STORAGE | Storage for spares and other equipment

ROV WORKSHOPAREA | 18 square meters (193.8 square feet)

TOOLS | Complete set of hand tools, cordless tools, electrical and fiber optic test equipment, mill-drill combination machine

STORAGE | Storage for spares and other equipment

CONTROL & IMAGING VANSAREA | 28 square meters (301.4 square feet)

WORKSTATIONS | Nine; typical configuration for ROV operations: two to three scientists, data logger, Hercules pilot, Argus pilot, navigator, video engineer, educator

VIDEO STORAGE | Two Omneon Mediadecks (MDM-5321 and SMD-2200-BB) for video recording and storage, 2x LTO-6 archive media drives

9Image credit: D. Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility) and OET· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (14)


KONGSBERG EM 302 MULTIBEAM ECHOSOUNDERThe EM 302 is a hull-mounted 30 kHz multibeam echo-sounder composed of two long transducer arrays mounted in a T-shape on the hull of Nautilus. It was installed on the ship between 2012 and 2013 to collect bathymetric, backscatter, and water column data. This information is useful for identi-fying areas or features of interest, creating bathymetric maps for ROV dive planning and situational awareness, and locat-ing gas seeps. The EM 302 can efficiently map the seafloor in water depths from 10m to 7,000 m (33 ft to 22,965 ft) at ship speeds of 8–10 knots.


DEPTH RANGE | 10–7,000 meters (33–22,966 feet)

PULSE FORMS | CW and FM chirp

BEAMWIDTH | 1° × 1°

APPROXIMATE SWATH WIDTH | 3–5 times water depth, up to 8 km (5 miles)

APPROXIMATE GRID RESOLUTION | 10% water depth (e.g.,10 meters [33 feet] at 1,000 meters [3,281 feet] depth)

Acoustic Systems KNUDSEN SUB-BOTTOM PROFILER ANDECHOSOUNDERThe Knudsen 3260 is a sub-bottom echosounder mounted inside the hull of Nautilus. It operates at low frequencies (3.5–210 kHz) so that the sound it emits can penetrate layers of sediment to about 100 m below the surface. The sound that bounces back from each layer is captured by the system, cre-ating a cross section of the seafloor. Scientists can use the data to identify subsurface geological structures such as faults and ancient channels and levees. The Knudsen 3260 can operate in full ocean depths. The Knudsen system also collects 15kHz single beam sonar data.

PROFILER | Knudsen 3260 Chirp sub-bottom profiler andechosounder

OPERATING FREQUENCY | Dual frequency, 3.5 kHz and 15 kHz

POWER | 4 kW on Channel 1 and up to 2 kW on Channel 2

RANGE | 50 to 5,000 meters (164 to 16,404 feet)


SYSTEM | TrackLink 5000MA system for USBL tracking of ROVs Hercules and Argus

RANGE | Up to 5,000 meters (16,404 feet)

POSITIONING ACCURACY | 1° (~2% of slantrange)


OPERATING FREQUENCY | 14.2 to 19.8 kHz

TARGETS TRACKED | Hercules, Argus, and two additional transponders are available. With more transponders, up to eight targets including the ROVs can be tracked

10· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (15)


ROV Argus was first launched in 2000 as a deep-tow system capable of diving to 6,000 meters. More recently, Argus is used in tandem with ROV Hercules, where it hovers several meters above in order to provide a bird’s-eye view of Hercules work-ing on the seafloor. Argus is also capable of operating as a stand-alone system for large-scale deepwater survey missions.


DEPTH CAPABILITY | 6,000 meters (19,685 feet), currently limited to 4,000 meters (13,123 feet)

CABLE | 4,500 meters (14, 764 feet), 0.681 electro-optical, 3x #11 conductors, 3x SM fibers

SIZE | 3.8 meters long × 1.2 meters wide × 1.3 meters high (12.5 feet long × 3.9 feet wide × 4.3 feet tall)

WEIGHT | 2,100 kilograms (4,700 pounds) in air, 1,360kilograms (3,000 pounds) in water


ASCENT/DESCENT RATE | 20–30 meters/minute (65–98 feet/minute) max

PROPULSION | Two Deep Sea Systems International 404 brushless DC thrusters for heading control


CAMERAS | • One Insite Pacific Zeus Plus high-definition camera

with Ikegami HDL-45A tilt head with Fujinon HA 10 × 5.2 lens – 1080i SMPTE 292M output format – 2MP still image capable

• Two Insite Pacific standard definition mini utility cameras (fixed mounted) 480 line NTSC format

• One Deep Sea Power & Light Wide-i SeaCam, downward-looking standard definition camera (fixed mounted)

LIGHTING | • Four CathX Aphos 16 LED lampheads,

28,000 lumens each• Two Deep Sea Power & Light 250 Watt

incandescent lights


SYSTEM | NavEst integrated navigation system solution

USBL NAVIGATION | TrackLink 5000 system, acoustically triggered

PRIMARY HEADING | Crossbow high-resolution magnetic motion and attitude sensor

SECONDARY HEADING | TCM2 solid state fluxgatecompass

PRESSURE SENSOR | Paroscientific Digiquartz 8CB series

ALTIMETER | Benthos PSA-916

FORWARD-LOOKING SONAR | Mesotech 1071, 675kHz, 0.5–100 meter (1.6–328.1 foot) range typical

SUB-BOTTOM PROFILING SONAR | TriTech SeaKing Parametric Sub-bottom Profiler (10–30 kHz)


POWER | 110 V 60 Hz AC, 24 VDC and 12 VDC power options



Remotely Operated Vehicle Argus· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (16)


Since it was first launched in 2003, ROV Hercules has been working in tandem with ROV Argus to explore the geology, biology, archaeology, and chemistry of the deep sea. Hercules is equipped with a high-definition video camera, several LED lights, two manipulator arms, and a variety of oceanographic sensors and samplers, including a suite of high-resolution mapping tools that is available for use upon request. Hercules can deliver approximately 68–113 kg (150–250 lbs) of sam-ples or tools to and from the seafloor.

GENERALDEPTH CAPABILITY | 4,000 meters (13,123 feet)

TETHER | 30–45 meters (98.4–147.6 feet), 20 millimeters (0.79 inches) diameter, neutrally buoyant

SIZE | 3.9 meters long × 1.9 meters wide × 2.2 meters tall (12.8 feet long × 6.2 feet wide × 7.2 feet tall)

MASS | ~ 2,500 kilograms (5,500 pound) mass in air

PAYLOAD | Up to 113 kilograms (250 pounds)

MAXIMUM VEHICLE SPEED | 0.77 meters/second (1.5knots) forward, 0.25 meters/second (0.5 knots) lateral, 0.5 meters/second (1 knot) vertical (on site, within tether range)

MAXIMUM TRANSIT SPEED | 1 meter/second (2 knots), no sampling, in layback mode

MAXIMUM ON-BOTTOM TRANSIT SPEED | 0.5meters/second (1 knot), no sampling

MAXIMUM SAMPLING TRANSIT SPEED | 0.25 meters/second (0.5 knots) on flat seafloor; < 0.13 meters/second (< 0.25 knots) over featured terrain

ROV CLOSED LOOP POSITION CONTROL | Station Keep, X/Y step, Auto Depth, Auto Altitude, X/Y/Z step and hold velocity control

DESCENT/ASCENT RATE | 30 meters/minute (98.4feet/minute)/15 meters/minute (49.2 feet/minute), or 20–22meters/minute (65.6–7.2 feet/minute) average

PROPULSION | • Six hydraulic thrusters powered by 15 kW (20 hp),

207bar (3,000 psi) hydraulic system• Fore/Aft & Vertical – Four 27.94 cm (11 inch) ducted

thrusters, each providing 900 N (200 lbf) thrust• Lateral – Two 22.86 cm (9 inch) ducted thrusters,

each providing 450 N (100 lbf) thrust

VEHICLE SENSORS & NAVIGATIONSYSTEM | NavEst integrated navigation system solution

HEADING AND ATTITUDE |• Primary Heading – IXSEA Octans III north-seeking

fiber-optic gyrocompass (0.1° secant latitude accuracy with 0.01° resolution)

• Secondary Heading – TCM2 solid state fluxgatecompass

PRESSURE SENSOR | Paroscientific Digiquartz 8CB series

CTD | Sea-Bird FastCAT 49

OXYGEN OPTODE | Aanderaa 3830

TEMPERATURE PROBE | WHOI high-temperature probe (0°–450°C, 0.1°C resolution)

USBL NAVIGATION | TrackLink 5000

DOPPLER NAVIGATION & ALTITUDE | RDI Workhorse Navigator Doppler Velocity Log 600 kHz, 0.7–90 meter range (2.3–295.3 feet)

FORWARD-LOOKING SONARS | • Kongsberg Mesotech 1071 scanning sonar, 300 kHz,

1–200 meter (3–656 feet) range typical• TriTech Super SeaPrince 675 kHz, 50 meter

(164 feet) range


channel on fiber optic, four standard definition video channels on coax, generally configured as:• Insite Pacific, 6,000 msw rated, Zeus Plus with

10× zoom lens, Ikegami HDL-45A with zoom/pan/ tilt/extend –1080i SMPTE 292M output format


Remotely Operated Vehicle Hercules· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (17)


SUCTION SYSTEMS |• Suction sampling system, eight 3-liter discrete samples• Venturi dredge excavation system

SAMPLING TOOLS | Mission configurable • Up to eight 6.35 centimeter (2.5 inch) inner diameter,

28centimeter (11 inch) long push cores • Up to six 5-liter Niskin bottles, manually triggered • Custom tools and sensors can be integrated

SAMPLE STORAGE |• Forward sample tray (inboard): 45 cm × 33 cm × 25cm

(17.7 inches × 13 inches × 9.8 inches)• Forward sample tray (outboard): 68 cm × 35 cm ×

30cm (26.8 inches × 13.8 inches × 11.8 inches)• Starboard sample drawer: 65 cm × 50 cm × 30 cm

(25.5inches × 19.7 inches × 11.8 inches)• Payload: Up to 113 kilograms (250 pounds) depending

on sensor package• Custom configuration of boxes, crates, and containers

ELEVATORS | Mission configurable; free ascent; maximum standard payload 68 kg (150 lb)


• 110 V, 60 Hz AC • 24 VDC• 12 VDC

DIGITAL DATA CHANNELS |• RS-232: 115 Kbauds• RS-485/422: 2.5 Mbauds• Ethernet: 10/100/1,000 Mbps links available• TTL: one TTL link

HYDRAULIC | Proportional and solenoid hydraulicfunctions • 1,150 psi at 5 GPM• 1,850 psi at 5 GPM• 3,000 psi at 5 GPM (advance notice needed)

EXAMPLES OF USER-INSTALLED TECHNOLOGY | Advance notice is required for custom solutions to engineering integration of user provided sensors and equipment• In situ mass and laser spectrometers• Fluorometer• pH sensor• eH sensor• Kongsberg M3 multibeam sonar• 18 MP Ethernet connected digital still camera• Low-light camera (Canon ME20F-SH HD, 1080p at

up to 4 million ISO, 24 mm f1.4 prime lens)• Modular soft grippers powered by an independent

seawater-based hydraulic drive system

• Insite Pacific, 6,000 msw rated, Titan Rotate-Tilt standard definition camera (bubble camera) 480 line NTSC format

• Three Insite Pacific NOVA utility cameras, mounted to view the starboard sample box, port rail, and aft region 480 line NTSC format

• One Insite Pacific Aurora utility camera to view the eight-jar suction sampler, NTSC format

• One Deep Sea Power & Light Wide-i-SeaCam to view starboard side sample box, NTSC format

LIGHTING | • Two Deep Sea Power & Light Matrix-3 LED lamps,

20,000 lumens, forward mounted• Six to twelve Deep Sea Power & Light Sphere LED

lamps, 6,000 lumens, mounting configurable

SCALING | Two green Deep Sea Power & Light Micro Sea-Lasers, mounted 10 cm (3.94 inches) apart, HD camera only

HIGH-RESOLUTION MAPPING SUITE | • Available for nonstandard mapping products• Typical configuration is downward looking; forward-

looking configuration possible• Two stereo Prosilica still cameras, one black & white,

one color; 2,750 × 2,200 pixels; 29° × 39° field of view; 2–4meter (6.5–13 feet) range; 200 watt-second strobe lighting at one image every three seconds

• Structured light laser system with a dedicated Prosilica GC 1380 still camera; runs concurrently with stereo imaging; 532nanometer, 100 mW coherent laser; 45°line generating head

• System also supports Kongsberg M3 sonar


• Kraft Predator: Hydraulic, seven function spatially correspondent, force feedback, 200 lb lift

• ISE Magnum: Hydraulic, seven function, 300 lbs lift

13· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (18)


2017 Nautilus Samples ProgramBy Nicole A. Raineault, Meredith Everett, Dean Pentcheff, Elva Escobar Briones, Adriana Gaytán-Caballero, and Esmeralda Morales Domínguez

Physical samples are critical for organism identification and for understanding the geological and geochemical history of an area. In 2017, the Ocean Exploration Trust collected 768 unique biological, rock, sediment, gas, and water spec-imens. These samples were split into 1,721 subsamples to be archived at partnering institutions or provided directly to scientists. For the 2017 field season, Harvard University’s Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) received 442 biolog-ical vouchers and DNA subsamples, which can be requested for research via their museum’s website ( The University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography’s Marine Geological Samples Lab (MGSL) is archiving the 142 rock samples and short sediment cores, and they are also available by request ( Below we provide some of the highlights of our 2017 sample program.

eDNA & Genetic BarcodingEnvironmental DNA (eDNA) is genetic material obtained from an environmental sample rather than directly from an organ-ism (Thomsen and Willerslev, 2015; Valentini et al., 2016). Because all marine organisms shed DNA into the water, we are developing the ability to inventory biodiversity by sampling

and sequencing seawater—which is far easier than exhaustive specimen sampling and identification. Another advancement, use of genetic barcodes, allows scientists to determine the species of an organism based on specific short gene sequences. An eDNA inventory can only be effective if there is at least one reference barcode sequence for each species of interest. Although marine invertebrates are not yet well represented in genetic barcode reference databases, the Diversity Initiative for the Southern California Ocean (DISCO) program at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHMLA) is generating genetic barcode references for the marine inverte-brates of Southern California.

During 2017 dives, ROV Hercules pilots gathered numer-ous specimens, including many species that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to obtain. Some, such as the lithodid crab (Figure 1), were selected based on real-time requests from shore-based scientists. These full specimen or tissue samples were shipped to the NHMLA for identification and reference sequencing (Figure 2). In addition, the ROV pilots collected geologically interesting rocks that were covered with hundreds of invertebrates. These were preserved in eth-anol on E/V Nautilus and then cleaned of organisms at the NHMLA. The rocks were subsequently sent to the MGSL for

Figure 1. Capture of a lithodid crab by ROV Hercules on request by a shore researcher.

Figure 2. Undergraduate Makenzie Hajek taking a tissue sample from the crab at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County to generate a genetic barcode reference sample.

14· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (19)


use by geologists. The 2017 collections will fill in key missing taxa as genetic barcode references, contributing significantly to our ability to detect and monitor marine biodiversity.

Deep-sea coral communities observed along the US west coast during the 2017 Nautilus season were profiled using eDNA sequencing (Everett and Park, 2017). There is growing interest in understanding the possible associations of fish communities with deep-sea corals (Milligan et al. 2016), which occur in patchy and difficult-to-access environments, can be delicate and slow growing, and are difficult to identify from images or video alone (Cairns et al., 2017). During 2017, 60 eDNA samples were collected from both stony and soft coral habitats (Figure 3) and from sites where no corals were observed. Each sample will be amplified and sequenced using primers specific to both octocorals and fish. Coral and fish species will be identified using phylogenetic methods, and video footage will be examined for secondary confirmation. This will allow us to look for associations between deep-sea coral and fish communities as well as to further profile deep-sea coral communities found in the marine sanctuaries along the US west coast.

Mexico Biological SamplesGuaymas Basin sites are poorly known, difficult to access, and require special sampling tools. In 2017, OET partnered with researchers from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) on three ROV expeditions within Mexican waters. One cruise continues studies of Guaymas Basin vent fields, including the distribution of mega-, macro-, and meio-fauna. While HD video and images allow researchers to char-acterize habitat diversity and the complexity and taxonomy of megafauna, samples collected with the suction sampler, scoop, ROV manipulator, and a baited trap (Pescadero Basin) offer a rare opportunity to identify small or cryptic species. Sediment push cores collected at representative habitats allow cross-disciplinary study of sediment-hosted infaunal and microbiological communities at chemosynthetically active areas (Figure 4). Qualitative samples obtained from water and sediment materials remaining in the biobox containers complement the taxonomic records for the explored sites.

UNAM’s main objective in Guaymas Basin is the descrip-tive ecology and zonation of the benthic components at

chemosynthetic locations (vent fields) and nearby back-ground habitats in order to understand compositional dif-ferences using visual information obtained from video tran-sects and HD images. Representative samples of anemones (Actinaria) were obtained to analyze their molecular identity and symbiotic relationships. Studies of specimens of the area’s abundant snails (Gastropoda) and amphipods (Gammaridae) will provide a diversity description and a complete popula-tion analysis for these organisms. Our field observations and general analysis of the specimens of Munidopsis squat lobsters suggest the presence of at least two new records (cf. Munidopsis producta and Munidopsis sp.; Figure 5). The group was abundant at the “zoanthid colonies mound” habi-tat and inside the crevices of carbonate layers, where behavior was also observed.

Collaborative scientific research in Guaymas Basin began in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the EDUMAR cruise with Robert Ballard, followed by the GUAYNAUT cruise with IFREMER. UNAM collaborated on other cruises as well, allowing UNAM scientists to monitor long-term vent- associated communities in the Guaymas Basin and to explore new sites. This collaborative effort has provided support for nomination of Guaymas Basin as the first deep-sea hydro-thermal Natural Protected Area worldwide.

Figure 3. ROV Hercules captures a water sample for eDNA analysis in an onboard Niskin bottle along a canyon wall covered in Lophelia coral.

Figure 4. Short sediment push cores were taken at and adjacent to chemosynthetically active areas to study infaunal and microbiological communities, pore-water chemistry, and sediment geology.

Figure 5. Munidopsis squat lobsters suggests the pres-ence of at least two new records (cf. Munidopsis pro-ducta and Munidopsis sp.) at the Pescadero Basin site.

15· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (20)


Nautilus Education and Outreach Programs

Sparking Interest in Ocean Exploration and Providing Experiential STEM Programs for Students and Educators

The Ocean Exploration Trust uses E/V Nautilus and the research it supports as platforms for providing innovative and educational programs that will generate enthusiasm for and exposure to the breadth of STEM disciplines associated with ocean exploration as well as the diverse career paths and vocations that make it possible. Through a series of programs and resources, OET connects students and the public in a variety of settings—classrooms, science centers, universities, aquariums, and living rooms—to seagoing STEM profession-als, their fields, and their tools of exploration.

OET uses research conducted aboard E/V Nautilus, the ship’s associated technologies, and shore-based facilities at the University of Rhode Island’s Inner Space Center to take a mul-tifaceted approach to education and outreach. Programming includes: (1) outreach to inspire the online public through 24/7 connectivity to explorers at sea; (2) ocean exploration- themed STEM curricular materials; (3) professional devel-opment opportunities for educators on shore; (4) infusion of Nautilus content into science centers, aquariums, museums, and other informal education institutions; and (5) immersive, hands-on opportunities for students, educators, and artists to participate in Nautilus expeditions. Through these efforts, we have reached tens of millions of people worldwide since 2009

By Allison Fundis, Samantha Wishnak, Megan Cook, Kathy Sutton, Kelly Moran, Scott Munro, and Tim Burbank

as we strive to better equip the next generation with the skills and role models they need to be our future explorers, innova-tors, policymakers, and members of a productive workforce.

Major sponsors of OET’s 2017 education programs included the Office of Naval Research, CITGO, University of New Hampshire, University California–Santa Barbara, AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles with support from the Goldhirsh Foundation, Connecticut Science Museum, Perot Museum of Nature and Science with support from the Lyda Hill Foundation, and private donors.

Public Outreach

OET’s outreach goals include introducing a broad and diverse global audience to the process of exploration and the excite-ment of discovery while continually adjusting to the rapidly changing landscape of social and mass media. During the 2017 Nautilus field season, we continued to focus efforts on streaming 24-hour live video of expedition operations and deep-sea exploration, social media, and news media in addition to experimenting with new ways to reach the public through evolving social platforms.

Top online highlights of the 2017 field season included this Deepstaria jelly, which awed viewers with its shapeshifting abilities as its bag-like bell inflated and undulated with currents created by move-ment of ROV Hercules.

16· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (21)


cruise legs, background information about exploration objec-tives, live ROV dive alerts and updates of ROV science and mapping operations; and expedition wrap-up and follow-up content. We engage with our frequent viewers and capture new viewers on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube where they are already active. Offering a real-time, behind-the-scenes glimpse of Nautilus operations, Facebook Live events and Instagram story takeovers by Nautilus team members help us reach younger audiences and inspire a new generation of students and ocean explorers.

Popular social media hits concentrated on cephalopod sightings, including vampire squid and transparent co*ckatoo squid in addition to close encounters with large broadnose sixgill sharks and a shiver of over 30 prickly sharks in Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. While charismatic mega-fauna dominated the deep-sea spotlight, we also saw high lev-els of engagement with seafloor mapping content developed to complement the 50% of our field season dedicated to mapping

Winning entry of the Nautilus Patch Design Contest submitted by Sintayehu Shannon of Washington. The annual contest is open to young artists ages 6 to 14.

NAUTILUS LIVEFeaturing live streaming video of expedition operations from shipboard and ROV cameras, as well as audio com-mentary from scientists, engineers, educators, and students, the Nautilus Live website drew more than 1.9 million views during the six-month 2017 field season. Approximately 40% of those viewers were new visitors to the website. An import-ant element of the baseline engagement in OET’s program-ming is the opportunity for students and audience members to interact directly with our Corps of Explorers through the “Send a Question” feature of the Nautilus Live website. In 2017, our scientists, engineers, and educators received over 32,800 questions that were answered over the audio stream accompanying the live video feed.

Enhancements to the website allowed basic oceanographic data—vehicle depth and water temperature—to stream alongside the video feed during ROV operations, boosting educational context for the viewing experience. Regular publishing of new photo albums, expedition overview blogs, and highlight videos showcased our research partners, innovative technologies, and the exploration goals of each expedition during the season. The interactive element of the web experience enables audiences around the world to play a role in identifying archaeological, biological, and geological discoveries made throughout the expedition season, creating a crowd-sourced participatory experience that encourages the public to dive deeper into the content and research being conducted on board.

SOCIAL MEDIAOne of the primary goals of the Ocean Exploration Trust is to share the excitement of ocean exploration with viewers around the world. To help achieve this goal, we use telepres-ence to populate social media platforms with real-time video and photo highlights of our expeditions. Positioning each expedition as a social media campaign within the larger 2017 field season, social media posts focus on the launch of various

Our Instagram story takeovers gave participating interns, edu-cators, scientists, engineers, and crew the chance to share aspects of their lives onboard as role models and performing the various tasks required for ocean exploration.


operations. In addition to biology- and geology-focused stories, one of our top social media hits of the 2017 season brought together partners from NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, US Navy, Naval His-torical Foundation, veterans, and more during a multiple hour exploration of the wreck of World War II submarine USS Bugara that was broadcast on Nautilus Live, Facebook Live, and in museum venues across the country.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (22)


Nautilus Live’s Facebook audience steadily increased in 2017 to over 86,000 followers, with an extended reach of more than 4.2 million. Testing our capabilities to deliver unique behind-the-scenes glimpses into Nautilus operations, Facebook Live broadcasts yielded some of the highest levels of engagement we’ve seen on this page. Answering questions from highly engaged fans at pivotal moments in an expedition, like the first moments of exploring the USS Bugara wreck, on deck before an ROV launch, or a Q&A from the control van during mapping expeditions, offers an interactive experience to complement the Nautilus Live underwater streams.

As Twitter has led the way as an efficient mechanism for delivering content in real time to followers, it has become our primary platform for live dive alerts and expedition updates. With frequent tweets and cultivating an active commu-nity of followers who share our tweets as well as their own screenshots and observations of Nautilus Live exploration, our extended reach doubled since 2016 with approximately 5million impressions this year.

Regularly publishing new video highlights of interesting sightings on YouTube and embedding these videos into Nautilus Live led to a 50% increase in views, with over 30mil-lion views during the expedition season. Increased views also allowed us to more than double our YouTube audience to 103,000 actively engaged subscribers, with over 26 million minutes watched by this community and first-time viewers.

Regularly scheduled Instagram posts grew our followers by 70% over the expedition season, and introducing the platform’s new Instagram Story at the beginning of the sea-son allowed us to engage a younger generation of explorers who actively connected with this spontaneous and temporary

feature. During the expedition season, Instagram Story takeovers by members of the Corps of Exploration offered opportunities for the diverse experiences and perspectives of our students, educators, and science team members to shine.

Press and MediaThe work of the scientists and explorers aboard E/V Nautilus was featured in over 500 news reports in print, television, radio, and online with an estimated reach of more than 40million people. Top media outlets that featured stories include CNN, Fox News, NBC, National Geographic, Discovery, Business Insider, and many others. Top stories picked up by media included close-ups with sharks in Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, the “deep sea lava lamp” Deepstaria jelly, cephalopods including co*ckatoo squid, vampire squid, and last year’s “googly eyed” squid that appeared in a commer-cial with Taylor Swift, and the exploration of USS Bugara. Additionally, the scientists, students, and educators partici-pating in the 2017 Nautilus expedition were often featured in local and national media stories.

In addition to extensive media coverage, OET directly shared Nautilus Exploration Program updates with over 12,600 subscribers who opted to receive our newsletter, open-ing and engaging with the content at higher rates than stan-dard nonprofit industry rates. Our monthly email newsletters feature expedition overviews, favorite exploration highlights, and opportunities to participate in our at-sea programs and citizen explorer community.

18· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (23)


Video Engineering Intern Erin Ranney controls the camera for a live ship-to-shore interaction with OET’s STEM Education Specialist, Katherine Sutton (left), and Science Communication Fellow, Fleur Ferro (right).

LIVE SHIP-TO-SHORE BROADCASTSIn addition to supporting the live video of Nautilus opera-tions on the Nautilus Live website, onboard telepresence technology allows audiences to engage in a unique and intimate two-way dialogue with at-sea team members by connecting them directly with onshore audiences at venues such as universities, museums, science centers, out-of-school programs, and classrooms. Through these live ship-to-shore interactions, the team aboard Nautilus connects with tens of thousands annually at these venues.

Throughout the 2017 field season, OET expanded the number of broadcasts conducted and the number of sites reached with 353 live interactions into 163 venues across 26 states and in four countries. Major venue partners during the 2017 field season included: The Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas, Texas; Connecticut Science Center in Hartford, Connecticut; Submarine Force Library & Museum in Groton, Connecticut; Port Royal Museum in Okatie, South Carolina; and the Exploratorium in San Francisco, California. Additionally, OET offered these live ship-to-shore interactions in Spanish for students at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México while the ship was exploring in Mexican waters during the Pescadero Basin and Revillagigedo cruises. OET also continued outreach programs with a variety of schools, universities, research conferences, professional development workshops, and out-of-school programs including robotics clubs and Boys and Girls Clubs.

Students at the Jaffrey Public Library in New Hampshire inter-act with a Science Communication Fellow and mapping expert aboard Nautilus through a live ship-to- shore broadcast.

K–12 Education STEM CURRICULAOET’s STEM Learning Modules are inquiry- and project- based lessons that supplement educators’ curricula and foster student engagement in STEM disciplines found in oceanographic research and exploration. Lessons lead stu-dents through fundamental concepts involved in deep-sea exploration such as pressure, density, seafloor mapping tech-niques, plate tectonic dynamics, animal adaptations and eco-systems, and engineering design. Each module is standards- aligned and guided by the performance expectations of the Next Generations Science Standards, Common Core State Standards, and Ocean Literacy Principles.

Five new lessons were added to the STEM Learning Modules in 2017, which now include 24 inquiry-based lessons with educator and student versions as well as connections to Nautilus digital resources and role models. These new mod-ules emphasize engineering and technology topics, including a design challenge module where students engineer and race rubber band-propelled thrusters and an introductory circuit module where participants build series and parallel circuits with household supplies. Another new element this year is a three-part sensor technology lesson series that introduces students to microcontrollers and coding using Arduino-based platforms. Using an inexpensive coding platform, students can collect data about their own habitat and monitor changes in environmental factors. The modules were made accessible through the OET website this year, allowing a centralized site for participating educators to access materials through a registered user system.

19· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (24)


Louis Mora, a 2017 Science Communication Fellow from Los Angeles, sits watch in the ROV control room while exploring within Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Image credit: Ed McNichol

DIGITAL RESOURCE LIBRARYIn a new effort to make more resources available online, we developed a Digital Resource Library (DRL) to diversify the resource types available to educators as they work to inspire curiosity about the deep sea and STEM. This collection of resources was designed to provide educators with supple-mental material and compact activities appropriate for all ages. These resources also include downloadable features to ensure reliable access to OET materials as educators navi-gate information technology barriers that can often burden live- streaming connections in schools. The DRL has grown throughout the year, offering education program alumni opportunities to contribute to the library to showcase mate-rial they create in three categories: graphics & photos, expe-dition video playlists, and activities & resources. The graphics & photos section offers explainer animations and graphics, including illustrations of global oceanographic and geologi-cal processes often investigated by the Nautilus Exploration Program and the technology required to explore the deep sea. Expedition videos simplify the massive highlight library of the Nautilus Exploration Program into themed YouTube playlists such as “Hydrothermal Vents,” “Fish, Sharks, & Skates,” “Geologic Formations,” and “Shipwrecks.” The DRL activities contain a variety of material, such as downloadable data sets, for further exploration and fun, attention-grabbing resources, such as Nautilus Live Bingo and coloring pages. OET’s first bilingual resource, a Spanish-language ocean exploration glossary, was also published in the DRL this year.

EDUCATOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPSIn 2017, OET created high-energy workshops in sponsored communities in California, Louisiana, and New Hampshire to introduce teachers to the myriad STEM connections to ocean research and exploration. These professional development training workshops differentiated attendees by the grade level

they taught and were customized based on the attendees’ prior knowledge of oceanographic research and tools for explo-ration. These introductory workshops show teachers how they can become active explorers, along with their students, through the use of OET’s telepresence capabilities. The DRL and STEM Learning Modules—which educators gain access to through their participation in OET workshops—equip these educators with the tools to bring ocean exploration into their teaching with the support of standards-aligned content and OET staff coaching.

OET provided training for 149 educators with a reach of over 8,800 students in 2017. Educators active with the OET program teach at all levels, from early childhood to college prep, and at nonprofit organizations and community institutions such as libraries. In Louisiana, at one of OET’s longest-running STEM partner communities, a professional development workshop included a panel featuring four local at-sea program alumni who shared how OET resources have improved their teaching. Mentorship across OET’s programs underscores a commitment to coaching and highlighting program participants as inspiration for the next generation of explorers and for an entire community. In post-workshop evaluations, all surveyed attendees agreed or strongly agreed that attending the OET workshop introduced them to new real-world STEM applications that will benefit their teaching.

At-Sea Programs for Students, Educators, and Artists SCIENCE & ENGINEERING INTERNSHIP PROGRAMSince 2009, OET’s Science & Engineering Internship Program has provided hundreds of talented undergraduates, graduate students, and early career professionals with on-the-job voca-tional training in the fields of ROV and video engineering, navigation, ocean science, and seafloor mapping while being mentored by professionals in each field. Interns, who are selected through a competitive application process, sail on Nautilus for three to five weeks as part of the expedition team. ROV engineering interns learn about vehicle systems, main-tenance, and operations in addition to filling the copilot role during ROV dives. Video engineering interns operate all video equipment during ROV dives and learn about the complexities that allow shipboard broadcast systems to stream live video and data to shore. Navigation interns focus on the logistics and operational skills required to work with ROVs and their

20· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (25)


Science Communication Fellow Megan Chen, from the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, lends a hand processing samples in the ship’s lab.

support vessels as well as multibeam data acquisition and pro-cessing. Ocean science and seafloor mapping interns work in key science-team roles, including ROV dive annotation, data processing, sample management, and multibeam mapping surveying. All participating interns also serve as role models to their peers ashore and to learners around the world through the Nautilus Live website and live broadcasts from sea.

In 2017, 19 students from 13 US states, British Columbia, and Nova Scotia participated in this program that included representatives from OET’s partnering agencies and institu-tions, including NOAA’s Educational Partnership Program, US Naval Academy, and US Coast Guard Academy.

SCIENCE COMMUNICATION FELLOWSHIPThe Science Communication Fellowship provides formal classroom and informal educators with tools and training in the fields of science communication and digital storytelling in addition to introducing each participant to ocean exploration and STEM professionals working in the field. During the year-long fellowship, participants attend OET’s annual Science Communication Workshop in Rhode Island to (1) learn effec-tive science communication strategies and hands-on technical skills to enable them to translate their at-sea experiences to shoreside audiences, (2) gain fundamental science and engi-neering knowledge to underscore the mission and objectives of the upcoming E/V Nautilus field season, (3) learn best prac-tices for incorporating the Nautilus Exploration Program into formal and informal education spaces, and (4) bring personal experience to network with other fellows and develop local outreach and education plans for the program.

While at sea, Science Communication Fellows moderate the control room broadcast during live exploration, translat-ing exploration science for a global audience and engaging active online participants by weaving shore-based questions

Ocean Science Intern Bryce Corbett from Illinois, processes geological and biologi-cal samples collected during an ROV dive.

submitted through the website into the operational conversa-tion. Fellows also lead the live ship-to-shore broadcast inter-actions with public venues and classrooms worldwide. The deliverable of the fellowship is a body of outreach or original STEM-focused lessons that translate the fellows’ experiences to a broad audience of learners. These deliverables contribute to the growth and expansion of the STEM Learning Modules and resources that are made available to OET’s expanding network of educators, partners, and program participants.

The 2017 Science Communication Fellowship, selected through a competitive application process, included 19 edu-cators from 14 US states and British Columbia. Fellows rep-resented formal educational institutions from middle schools to community colleges to four-year universities, and encom-passed public, private, and charter institutions. Informal educators came from backgrounds in aquariums, museums, science centers, and scientific writing.

ARTIST-AT-SEA PROGRAMThe Artist-at-Sea program invites artists aboard Nautilus to foster creative conversation and collaboration around curiosity- based exploration with Science Communication Fellows and the entire Corps of Exploration. Drawing inspi-ration from their time at sea, artists share their experiences with new audiences and support OET in integrating arts into outreach programs and shaping STEM education into STE[A]M education. Since this program was launched in 2014, artists who have sailed aboard Nautilus have been pow-erful role models for young followers of the expedition who, through these creative outlets, may have seen themselves in a scientific endeavor for the first time in addition to engaging existing followers and participants in science and engineering from an alternative perspective.

21· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (26)


COMMUNITY SITE VISITSWith the goal of introducing explorer role models to learners in their home settings, OET designed a series of local experi-ences to highlight the Corps of Exploration in collaboration with and support from CITGO. OET staff visited our CITGO community sites throughout the year, building events with alumni from each CSP locale. Local experiences ranged from drop-in classroom teaching and delivering keynote addresses at local events to hosting first-of-their kind community STEM events.

In Illinois, OET joined a high school program as the key-note for a STEM event with more than 150 students attending. Here, students designed rubber band-powered machines—an activity offered through the STEM Learning Modules—to illustrate the forces generated by robotic thrusters. During a site visit in Houston, the Corps of Exploration took over high school classes with STEM challenges for a day, working along-side students on their designs. In Los Angeles, middle school students joined the Corps for explorer-led ship tours the morning Nautilus departed for the 2017 expedition season. In Corpus Christi, more than 400 students and members of the community came out to the school’s first-ever STEM Night.

EDUCATOR MINI-GRANTSOET launched the Nautilus Exploration Mini-Grant Program—new in 2017 and supported by CITGO—for edu-cators and local CSP organizations to receive funding that leverages OET resources and programs to motivate, energize, and engage students in STEM and to highlight careers in these fields. This program drew strength from tapping workshop and at-sea program alumni to identify local, highly relevant opportunities to bring ocean exploration into curricula or students’ lives. The program also provided local educators assistance in nominating and proposing projects that bridged their curricula to the OET mission.

Daniel Kohn, a New York-based painter, joined the 2017 expedition and used a variety of media—including sound, still photography, video, drawing, and watercolor—to observe and document ocean exploration through the lens of an artist. His experience, interviews with scientists aboard the ship, and the work he produced while aboard will contribute to his ongoing project exploring ocean memory.

Community STEM Program The Community STEM Program (CSP) works closely with education partners to bring the portfolio of OET education programs to action within a community. CSP partners and stakeholders include school districts, nonprofits, STEM pro-fessionals, public venues, universities, community colleges, museums, and aquariums.

In 2017, participating communities included Corpus Christi, Dallas, and Houston, Texas; Lake Charles, Louisiana; Lemont, Illinois; Los Angeles and Santa Barbara, California; and the state of New Hampshire. Programs and program participants in each of these locations were funded with the support of our CSP sponsors—CITGO, University of New Hampshire, the Perot Museum of Nature and Science with support from the Lyda Hill Foundation, University of California–Santa Barbara, and AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles. CSP communities were represented in all of OET’s at-sea programs this season by three undergraduate and grad-uate students who received workforce development training in the Science & Engineering Internship Program, five educators who participated in the Science Communication Fellowship, and six educators who joined the team at sea through the Nautilus Ambassador Program.

22· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (27)


Nautilus Ambassador Samuel Freeman Jr. from Texas works with OET STEM Education Specialist Katherine Sutton on an OET lesson about coding and microcontrollers.

Through a competitive application process, four projects were selected to receive over $7,500 in grant funding reach-ing 582 students. In Lemont, a grant-funded project in an advanced research high school course provided ROV design kits for students to supplement their technology and engi-neering skills by developing their own exploration tools. After successfully constructing their own ROVs, these high school students wrote their own curricula to teach middle school and special needs students in their district concepts of buoyancy and engineering design learned through the projects.

In Houston, a mini-grant supported the Girls Influencing Real Lives in STEM conference for intermediate and middle school girls in Alief Independent School District. More than 150 young women and STEM educators had the chance to work hands-on in breakouts on the diversity of STEM careers as well as attend a motivational keynote and an ocean explo-ration keynote in this day-long event.

Also in Houston, OET funded a summer camp program to provide access to STEM activities not typically available to students in underserved communities that generate and moti-vate interest in ocean exploration fields of study and careers. The project took an established robotics summer program and blended the Nautilus Exploration Program into design challenges for a deep ocean robotics program. Providing an eight-day experience for 112 students, this program received strong student and parent reviews, with several parents reporting they were previously unaware of their child’s inter-est in or ability to create robots that operate in water.

In Lake Charles, the mini-grant program supported an ocean and STEM-themed back-to-school unit for all fourth

and fifth grade students at E.K. Key Elementary School, bringing hands-on and inquiry-driven challenges and activ-ities to their classrooms. With support from this grant, more than 200 students and parents also attended a community Science Night where activities engaged the community in fun and interactive exploration with an ocean theme.

NAUTILUS AMBASSADOR PROGRAMThe Nautilus Ambassador Program is an at-sea program aboard Nautilus only available through CSP partnerships. The program brings educators selected for their leadership in STEM teaching onto Nautilus for a short expedition to intro-duce them to the field of ocean exploration. Six ambassadors representing elementary and middle schools, public science institutions, and higher-education professional training joined Nautilus in August 2017 for the Central California expedition. Educators worked alongside scientists and engineers in testing a new in situ sampling platform on a methane seep com-munity. Four ambassadors represented our CITGO STEM Communities from the states of Texas, Illinois, and Louisiana, and two ambassadors from California were selected to rep-resent OET’s partnership with the Goldhirsh Foundation’s MyLA2050 award with AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles.

Ambassadors were involved in all aspects of the Nautilus Exploration Program while on board. They received training in science communication and professional development using the STEM Learning Modules and the Digital Resource Library, gained experience making scientific observations by standing watch in the ROV control room, and assisted in the ship’s lab with processing of samples after ROV dives. New in 2017, ambassadors received Arduino-based microcontroller kits and were trained in using this technology, which accom-panies OET’s new three-part Sensor Technology Series in the STEM Learning Modules. This technical coaching—conducted by OET’s education team and the engineers on board—was a highly lauded program addition that exposed interdisciplinary educators to new STEM skills and subject matter.

By igniting interest in ocean exploration and STEM careers through all of our programs and outreach, we hope to motivate more students and the public to be lifelong learners and to provide exposure to careers and opportunities that they may not otherwise encounter. We strive to use our educational programming and outreach efforts to inspire future explorers, innovators, policymakers, and the future STEM workforce, while ensuring that anyone can find a role model within the Nautilus Corps of Exploration.

23· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (28)


The year 2017 marks our longest expedition season since E/VNautilus began exploring the ocean basins in the summer of 2009. During 204 days at sea between May and November, Nautilus operations included a total of 98 ROV dives—more time exploring the seafloor than any other year. We also mapped large portions of the US exclusive economic zone: four of our 14 expeditions were mapping-only cruises that surveyed critical areas within national marine sanctuaries off the west coast of the United States and also a newly created national park and UNESCO World Heritage Site in Mexico around the Revillagigedo Archipelago.

From May through November 2017, Nautilus continued its mission of exploration, innovation, and education in the eastern Pacific Ocean, ranging from waters off the west coasts of southern Canada and the United States to Mexican waters both within the Gulf of California and offshore of the Revillagigedo Archipelago. More than 240 people partici-pated on board Nautilus, and over 50 researchers shared their expertise from shore.

After mobilization and a shakedown cruise off the coast of San Pedro, California, Nautilus mapped off the west coast of the United States to prepare for national marine sanctuary

explorations (pages 28–29, 30–31, 34–35). During a three-week cruise from San Pedro to Victoria, Canada, Nautilus mapped some portion of every West Coast sanctuary and also along the Cascadia margin to locate methane seeps. In Victoria, we mobilized personnel and gear for a three-week Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) cruise (pages 28–28). Nautilus aided in laying fiber-optic cable for British Columbia’s earthquake early warning system, which was particularly timely, as a magnitude 4.8 earthquake occurred on the Juan de Fuca Ridge to the north during this expedition.

Following a successful ONC cruise, Nautilus mapped the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary in preparation for an August expedition there (pages 36–37). Two additional mapping-only cruises in September and October charted areas in advance of upcoming expeditions and for next year’s operations (pages 26–27).

In July, we collaborated with the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, University of New Hampshire’s Center for Coastal Ocean Mapping, and a scuba diving team led by Kenny Broad of the University of Miami to test mapping

2017 Nautilus Field Season at a Glance

14 Cruises

204 Days

98 ROV Dives

1,076 Hours in Water (44.8 Days)

768 Samples collected (1,721 Subsamples)

72,983 Square Kilometers Mapped

Nautilus Field Season OverviewBy Nicole A. Raineault and Robert D. Ballard

24· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (29)


technologies for locating submerged shorelines and identify-ing cave features (pages 30–31). This multiplatform operation involved working with a new autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) equipped with a high-resolution mapping system; a pole-mounted mapping system from the National Marine Sanctuary’s vessel Shearwater for initial reconnaissance; ROV, shipboard echosounder, and ASV surveying from E/VNautilus; and scuba investigation of targets from the dive boat Conception. The successful month-long field campaign yielded discovery of multiple caves at the four shallowest submerged marine terraces between 8 m and 100m depth. Next season we will continue this multiyear project, focusing on locating caves on deeper offshore banks in the Southern California Continental Borderland and testing new diver- aided mapping technologies.

We also tested new optical communications and sensor technologies being developed by researchers at Harvard for future space missions in a brief cruise at Point Dume (pages32–33). While deployed, the microbiological and geo-chemical lab incorporated into a lander was able to communi-cate with scientists on the ship and also quickly transmit data, including images and video. Following the Ocean Exploration Trust’s open-access policy, the software and hardware designs will be made available to the public.

The next two cruises were in collaboration with the national marine sanctuaries at Cordell Bank (pages 34–35) and off the Olympic Coast (pages 36–37). Exploration of the deep areas of Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary utilized maps made by Nautilus on earlier cruises to target hard grounds, particularly Bodega and Box Canyons, where deepwater coral and sponge communities were surveyed. Research in Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary also involved characterization of several canyon systems. An autonomous underwater vehicle was used to survey the canyon rims and complemented the work the ROVs completed in steeper parts of the canyons. This is an ocean acidification sentinel site, and water sampling, plankton tows, and oceanographic measure-ments were made at a critical time of year for understanding the impacts of ocean acidification on the region. During a final, short cruise in the Pacific Northwest on Heceta Bank,

sub-bottom profiling surveys located a buried paleo river channel that may be useful for identifying sites of ancient humans settlements (page 38).

Nautilus conducted three ROV expeditions in Mexican waters with partnering researchers from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, and the University of Rhode Island, along with other shore-based scientists (pages 39–45). The Guaymas Basin expedition explored a diverse range of vents located over a seafloor spreading center covered with a thick blan-ket of terrigenous sediment. Both high-temperature black smokers and cold methane seeps were observed, along with the unique ecosystems they feed. The Pescadero Basin cruise investigated the deepest high-temperature vents known in the Pacific Ocean. Geochemical and biological sampling followed up on a 2015 cruise where unusual carbon-rich vents were first discovered. Finally, Nautilus explored the new national park and UNESCO World Heritage site at the Revillagigedo Archipelago. After completing the first maps of the region since the 1993 submarine eruption west of Socorro, Mexico, the ROVs targeted several sites around the Revillagigedo islands to gain a better understanding of the nature of the vol-canism. Although the volcanic terrain was stunning, some of the biological images taken with a low-light camera, includ-ing those of the Deepstaria jelly (pictured on the cover) and the vampire squid, mesmerized scientists and the public alike.

Next year, Nautilus will undertake its first westward loop to the Hawaiian Islands in an approximately seven-month season. At the end of the 2018 season, we plan to test the new mobile deep ROV system that will be jointly owned and operated by the Ocean Exploration Trust and the National Deep Submergence Facility, with funding from NOAA’s Office of Exploration and Research and the National Science Foundation. We are excited to start working with researchers to build field programs starting in 2019 in the far western Pacific, Indian Ocean, and Red Sea—unexplored but vital areas for understanding our Earth and ocean.

25· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (30)


Seafloor mapping is critical to ocean exploration. Maps are the foundation of any expedition, providing information about seafloor features, sediment drape, and signs of gas seepage. Accurate maps allow us to choose the areas with the highest potential for discoveries to target with remotely operated vehicle dives and to safely navigate the vehicles over the sometimes treacherous terrain. E/V Nautilus mapped nearly 73,000 km2 of seafloor in 2017, collecting bathy-metric data on all but one of its 14 cruises. Nautilus drove over 25,000km of tracklines—more than any other year, in part due to four mapping-only cruises. Mapping between Canada and Mexico focused on areas within US west coast national marine sanctuaries (Channel Islands, Monterey Bay, Cordell Bank, Olympic Coast) and around the Revillagigedo Archipelago and the northern Guaymas Basin in Mexico. The last three years of mapping effort covered large areas within the US exclusive economic zone between Washington state and southern California (Figure 1). A few highlights from our 2017 mapping efforts are described here.

E/V Nautilus Mapping Summary 2017: Cascadia Margin to the Revillagigedo Archipelago and BeyondBy Nicole A. Raineault, Lindsay Gee, Renato Kane, Miles Saunders, Erin Heffron, and Steven Carey

US West Coast SeepsSeafloor mapping of the US west coast continental margin was a major focus of the first half of the 2017 Nautilus field sea-son. A significant portion was conducted in areas of potential methane seepage, and multibeam operations were optimized for bubble stream detection in the water column. The water column data were combined with the bathymetry and back-scatter data to provide an indication of the seabed substrate to support ongoing and future exploration of seep locations. Nautilus always maps the seafloor on transits between dif-ferent exploration locations and ports. Unfavorable weather restricted some seep mapping on the West Coast transits in 2017; however, nearly 100 seeps were still detected on transits mostly adjacent to the 500 m bathymetric contour (Figure 1).

The northern Nautilus cruises, NA080, NA082, and NA088, continued mapping on the US–Cascadia continental margin and covered areas from Cape Mendocino to Cape Flattery. Operations on cruise NA080 off southern Oregon extended the area mapped by Nautilus in 2016 northward, and cov-ered approximately 3,700 km2 of the seafloor in depths from 100m to 3,000 m. Over 150 bubble streams were detected in the water column on these cruises, ranging from individual anomalies to areas of multiple diffuse seeps. Further mapping on NA088 south of Astoria Canyon completed coverage of an area explored in 2016 and added over 50 seep detections.

Mapping in 2017 added over 300 methane seep locations to the number detected by Nautilus in the last three years, for a total of over 1,000 seep sites. The new data enhance the baseline information on the abundance and distribution of seeps on the US continental margin.

Figure 1. Multibeam echosounder (MBES) mapping to date by Nautilus along the western United States colored by year. The Cascadia margin and Southern California Borderland have been focus areas for mapping. Red dots indicate locations where seeps were detected by the multibeam sonar.

Cascadia Margin


Water Column PlumesNautilus MBES 2017Nautilus MBES 2016Nautilus MBES 2015· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (31)


that was abandoned about 3.5 million years ago (Mammerickx et al., 1988). It is likely that north-south structural fea-tures created in the oceanic crust during plate spreading at Mathematician Ridge still control the distribution of magma that is currently feeding volcanism on SanBenedicto.

Southern California Borderland MappingIn September 2017, as a continuation of our efforts to map the submerged shorelines of the Southern California Borderland region, Nautilus mapped several offshore banks. Nidever, Tanner, and Fortymile Banks were previously incompletely or poorly mapped or data were unavailable to the public. We mapped Nidever and Tanner Banks at three submerged shoreline depths between 100 m and 120 m where no caves were located this year. Nidever Bank has highly rugose features on an otherwise flat oval-shaped summit. Tanner Bank has long, sinuous, hard ridge features that stand above sediment rippled by waves and currents on its broad, more rectangular summit (Figure 3). The northwestern end of the summit has a series of concentric ridges that are about 5 m tall and 250–500 m apart. These new multibeam maps provide a rich data set for planning 2018 exploration with remotely operated vehicles aboard Nautilus.

Revillagigedo Archipelago New multibeam mapping around the islands of Socorro and San Benedicto in the Revillagigedo Archipelago provides important insights into the formation and structure of these volcanic islands. Located at the northern end of the abandoned Mathematician spreading center, ~800km from Mexico’s west coast, the islands remain volcanically active and host the only peralkaline magmas in the Pacific basin. Socorro is the larg-est of the two islands, with a peak (Mt. Evermann) that rises 1,050m above the seafloor; its last eruption was a submarine event in 1993 (Siebe et al., 1995). San Benedicto is slightly smaller and elongated, with a relatively new volcano, Barcena, that formed at the southern part of the island in 1952.

A distinctive feature of the submarine portions of Socorro and San Benedicto is the abundance of circular, flat-topped volcanic craters with very steep sides. At least 100 can be iden-tified around the two islands. In many areas, such as the east-ern side of San Benedicto, they are stacked like pancakes and appear to form the deep foundation of the islands (Figure 2). These craters likely represent monogenetic volcanic activity, and their unique flat-topped morphology has been linked to the existence of a ponded submarine lava lake during their construction (Clague et al., 2000).

Another interesting feature of San Benedicto is the exis-tence of two major submarine ridges that extend to the north and south of the island (Figure 2). These ridges trend parallel to north-south normal faults that appear in deep water to the east-northeast of the island. These faults appear to be remnant structures associated with the Mathematician spreading ridge

Figure 2. Multibeam bathymetry surrounding the islands of Socorro and San Benedicto in the Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico. The upper left inset shows a prom-inent south-southeasterly trending volcanic ridge that roughly parallels the structure of remnant faults from the nearby Mathematician spreading center. The lower right inset shows the flat-topped “pancake” volcanic centers that are common around both of the islands. (30m grid, 2x vertical exaggeration)

Figure 3. Tanner Bank bathymetry reveals areas of high relief and long, sinuous ridges that may host submerged caves (7m grid, 6x vertical exaggeration)






111°00'W111°10'W 110°50'W 110°40'W 110°30'W






m· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (32)


During Expedition 2017: Wiring the Abyss, Ocean Networks Canada (ONC) serviced, expanded, and upgraded its coastal and offshore cabled observing networks off the west coast of Canada (Figure 1). Major goals of the two-leg expedition (April 28–May 7 and June 6–26) included maintenance at observatory node sites, cycling autonomous moorings, cable repair using two ships, multibeam mapping, and biological and geological surveys and sampling. Telepresence technology connected scientists and the public around the world to live ROV dives and onboard science and engineering teams.

Leg 1, a joint expedition with Natural Resources Canada onboard Canadian Coast Guard Vessel John P. Tully, used ROV Odysseus to complete routine observatory maintenance at coastal and offshore sites. In addition, a new monitoring experiment that combines imaging sonar, video, and hydro-phones was deployed in the Strait of Georgia to record fish vocalizations and identify their sources. This study will sup-port future use of passive acoustic monitoring for studying fish abundance, diversity, and interactions. While working on the continental slope offshore Vancouver Island, Odysseus captured video imagery of a swarm of pyrosomes, small filter-feeding animals usually found in tropical waters. The video went viral, generating questions about warming of Northeast Pacific waters.

Expedition 2017: Wiring the Abyss in the Northeast PacificBy Adrian Round, Richard Dewey, Steve Mihály, Fabio De Leo, Martin Heeseman, Martin Scherwath, and Akash Sastri

During the first week of Leg 2, teams aboard E/VNautilus and the cable ship Cable Innovator, collaborated in a 3 km cable repair at Clayoquot Slope, connecting eight new instruments at this 1,200 m deep site in the Cascadia subduction zone. During this delicate, stern-to-stern, dual-ship installation, ROV Hercules monitored the descending cable assemblies (mud mats) to ensure accurate placement for connecting to the observatory node and instrument platforms. At the same time, a magnitude 4.8 earthquake occurred 350 km from the site and was recorded by the new sensors—highlighting the importance of Clayoquot Slope as a site for studying seismic-ity related to subduction processes.

A multibeam survey of nearby Clayoquot Canyon (Figure 2) conducted by the team on Nautilus provided the first high-resolution map of this unique geological feature. The map will be used to study slope stability and inform ocean glider routes for an ongoing study of connections between plankton productivity and gray whale migration.

During the second week of Leg 2, Nautilus went to the Endeavour hydrothermal vents on the Juan de Fuca Ridge to reposition and connect a broadband seismometer (installed in 2016 on the Pacific Plate; Figure 3). ROV Hercules also collected water and biological samples that are contributing to the long-term monitoring of the Endeavour vent fields, which are in Canada’s first marine protected area (MPA), established in 2003.

Figure 2. A multibeam survey of Clayoquot Canyon provided the first high-resolution map of this unique geological feature.



Figure 1. During Expedition 2017: Wiring the Abyss, ONC serviced, expanded, and upgraded its coastal and offshore cabled observing networks off the west coast of Canada.

m· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (33)


Nautilus also visited ONC’s Barkley Canyon site. There, eight science platforms are positioned from the continental shelf edge at 400 m depth, down into the depths of the canyon at 985 m, supporting studies of methane gas hydrates, sedi-ment dynamics, upwelling, plankton productivity, water col-umn physical processes, benthic biodiversity, and ecosystem dynamics. One of the dives in Barkley Canyon was dedicated to recovering Wally (Figure 4), an Internet-connected vehicle modeled after a space rover and designed to study extreme environments. This marked the culmination of a decade-long mission on the seafloor where Wally explored methane gas hydrate fields for a team of scientists in Bremen, Germany. Wally will be refurbished and redeployed in 2018 for a newly determined mission.

At ONC’s deepest site, the Cascadia Basin, located at 2,660 m depth on the abyssal plain, the team retrieved data from International Ocean Discovery Program CORK 1027, a sealed, instrumented borehole that allows researchers to monitor subsurface stresses and fluid movements to better understand ocean crustal hydrogeology.

Throughout the expedition, ONC celebrated Canada’s 150th birthday of confederation by placing the #Canada150 logo on many of the underwater instruments, including ROVHercules, a float in Wallyland, and a new dual hydro-phone array at Cascadia Basin.

On the penultimate day, the team aboard Nautilus spent a few hours exploring the spectacular ancient glass sponge reefs (Figure 5) off Galiano Island in the southern Gulf Islands between the city of Vancouver and Vancouver Island. Early in 2017, similar 9,000-year-old glass sponge reefs in Hecate

Strait and Queen Charlotte Sound, a few hundred kilometers to the north, were designated as an MPA by Canada’s Minister of Fisheries and Oceans.

With 95% of the planned maintenance work complete, marine biologist and postdoctoral fellow Jackson Chu came aboard Nautilus to complete his fourteenth seafloor video transect in Saanich Inlet, a natural low-oxygen habitat and one of the best-studied fjords in the world. Jackson maps spe-cies in relation to changing average oxygen levels in Saanich Inlet to better understand how growing oxygen stress in coastal waters will impact biodiversity and fisheries.

ONC’s Expedition 2017: Wiring the Abyss brought to- gether an international team of partners and collaborators—working on board and from shore—from Canada (Fisheries and Oceans Canada and Natural Resources Canada), the UK (Global Marine Systems), Germany (Bremen University), France (IFREMER), and the United States (Pelagic Research Services, Ocean Exploration Trust, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, University of Washington).

Ocean Networks Canada is proud to have collaborated so successfully on this year’s expedition in its efforts to monitor the west and east coasts of Canada and the Arctic. Thanks to Oceans 2.0, ONC continuously delivers data in real time for scientific research that helps communities, governments, and industry make informed decisions about our future. Using cabled observatories, remote control systems and interactive sensors, land-based oceanographic radar, and big data management, ONC continues to enable evidence-based decision-making on ocean management, disaster mitigation, and environmental protection.

Figure 4. After a decade-long mission on the meth-ane gas hydrate fields at Barkley Canyon, Wally was retrieved for refurbishment and redeployment in 2018.

Figure 3. Black smoker at Endeavour hydrothermal vent field.

Figure 5. Glass sponge reefs off Galiano Island in the southern Gulf Islands between Vancouver and Vancouver Island.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (34)


Santa Cruz Island

Santa Barbara Island

Osborn Bank

Catalina Island

In 2016, funding from NOAA OER supported systematic mapping of portions of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary (CINMS) by E/V Nautilus (Figure 1). One focus of that effort was to locate and explore submerged paleo- shorelines formed over the last 22,000 years when sea level

Submerged Sea Caves of Southern California’s Continental BorderlandBy Robert D. Ballard, Nicole A. Raineault, Jason Fahy, Larry Mayer, Erin Heffron, Kenneth Broad, Julie Bursek, Christopher Roman, and Kristopher Krasnosky

stopped rising for 2,000 to 3,000 years at a time (Figure 2). These lulls in sea level rise permitted pounding waves, typical of the high-energy coast of today’s Southern California shore-line, to excavate caves, as they continue to now.

The goal of our 2017 expedition in the Channel Islands area of the Southern California Continental Borderland was to search for submerged sea caves. Areas initially selected for investigation were the islands of Santa Cruz, Catalina, and Santa Barbara (Figure 1), where numerous sea caves are known to exist above present sea level (Bunnell, 1988, 1993), as well as where divers have already located them at the base of rock scarps resting at the 8m to 10 m and 33 m paleo-shorelines (Figure 2).

The first phase of this effort used a team of divers led by author Kenny Broad of the University of Miami to investigate caves known by the local diving community off Santa Cruz, Anacapa, and Santa Barbara Islands and to begin mapping and documenting their interiors (Figure 2).

Figure 1. Channel Islands areas chosen for investigation of paleo-shorelines in 2017 are highlighted. Basemap credit: D.L. Divins and D. Metzger, NGDC Coastal Relief Model, Download provided by the Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System

Western Paci�c Post-Glacial Sea-Level History















76 228 9 10 11 12 13 14Calendar Ka BP







ECS/YS-Terrestrial (Peat)ECS/YS (Inter-Subtidal)ECS/YS (Shallow Marine)Sunda (Mangrove)Sunda (Inter-Subtidal)Bonaparte (Inter-Subtidal)





l (m


15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Figure 2. The history of sea level rise from 6,000 to 22,000 years before present is shown as well as the depths of the caves explored by divers using M/V Conception and ROVs. Sea level curve from Liu et al. (2004)

Western Paci�c Post-Glacial Sea-Level History















76 228 9 10 11 12 13 14Calendar Ka BP







ECS/YS-Terrestrial (Peat)ECS/YS (Inter-Subtidal)ECS/YS (Shallow Marine)Sunda (Mangrove)Sunda (Inter-Subtidal)Bonaparte (Inter-Subtidal)





l (m


15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Osborn Bank #2103 mCollapsed

Osborn Bank66 m

Glenn’s Cave33 mSanta Barbara Island

Seal Cove Cave & LH48 mSanta Cruz Island· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (35)



While that effort was underway, a second team led by author Larry Mayer of the University of New Hampshire used an autonomous surface vehicle equipped with a 200 kHz EM 2040 Kongsberg multibeam echosounder (Figure 3) to drive along the paleo-shoreline depth contours, locating a series of sonar targets that the dive team then investigated. The dual ASV-scuba operations proved the ability of the mapping tech-nology to locate subsurface caves, which appear as dark spots in the sonar backscatter data (Figure 4).

A third team led by authors Robert Ballard and Nicole Raineault of the Ocean Exploration Trust and CDR Jason Fahy of the US Naval War College used the Kongsberg EM302 mounted on the hull of Nautilus to map deeper paleo-shore-lines located on Osborn Bank (Figures 1 and 2) at depths of 66 m and 103 m.

ROVs Hercules and Argus were then used to explore the more complex and rougher terrain of the western and east-ern segments of Osborn Bank. Five caves were located along the 66 m to 70 m paleo-shoreline, and one cave was located along the 103 m paleo-shoreline (Figure 2). Altogether, the unexpected discovery of caves at Osborn Bank led to a break-through in our understanding of where to find submerged caves in the region and the orientation of caves entrances.

This region of the California Continental Borderland con-tains numerous northwest to southeast trending faults that cut across the hard rock terrain (Astiz and Shearer, 2000). Our search for submerged sea caves was most successful not along the northeast or southwest facing fault scarps but along the ends of the fault blocks where wave action had attacked the brecciated ends of the faulted bedrock surfaces and “hollowed out” caves.

We were also more successful finding sea caves on sub-merged banks such as Osborn Bank as opposed to off the Channel Islands because those islands continue to erode,

with sediments pouring into the sea where paleo-shorelines are located. Once sea level rose above the top of Osborn Bank, for example, major erosion ended and subsequent burial of submerged features tapered off dramatically.

Authors Christopher Roman and Kristopher Krasnosky of the University of Rhode Island are conducting post-cruise analysis of their detailed mapping effort using various optical and acoustical imaging systems described in past issues of this Oceanography supplement (Roman et al., 2012, 2013). In this particular application, the sensor suite was mounted on the front of ROV Hercules, looking forward to enable mapping of vertical walls and cave entrances.

Our 2017 team will continue their efforts in 2018 and will focus on: (1) locating sea caves at the 103 m, 110 m, and 120 m paleo-shorelines on other submerged banks in the Borderland where Nautilus has subsequently collected bathymetric and backscatter maps since this cruise (see pages 26–27); (2)map-ping the interior of several of the caves using a diver guided three-dimensional imaging system; (3) using the ASV to locate possible cave entrances along deeper paleo-shorelines; (4) following that effort with a visual inspection of any new caves using the ROVs; and (5)collecting water and sediment samples within selected caves to better understand their res-ident fish populations through eDNA analysis. We may also deploy long-term environmental monitoring systems within selected caves to determine their seasonal variations.

Figure 3. An autonomous surface vehicle (ASV) mapped the shallow submerged shorelines adjacent to the islands.

Figure 4. (a) (top) Bathymetry (8–80 m depth, 25 cm grid, 1.5x vertical exaggeration) and (bottom) backscat-ter (50 cm grid, 1.5x vertical exaggeration) draped over bathymetry data from the ASV provided targets for divers to investigate. (b) The feature identified by the red flag is a cave (40 cm grid, 1x vertical exaggeration).

b· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (36)


The upper 1 km of ocean harbors the overwhelming majority of familiar sea creatures. Notably, sunlight is absent below a kilometer, and in this “twilight zone” there are myriad bizarre and other-worldly creatures. Even nearshore environs, such as the Southern California Borderland (Weaver, 1969), foster little-known organisms and habitats. For example, during E/V Nautilus cruise NA066 in 2015, the exploration team discovered a new hydrocarbon seep system off Point Dume, California, that appears to be a feeding ground for spotted sole and other commercial species (Levin et al., 2016).

Such missions of exploration often lead to the discovery of new sites, demonstrating that despite decades of effort, there is still much to be learned about the deep sea. Water is a formidable barrier to visible light and other electromagnetic energy, making it a challenge to study and map. Seawater’s other great strengths—corrosivity and heat capacity—make ocean chemical measurements a challenge.

For decades, ocean scientists and engineers have worked together to develop new sensor systems that help

illuminate—literally and metaphorically—the deep, dark sea. At the same time, space scientists and engineers have sought to see further into our solar system and beyond. In recent years, they’ve discovered that some of the moons of Jupiter and Saturn may be harboring enormous oceans, in some cases deeper than our own. These scientists, who have developed a variety of tools to study a planet’s surface from a satellite, lander, or rover, are in the dark about how to explore an ocean on another world.

With support from NASA, we are developing an autono-mous deep-sea system that combines the latest in sensor and communication technologies to advance our knowledge of the deep sea, and to provide the broader space science community an opportunity to participate in—and ultimately improve upon—these efforts for future missions to explore the ocean of other worlds. This system, called ABISS (Autonomous Biogeochemical Instrument for In Situ Studies), is a computer- controlled geochemical and microbiological laboratory built onto an autonomous vehicle lander (Figure 1). ABISS is designed to autonomously collect still-frame and video images of a sampling site, analyze geochemical composition, and then collect fluid and sediment samples for in situ experiments and laboratory analyses. The system consists of underwater mass spectrometers (ISMS; Wankel et al., 2011; Meier et al., 2016, 2017; Olins et al., 2017) and isotope analyzers (or laser spec-trometer; Wankel et al., 2013), along with an “optical modem” that allows scientists to communicate with deep-sea instru-ments at unprecedented speeds (Farr et al., 2005). Thus, scien-tists will be able to reprogram this remote laboratory by talking to the computer with a laser. They can also recover the data, including high-definition video, at broadband speeds. This is a tremendous advance over existing technologies, which limit scientists to acoustically transmitting data at speeds similar to dial-up modems. When complete, ABISS will be the most technologically advanced autonomous seafloor observatory to date. It will also be an “open design” platform that allows any and all scientists to access its designs, software, and hardware.

During our first Nautilus expedition (NA084) with ABISS, our primary goal was to test subcomponents of the geochem-ical analyzers onboard ROV Hercules, and to test the optical

Peering into the Abyss: Studying Our Own Ocean to Advance AstrobiologyBy Peter R. Girguis and Allison Fundis

Figure 1. The Autonomous Biogeochemical Instrument for In Situ Studies (ABISS) prototype shown here is equipped with a suite of cameras as well as an optical modem for transmitting HD video and still frames in real time to ROV Hercules.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (37)


modem and camera systems onboard the autonomous lander. On July 31, 2017, the prototype ABISS lander system was deployed in 723m of water at the Point Dume seep (Figure 2). One hour later, ROV Hercules—equipped with the ISMS, the laser spectrometer, a pH sensor, a temperature logger, and a prototype water sampling system—caught up to ABISS. The ABISS cameras and optical modem were tested by having the ABISS camera take a picture of Hercules (Figure 2) and send that image to Hercules via optical modem, and then those data were sent to the surface in real time, allowing the shipboard exploration team to watch themselves (i.e., Hercules) at work from the vantage of ABISS. These tests were a resounding suc-cess, as they showed that the optical modem can “wirelessly” communicate 40 m or more in the particle-rich deep water and in full sunlight.

For the next dive, we equipped Hercules with an array of sampling devices, and began a thorough assessment of the carbonate mounds (or “chimlets”) found along the seep (Figure 3). These chimlets largely result from extremely active microbial communities that harness energy via the conversion of methane to carbonate (Marlow et al., 2014). During this dive, we used the ISMS and the laser spectrome-ter to measure the composition and the isotope ratios of the methane-rich fluids, and collected carbonate and sediment samples for determining the rate of methane utilization. The data so far suggest that Point Dume seep methane oxidation rates are among the highest measured to date. Our current efforts are aimed at further lab-based sediment composition analyses and genomic/proteomic sequencing.

Equally important was the opportunity to engage with teachers, students, and others who were a part of the Nautilus Ambassador Program. While on board, the six Ambassadors took part in ROV dive operations, contributed to sample

processing in the ship’s wet lab, conducted ship-to-shore broadcasts with audiences in their hometowns and around the world, and collaborated on plans to bring the experience back to their students through lesson plans and outreach opportunities. Through their efforts, our science finds its way into classrooms and museums, and through their enthusiasm and intellect we inspire a new generation of scientists, engi-neers, navigators, pilots, ship’s crew, and more.

It should also be noted the data collected on NA084 will be used to further our capacity to search for and identify life on other worlds. To that end, we are aiming to develop an algo-rithm that will incorporate these data to make predictions about the presence and extent of biological methane cycling in the environment, without needing any sample recovery or in situ biological analyses. Ultimately, the ABISS system and the resulting data will serve as a model of how astrobiologists might explore the ocean worlds at the far reaches of our solar system. While payload limitations may restrict space scientists to far smaller observatories, the lessons learned from ABISS may help astrobiologists design the best tools to explore these outer ocean worlds. With a lot of hard work and a bit of luck, we might peer into abysses of outer ocean worlds and find that life thrives beyond our own.

Figure 2. A view of ROV Hercules taken from the ABISS lander, 723 m depth off Point Dume, southern California.

Figure 3. ROV Hercules positions itself to sample these unusual “chimlets”—mounds produced by microbes that eat the methane gas emitted from the seafloor.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (38)


Bodega Canyon

Box Canyon

Slide Scar

SW of

Cordell Bank

Esri, DeLorme, GEBCO,

NOAA NGDC,and other


Dive Targets

Dive Target Regions

Bathymetry (m)

Sanctuary Boundary

High: –102

Low: –3,540

Cordell Bank NationalMarine Sanctuary

Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary (CBNMS) is one of 13 national marine sanctuaries and two marine national monuments in the United States managed by NOAA. National marine sanctuaries are areas of national signifi-cance designated to provide conservation, management, and enhanced public awareness of the ocean. CBNMS encompasses 3,300km2 offshore of Point Reyes, north central California. The centerpiece of the sanctuary is Cordell Bank, a rocky feature that rises to within 35 m of the surface and is surrounded by continental shelf to the east and deep slope and canyon habitat to the west. In 2015, NOAA doubled the size of CBNMS to increase protection of this special place in the ocean. The expansion added seafloor habitat in Bodega Canyon and on the deep slope that had never been surveyed. Without an understanding of habitats and species in this area, our ability to effectively manage it is limited.

The primary objectives of cruise NA085 were to: (1) con-duct visual surveys of canyons and slope areas, focusing on hard substrates that might harbor deep-sea corals, sponges, and fish; (2) collect biological samples of deep-sea corals and sponges and associated species for identification, age, and growth rates, and water samples for eDNA analysis; and (3) collect environmental and physical data to enable evalua-tion of climate conditions and impacts.

Using maps created from data collected during cruise NA080 in May 2017, dive targets were identified in areas with hard substrate and high slope, which are indicators of poten-tially suitable substrate for corals and sponges (Figure 1). We selected sites across a north-south gradient in the sanctuary, as well as a depth gradient thought to be suitable for corals and sponges. All targets were in previously unexplored areas.

From August 6 to 12, 2017, we completed six ROV dives at depths ranging from 740 m to 2,700 m, and spent 76 hours collecting seafloor data.

Bodega CanyonOur first dives were in Bodega Canyon, a prominent feature in the sanctuary that extends from the continental shelf to over 3,000 m depth. We completed three dives here, surveying the deep canyon east to west from 2,200 m to 740 m depth. Hard substrate and vertical walls provided habitat for corals, including black and bamboo corals (Figure 2), which had never been recorded in CBNMS before, as well as primnoid (Callogorgia kinosh*tae) and bubblegum (Paragorgia sp.) corals. We collected live and dead bamboo coral specimens to determine their ages and to conduct chemical analysis of the skeletons to assess environmental conditions the corals experienced over time. Brittle stars, anemones, and California Tanner crabs were abundant at times. Other obser-vations included sponges, sea cucumbers, many octopuses (Graneledone pacifica; Figure 3), and grenadiers.

Box CanyonOur deepest dive, 2,700 m to 1,975 m, was on the deep slope to the south of Bodega Canyon nicknamed “Box Canyon.” We observed and collected several types of black corals, including Umbellapathes sp., Lillipathes sp., and Bathypathes sp.; a spiral sea whip coral (Radicipes sp.); and bamboo corals. Several hours into this dive, we came across a tall, overhanging cliff

Discovering the Undersea Beauty of Cordell Bank National Marine SanctuaryBy Danielle Lipski, Gary Williams, Dan Howard, Jennifer Stock, Jan Roletto, Guy Cochrane, Carina Fish, and Kaitlin Graiff

Figure 1. Overview of study area and dive targets.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (39)


face that was densely covered with many large sponges and some coral (Figure 4). We spent time sampling and compre-hensively documenting this feature.

Southwest of Cordell BankWe completed two dives on the slope to the southwest of Cordell Bank at depths from 1,125 m to 870 m. We observed thornyhead rockfish and a high abundance of sponges, including bright yellow Picasso sponges belonging to the genus Staurocalyptus, and we sampled several corals, includ-ing Paragorgia sp. and red sea fans (Swiftiasp.). Lost trawling gear was detected in this area, which is open to fishing, illus-trating one of the threats to deep-sea communities.

Observations, Collections, and AnalysisThroughout the surveys, marine snow was abundant and some coral specimens were quite large, over a meter tall and wide, indicating that food delivery is plentiful and the corals are long-lived. Overall, there was high diversity of corals and sponges, as well as other macroinvertebrates.

Although the last two days of diving were canceled because of deteriorating sea state, we were nevertheless able to survey most of our priority areas and to collect imagery and samples from the deep sea in CBNMS. Over 230 biological specimens, sediment, and water samples were collected. The California Academy of Science scientists and other collaborators will identify the biological specimens. Many specimens cannot be confidently identified until they are studied in the lab using a scanning electron microscope, so the identifications mentioned here are conditional until confirmed. At least 16 of the 21 coral specimens are likely new coral records for CBNMS. This cruise also provided new species observations for the sanctuary of sponges, sea cucumbers, anemones, and

fish, along with information about habitats and environmen-tal conditions. Species abundance and distribution will be quantified from visual imagery by CBNMS staff. University of California, Davis, scientists will analyze water samples for carbonate chemistry, sediment samples for benthic micro-organisms and geochemistry, and coral skeletons for age and chemical composition. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service scientists will analyze water samples for eDNA.

OutreachEducation and public engagement is a priority for both the Ocean Exploration Trust and CBNMS, and together through live streaming we reached at least 16,000 viewers from around the world. We also spoke with nearly 900 people during 30 live interactions, including 170 people on August 12 for “Get Into Your Sanctuary Day,” coordinated by the NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries to connect communities to their local sanctuary.

Conclusion Cruise NA085 significantly expanded the information about deep habitat in CBNMS, and opened up new topics for future research and outreach. However, we had only a glimpse of this vast habitat and hope to complete surveys in other areas and to revisit some sites for more comprehensive examination.

Figure 4. An overhanging cliff face was covered with sponges and corals.

Figure 2. Large bamboo corals grow horizontally from cliff walls into the water column.

Figure 3. Many octopuses were observed.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (40)


Returning to the Pacific Northwest, E/V Nautilus embarked on a 16-day expedition to the Olympic coast in August 2017 to explore and characterize shelf break and submarine canyon habitats and communities using an ROV and an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV; Figure 1). Many habitats in Juan de Fuca, Quinault, and Quileute Canyons had not been visited or explored with these technologies previously, despite being prominent features of Washington’s continental shelf.

The team completed 16 ROV dives, primarily to explore high-slope habitats likely to harbor long-lived species such as deep-sea corals and sponges (Figure 2), but also to visit known methane seep locations and explore the wreck of the WWII-era submarine USS Bugara. Twelve AUV dives com-plemented the ROV characterization work by focusing on lower slope areas around canyon rims. AUV surveys provide quantitative information on benthic biota (including fish, corals, and sponges) and their fine-scale spatial relationships. ROV and AUV dives revealed that much of the area surveyed was covered by sediment. However, some areas, especially

Quinault Canyon and Olympic Coast National Marine SanctuaryBy Jenny Waddell, M. Elizabeth Clarke, Ervin Schumacker, and Nathalie Valette-Silver

Figure 1. Scientists deploy plankton nets at the stern of E/V Nautilus near ROVs Argus and Hercules, while in the foreground scientists download data from the National Marine Fisheries Service AUV Popoki. Image credit: NOAA/OCNMS and Ocean Exploration Trust

36· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (41)


Figure 2. ROV Hercules completed 16 dives in Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary to explore and characterize high-relief areas—persistent habitats known to support long-lived species such as the deep-sea community pictured here in Juan de Fuca Canyon.

canyon walls, had high densities of corals and sponges, sev-eral of which were collected with the ROV (Figure 3). Initial review of collected samples indicates range extensions for some corals and sponges, and there is the possibility that several new species were collected.

In addition, samples were collected to contribute to the designation of the Olympic coast as a sentinel site for ocean acidification (OA). In fact, the expedition was scheduled for late summer specifically to coincide with seasonal processes related to OA in order to capture the period of maximum expression for the region. OA-related research activities included ROV collection of whole water samples for carbon chemistry, ROV and AUV water column measurements for oxygen concentrations, collection of push cores from the seafloor to establish a record of benthic organism exposure to OA over time, and plankton tows in the top 100 m of ocean waters to capture pteropods and other organisms that serve as indicators of OA exposure in the water column.

The ship’s multibeam sonar was used during the expe-dition to refine dive planning in a section of Juan de Fuca Canyon (24km2) as well as to map deeper areas of Juan de Fuca Canyon (485 km2) and Quileute and Quinault Canyons (788km2). Much of this work also contributes to fulfillment of offshore mapping priorities identified through a multi-agency spatial prioritization process conducted in May 2015 (Battista et al., 2017).

A unique aspect of the Olympic Coast expedition was incorporation of the perspectives of the four Coastal Treaty Tribes that co-manage marine resources in the region: the Makah, Hoh, and Quileute tribes and the Quinault Indian Nation (a collaborator on the original proposal). At the request of the tribes, two social scientists with experience working in tribal communities joined the expedition to share information about the tribes and underscore the importance of marine resources to tribal community well-being, primar-ily through the narration of ROV dives.

Figure 3. ROV Hercules collects a piece of sponge from a sediment-covered Quinault Canyon wall.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (42)










th (m



Possible Buried River Channel

How and when humans entered the New World remain open questions. Anthropologists hypothesize that humans migrated from northeastern Asia into North America some time during the last glacial period, skirting the edge of the Cordilleran ice sheet by using watercraft, by walking along unglaciated coastal refugia, or by a combination of both methods. From this perspective, evidence of the earliest human habitation in the New World should be found along the northeastern Pacific Ocean’s coastal margin, now buried in submerged terrestrial landforms that were once part of ancient coastal landscapes before sea level rose.

From September 5 to 10, 2017, author Davis led a scientific expedition aboard E/V Nautilus (Figure 1), collecting more than 1,500 km of new acoustic survey data in 120 m to 100 m water depth along central Oregon’s Pacific outer continental shelf. This region was predicted to be the location of coast-lines from about 21,000 to 15,000 years before present.

Preliminary examination of the acoustic data reveals bur-ied traces of what appear to be river channel features incised in an ancient exposed coastal plain (Figure 2). Because coastal rivers and estuaries provided abundant resources for ancient coastal peoples, it is anticipated that submerged archaeologi-cal sites may be found close by. Using the knowledge of where these key environments were located on the continental shelf, Davis’s team will choose targets to collect cores of stratified deposits of ancient landforms and any archaeological mate-rials they may hold. Subsequent physical, geochemical, and radiocarbon analysis of these sediment cores will provide key insights into Oregon’s past coastal environments and relative sea level history.

If these cores yield evidence of early coastal settlements on late Pleistocene-aged shorelines along Oregon’s coast, this work could enhance understanding of North America’s earli-est archaeological record.

Discovering Oregon’s Lost Coast: Finding and Studying Submerged Archaeological Sites and Landscapes on the Pacific Continental ShelfBy Loren Davis, Frank Cantelas, and Nathalie Valette-Silver

Figure 1. Members of the scientific party stand watch as E/V Nautilus collects multibeam and subbottom profiler data along the Oregon’s coast. Image credit: Loren Davis

Figure 2. Subbottom profiler data from a survey transect that crossed what appears to be a buried river channel. Image credit: Loren Davis/OET· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (43)


The Gulf of California, a marginal sea that lies between the Baja California peninsula and mainland Mexico, began form-ing ~14 million years ago as the North American continent tore apart. As rifting proceeded, small oceanic spreading cen-ters separated by long transform faults developed within the Gulf. Today, those spreading centers remain active and form the western boundary of the North American Plate between the East Pacific Rise to the south and the San Andreas fault to the north. In the central Gulf of California, some signs of seafloor spreading are evident, including a central rift valley that marks the axis of spreading. However, other typical signs of seafloor spreading, including lava flows on the seafloor, are masked by a 0.5–1.5 km thick sediment blanket that results from river delivery of large volumes of sediment to the Gulf as well as high biological productivity fed by upwelling of nutrient-rich bottom waters in the narrow sea.

The thick sediment blanket inhibits magma rising to the seafloor. Instead, the magma is injected into the sediment as sills. Such sills have been sampled by scientific ocean drilling in the well-studied southern Guaymas Basin and interpreted to have been injected at the spreading axis and then subsided as the plate rafted away (Einsele et al., 1980). In the northern Guaymas Basin, seismic studies suggest that sills are injected not only at the rift axis, but also on the rift flanks up to 40 km away (Lizarralde et al., 2011). The goal of this expedition was to visit a number of potential sill injection sites identified from seafloor mapping and determine the nature of local

fluid circulation. Little was known about the temperature, fluid composition, biological communities, and geology at most of these sites.

Over the course of seven days, we visited five sites and found a remarkable range of vent types, from black smokers to cold seeps (Figure 1). The diversity of venting styles within a fairly restricted area solidifies the northern Guaymas Basin as an amazing natural laboratory to study an array of seafloor and Earth system processes. With ROV Hercules we were able to characterize the sites and collect geological, biological, and fluid samples for analysis on board E/V Nautilus and ashore.

Just outside of the ~3 km wide and ~200 m deep axial graben, Hercules visited a ridge of high-temperature black smoker vents (H1650). These vents were discovered serendip-itously in 2015 by a German-led multichannel seismic cruise (Berndt et al., 2016), but had not been explored by ROV. The 400 m long ridge is made up of four mounds, each of which has a black smoker at its peak. The highly complex vent struc-tures rise 10 m to 30 m from the tops of the mounds and often widen at their tops, with flange structures forming where clogged vertical conduits shunt hydrothermal fluid out the sides of the structures (Figure 2a). Fluid temperatures at the sites reached 331°C as measured by isobaric gas-tight sam-plers. The vents and surrounding areas were heavily colonized by Riftia pachyptila tubeworms, associated scaleworms, squat lobsters, and white microbial mats. Nearby, extinct sulfide mounds displayed dense mats of blue folliculinid ciliates in

Exploration of the Northern Guaymas BasinBy S. Adam Soule, Jeff Seewald, Scott Wankel, Anna Michel, Roxanne Beinart,

Elva Escobar Briones, Esmerelda Morales Domínguez, Peter Girguis, Dwight Coleman, Nicole A. Raineault, Jamie Wagner, Aubrey Foulk, Anshika Bagla, and Jeffrey Karson

Figure 1. Multibeam bathym-etry collected by E/V Nautilus shows a portion of the north-ern Guaymas Basin, including the 3 km wide, 200 m deep northeast-southwest trending axial graben. Hercules dives 1650 to 1656 were conducted at a number of seafloor fluid flow sites that ranged in temperature from 322°C to ambient.

111°40'W 111°35'W 111°25'W111°30'W 111°20'W









PacificOcean· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (44)


Figure 2. Selected images from dives in the northern Guaymas Basin. (a) Flanges on a black smoker chimney. (b) Blue folliculinid ciliates in association with gastro-pods, scaleworms, some sessile polychaetes, deep-sea sponges, a few Escarpia tubeworms, and a third uniden-tified tubeworm species. (c) Meter-high mound covered by a thick bacterial mat. Images are from a GoPro Hero4 camera in a deepwater housing with water- corrected optics provided by the WHOI MISO facility. (d) A clump of Lamellibrachia and Escarpia tubeworms with associ-ated galatheid crabs and snails.





40· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (45)


Figure 3. Water column reflectivity recorded by E/V Nautilus’ hull-mounted EM 302 multibeam echosounder is shown at upper left. Bubbles traversing the arc of insonified water reflect the sonar pulse and reveal a vertical plume of methane gas bubbles. The bubble plumes rise up to 1,000 m above the seafloor, shown as black vertical lines on the multibeam map. Bubble plumes directly under the vessel are more clearly imaged, so it is not known how many more bubble plumes may be present than the 12 identified on this cruise.

association with gastropods, scaleworms, some sessile poly-chaetes, deep-sea sponges, a few Escarpia tubeworms, and a third unidentified tubeworm species (Figure 2b).

Over 30 km from the axial graben, on two million year old crust, we visited a site called Ringvent (H1651, H1654), which seismic data suggest is underlain by a shallow (young) sill that an Alvin submersible dive in 2015 showed to vent warm fluids (A. Teske, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, pers. comm., 2017). This site is defined by a circular ridge dot-ted with depressions. We found a small, meter-high mound emitting clear fluids at 70°C at a location identified during the 2015 Alvin dive. The mound appeared to be constructed of thin sheets of carbonate covered with thick bacterial mat (Figure 2c). Around the site, small chimlets and bacterial mats were common. The focused vents were not colonized beyond the microbial mat, but in areas of more diffuse flow, dense clumps of Lamellibrachia and Escarpia tubeworms were common as were sea stars, ophiuroids, vesicomyid clams, gas-tropods, squat lobsters, scaleworms, and anemones.

A similar vent system was found just outside the axial graben, only 1 km north of the black smoker site (H1656). This site also displayed focused venting at 70°C, with vent structures and animal communities (Figure 2d) comparable to those at the Ringvent site. In addition, this site hosted iso-lated R.pachyptila tubeworms that were common at the black smoker site.

We visited three sites where fluid flow was less vigorous and at temperatures near ambient bottom water. Two sites were located ~20 km northwest of the axial graben (H1652, H1653), and the third site was located ~8 km southeast of the axial graben (H1655). The northwestern sites were previously identified from seafloor mapping, but the southeastern site

was identified on this cruise from multibeam echosounder data that showed a plume of bubbles in the water column (Figure 3). Each of the cold sites was characterized by areas of thick microbial mats, clumps of Lamellibrachia and Escarpia tubeworms, ophiuroids, vesicomyid clams, solemyid bivalves (though we did not see any live individuals, only empty shells), crabs, squat lobsters, and anemones. At two of the sites, we located the source of bubble plumes and attempted to measure gases with the isobaric gas-tight samplers.

This expedition established the presence of a dramatic diversity of venting and seepage in previously unexplored areas, and characterized the geological and geochemical diversity of these sites. Moreover, the expedition documented the associated animal and microbial communities, and col-lected representative samples that were sent to repositories for access by the broader community. Exploration led to a number of compelling questions. Is off-axis warm venting driven by injection of magma up to 30 km from the ridge axis? By what mechanism do magmas reach this location and is it common to mid-ocean ridges or specific to sedimented ridges (e.g., Han et al., 2014)? To what degree are organic and inorganic carbon released from the sediments by magma injections and how much of that carbon reaches the water col-umn? This latter question is of particular importance, as sim-ilar mechanisms (magma-sediment interaction during large igneous events) are implicated in punctuated global-scale climate shifts, mass extinctions, and ocean anoxic events in Earth’s history (e.g., Svensen et al., 2007). The groundwork was laid here for future expeditions that could be tailored to address these questions, and many others that resulted from this mission of exploration.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (46)


OverviewIn 2015, the deepest high-temperature hydrothermal vents in the Pacific Ocean (3,700 m) were discovered in a sediment-covered pull-apart basin along the Pescadero Transform Fault in the Gulf of California. Biological commu-nities were observed thriving among the carbonate chimney structures (Figure 1; Goffredi et al., 2017). As a result of their striking contrast to other hydrothermal systems, the high- temperature, high-carbon Pescadero Basin vents pro-vided the opportunity to examine the influence of tectonic setting on the nature of seafloor vent sites, the fundamental geochemical controls on biological colonization in the deep ocean, and the role of fluid venting on global-scale ocean chemistry and climate. In November 2017, with support from the Dalio Ocean Initiative, a multidisciplinary science team led by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution scientists set out on E/V Nautilus to investigate this area of active venting.

Vent ExplorationWe explored the primary known Pescadero Basin venting sites, including Z vent, C Vent, P Vent, Diane’s Vent, and the Matterhorn. In addition to these prominent vertical mounds, numerous small areas of focused and diffuse venting were observed. Although located in close proximity (within

~500m) and sharing many characteristics (microbial mats, fauna, structure, fluid chemistry), distinct features of each type of venting provided context for comparison. Diane’s Vent is a short (~1 m high) carbonate chimney exhibiting exceptionally vigorous flow of hot fluids (~288°C) from an orifice ~30 cm across. The Matterhorn is a hydrothermal mound that rises ~12 m above the seafloor. Its central vent emits energy-rich fluids supporting dense Oasisia tubeworm colonies. Z vent is a large carbonate mound that rises ~20m above the seafloor and exhibits a more variable structure, with large flange features along the outside of the mound and small chimneys venting fluids as hot as 299°C (Figure 2).

Biological CommunitiesMegafaunal epibenthic communities appeared to be dis-tinctly zoned in relation to proximity of active fluid venting. On the outskirts of the larger carbonate mounds, more sparsely inhabited benthic communities included anemones, Munidopsis squat lobsters, and holothurians. Around the base of the mounds, clams and zoanthids were frequently quite dense on soft and hard substrata, respectively. Other types of fauna clustered more directly around venting fluid orifices in communities typically dominated by the tubeworm Oasisia (Figure 3), with occasional lone Riftia. Some areas near venting orifices exhibited a distinctly separate community structure, typified by microbial mats. An apparent zonation in microbial mat morphology and extent within these com-munities may indicate fluid venting governing both tempera-ture and delivery of energy-rich fluids. Sediment push cores

Biogeochemical Exploration of the Pescadero Basin VentsBy Anna Michel, Scott Wankel, Stace Beaulieu, S. Adam Soule, Lauren Mullineaux, Dwight Coleman, Elva Escobar Briones, Adriana Gaytán-Caballero, Jill McDermott, Susan Mills, Daan Speth, and Robert Zierenberg

Figure 2. The Z vent was characterized by tall carbonate spires. An in situ temperature probe (left part of image) was installed to capture temperature variability of the fluids emanating from the chimneys.

Figure 1. Location of Pescadero Basin (red star in inset) and vents (white star in bathymet-ric map) in the Gulf of California, which were discovered in 2015.















108°50'W 108°45'W



PacificOcean· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (47)


were collected to study infaunal and microbial community structures, pore water chemistry, and chemical and miner-alogical composition of sedimentary particles. Representative rock specimens were also collected for analysis of rock-hosted megafaunal and microbial communities.

To understand vent biological community compositional differences and zonation, we collected fauna from distinct positions within the communities and from the water column at seven locations. Water column samples will be examined to compare the taxonomic composition of larvae with that of the benthic communities. We collected megafauna and sediment push cores for the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. To complement the biological sampling, we made insitu chemical measurements at these same locations.

In Situ Chemical Analyses Using Advanced Technologies A range of novel deep-sea tools and advanced technologies were employed for chemical analyses. An in situ mass spec-trometer was used for real-time measurement of dissolved volatiles, including hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, and higher-order hydrocarbons. A deep-sea laser spectrometer facilitated in situ measurement of the stable carbon isotopic composition of methane. To enable chemical and temperature measurements of diffuse flows in and around tubeworm clusters, a flux integrator (Figure 4) was coupled to these instruments. The combined instrument deployment for chemical concentration and isotope measure-ments was a scientific first for deep-sea vent exploration, and will prove essential for quantifying the origins and fluxes of carbon and other chemical species from these types of hydro-thermal vent systems. Preliminary analyses indicated an abundance of hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, and higher- order hydrocarbons in the vent fluids, likely influenced by the organic-rich sediment overburden.

Isobaric gas-tight samplers were used to collect high- temperature fluid samples for determining their inorganic, organic, and volatile chemistry. In combination with in situ chemical data, these discrete measurements will constrain sources of dissolved carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, organic acids, lipids, and other organic species to the seafloor at the Pescadero Basin vent field. The nitrogen and sulfur systems and fluid metal contents will be examined to comprehensively describe the Pescadero Basin geochemical framework.

Geological StudiesGeological sampling and analyses focused on the mineralogi-cal and geochemical characterization of rock samples, particu-larly hydrothermal precipitates, to constrain past and ongoing hydrothermal conditions. Collection of representative rock samples, including carbonates, from the vents will permit detailed mineralogical studies. A few geologic samples con-tained obvious hydrothermal/petroleum-like hydrocarbon, which had not been observed previously at Pescadero Basin. Rock slabs and chimneys associated with lower temperature biological communities contained more abundant barite rel-ative to previously collected material. Further examination of these samples promises to shed light on the unique nature of this hydrothermal system. To measure vent fluid temperature changes, a temperature logger was deployed in the Z vent (Figure 2). Upon returning three days later, we discovered a new chimney had grown ~1 m high above the logger and samples were collected to examine this growth.

Funding was provided by the Dalio Ocean Initiative and ICML UNAM. Images courtesy of Ocean Exploration Trust, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Dalio Foundation, Alucia Productions, Adam Soule, and the MISO Facility. We thank our MBARI colleagues for providing vent field maps and for multibeam data processing, and our shore based team, especially P. Girguis and D. ho*r.

Figure 4. A flux integrator coupled to both an in situ laser spectrometer and a mass spectrometer allowed chemical fluxes and tempera-ture fluxes to be measured.

Figure 3. Oasisia tubeworms were a prominent species observed near sites of active fluid venting. Some of these areas also contained microbial mats enshrouding tubeworms as shown above.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (48)


The Revillagigedo Archipelago consists of four volcanic islands located 450 km south of Baja California (Figure 1). The islands are situated at a major convergence of two marine biogeographical regions, the Northeastern and the Eastern Pacific. In particular, this area is where the California and Equatorial Currents mix, creating a complex and highly pro-ductive marine environment. Often referred to as “Mexico’s Galápagos,” the islands are isolated from the mainland and are home to a significant number of endemic species both on land and in the marine environment. The shallow waters around the islands are remarkable for the abundance of large marine predators and pelagic species. Large populations of sharks (hammerhead, silky, and whale), rays, tunas, and tur-tles attract recreational scuba divers from around the world. In particular, the archipelago hosts the largest aggregations of giant manta rays (Manta birostris).

The unique biological, geological, and oceanographic fea-tures of the Revillagigedo Islands has led to their designation as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2016. E/V Nautilus cruise NA092 was the first to deploy an ROV to explore the deep marine environment surrounding two major islands of the archipelago, Socorro and San Benedicto. Primary focus themes of the cruise included processes of submarine vol-canism, characterization of benthic and pelagic fauna, and impacts of the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) on marine ecosystems occupying the island flanks.

Submarine VolcanismThe most recent submarine volcanic eruption in the archi-pelago was in 1993 about 4 km off the west shore of Socorro (Siebe et al., 1995). It is one of only five known submarine eruptions that have produced large floating lava blocks, known as scoria. The scoria eventually broke into pieces, and often were propelled laterally by vigorous steam jets. Despite its surface manifestations, the location of the underwater vent was unknown. With the aid of new multibeam maps of the area, ROV dives explored nine potential target sites. The vent site was located at 275 m water depth on the summit of a small volcanic cone that exhibited an extensive field of white, filamentous bacteria surrounding meter-size scoria blocks (Figure 2). The dives revealed that the amount of large scoria was likely relatively minor and that most eruptive products consisted of glassy volcanic sand. Construction of submarine cones from such material produces structures that are poten-tially unstable and susceptible to mass wasting, as shown by the presence of collapse scars on many of the slopes.

In deeper water (>1,000 m), the sides of both Socorro and San Benedicto Islands consist of overlapping, flat-topped satellite vents, often with a central depression likely mono-genetic in origin. The sides of these structures are quite steep

Exploring and Mapping the Revillagigedo Archipelago World Heritage Site in MexicoBy Steven Carey, Karen Wishner, Claus Siebe, Katherine Kelley, Brennan Phillips, Christopher Roman, Megan Lubetkin, and Esmerelda Morales Domínguez

Figure 1. Location of the Revillagigedo Islands (Socorro, Clarion, San Benedicto, and Roca Partida) in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Basemap from Google Earth, GEBCO


Gulf of California










Figure 2. (a) Photo of a scoria block surrounded by white bacte-rial mats at the summit of the 1993 submarine vent site west of Socorro Island. (b) Map showing the seafloor morphology in the vicinity of the 1993 vent site and the abundance of other circular vents and cones. Multibeam bathymetry from cruise NA089.


111°10’W 111°06’W 111°02’W









20 cm· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (49)


and consist dominantly of pillow lavas and elongated pillow tubes (Figure 3). Fresh basaltic glass was recovered from some of these vents, suggesting that the frequency of submarine eruptions may be underestimated in the region. Geochemical analyses of the samples will be used to evaluate the origin of the magmas and investigate how volcanism has sustained these active oceanic islands on the Mathematician spreading ridge after abandonment approximately 3.5 million years ago.

Marine Ecosystems and the OMZThis oceanographic region of the world is characterized by extremely low oxygen at mid-water depths from about 200m to 800 m. Previous work in 1988 at a nearby seamount (Volcano 7) that penetrated into the OMZ showed benthic faunal zonation along the seamount slope into the low- oxygen water, with the summit devoid of large animals (Wishner et al., 1990, 1995). Our Nautilus dives confirmed this basic pattern and provided detailed high-resolution photographic imaging, comprehensive associated physical data, broader depth coverage, and sample collection of key benthic taxa.

ROV transects revealed strong zonation of benthic fauna associated with depth, geological features, and oxygen con-centration. On the flanks of Socorro Island, deep regions were characterized by high abundances of colorful corals, crinoids, and big sponges. A spectacular “sponge garden” was observed in a narrow depth zone, where diverse sponges and corals occupied almost every bit of open space (Figure 4b). There were virtually no macrofauna higher up the slope in

low-oxygen water, except for occasional sightings of squat lobsters, brittle stars, and fish. At the lowest oxygen level, a fuzzy mat completely covered all surfaces of the substrate (Figure 4a). The extensive white bacterial mat at the 1993 vent site was in this lowest oxygen environment. This may account for the lack of any larger typical vent and seep fauna, such as tubeworms or clams. Even though nutrition for these com-munities is derived from chemoautotrophic endosymbionts, the larger animals require oxygen to support their metabo-lism. Vertical zonation on San Benedicto Island was not as dramatic, possibly a reflection of the shorter time for settle-ment and growth since the creation of this peak in the 1952 eruption of Barcena Volcano. This effect may be compounded by the lack of hard substrate available, as widespread layers of ash were observed on these slopes.

A special low-light camera, designed to image biolumines-cence in color and to allow stealthy, less intrusive observation of animals, obtained some dramatic footage. Bioluminescent responses of several planktonic animals were imaged, but none of the deep-sea corals in this region appeared to be bioluminescent. Dimmable lights were used to approach a vampire squid, which appeared initially relaxed with closed arms and then transitioned to a predator-avoidance posture with its arms and glossy webbing expanded (Figure 5).

The results of cruise NA092 have dramatically increased the characterization of the geology and the ecosystems of the deep-sea environment within this newly created World Heritage Site.

Figure 3. Near-vertical pil-low lava tubes on the side of a flat-topped volcanic center to the southeast of San Benedicto Island.

Figure 5. Using a low-light camera equipped with extremely dim lights, a vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis inferna-lis) was observed up close at 1,225 m depth in an apparent relaxed state.

Figure 4. Biological zonation through the oxygen minimum zone. (a) Rocks at 345 m depth in low-oxygen water are covered with a fuzzy biological mat but no larger animals. (b) Abundant diverse sponges and other large epifauna in the Sponge Garden at 851 m depth where oxygen levels are higher.


b· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (50)


ROVs Deep Discoverer and Seirios on the deck of NOAA Ship

Okeanos Explorer at sunset.

46· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (51)


PART 2NOAA’s Office of Ocean

Exploration and Research


Note: All images in the Okeanos Explorer section of this publica-tion are credited to NOAA OER unless otherwise indicated.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (52)


ROV Deep Discoverer observes a cliff that marks the edge of a coral plat-form in American Sāmoa. Fine sedi-ments derived from the coral platform above accent the grooved channels down the steep slope face.

NOAA’s Campaign to Address Pacific monument Science, Technology, and Ocean NEeds

By Alan Leonardi, John Armor, Pat Montanio, and Cisco Werner

Completed in 2017, CAPSTONE was a multiyear foun-dational science initiative to collect deepwater baseline information to support science and management decisions in and around US marine protected areas in the central and western Pacific. During the campaign, scientists identified and mapped marine habitats, investigated the geological history of and biological communities on Pacific seamounts, and discovered and characterized significant archaeological and cultural heritage resources. Extensive cross-NOAA and interagency support and collaboration, as well as interna-tional and academic partnerships, were crucial to setting priorities and conducting exploration activities.

10 Cruises

8 Vessel CTD Casts

167 Submersible CTD Casts

453 XBT Casts

85 ROV Dives

52,026 Kilometers Distance Mapped

250,000+ Square Kilometers Area Mapped

Over 3.7 M Views of Live Video Feeds

Okeanos Explorer 2017 Expeditions


48· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (53)


CAPSTONE’s success depended on all parts of NOAA, including the National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service; National Marine Fisheries Service; National Ocean Service; Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research; and Office of Marine and Aviation Operations. External key partners included the Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration, the US Geological Survey, US Fish and Wildlife Service, University of Hawai‘i, Hawai‘i state govern-ment agencies, insular government agencies in Guam, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme provided coordination with Pacific Island nations and con-tinues to be a regional steward of CAPSTONE data and infor-mation products. Other organizations, such as the Schmidt Ocean Institute, are continuing to contribute critical baseline information about the deep ocean in CAPSTONE priority areas. CAPSTONE operations and activities summarized below are also covered in depth later in this publication.

CAPSTONE SummaryNOAA and its partners initiated CAPSTONE using NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer in July 2015, and NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (OER) coordinated cam-paign activities on behalf of NOAA. During this multiyear project, nearly 270 scientists, student researchers, and man-agers participated in CAPSTONE expeditions, most through the use of telepresence technology. Expeditions ran 24-hour operations that included ROV dives, mapping, and limited

biological and geological sample collection. Operations in US waters were conducted in the deepwater areas of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, Marianas Trench Marine National Monument, Rose Atoll Marine National Monument, and National Marine Sanctuary of American Sāmoa. Additionally, deepwater operations were conducted on the high seas.

In 2017, NOAA partnered with five Pacific Island jurisdic-tions in support of the Pacific Oceanscape Framework and Big Ocean, a network of the world’s large-scale marine managed areas. Partners included American Sāmoa, the Republic of Kiribati’s Phoenix Islands Protected Area, the Independent State of Sāmoa, New Zealand’s Territory of Tokelau, and the Cook Islands. The data NOAA collected and provided to partners will help Pacific Island officials and managers govern their ocean resources wisely. New educational materials and special training programs for educators created in partnership with Pacific Island collaborators helped bolster local STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) pro-grams and connect traditional cultures to their ocean heritage.

In addition to providing valuable information on the habitats and species in and around marine protected areas in the Pacific, CAPSTONE also contributed publicly accessible data and information that are needed to respond to emerging regional issues such as deep-sea mineral locations, sustainable deep-sea fisheries, and potential US Extended Continental Shelf designations.

This shrimp in the family Aristeidae, possibly in the genus Cerataspis, was imaged on a potentially new species of yellow bamboo coral at approximately 1,700m depth on the seamount informally named Kahalewai during the Mountains in the Deep: Exploring the Central Pacific Basin expedition, one of the five ROV expeditions completed in 2017 as part of CAPSTONE.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (54)


Biology In 2017, nearly every ROV dive yielded a new discovery. During the Discovering the Deep expedition on a dive within the Tokelau Seamount Chain, scientists were surprised to witness a caridean shrimp capture and consume a midwater dragonfish, as deep-sea shrimp have typically been observed as scavengers, not hunters. In 2017, the Okeanos Explorer team conducted midwater transects and dedicated midwater dives to increase our knowledge about the water column—the larg-est, yet one of the least understood, biomes on Earth.

Since CAPSTONE’s inception, hundreds of different types of animals have been identified and multiple high-density coral and sponge communities surveyed. Overall, 767 biolog-ical samples (including associates) were collected, and many could be undescribed species. Samples will undergo further analysis to increase understanding of biogeographic patterns across the central and western Pacific.

Geology In 2017, scientists examined seamounts, volcanoes, manganese- encrusted seafloor, an active hydrothermal vent, atolls, a deep trough, ridges, plateaus, and other seafloor features of the Pacific. While exploring Vailulu‘u Seamount within the National Marine Sanctuary of American Sāmoa, an active volcano lying in the eastern region of the Samoan hotspot, the team discovered that the volcanic cone in the crater—called Nafanua—had grown extensively since 2012. Mapping data also revealed that many seamounts differ greatly in height from what satellite altimetry data suggests. Since CAPSTONE began in 2015, expedition teams have collected rock samples for use in geochemical composi-tion analysis and age dating to increase understanding of how underwater geological features are formed. In total, 278 geological samples were collected during this campaign and sent to the Marine Geology Repository at Oregon State University for archiving.

CAPSTONE Science Themes

• Acquire data to support priority monument and sanctuary science and management needs

• Identify and map vulnerable marine habitats—particularly high- density, deep-sea coral and sponge communities

• Characterize seamounts in and around the Prime Crust Zone—the area of the Pacific with the highest concen-tration of commercially valuable deep-sea minerals

• Investigate the geologic history of Pacific seamounts, including potential relevance to plate tectonics and subduction zone biology and geology

• Increase understanding of deep-sea biogeographic patterns across the central and western Pacific

CAPSTONE’s deep ocean exploration of the US Pacific islands is unprecedented in

its geographic scope and level of engagement among the scientific community,

stakeholders, and the public. Through NOAA’s telepresence technology, thousands of

viewers experienced the wonder and beauty of previously unknown deep-sea coral

and sponge communities. The new discoveries are already being used to inform

our understanding and management of these unique ecosystems. NOAA’s National

Marine Fisheries Service and the Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program

are proud to have been founding partners in this campaign.

– Pat Montanio, Director, NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Conservation

50· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (55)


Engagement: Social Media, Education, and Outreach Engaging and communicating with the public was an import-ant objective of the campaign. Online coverage of CAPSTONE expeditions allowed members of the public to join ROV dives and explore the ocean virtually, along with the scientists par-ticipating in expeditions. Throughout CAPSTONE, live video from the expeditions received approximately 8.4 million views through OER’s YouTube channel and over eight million additional views through sharing via other channels such as Facebook Live. Expedition content posted on the NOAA Ocean Explorer website received over 2.1 million views. Expedition information and observations reached millions via social media. To date, CAPSTONE has provided opportu-nities for 25 mapping students through NOAA’s Explorer-in-Training program, which helps to provide real-world expe-dition experience for the next generation of ocean explorers.

Maritime and Cultural HeritageIn 2017, archaeologists searched the waters near O‘ahu for a Japanese submarine, I-23, and examined USS Baltimore, a late nineteenth century warship, discovered in 2016. After the Baltimore served with distinction in the Spanish American War followed by a long naval career, parts of the old warship were salvaged and the hull scuttled during World War II. This final dive of CAPSTONE ended a comprehensive look at a range of World War II-era sites across the Pacific that mark major events in US history.

Mission Control aboard NOAA Ship

Okeanos Explorer.




Mapping marine habitats was a CAPSTONE priority. Multibeam bathymetry of Pao Pao Seamount (right) and an unnamed guyot (left) shows one example of neighboring seamounts with very different geomor-phology. Pao Pao Seamount comes to a very sharp peak at around 300 m depth and has steep flanks, while the unnamed feature has a distinct flat top. Biological com-munities found on these features may differ greatly at similar depth intervals, despite being only 25 km apart.

m· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (56)


On Sunday, October 1, 2017, NOAA, the Schmidt Ocean Institute, and the University of Hawai'i (UH) cohosted the Ocean Exploration Celebration at the UH Marine Center – Pier 35, in Honolulu, Hawai'i. The daylong celebration consisted of a media event, VIP and public ship tours of both NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and R/V Falkor, and a dockside education pavilion.

The event began with opening remarks from Wendy Schmidt, Founder of Schmidt Ocean Institute; Craig McLean, Assistant Administrator for NOAA Research and Acting Chief Scientist; and Brian Taylor, Dean of the UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology. A media crew from KITV Island News was on site for the remarks and to con-duct dockside interviews with representatives from each host organization.

More than 600 people attended the event and toured the ships, including Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) as well as his deputy chief of staff and congressional staffers for Senator Mazie Hirono and Representative Colleen Hanabusa. Members of the public disembarked from the ships with smiles and thank yous for sharing the ocean exploration activities and discoveries.

The dockside education pavilion included exhibits from NOAA, the Polynesian Voyaging Society, the Waikīkī Aquarium, the Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology, and the University of Hawai'i. The public enjoyed the exhibits and had excellent questions about the various displays.

Ocean Exploration Celebration By Katie Wagner

exploration successes. NOAA helped fund the science party aboard R/V Falkor on its return to the Phoenix Islands Protected Area, where the ship added to recently collected data from Okeanos Explorer operations. Soon, OET will begin to explore in this region, contributing to the collective knowl-edge of the deep waters of the Pacific. This work will continue to supplement the information needed for science-based management decisions. NOAA is proud to be part of a net-work of explorers and scientists unlocking the secrets of the deep ocean for the benefit of all.


What’s Next?It will be some time before we understand the full impact of what CAPSTONE has achieved. In many ways, the campaign has only just begun. The University of Hawai‘i and NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program, a part-ner in CAPSTONE, will be analyzing data on the deep-sea coral communities to inform future resource management. Both the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s R/V Falkor and the Ocean Exploration Trust’s E/V Nautilus will continue to explore the Pacific region, adding to this foundation of knowledge. OER, OET, and SOI share data for efficiency and to leverage· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (57)


CAPSTONE Operations 2015–2017

MNM: Marine National MonumentNMS: National Marine SanctuaryPRIMNM: Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument


US Exclusive Economic Zone




Nautical Miles


Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands

American Sāmoa

Independent State of Sāmoa

Tokelau (New Zealand)

Republic of the Marshall Islands

Marae Moana, the Cook Islands Marine Park

SPREP - Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

Phoenix Islands Protected Area

US Marine Protected Areas

NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Tracklines














Republic of theMarshall Islands

Republicof Kiribati


PAPAHĀNAUMOKUĀKEA MNM· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (58)

54Figure 3. The knife-edge bow stem of USS Baltimore was covered in brisingids and other deepwater fauna.

Exploring Pacific Maritime HeritageBy Hans Van Tilburg, Frank Cantelas, James P. Delgado, and Amy Bowman

In 2017, NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research conducted several cultural heritage dives with NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer to help fill in gaps in our knowledge and understanding of human history. Sometimes the target is known. Other times, there are surprises.

In 2016, NOAA explored the wrecks of two Japanese mini submarines that were involved in the December 7, 1941, attack on Hawai‘i. USS Ward sank one of them prior to the aerial attack at Pearl Harbor, and it was last explored in 2014. The science team documented the condition of the wreck sites, recorded imagery, and live streamed video of the exploration. This first-time live viewing of these submarines received over 1.5 million views in just a few hours. Examination of the pre-viously visited sub revealed deterioration of hull plating and propeller blades, separation of the forward section from the midsection, exposure of the interior of the submarine’s bow, and significant biological growth on the submarine’s surface (Figure 1). The dive provided additional information about the importance of structures and deep ocean reefs to biodiversity.

Figure 1. The Japanese mini submarine sank when USS Ward fired a four-inch shell that smashed through the conning tower (hole at base), sinking the mini submarine and two-person crew before its deadly mission could be carried out.

Figure 2. At 785 m depth, ROV Deep Discoverer encoun-tered a World War II-period “rhino barge,” a floating pontoon section that allowed easy access to beaches for offloading of vehicles and supplies following initial amphibious assault landings in the Pacific.

On September 28, 2017, ROV Deep Discoverer investigated a previously located sonar anomaly. The objective for this dive was to completely characterize the anomaly and—if it was a cultural heritage target—confirm its identity, record its condition, and document damage from its disposal or sink-ing. Five targets selected from multibeam sonar images were examined and determined to be rock formations. However, an unexpected target was identified: the remains of a World War II-period floating causeway, known as a “rhino barge” (Figure 2). These barges were part of the loading and transfer of supplies for many amphibious operations in the Pacific.

The following day, the ROV dove on USS Baltimore, a late nineteenth century cruiser that served both in the Spanish-American War of 1898 and in World War I, when its crew was responsible for laying mines in European waters to block German U-boats. Later decommissioned at Pearl Harbor, the ship was eventually scuttled at sea in 1944. The dive con-ducted a noninvasive video survey of Baltimore’s remains, collected imagery to be compiled for a three-dimensional model, assessed scuttling damage and the general state of preservation, and inventoried the organisms residing on the shipwreck (Figure 3).

Data collected from these dives will provide insights into the maritime heritage sites, contribute to a better understand-ing of American history, and supply information about the habitat that shipwrecks provide for marine animals.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (59)


NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer is the only US federal vessel dedicated to exploring our largely unknown ocean for the purpose of discovery and the advancement of knowledge. Exploration supports NOAA mission priorities and national objectives by providing high-quality scientific information about the deep ocean to anyone who needs it.

In close collaboration with government agencies, academic institutions, and other partners, NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research is responsible for coordinating the nation’s federal ocean exploration program, working with the ocean exploration community to address national prior-ities. OER conducts deep ocean expeditions from Okeanos Explorer using advanced technologies. From mapping and characterizing previously unseen seafloor to collecting and disseminating information about ocean habitats and organisms, the data collected by Okeanos Explorer provide baseline information about the ocean and fill in data gaps. Federal open access standards apply to these data, which are made publicly available within 60 to 90 days after the end of a mission. This ensures the delivery of reliable scientific data needed to identify, understand, and manage key elements of the ocean environment.

Okeanos Explorer is equipped with four types of mapping sonars, a dual-bodied ROV that can dive to 6,000 m, and a rosette equipped with a conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) sensor. The ship helped pioneer telepresence tech-nology, which uses satellite communications to connect the ship to shore in real time. This technology permits the ship to operate with the majority of its participating scientists on shore, expanding the breadth of available expertise and increasing the pace and efficiency of exploration. It is also used to live-stream video from ROVs Deep Discover and Seirios over the Internet to millions of people around the world, allowing viewers to share in the excitement of observ-ing unusual animals and rock formations in the ocean depths.

Under advisem*nt from the Ocean Exploration Advisory Board, OER is advancing the multiyear, multiplatform cam-paign model for ocean exploration. Okeanos Explorer has just completed the successful three-year CAPSTONE (pages 48–53). The new Atlantic Seafloor Partnership for Integrated Research and Exploration (ASPIRE) has recently begun. Its purpose is to align existing deepwater efforts supporting the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation to capi-talize on near-term opportunities across the North Atlantic, while building interest in and momentum toward funding and organizing a major international field campaign targeting the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in 2019 and 2020 (pages 100–101).

NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer:Exploring America’s Deep Ocean By Craig Russell

NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer at port in Pago Pago, American Sāmoa.

NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer

LENGTH | 68 meters (224 feet)

BEAM | 13 meters (43 feet)

DRAFT | 5.1 meters (16 feet, 10 inches)

DISPLACEMENT | 2,312 long tons

MAIN PROPULSION | Diesel electric with twin inboard turning screws (1,600 Shaft HP)

SPEED | 10 knots

ENDURANCE | 40 days at sea

RANGE | 17,780 kilometers (9,600 nautical miles)

DYNAMIC POSITIONING (DP-1) | 550 HP retractable azimuth bow thruster and two 250 HP stern thrusters

BUILT | 1987, Halter Marine in Pascagoula, MS, USA

BERTHING | 49 persons (26 crew, 23 mission/science)

FLAG | United States of America

HOME PORT | North Kingstown, RI, USA· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (60)


2017 NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Mapping HighlightsBy Elizabeth Lobecker, Derek Sowers, Michael White, and Mashkoor Malik

NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research and NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer collected mapping data almost daily during all 2017 expeditions. Highlights of this work are discussed in several articles in this supplement to Oceanography. In total, over 250,000 km2 of seafloor were mapped using the ship’s multibeam sonar, and more than 46,000 linear kilometers of EK60 water column sonar and subbottom profiler 3.5 kHz chirp sonar data were collected. Acoustic Doppler current profiler (for estimating currents at various depths) and EK60 data were gathered during nearly all ROV dives, including those under the new operational mode that is entirely devoted to water column exploration (pages 61–63). Half of the eight 2017 expeditions were 24-hour per day mapping cruises.

All images were created using QPS Fledermaus, with vertical exaggeration set to 3. Depth scale bar units are meters.

Major Seabed FeaturesFor the third consecutive year, Okeanos Explorer focused on exploring US marine national monuments and other marine protected areas established around remote small island chains, atolls, and reefs in the Pacific Ocean as part of CAPSTONE. Mapping operations supported CAPSTONE goals of identifying possible deep-sea coral and sponge community habitats in these areas. Therefore, much of our 2017 effort was spent on mapping seamounts. In all, over 220 seamounts and ridges were totally or partially mapped. Due to their remote nature and distance from well-traveled great circle routes, there was little to no modern sonar data for the majority of these features, many of which are not yet named in the IHO-IOC GEBCO Gazetteer of Undersea Feature Names ( Steep slopes along these seamounts were frequently identified by scientific mis-sion personnel as high-probability sites for coral and sponge habitat, and were consequently the focus of the majority of ROV dives. Ship-mounted multibeam images revealed many of the seamounts to be guyots (flat-topped seamounts; Figure 1)—a morphology that typically cannot be identified with the resolution currently available from satellite-derived bathymetry maps. The global distribution of flat-topped versus cone-shaped seamounts (Figure 2) is not yet well doc-umented because most seamounts have not been mapped in detail, nor yet discovered in the cases of smaller seamounts. Based on satellite altimetry, it is estimated that there are over 100,000 seamounts greater than 1,000 m in height in the global ocean (Wessel et al., 2010).

Figure 1. At Debussy Seamount, a difference of 300 m minimum depth means the difference between a conical peak (left) and a flat guyot top (right). Inset: Satellite-derived bathymetry.

Figure 2. Multibeam sonar mapping reveals what appeared in satellite-derived bathymetry to be a single 1,000 m high unnamed seamount in American Sāmoa to actually be two distinct seamounts over 3,000 m high. The inset image shows satellite bathymetry, while the larger image is multibeam sonar with satellite bathyme-try underlain as wireframe.






m· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (61)


in detail, revealing new information about this poorly under-stood seafloor feature. A discussion of the initial results of this survey appears on page 60.

Using smart transit lines, over 10,000 km2 of Horizon Tablemount were surveyed during a total of four separate expeditions in the years 2009, 2015, 2016, and 2017 (Figure 4).

Telepresence MappingTelepresence technology uses modern computer networks and a high-bandwidth satellite connection to enable remote users to participate virtually in ocean research and explo-ration cruises. Through telepresence, remote users have provided support for operations planning and execution, troubleshooting for both hardware and software, and data interpretation during exploratory ocean mapping and ROV missions led by OER. Two of eight total cruises in 2017 were conducted as telepresence mapping expeditions, with the mapping team split between Okeanos Explorer and the Exploration Command Center (ECC) at the University of New Hampshire’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center (UNH CCOM/JHC). The onboard team executed complex seamount survey plans designed in advance by OER mapping leads and had the power to deter-mine in the field how best to obtain full bottom coverage based on actual sonar performance.

The application of telepresence technology to mapping expeditions to date has enabled (1) expanded shore-based data processing of multiple sonar data streams leading to enhanced, rapid, initial site characterization; (2) remote access control of shipboard sonar data acquisition, processing computers, and data storage; and (3) enhanced training opportunities.

Figure 3. A steeply sloped ridge along the Nova-Canton Trough.

Figure 4. A 245 km long section of Horizon Tablemount mapped during strategic transits of four cruises.



Smart Transit—Always Exploring As the ship steams between ROV and mapping operational areas, Okeanos Explorer’s mapping department chooses pre-cise transit lines that will add valuable data to unique features in rarely visited, remote areas, where even a single swath of data can result in new geological insights. During the 2017 expeditions, while transiting between the Line Islands and the Phoenix Islands Protected Area, a single swath of data was col-lected along a 1,300 km section of the Nova-Canton Trough and ridge (Figure 3), the western extension of the Clipperton Fracture Zone. Later, a single swath was collected in transit over 3,700 km of the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone (CCFZ), including a continuous 740 km long section paralleling the Clarion Fracture Zone. The CCFZ is under the jurisdiction of the International Seabed Authority, which oversees permitting for deep-sea mining of polymetallic nodules.

During the 2017 Okeanos Explorer mapping expedition to the Musicians Seamounts north of the Hawaiian Islands, a 13,500 km2 section of the Murray Fracture Zone was mapped





m· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (62)


Figure 6. OER Physical Scientist Michael White and EiT Kelsey Lane discuss a potential ROV dive site on a steep slope (shown in red) of a seamount mapped during the Musicians Seamounts expedition.

Figure 5. (a) Explorers-in-Training Laura Almodovar, Victoria Dickey, and Kelsey Lane standing mapping watch at UNH CCOM/JHC. (b) EiT Laura Almodovar. (c) EiT Victoria Dickey. (d) EiT Claudia Thompson. Image credits: (a) CCOM. (b–d) Anna Hallingstad, NOAA OMAO

Enhanced Explorer-in-Training (EiT) ProgramIn 10 years (2008–2017) of Okeanos Explorer operations, 145 seafloor mapping training opportunities have been pro-vided to 108 early career scientists and Explorer-in-Training (EiT) students, with many returning for second and third cruise experiences to further develop their skills. The mapping team hosted seven EiTs during 2017. A two-part experience was implemented: EiTs first participated in a 24-hour map-ping cruise while onshore at the UNH CCOM/JHC, standing independent sonar data processing watches and observing sonar operations through live feeds streaming sonar data acquisition screens (Figure 5); later, they participated at sea on a round-the-clock mapping cruise, aboard either Okeanos Explorer or Ocean Exploration Trust’s E/V Nautilus.

EiTs found the onshore experience educationally rich as they learned how to perform first-order sonar data processing, such as multibeam ping editing, and how to create advanced data products, such as multilayer three-dimensional scenes

showing bathymetry, seabed slope, and seabed backscatter used by OER for ROV dive planning (Figure 6). They also learned the basic principles of collecting water column back-scatter data, along with several methods for detecting such features as gaseous seeps or aggregations of water column biology in the data.

Onshore EiTs were directly exposed to the UNH CCOM/JHC community for one month. They toured the new UNH research vessel Gulf Surveyor; participated in a guest lecture on an introduction to at-sea surveying methods, decision- making requirements, situational awareness, and equipment troubleshooting by UNH CCOM/JHC academics; and were given software training on water column backscatter data processing by industry experts.

The EiT program provides a pragmatic pathway for sup-porting advancement of the next generation of marine science academics and explorers. Many EiTs have converted their new mapping skills into careers as hydrographers for NOAA or private survey companies, marine spatial planners, marine archaeologists, and marine resource managers. Other EiTs have used their new skills to pursue or enhance their gradu-ate school research in marine science, geography, and ocean engineering. The competitive EiT program provides partic-ipating students with support for travel and a daily stipend.



cd· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (63)


NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research is a critical partner on the US Extended Continental Shelf (ECS) Project, a multi-agency effort focused on identifying the extent of the US continental shelf sea-bed and subseafloor over which the United States can exercise sovereign rights beyond its 200 nautical mile exclusive economic zone, consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

The US continental shelf is considered a significant maritime zone and includes valuable petroleum, mineral, and “sedentary living marine resources.” Determining the actual shelf limits requires the collection and analysis of data that describe the depth, shape, and geophysical characteristics of the seabed and subseafloor. While the demand to harvest deep ocean resources is still relatively low, a window of opportunity exists to have these ECS data serve as a foundation for collecting additional physical, biological, and chemical measurements that, in turn, will improve our insights about the extent and value of the marine resources in these frontier ocean regions.

It is time to stimulate new partnerships, target these mapped areas in new ways, employ innovative technologies, model processes where feasible, and leverage existing data to conduct more detailed deep-sea (ocean floor and water column) investigations. In turn, these undertakings will bring clarity to key marine science questions and inform emerging stewardship obligations in these poorly known, yet likely resource-rich realms.

US Extended Continental Shelf Project: Taking the Longer View By Margot Bohan

Figure 7. A dense point cloud of multibeam water column sonar data collected over the gaseous plume in the crater of Vailulu'u Seamount in American Sāmoa. Data processed in QPS FM Midwater.

Open Data AccessDuring every cruise, the Okeanos Explorer Atlas is updated daily with new gridded bathymetry data (available at These grids, as well as raw sonar data, can be downloaded from an FTP site managed by the Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration. Pursuant to the OER strategic goal of rapid pub-lic access to all data, all mapping data collected by Okeanos Explorer continue to be available in raw and processed for-mats approximately 60 to 90 days after the end of each cruise. This quick public data dissemination enables easy access for other explorers, researchers, resource managers, and citizens to leverage maximum scientific value from Okeanos Explorer data. With telepresence mapping, more advanced data products are produced by trainees for review by map-ping leads before they are archived. All data are paired with metadata and are available from NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information at

Vailulu'u ScanningA strong gaseous plume observed at Vailulu‘u Seamount, an active submarine volcano in American Sāmoa (see pages 72–73), offered an excellent opportunity to test the three-dimensional scanning mode capability of Okeanos Explorer’s EM 302 multibeam sonar. As the ship held station for several minutes over the plume, continuous multibeam water column data were collected at different tilt angles to obtain an extremely dense, temporally continuous data set over this unique feature. The gaseous plume was observed to be emitting from the volcanic crater at 905 m depth, and was detected in the water column as high up as approximately 628m above the seafloor, or approximately 278 m below the sea surface (Figure 7).

59· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (64)


The Murray Fracture Zone is the remnant of a right-stepping trans-form fault (TF) along the now extinct Pacific-Farallon spreading cen-ter. Magnetic surveys indicate the TF was ~700 km long 83 million years ago (Granot et al., 2009), and lithosphere on the southern side of the fracture zone (FZ) in the field area is ~5million years younger than that on the northern side. The mapped region of the Murray FZ (Figure 1) contains a complex array of structures simi-lar to those formed at parallel FZs and intra-transform spreading centers (ITSCs), consequences of changing plate motions during the late Cretaceous (Atwater et al., 1993). ITSCs are short (<50km) spreading segments bounded on either side by a TF. Within the region mapped by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer in 2017 there are two ITSC-generated sections of lithosphere bounded by three FZs (Figure 1). These new maps permit identification of characteristics of the Murray FZ that differ from those of other FZs.

Observations at the Murray FZ suggest that fractures in the lithosphere were weak enough to accommodate tectonic motions that overprinted expected age-depth relationships. Older, cooler lithosphere lies deeper than younger, warmer lithosphere and thus is bent downward where it contacts younger material. Likewise, because younger lithosphere is warmer and cools and subsides faster than older lithosphere, the young side of a FZ typically has a characteristic upward bend approaching the FZ. These age-depth

relationships are not always apparent at Murray FZ and, in some cases, they are reversed (Figure 1). FZ 2 is characterized by a bathy-metric low, and the older (northern) side of FZ 2 is anomalously shallower than the adjacent, younger lithosphere to the south. To reverse the predicted young-side high and old-side low, the inter-vening FZs must have been weak and able to slip vertically for some time after formation. The bathymetric low in the field area punc-tuated by small (<4 km) ridges may be interpreted as a region of weak material (Fox and Gallo, 1984; Tucholke and Schouten, 1988; Pockalny, 1997), and the additional complexity introduced by the closely spaced fractures at Murray may have promoted weakness in the FZ, though these effects are poorly understood.

Further to the west, near the Musicians Seamounts, there is also evidence for plume-FZ interaction (see pages 82–83). Previous work (e.g., Small, 1995; Sleep, 2002) suggests that the age discontinuity across a FZ may influence the flow of plume material along the base of the lithosphere, resulting in volcanic activity concentrated at the FZ. Sitting astride one of the main FZ traces, Liszt Seamount (Figure 2) has a small ridge that extends eastward along the FZ, evidence of melts exploiting the FZ to ascend and erupt on the seafloor. Although not conclusive, these features suggest that the Murray FZ was close enough to the Musicians hotspot to influence the distribution of volcanism during the seamounts’ emplacement.

Figure 1. Swath bathymetry over the Murray Fracture Zone. FZ 1 displays a characteristic age-depth relationship with a young-side high. The broad bathymetric low at FZ 2 may indi-cate a large zone of weakness adjacent to an anomalously high old-side scarp. FZ 3 age-depth relationships are ambiguous.

Figure 2. Liszt Seamount sits astride one of the fractures in the Murray Fracture Zone. A small ridge is observed extending along the trace of the FZ, suggesting a relation-ship between the location of the FZ and where melts are able to penetrate the lithosphere and erupt on the seafloor.

The Murray Fracture Zone By Thomas Morrow








m· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (65)


2017 Midwater Exploration on Okeanos ExplorerBy Amanda N. Netburn, Michael Ford, and Dhugal Lindsay

BackgroundThe water column—from the ocean’s surface to just above the seafloor—comprises 95% of the available habitat for multicellular life-forms. Though essential to many critical ecosystem processes such as trophic energy transfer, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycles, and sedimentation (Robinson et al., 2010), the water column remains vastly underexplored throughout the globe (Robison, 2009). The biodiversity of the deep midwater environment throughout the CAPSTONE region is poorly documented (Sutton et al., 2017), and many new and undescribed species likely reside there. Gelatinous organisms, in particular, are poorly sampled by trawl nets, and their biogeography is not well known.

In response to community input and a new NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research effort to expand capa-bilities and support for water column exploration (Netburn and Cantwell, 2017), there was a drastic increase in time and effort allocated for midwater operations in 2017, cul-minating in a total of 15 ROV dives over four expeditions during which midwater work was conducted: 2017 American Sāmoa Expedition: Suesuega o le Moana o Amerika Sāmoa; Mountains in the Deep: Exploring the Central Pacific Basin; 2017 Laulima O Ka Moana: Exploring Deep Monument

Waters Around Johnston Atoll; and Deep-Sea Symphony: Exploring the Musicians Seamounts (Figure 1). The work consisted of 13 benthic dives augmented with several hours of midwater transects, and two full days of midwater dives—a first for ROV Deep Discoverer—that occurred on the Musicians Seamounts expedition. Surveyed depths ranged from 250 m to 1,500 m, generally focusing on acoustically detected deep scattering layers from 300 m to 800 m.

A team of nearly 20 midwater scientists participated in these expeditions, providing expertise in gelatinous animals, fishes, micronekton, cephalopods, engineering, acoustics, and optics. Data from the ROV’s CTD and acoustic back-scatter from the shipboard EK60 echosounder became routine elements of dive planning, execution, and post-dive analysis. The breadth of midwater exploration conducted throughout the final year of CAPSTONE led to a remarkable number of discoveries.

Undescribed Taxa Many undescribed species of ctenophores (“comb jellies”) and hydrozoan jellyfish were observed throughout 2017. Some examples include several different lobate ctenophores, such as one with bright glands that are likely bioluminescent, a cydippid ctenophore that is probably in a new family, and several “pseudo-cryptic” species of Solmissus sp. (“dinner plate jellies,” Figure 2). Narcomedusae in the genus Bathykorus

Figure 2. Solmissus incisa sensu lato jellyfish. Multiple cryptic species within this genus were encountered throughout 2017, many of which remain undescribed.

“Pierpoint”Seamount Keli Ridge

Deep Kingman

Malulu SeamountVailulu'u Seamount






160°W170°W 150°W

Water Column 2

Water Column 1


Northern Manihiki Plateau

Sally Seamount

Rapano RidgeSibelius Seamount

Pagannini Seamount

Shostakovich Seamount



Figure 1. Map showing the locations of all midwater ROV dives conducted throughout the 2017 CAPSTONE expedi-tions. Cyan points represent seafloor sites with extended time for midwater transects. The two fuchsia points indi-cate where the two full-day midwater surveys occurred.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (66)


Figure 4. A high abundance and diversity of large protists were seen throughout 2017. Some examples include (a) a tuscarorid phaeodarian, (b) coelodendrid phaeodarian, (c) collodarian radio-larian, and (d) a pelagic foraminiferan.

a b

c d

Unexpected Abundance of Unusual OrganismsThroughout the 2017 expeditions, high abundances were encountered of several animals that were thought to be rare or that have been generally poorly observed. As examples, pelagic holothurians (Pelagothuria sp., or sea cucumbers) were seen in the hundreds at some sites in the Southern Hemisphere on the Mountains in the Deep expedition, and high densities of protists, such as radiolarians and phaeodari-ans, were encountered at many locations throughout the 2017 operational area (Figure 4).

Behaviors and Species AssociationsThese expeditions offered unusual opportunities to observe natural behaviors and interactions of midwater organisms. Lancetfish (Alepisaurus ferox, Figure 5) are commonly col-lected in fisheries surveys (Portner et al., 2017), but they are rarely observed alive. Though they are thought to be active predators, the individual observed at Sally Seamount was motionless and oriented vertically, behavior more typical of a “lay and wait” predator. Cranchiid squid were seen throughout the Musicians Seamounts expedition assuming different pos-tures and inking (Figure 6). Some novel species interactions included Pelagothuria sp. (Figure 7a), a salp (pelagic tunicate, Figure 7b), and the jellyfish Halicreas minimum (Figure 7c) hosting amphipods, and a crustacean larva that appeared to be clinging to a phaeodarian protist (Figure 7d). Many such associations could not possibly be observed by collecting ani-mals with a trawl net because the organisms would separate.

were seen on several midwater dives during CAPSTONE. Using tentacles held above their bells, they are avid predators of gelatinous animals in the midwater. Though they are typ-ically transparent, a pigmented Bathykorus was observed at Keli‘ihanuanui and appears to be an undescribed species. Thisnew central Pacific observation represents a significant expansion in the known range of this genus.

Range Expansions of Rare TaxaThroughout 2017, numerous species were observed far beyond their known ranges. The first sighting of the doliolid Doliolula equus (Robison et al., 2005a) outside of Monterey Bay, California, occurred at 400 m depth at Pierpoint Seamount. Another doliolid, Pseudusa bostigrinus (Robison et al., 2005b), was similarly observed for the first time outside of Monterey at Malalu Seamount. The trachymedusa Crossota alba (Figure 3), never before observed in the Southern Hemisphere (Larson and Harbison, 1990), was seen just above the seafloor at the south Manihiki Plateau site at a depth of 3,020 m. The recently redescribed narcomedusa Aegina rosea (Lindsay et al., 2017) was seen just above the seafloor at the Howland Island shallow site. This represents only the third unequivocal record for the species and the first away from its type locality off the east coast of Japan.

Observations of Animals Never Before Seen Alive At Sibelius Seamount, a fish in the family Howellidae was observed with a very unusual color pattern that has never been seen before—a pigmented body with bright white col-oration at the tips of the caudal (tail) fin and the tip of the snout. While this individual could not be positively identified to species level, no fish experts recognized this coloration, indicating this fish either loses its unique patterning when collected in trawl nets or this is an entirely new species.

Figure 3. Crossota alba, dubbed the “cosmic” jellyfish, imaged near the seafloor.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (67)


Bentho-Pelagic InteractionsThroughout 2017, several novel interactions were observed near the seafloor. A caridean shrimp, Heterocarpus sp., was observed attacking and then feeding on a midwater dragon-fish (possibly a stareater, Astronesthes sp.) at around 1,000 m depth at Ufiata Seamount in the Tokelau Seamount Chain during the Discovering the Deep: Exploring Remote Pacific Marine Protected Areas expedition. Near Jarvis Island, a highly active squid was surprisingly captured and eaten by two ophiuroids (“brittle stars”), which are not known to be active predators. One of the highlights of the 2017 expeditions was NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer’s first targeted collection of a jellyfish, which was located associated with a deep-sea coral. By observing the specimen under the microscope, it was found that this organism likely belongs to a new genus.

Looking AheadThe 2017 expeditions marked a period of rapid advancement for water column exploration with Okeanos Explorer, using ROV Deep Discoverer, and incorporating various ancillary water column data sources. This progress represents a sig-nificant step in implementing the recommendations of the March 2017 workshop From Surface to Seafloor: Exploration of the Water Column. In addition to the many discoveries facil-itated by the increased time spent conducting midwater ROV exploration, some accomplishments include: (1) expansion of the team of participating midwater experts; (2) development

Figure 6. Transparent cranchiid squid were seen throughout the Musicians Seamounts in various postures—sometimes oriented vertically, some-times horizontally with tentacles raised, and occasionally inking.

Figure 5. Lancetfish, Alepisaurus ferox, seen vertically oriented in the water column.

Figure 7. Several novel species associations were observed in 2017. Different species of amphipods were seen on hosts: (a) Pelagothuria sp. (pelagic sea cucum-ber), (b) salp, (c) and Halicreas minimum. (d) A crustacean larva was imaged grasping a phaeodarian.



c d

of methods to streamline collection, analysis, and reporting of ancillary water column data, such as water column acous-tics (EK60) and CTD data; and (3) successful operations with a shore-based science team communicating in real time with the shipboard ROV team to direct ROV requests. As Okeanos Explorer moves into the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean basins, the midwater team will continue to grow expertise, refine methods, and work toward characterizing the full volume of the ocean.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (68)


IntroductionVideos collected from ROVs empower people to explore the ocean from any location. Beyond the immediate value of revealing the mysteries of the deep ocean, video footage pro-vides a rich data source that contributes to our fundamental understanding of the physical, biological, and chemical prop-erties of explored ocean areas. NOAA’s Office of Exploration and Research and its partners are improving video data management to extract the highest scientific value from these hard-to-obtain surveys of the deep. In addition to making video data publicly available through the OER Video Portal (, OER and its partner organizations are adding substantial scientific value to video

data through development of species identification guides, improved scientific annotations, application of a standard clas-sification scheme, citizen scientist engagement, and improved marine habitat assessment and characterization (Figure 1).

Identifying Deepwater Species One of the most exciting things about an ROV dive is the potential to capture a rare or even previously unknown marine animal on video. During CAPSTONE, OER science advisor Christopher Kelley worked closely with the OER Data Management Team, led by NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information, to develop a way to share images and information about the deepwater animals encountered

Working with Video to Improve Deep-Sea Habitat CharacterizationBy Peter J. Etnoyer, Mashkoor Malik, Derek Sowers, Caitlin Ruby, Rachel Bassett, Jennifer Dijkstra, Nikolai Pawlenko, Susan Gottfried, Kristen Mello, Mark Finkbeiner, and Angela Sallis

Figure 1. Conceptual diagram of con-nections between video data collec-tion, annotation, and management.

Figure 2. Example screen from the annotation software SeaTube showing the user interface that enables video playback, position, and time-stamped observations. Image credit: NOAA OER and ONC

Video/AnnotationBrowsing and Discovery


Post CruiseAnnotations


Live StreamingReal-Time Annotations

and Comments(SeaScribe + Event log)

Sensor DataEnvironmental Data(Depth, Temp, etc.)

Standardized Annotations



Video Portal(High Resolution


OceanographicData Archive

ROV Video Classi�cationStandards

Citizen Science PortalVideo Annotations

by NOAA’s ROV Deep Discoverer. This collaboration led to the development of the Benthic Deepwater Animal Identification Guide, an online col-lection of in situ images of deepwater animals taken from video frame grabs that have been identified by a team of taxonomic experts. The guide, orga-nized according to taxonomic group-ings and displaying multiple images of the different genera and species, is available at guide.html.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (69)


Improving Video Annotation When scientists want to focus on certain organisms or features within a video such as deep-sea corals, they need tools to efficiently locate relevant video segments. Searching through video requires textual descriptions known as video annotations. Since 2010, OER has been inviting experts to participate remotely in the ROV dives to provide these video annotations. In 2017, OER partnered with Ocean Networks Canada to implement annotation software tools that provide an end-to-end annotation workflow for the scientists to create, review, and validate video observations. SeaScribe is an online annotation tool that both shore-based and ship-board participants can access concurrently during an ROV dive. SeaTube is a cloud-based video archive and browsing interface that enables playback of previously recorded videos and entry of new annotations (Figure 2). These tools reduce post-cruise annotation time and improve the utility of OER video for enhanced insight into explored areas. Annotations are thus providing a rich data set that can be “mined” by many different scientists for different purposes.

Applying Standard Classification to Video Scientifically relevant annotations enhance the value of video data. NOAA scientists have been researching the application of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS; Box1) for classification of deep-sea environments through video annotations. Annotating video with CMECS vocabulary improves the data’s compatibility with other coastal and marine data sets and has the potential to unify the current, varied methods used among the deep-sea exploration com-munity for habitat and substrate classification. Three different, but complementary, research efforts explored the application of CMECS to OER video data from the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Mexico, and the US Atlantic continental margin.

1. Pacific Ocean. NOAA’s Deep Coral Ecology Laboratory processed 32 ROV dives and more than 6,400 ROV video still images to classify dive transects using a simple CMECS annotation scheme in order to understand the application of CMECS to deep-sea coral research (Bassett et al., 2017). To test this scheme, the study classified substrate, geoform, and water column CMECS components from three deep-sea benthic surveys in the Pacific Ocean in 2015, including telep-resence-enabled cruises with NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer in Hawai‘i and E/V Nautilus off southern California. The primary outcome of the study was the discovery that CMECS geoform and water column components can be captured by field-based exploration teams with little modification to standard procedures. The ROV routinely collects parameters such as depth, temperature, salinity, and oxygen that can be employed to characterize water column attributes using stan-dard CMECS classes.


Compilation of disparate data collected by various government, academic, and collaborative institutions contributes significantly to knowledge of the world ocean. But how can such diverse data be organized into something that can be easily discovered, analyzed, compared, and used to support additional research, management, or exploration efforts? One strategy for effective data management is to implement a standardized method for classifying observed environmental features. For this reason, in 2012, the Federal Geographic Data Committee endorsed the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS), which created a comprehensive framework of common terminology for classifying biological species, water column properties, and seafloor morphology and composition. CMECS provides a common language to describe estuarine, lacustrine, coastal, and offshore environments, enabling scientists and managers to integrate and use data from a variety of sources.

Many federal and state governments, nongovernmental organizations, and partnerships around the United States and internationally have adopted CMECS. In particular, CMECS is the required benthic classification for Renewable Energy and Marine Minerals programs at the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. CMECS incorporates the use of provisional units, which allow researchers to add proposed new units to the standard as they are discovered. This flexibility is especially valuable in the deep ocean environment, where knowledge is increasing rapidly and new discoveries abound. Eventually, a peer review process will examine these units to inform future versions of the classification. For more information on CMECS go to:

The CMECS structure allows scientists to classify environments to varying levels of detail, which is especially useful in deep-sea environments where data coverage is low and access is limited. Image credit: Federal Geographic Data Committee

65· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (70)







3. Atlantic Ocean. In collaboration with OER, researchers at the University of New Hampshire’s Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center examined com-munity structure among ROV dive sites, and classified the substrate encountered during the dives using CMECS. The researchers analyzed full underwater video footage collected by ROV Deep Discoverer during three cruise legs of the 2013 and 2014 Okeanos Explorer expeditions along the Atlantic continental margin. During these cruises, the ROV sampled seamounts, seeps, and canyons spanning a depth range of 580 m to 1,875 m. UNH CCOM/JHC researchers mapped the distribution, abundance, and assemblage of taxa along ROV tracks (Figure 5). Results of this study are being used to help ground truth high-resolution multibeam sonar bathymetry and backscatter data collected by NOAA and UNH CCOM/JHC in order to inform improved CMECS classification of large areas off the US east coast between the shelf break and 5,000 m depth.

Figure 3. CMECS-compliant map layers allow scientists to spa-tially analyze ROV video content. Individual viewsheds (colored triangles) show the substrate type. Red polygons show deep-sea corals. The presence of deep-sea corals coincides with rocky and coarse unconsolidated mineral substrate for this particular dive. Image credit: Caitlin Ruby, NOAA

Figure 4. This photo exemplifies a deep-sea coral community near 1,260 m depth with a brittle star (center), two octo-corals, a shrimp, and crab. The source video for this image, which was taken by ROV Deep Discoverer in the northern Gulf of Mexico during 2014, was used to produce Figure 3.

2. Gulf of Mexico. The OER Data Management Team col-laborated with the Northern Gulf Institute and Mississippi State University to develop techniques for mapping deep-sea environments using video collected by ROV Deep Discoverer during OER’s 2014 Exploration of the Gulf of Mexico expedition (Ruby, 2017). Videos from 10 ROV dives were examined and annotated using biological, geological, and substrate descriptors found within CMECS. Researchers then combined CMECS annotations with ROV coordinates and the surrounding water column information in order to map the recorded environments (Figure 3). Considering that the viewable distance within a video is limited to the ROV’s light source and camera angle, maps were constrained to areas viewed by Deep Discoverer’s main, forward-facing camera. The research team determined that map layers are an efficient toolset for spatially viewing ROV video content and quickly assessing complex environmental relationships that stimulate scientific inquiry. For example, Figure 4 shows deep-sea corals associated with rock and coarse substrates.

Figure 5. Researchers mapped the distribution of corals (blue spheres) along ROV tracks (black lines) in McMaster Canyon, which incises the continental slope off of Delaware. Some of the coral species observed included a cup coral (top left image), as well as many bamboo corals (bottom right image). Image credit: Kristen Mello and Jennifer Dijkstra, UNH CCOM/JHC· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (71)


Harnessing Citizen Scientists for Video Exploration Citizen science is the collection and analysis of data by the gen-eral public. Citizen science engages the public in research col-laborations and is particularly effective when labor-intensive tasks can be completed by volunteers. Video analysis involves time-consuming review and annotation, and thus is often a major bottleneck in extracting useful scientific information from raw video footage. Using a new portal being developed as part of Ocean Video Lab (, citizen scientists will gain access to thousands of hours of video from ROVs and other platforms (Figure 6). By creating “bookmarks,” these volunteers will identify observations of interest that will then be routed to an expert for more detailed annotations. For example, instead of watching a full dive, a coral specialist can focus on video footage where corals have been bookmarked. With the help of citizen scientists around the globe, Ocean Video Lab hopes to make major contribu-tions to ocean exploration by filling in knowledge gaps within valuable legacy video. The Schmidt Ocean Institute provides funding for Ocean Video Lab, and a NOAA Big Earth Data Initiative grant funded integration of the OER citizen science video interface into the Ocean Video Lab portal.

Habitat Suitability Modeling for Deep-Sea Corals and SpongesAccompanying advances in video data management, exciting new analyses are enabling researchers to more thoroughly characterize explored areas and predict unexplored areas. The high-resolution images collected by ROV Deep Discoverer provide important data such as species identity, number, and size. NOAA’s Deep Coral Ecology Laboratory is using these images to assess the abundance and health of deep-sea corals, and then making these images publicly available through

Figure 6. Ocean Video Lab’s citizen science interface is being developed in partnership with NOAA’s Office of Exploration and Research, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, and the Inner Space Center located at the University of Rhode Island. Image credit: Vicki Ferrini, LDEO

Figure 7. ROV Deep Discoverer observed this vibrant yellow glass sponge (Bolosoma sp.) at 2,479 m depth on Sibelius Seamount.

NOAA’s growing National Database of Deep Sea Corals and Sponges (Hourigan et al., 2015). The public can access the database through a web portal at The portal debuted in 2015, and has since grown to house more than 575,000 observations of corals or sponges around the world. By pooling these records, the database pro-vides the resources to answer questions such as: Has this spe-cies been observed in this region or at this depth before? How common or rare is that type of sponge? (Figure 7)

Among the most powerful applications of deep-sea coral data are habitat suitability models that predict where a species is likely to be observed, and where it is not. NOAA scientists construct the models by combining image observations from Okeanos Explorer with environmental data and records from museums and other research expeditions, and then overlaying this information with additional environmental data (depth, temperature, bottom type) in a geographic information sys-tem. The models provide exploration teams with new targets to examine that will in turn help verify these models.

When growth rates are known, as in the case of some fish and corals, the size of an organism can then be correlated to age. Noninvasive, image-based sampling techniques that employ scaled lasers may one day replace destructive sam-pling of long-lived organisms (Etnoyer et al., 2017). Age class structure is important information for coastal managers who seek to conserve and protect deep-sea corals that can be hundreds or thousands of years old. The use of video data to assess and predict marine habitats enables well-informed ocean management decisions, providing a tangible return on investments made in ocean exploration.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (72)


Figure 1. A group of children visiting the Charleston Marine Life Center in Oregon watch the live-streaming video as NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer surveys Malulu Seamount near American Sāmoa. Image credit: Trish Mace, CMLC

NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research endeavors to creatively engage stakeholders and the public in ocean exploration and to deliver information about deep ocean exploration to the scientific community, decision-makers, educators, students, and the general public. These efforts enhance ocean literacy, inspire the next generation of ocean explorers, and help educate key stakeholders about the value of and need for ocean mapping, sampling, and observing to inform science-based decision-making.

In 2017, the engagement program’s online communica-tions, educational opportunities, and outreach and media interactions made meaningful impacts on communities and classrooms spanning the ocean, continents, and cultures. Taking advantage of port calls, the program shared some of the exciting results of ocean exploration with educators and the public in remote areas. OER presentations made an effort to connect residents’ traditional ocean knowledge and prac-tices with the tools and results of modern ocean exploration.

Online CommunicationsIn 2017, 18 deep ocean expeditions extending from the Pacific and South Atlantic to the Great Lakes were featured on the OER website ( Overall, the site received more than 12.7 million visits. Images, videos,

and onboard participants’ logs helped members of the gen-eral public follow along as scientists uncovered the myster-ies of the deep.

Live video from NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer continued to be a favorite for armchair explorers around the world, as they tuned in to watch scientists direct ROV Deep Discoverer in the Pacific (Figure 1). The live video streams received more than 3.7 million views through the OER YouTube channel and millions of additional views as others streamed Okeanos Explorer live video to outlets such as Facebook.

Social media remained a key tool for engaging members of the general public in deep ocean exploration activities, with OER reaching millions through these platforms. In addition to daily posts about missions that reached growing numbers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, OER used social media tools to conduct active dialogues with interested audiences. A Reddit Ask Me Anything (AMA) session held during the Mountains in the Deep: Exploring the Central Pacific Basin expedition was the most popular Reddit AMA ever hosted by NOAA as it reached millions of Reddit users (Figure 2). During the same expedition, OER also hosted its first-ever Facebook Live event, inviting Facebook users to ask questions of the expedition science leads. OER went on to host multiple similar live interactions on Facebook, reaching more than 235,000 people and adding a new tool to the repertoire used to reach the public. Again in 2017, OER joined exploration partners Schmidt Ocean Institute and Ocean Exploration Trust to celebrate World Oceans Day in June with a Google+ Hangout On Air to share upcoming exploration plans with a worldwide audience.

EngagementExploring Global Opportunities in 2017By David McKinnie, Emily Crum, Susan Haynes, Katie Wagner, and Debi Blaney

Figure 2. The Science Team aboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. From the left, DelWayne Bohnenstiehl, Kasey Cantwell, Scott France, and Mike White prepare for the Reddit “Ask Me Anything” session.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (73)


2017 Engagement Activitiesby the Numbers

WEBWebsite Visits: ~12,740,000

Live Video Views: ~3,700,000

Expeditions Covered:• 9 Okeanos Explorer cruises• 9 non-Okeanos Explorer cruises

Expedition Content Added:• ~200 content essays• ~1,030 images• ~105 videos


Facebook Likes: ~123,000


Instagram Likes: ~9,600 1,352%

Twitter Followers: ~186,000


YouTube Subscribers: ~65,000


PUBLIC OUTREACHShip Tour Attendees: ~1,400

In-Person Event Attendees: ~1,800

Live Interaction Attendees: ~810

Media Mentions: 300+

EDUCATIONEducator ProfessionalDevelopment Workshops: 34

Educators Trained: 770

Estimated Number of Students Reached: ~90,000

Listserv/Newsletter Subscribers: 5,700+

EducationPROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENTSince 2003, OER has maintained a large group of education Alliance Partnerships comprised of aquariums, informal science centers, and museums across the country, offering daylong ocean science and exploration professional develop-ment opportunities to educators at these venues. In 2017, through the 15 cur-rent Alliance Partners, OER held 34 Exploring the Deep Ocean with NOAA workshops across the country and introduced 770 educators to the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer Education Materials Collection: Why Do We Explore? and How Do We Explore? Workshops were also offered at non-Alliance Partner sites in central Texas, Utah, and New Mexico to reach educators in inland locations where ocean science educational opportunities are scarce. All eight lessons asso-ciated with the Exploring the Deep Ocean with NOAA workshop were trans-lated into Spanish and provided online to broaden access to these materials.

In Hawai‘i, two professional development workshops held in partnership with the Hawai‘i Institute of Marine Biology and the Waikīkī Aquarium offered teachers opportunities to participate in discussions about the science behind Okeanos Explorer expeditions. In addition, a Family Night that was also held at the aquarium, an Alliance Partner, was attended by 143 educators. One of the professional development workshops was held on O‘ahu and the other on the Island of Hawai‘i at the Mokupāpapa Discovery Center for Hawai‘i’s Remote Coral Reefs, an outreach center for the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. These workshops and events brought ocean science education resources and recent discoveries from CAPSTONE to educators throughout the Hawaiian Islands (pages 48–53).

In American Sāmoa, a professional development workshop was held with the National Marine Sanctuary of American Sāmoa at the Tauese P.F. Sunia Ocean Center in Pago Pago (Figure 3). OER provided new lessons based on recent exploration results and other teaching resources tailored to American Samoan educators to convey new findings in the context of Pacific Islanders’ rich traditional relationship with the ocean. Through workshop activities, participants learned about discoveries made during the 2017 American Sāmoa Expedition: Suesuega o le Moana o Amerika Sāmoa, and discussed the impor-tance of communicating Samoans’ unique relationship with the sea based on the living tradition of Fa‘a Sāmoa (The Samoan Way). Opportunities such as these expose educators in remote locations to NOAA’s mission and the value of ocean exploration, increase their understanding of the deepwater ecosystems of their region, and help them share authentic, current ocean science with their students, creating a bridge between island culture, sacred traditions, and mod-ern ocean exploration.

WEBINARS AND NEWSLETTER Pre-expedition webinars were offered throughout the year, providing an oppor-tunity for educators to learn about the science behind the expeditions, as well as the associated educational materials available for classroom use. OER executed five pre-expedition webinars this year, which were joined by over 170 partic-ipants and registrants from the United States, American Sāmoa, Australia, Canada, the Cook Islands, Ecuador, India, Germany, Peru, Portugal, Puerto Rico, and the United Arab Emirates. OER also reached educators through an education-focused monthly newsletter initiated in January 2016. It is designed to provide quick access to ocean exploration-focused, standards-based tips and tools to bring the excitement and science of ocean exploration into the class-room. The newsletter currently reaches a listserv of over 5,700 educators.

Figure 3. Educators participate in a communica-tions lesson during a 2017 professional develop-ment workshop at the Tauese P.F. Sunia Ocean Center in American Sāmoa. Image credit: Emily Narrow, Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (74)


Outreach and MediaIn 2017, OER engaged nearly 4,000 people through in- person and telepresence-enabled events associated with Okeanos Explorer expeditions (Figure 4). Nearly 1,400 people toured the ship during port calls in American Sāmoa, the Independent State of Sāmoa, and Hawai‘i (Figures 5). Live telepresence interactions were conducted with dozens of groups and institutions, including the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History, the Exploratorium, Marian Koshland Science Museum of the US National Academy of Sciences, the Big Ocean network, National Transportation Safety Board, US Navy and Coast Guard, and Office of Samoan Affairs. Among notable in-person events were presentations on Polynesian celestial navigation and ocean exploration in Apia, Sāmoa, and Pago Pago, American Sāmoa, and the Festival of Sites hosted by the National Marine Sanctuary of American Sāmoa.

OER also interacted with local communities, agency part-ners, and schools around NOAA Headquarters and regional offices through events such as a NOAA Open House and NOAA Kid’s Day, and by hosting special events and seminars in Exploration Command Centers across the country.

Media continued to play a critical role in OER’s public engagement efforts. Press releases and “Exploration Alert” emails kept media representatives, social media managers, and public affairs contacts informed of expedition activities and discoveries, helping to drive audiences to live video online. Stories were generated by hundreds of outlets ranging from CNN, ABC, and CBS, to the Associated Press, The Washington Post, The New York Times, National Geographic, Scientific American, and local media outlets in American Sāmoa, the Independent State of Sāmoa, and New Zealand.

A Look AheadIn 2018, Okeanos Explorer will investigate the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean Sea, and the North Atlantic Ocean. OER has prepared an ambitious engagement schedule, with plans to implement new ways to share the excitement of deep ocean exploration with people around the world.

Figure 5. A public tour group visits the control room aboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer during the October 2017 Ocean Exploration Celebration held at the University of Hawai'i Marine Center in Honolulu. Image credit: Art Howard, Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration

Figure 4. Live telepresence interactions were conducted with dozens of groups and institutions throughout the year. Nearly 200 students attended this session at the Tauese P.F. Sunia Ocean Center in American Sāmoa. Image credit: Iosefa Siatu’u, NOAA ONMS NMSAS· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (75)


Figure 3. American Sāmoa Community College student Claudia Thompson was trained as a hydrographer through NOAA’s Explorer-in-Training program. As part of the science team, Claudia brought a unique perspective to the expedition while building a bridge to her local community. Image credit: ENS Anna Hallingstad, NOAA

Diversity and Inclusion By Catalina Martinez

In support of NOAA’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan (Figure 1), NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research develops opportunities to help train and recruit a more diverse and skilled NOAA workforce through cross-NOAA partner-ships and participation in agency- wide working groups.

Partnering with NOAA’s Office of Education, OER contin-ues to help identify and remove barriers to entry for under-represented minorities in gateway scholarship and fellowship programs, developing best practices that can ultimately trans-late to the NOAA-wide diversity and inclusion strategy.

To achieve a more visible and coordinated presence at key minority-serving conferences focused on STEM fields, OER works with individuals across NOAA to include student- centered networking, engagement, career development opportunities, recruitment efforts, and a more deliberate approach overall to staffing and participation (Figure 2).

Figure 2. NOAA person-nel participating in the annual conference of the Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science in Salt Lake City, Utah. Image credit: Corey Garza, California State University, Monterey Bay

Figure 4. LTJG Nick Pawlenko, NOAA OER Expedition Operations, participates in the Hope High School Futures Forum in Providence, Rhode Island. Image credit: Stephen Cronin, Hope High School Life Skills Program Coordinator

Internships on board NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and Ocean Exploration Trust’s E/V Nautilus provide outstanding training and experiences for undergraduates and gradu-ate students each year. Many are made possible through long-standing partnerships with NOAA’s Educational Partnership Program and with the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Professional and technical skills developed through these unique opportunities have trans-lated to further graduate studies and jobs for students fortu-nate enough to participate (Figure 3).

As part of a “campaign” exploration model, the Okeanos Explorer team also engages local communities in regions where the ship operates and works with local scientists and educators to host a variety of events that provide access and opportunity to local residents. OER also works on a variety of efforts to help expose students from groups underrepresented in NOAA’s workforce to the breadth of NOAA careers (Figure 4).

Figure 1. NOAA’s Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan. Available at: Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan.pdf· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (76)


2017 American Sāmoa Expedition: Suesuega o le Moana Amerika SāmoaBy Santiago Herrera, Matthew Jackson, Jasper Konter, Elizabeth Lobecker, and Kelley Elliott

Expedition OverviewFive 2017 cruises conducted with NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer investigated unknown and poorly known areas in American Sāmoa and the Independent State of Sāmoa, includ-ing Rose Atoll Marine National Monument and the National Marine Sanctuary of American Sāmoa. The 2017 American Sāmoa Expedition mapped the seafloor at priority locations, including prominent features and seamounts in and around the monument and sanctuary, six previously unmapped seamounts, submarine landslides, changes to the crater of volcanically active Vailulu‘u Seamount, and unmapped areas offshore of Upolu. Thirteen ROV dives investigated deep-sea coral and sponge communities, bottomfish habitats, sea-mounts, an active undersea volcano, and the water column.

Benthic CommunitiesKnowledge of the fauna populating the deep waters of the central Pacific, including American Sāmoa, is extremely scarce. Obtaining a baseline characterization of the spe-cies, communities, and ecosystems that inhabit this area is important for understanding their place in global marine biogeography (Watling et al., 2013). ROV dives during the expedition explored the distribution of benthic habitats, with an emphasis on areas with the highest probability of hosting deep-sea coral communities, particularly on the steep slopes and ridges of seamounts within American Sāmoa. Seamount communities were visually structured by depth.

UPPER BATHYAL Four ROV dives targeted bottom fish and precious coral habitats at depths between 250 m and 700 m; however, no precious corals (octocoral family Coralliidae) were observed. Other common deep-sea coral groups—bubblegum corals (octocoral family Paragorgiidae) and sea pens (octocoral order Pennatulacea)—were conspicuously absent from the American Sāmoa region. In general, these dives revealed a greater abundance of organisms and apparent higher diver-sity of megafaunal species than deeper dives (Figure 1). At this depth range, structuring of biological communities asso-ciated with depth was observed, likely a result of the rapid temperature changes in the main thermocline.

LOWER BATHYAL Two dives at Swain’s Atoll and Vailulu‘u Seamount targeted depths between 700 m and 1,150 m. A high diversity and abundance of sponges and high densities of scleractinian coral colonies (Enallopsammia sp. and Madrepora sp.) were observed. Five dives between 2,000 m and 3,000 m revealed different communities compared to other depth ranges. Golden octocorals (family Chrysogorgiidae), bamboo octo-corals (family Isididae), and glass sponges were the dominant sessile fauna. Coral colonies at this depth were the largest observed during the expedition, particularly Iridogorgia and bamboo corals (family Isididae).

ABYSSAL Similar to organisms found at lower bathyal depths, golden octocorals (family Chrysogorgiidae), bamboo octocorals, and glass sponges (Figure 2) were the dominant sessile fauna observed during the dives conducted between 3,700 m and 4,000 m; however, the species appeared to be different

Figure 1. This stony coral with associated squat lobster was observed in the upper bathyal level at ~286 m depth on Dive 13 of the 2017 American Sāmoa expedition.

Figure 2. Potential new species of Bolosoma glass sponge found at ~2,420 m depth at Malulu Seamount.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (77)


Figure 4. Bathymetric map of Vailulu'u Seamount showing the summit crater. Sonar detected a plume (likely composed of CO2 gas bubbles) emanating from the crater, near where hydrother-mal venting was observed in 2005 (Staudigel et al., 2006).

and their sizes were generally smaller. Further analyses are required to test the significance of the observed general pat-terns of depth structuring, and to characterize the deep-sea fauna in the American Sāmoa region and its biogeographical connections with surrounding areas in the Pacific.

Geologic History and Active VolcanismThe 2017 American Sāmoa Expedition provided an opportu-nity to explore the geologic history of the region. Eleven ROV dives recovered 30 rock samples from nine different volcanoes within the American Sāmoa EEZ, including basaltic material from previously unsampled volcanoes.

Four successful dives were made on the flanks of three volcanoes—Rose Atoll, Malulu Seamount, and the informally called Seamount D—located to the east and east-southeast of Vailulu‘u Seamount, the current location of the Samoan hotspot. Four dives were made on three previously unex-plored volcanoes located approximately 150 km to the north of the Samoan chain, informally called Leoso, Utu, and Moki. Due to their locations east and east-southeast (Rose Atoll, Malulu Seamount, and Seamount D) or north (Leoso, Utu, and Moki) of the Samoan hotspot, they are unlikely to be volcanically linked to it.

Dives on the flanks of three volcanoes previously shown to be related to the Samoan hotspot—Ta‘u Island, Tutuila Island, and Vailulu‘u Seamount—yielded a spectacular surprise. While dives on Ta‘u and Tutuila Islands revealed no evidence for active submarine volcanism, consistent with subaerial observations, new bathymetric mapping revealed that the central volcanic cone in Vailulu‘u crater, called Nafanua, has grown substantially since 2005 (Figure 3). Backscatter imaging revealed a plume extending hundreds of meters into the water column, coming to within 100 m or less of the sea surface

(Figure 4). The plume is likely related to hydrothermal vent-ing and volcanic degassing from the crater floor, and is near a location where prior hydrothermal venting was observed (Staudigel et al., 2006). High turbidity in the volcanic crater prevented the ROV from directly observing venting sources and biological communities. Reduced turbidity at shallower portions of Nafanua revealed diverse biology, and observations suggest changes in the composition of biological communities are related to the age of the lava flows (all flows on Nafanua are <17 years old). This observation indicates a possible succes-sion order of colonization in a young benthic ecosystem.

Submarine LandslidesSubmarine landslides are significant hazards associated with actively forming seamounts. Observations of seafloor lava flows suggest that Vailulu‘u and Malumalu Seamounts were active from a few thousand to a few years ago. Vailulu‘u is part of a chain of similarly shaped volcanoes (Ofu and Ta‘u Islands) whose island morphologies show evidence of large-scale collapses. High-resolution bathymetry was collected to assess potential landslide risk around the youngest Samoan volcanoes. The most striking result is the lack of any identi-fiable fragments of the volcanic edifice, in contrast to some of the seamount-sized fragments found off O‘ahu, Hawai‘i (e.g., Moore and Clague, 2002). Instead, the southern breached side of Ta‘u Island shows a chute that splays into an approximately 80 km long submarine fan beyond Malumalu and Vailulu‘u Seamounts characterized by large hummocks. The lack of large fragments suggests that recent activity has only included debris and/or turbidity flows, not infrequent massive avalanches (Watt et al., 2014), although the fan thick-ness (~1km) at the base of the island may hide evidence of early, larger events. These observations contrast with those from the western more mature volcanoes, where both flow and avalanche deposits are present (Hill and Tiffin, 1993).

All work in the NMSAS was conducted under permit NMSAS 2017-001.












2017Figure 3. Multibeam bathym-etry of the crater at Vailulu'u Seamount (in meters), show-ing growth of the central cone over time. The map combines data from three different bathymetric surveys. Graphic credit: Jasper Konter, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa



m· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (78)


Deepwater Exploration of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument and Central Pacific BasinBy Kasey Cantwell, Kelley Elliott, and Brian R.C. Kennedy

When CAPSTONE began in 2015, NOAA set out to col-lect baseline information about the deepwater habitats of US marine national monuments and marine protected areas in the Pacific. Since then, nine CAPSTONE cruises have focused on the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (PRIMNM), one of the largest US marine monuments (Figure 1). Designated in 2009 by President George W. Bush

Figure 1. Summary of CAPSTONE work completed from 2015 to 2017 by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer within the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument and Central Pacific Basin.

9 cruises

21 high density coral and sponge


54 ROV dives

156,800+ km2 ofseafloor mapped

and expanded in 2014 by President Barack Obama, the mon-ument covers over 1,269,000 km2. The five regions that make up PRIMNM are the Wake Island Unit, Howland and Baker Islands Unit, Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll Unit, Jarvis Island Unit, and Johnston Atoll Unit. These islands, atolls, and their surrounding waters constitute the most widespread col-lection of marine and terrestrial protected areas on the planet




















US Exclusive Economic Zone

Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (PRIMNM)

Okeanos Explorer PRIMNM Tracklines

Okeanos Explorer Non-PRIMNM Tracklines

2017 ROV Dive Sites

2016 ROV Dive Sites

2015 ROV Dive Sites





0 125 250

Nautical Miles

500· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (79)


and past events such as seamount mass wasting. Rock samples collected will provide new insights into the geologic history of seamount groups in the central Pacific.

As NOAA prepared to explore the Howland and Baker and the Jarvis Island Units, the 2017 expeditions offered the opportunity to partner with neighboring countries to inves-tigate the deepwater habitats in their waters. During transits to and from PRIMNM, the expedition teams collected pre-liminary data on how these ecosystems might be connected to those within monument boundaries. Working in part-nership with the marine resource managers of the Republic of Kiribati’s Phoenix Islands Protected Area; Marae Moana, the Cook Islands Marine Park; New Zealand’s Territory of Tokelau; the Independent State of Sāmoa; the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme; and the Big Ocean network, regional exploration priorities were estab-lished to complement overarching CAPSTONE themes.

The next three articles in this collection will provide an overview of the 2017 expeditions to PRIMNM and highlight some of the discoveries and new insights.

under a single country’s jurisdiction. Prior to the start of CAPSTONE, the vast majority of PRIMNM was unexplored, and its deepwater habitats were largely a mystery.

During the three years of CAPSTONE expeditions, NOAA has visited every unit of PRIMNM, greatly expanding our knowledge about what exists within the boundaries and mak-ing critical data publicly available for managers and scientists. These expeditions brought the first opportunity to evaluate deepwater biological communities via ROV exploration in the vicinity of the Howland and Baker, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, and Wake Island Units, and they conducted the deepest surveys in every unit. Hundreds of observations were made of new or yet to be described species, new records, and novel behaviors and associations (Figures 2 and 3). Mapping data acquired over the last three years by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer and partners, including the Schmidt Ocean Institute, the University of Hawai‘i, and the US Extended Continental Shelf Project, have significantly advanced knowledge of the seafloor within the monument. CAPSTONE efforts mapped over 156,800 km2 of seafloor in PRIMNM, revealing the mor-phology of features, including flat top guyots and canyons,

Figure 2. One of the priorities for each of the five ROV expeditions in PRIMNM was to locate deep-sea coral and sponge habitats. A highlight of the exploration of the Jarvis Island Unit was this unusual umbrella-shaped pillar feature covered in deep-sea corals and sponges.

Figure 3. As part of CAPSTONE, NOAA and partners conducted the first water column exploration in the Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll, Jarvis Island, and Johnston Atoll units. This ctenophore was imaged during a midwater transect at Johnston Atoll in 2017.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (80)


The 2017 Discovering the Deep expedition provided the first glimpse of the deep-sea geology and ecology of the deep water regions of Swains Island, the Howland and Baker Islands Unit of PRIMNM, Phoenix Islands Protected Areas (PIPA), and the Tokelau Region (Figure 1). Prior to this expedition, virtually no visual reconnaissance had been conducted in any of these areas below scuba diving depths.

ROV dives during this expedition focused on deep-sea corals, sponges, and fish assemblages, with particular interest in locating high-density and high-diversity biological com-munities. Indeed, nine high-density biological communities were documented out of the 19 dive sites explored. Many of these observations were new records for these regions, and several likely yielded species new to science. Acoustic

Discovering the Deep: Exploring Remote Pacific Marine Protected AreasBy Amanda W.J. Demopoulos, Steven Auscavitch, Derek Sowers, Nikolai Pawlenko, and Brian R.C. Kennedy

mapping operations covered more than 47,000 km2 of sea-floor. The collected imagery and specimens will improve our understanding of the distribution of deep-sea corals and sponges, the ages of the seafloor features, and overall geologi-cal context of these different environments.

Howland and Baker IslandsThe Howland and Baker Islands Unit of PRIMNM was formed as fringing reef around small volcanic islands. On this expedition, seven dives were conducted inside the monument boundaries and one dive in the US EEZ outside of the monu-ment. Three major features were visited within the monument: the deep slopes of Howland and Baker Islands as well as Titov Seamount, a large crescent-shaped guyot. Outside the monu-ment, a seamount of the Winslow Reef complex was mapped and subsequently explored with ROV Deep Discoverer.

The steep slopes at both Howland and Baker Islands were characterized by dramatic karstic formations with cathedral- like arches and overhangs. This morphology creates a complex environment for fishes and provides an excellent substrate for attachment of deepwater corals and other fauna.

A shallow dive at Howland Island (357–584 m) observed species-rich fish communities with at least 30 records reported. Precious corals (Coralliidae) were found through-out this depth range in addition to framework-forming scleractinians (Madrepora sp. and Enallopsammia sp.). A deep ridge dive at Howland Island (2,000-2,200 m) yielded both highly diverse and dense deep-sea coral communities, and there was a rare sighting of an octopus egg case (possibly Grimpoteuthis sp., adults of which were spotted in the area) attached to a colony of bubblegum coral (Paragorgia sp.). This observation underscores the importance of corals not only as habitat but also as potential nursery grounds.

South of Howland and Baker Islands, two dives were conducted on Titov Seamount and one west of Winslow Reef on the edge of the US EEZ. Diverse and high-density biological communities were observed at Titov Seamount on both its western ridge (1,895–1,740 m depth) and its crest (1,227–1,145 m depth), with the greatest diversity and den-sity near the guyot’s summit (Figure 2). On the shallower dive, precious corals (Coralliidae), along with at least 25 other coral taxa, were observed. The highest coral densities occurred on local topographic highs associated with iron-manganese hydroxide-encrusted boulders.

The southernmost site visited in the US EEZ was an unnamed seamount west of Winslow Reef, where one dive (1,561–1,361 m depth) revealed one of the highest densities of

10°S l

5°S l

0° l



Figure 1. Expedition summary map showing the multibeam sonar data collected as well as the ROV dive sites.

ROV Dive Sites

Howland Baker Unit PRIMNM

Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA)

Okeanos Explorer Multibeam Data

0 75 15037.5

Nautical Miles








th (m

)· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (81)


large branched bamboo corals (Family Isididae: Keratoisidinae S1 clade, Eknomisis sp. D2 clade, Lepidisis sp. D1 clade) observed on this expedition. High densities of bamboo corals were observed along nearly the entire length of the dive track.

PIPAPIPA is one of largest marine protected areas and UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world, with over 400,000 km2 of protected waters. First created in 2008, it includes a chain of islands, seamounts, and atolls that are largely uninhabited. Much like the environments around PRIMNM, PIPA also has rich shallow-water coral reef environments. In 2015, PIPA became a fully no-take MPA, with no commercial or recre-ational fishing of any type permitted inside its boundaries.

A total of eight dives across eight deep-sea features were made within PIPA boundaries. Seven of these dives were on seamounts and one was in a deep portion of a hadal trough that descends to nearly 6,500 m. This dive traversed a small topo-graphic rise of exposed rocky substrate containing a surprising high diversity of attached fauna. Six of the eight dive targets were characterized as high-density biological sites (Carondelet Reef, Polo Seamount, and unnamed seamounts), and the other two dives observed high-diversity sites (Carondelet Reef and unnamed seamount).

TokelauThe Tokelau region is characterized by several seamounts along with linear ridges that connect seamounts across the central Pacific. There are also multiple islands and atolls that rise hundreds to thousands of meters from the seafloor.

Two dives were conducted in the Tokelau EEZ region, one at Pao Pao Seamount (226–544 m depth) and one at Ufiata

Seamount (745–998 m depth; Figure 3). Of the two sites, Pao Pao Seamount had a higher diversity of corals and com-mercially important fishes. As the ROV crossed the seamount summit, large groupers, amberjacks, snappers, and sharks were commonly observed darting in and through ROV Deep Discoverer’s field of view.

SummaryThis expedition provided the first extensive look into an almost completely unexplored region. The publicly available data collected will help spark new ideas and interest about the area that will foster follow-on research and exploratory projects. Rock collections will help refine age estimates for the features explored in the region. These data will also establish baseline assessments of deep-sea coral and sponge biodiversity and distribution across these MPAs and remote Pacific territories and nations. The video collected will be used to estimate the diversity, frequency, and fidelity of coral- associated communities, knowledge critical to evaluating the impact of the MPAs on deep-sea ecosystems over time.

Figure 2. A dense stand of corals on the crest of Titov Seamount (~1,200 m depth) within the Howland and Baker Islands Unit of PRIMNM.

Figure 3. A gravid caridean shrimp, Heterocarpus sp., was observed feeding on a type of midwater fish, possibly a stareater (Astronesthes sp.), at around 998 m depth on Ufiata Seamount.

19 ROV dives30,100 km2 ofseafloor mapped

38 biological & 4 geological

samples collected

9 high density coral communities· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (82)


In 2017, using NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, NOAA and partners collected baseline geological and ecological data in and around two units of PRIMNM—the Jarvis Island Unit and the Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll Unit—and Marae Moana, the Cook Islands Marine Park (Figure 1). These are some of the most remote areas on Earth, with large swaths that had never been mapped or seen by human eyes. Of the many thousand seamounts within this area of the Central Pacific Basin (Wessel and Lyons, 1997; Yesson et al., 2011), fewer than 40 had been previously explored or scientifically sampled.

Marae Moana and the High SeasMarae Moana covers much of the Manihiki Plateau, a subma-rine large igneous province that formed prior to 120 million years ago in association with a hotspot. It was once part of a much bigger volcanic province that included the Ontong Java and Hikurangi Plateaus, which rifted apart shortly after formation (Taylor, 2006). While transiting through Marae Moana, the expedition mapped approximately 4,300 km2 of previously unmapped seafloor.

Two ROV dives were conducted north of the Marae Moana and Cook Islands EEZ. The first dive surveyed a large plateau of unknown origin at about 2,500 m depth.

Mountains in the Deep: Exploration of the Seamounts of the Central Pacific BasinBy DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl, Scott C. France, Kasey Cantwell, and Michael White

Ferromanganese-crusted lava flows covered the landscape, with small patches of biogenic sediments between outcrops. Throughout the dive, higher densities of suspension-feeding fauna were observed on the tops of taller rock outcrops and boulders. Overall, fauna were sparse. The most abundant megafaunal taxa were brisingid asteroids and stalked tuni-cates (?Culeolus).

The second dive in this region discovered a large-scale, high-density coral community atop an elongate ridge at about 2,200 m depth. The forest included at least 14 species of coral. The dominant species was an open bushy bamboo coral, possibly related to Cladarisis (Figure 2). Many of the colonies were taller than the ROV. Fish were uncommon, with only three species observed. Additionally, new bathymetric data revealed a number of previously unknown small cones and lava flow terraces as well as a significantly different depth of the ridge crest (approximately 1,000 m shallower) than was predicted by satellite altimetry (Figure 3).

Jarvis Island Unit Five ROV dives surveyed a range of ecosystems in the Jarvis Island Unit of PRIMNM, including shallow bottomfish hab-itats, abyssal communities deep in a fracture zone, and three previously unexplored seamounts. Seamounts within the Jarvis Island Unit are part of the Line Islands linear volcanic chain formed on mid-Cretaceous age seafloor (Davis et al., 2002). Recent work shows that the ages of volcanoes are nearly the same along major segments of the chain (90–70 million years old). Such coeval volcanism, over distances of several thousand kilometers, cannot be easily reconciled with a

Figure 2. High-density community north of Marae Moana that is dominated by bamboo corals.














ROV Dive Sites

Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument

Marae Moana, the Cook Islands Marine Park

Okeanos Explorer Multibeam Data

Nautical Miles


Jarvis Island Unit (PRIMNM)

Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll Unit (PRIMNM)





Figure 1. During the 23-day Mountains in the Deep expedition, 12 ROV dives (white dots) were conducted, from 230m to 4,570 m depth, and over 36,800 km2 of seafloor were mapped using shipboard sonars. Insets show work conducted within PRIMNM.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (83)


hotspot model; forthcoming radiometric age dates and chemical analyses obtained from the rock samples collected may shed new light on the origin of these seamounts. When data from this expedition are paired with those from an ear-lier Okeanos Explorer expedition, all or part of every major seamount in the Jarvis Island Unit has been mapped, totaling over 16,100km2 of seafloor.

During the dive at Jarvis Island, we documented six small- to medium-sized high-density communities dominated by different fauna in different depth ranges, including Madrepora stony corals, psolid holothurians, polychaete tube thickets, extensive carpets of small anemones or zoanthids, primnoid octocorals, and urchins. Bands of large carbonate blocks pro-vided habitat for sessile organisms looking to be elevated into currents. This dive also had the richest diversity of fishes seen on the expedition.

Corals and sponges were seen on all three seamounts explored in the Unit, but the communities were typically sparsely populated. Coral diversity ranged from about nine to 16 species. Fish observations were few, except on the shallowest dive where more than 14 species were recorded, including the rarely seen Pacific sleeper shark (Somniosus pacificus)— possibly only the fourth time this species has ever been recorded alive—and four morphotypes of batfish and goosefish.

The deepest dive of the expedition (~4,500 m) explored the western end of the Clipperton Fracture Zone. This feature is among the longest tectonic structures on Earth, extending more than 7,000 km from the Line Islands across the mod-ern East Pacific Rise and into the Middle America Trench beneath Central America. The ROV transited up a south- facing scarp within the oldest portion of the fracture zone, sampling rocks from a section of the upper oceanic crust that

is thought to have been emplaced more than 120 million years ago. The biological communities reflected the abyssal depths, with the fauna dominated by black corals (Schizopathidae, Bathypathes) and at least eight species of sea cucumbers (Holothuria). The second deepest known collection of a bam-boo coral (Bathygorgia) was observed at 4,523 m depth, and a tube-dwelling anemone (Galatheanthemidae), known mostly from deeper trenches, was collected at 4,514m depth. Fish from four families were seen, including typical abyssal fauna such as tripod fishes (Ipnopidae), cusk eels (Ophidiidae), deep lizardfishes (Bathysauridae, Bathysaurus mollis), and rattails (Macrouridae, Coryphaenoides yaquinae).

Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll UnitKingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll are the exposed summits of two seamounts within the Line Islands volcanic chain. The islands are the last subaerial remnants of a horseshoe-shaped volcanic platform spanning roughly 200 km in diameter. The elevated platform from which the seamounts arise comprises about a dozen individual volcanic centers whose heights exceed 3,000 m above the nearby abyssal plains. Carbonate material is moved from the islands into deep water via a com-plex network of submarine canyons (Lyle et al., 2016).

Four ROV dives were conducted in this Unit, two at approximately 2,000 m depth, one on a cone emerging from a flat-topped platform at about 1,000 m depth, and on the margin of Palmyra Atoll (490–300 m depth). Surveyed areas were mostly sparse for sessile fauna, but nonetheless diverse in corals, echinoderms, sponges, and fishes. A higher- density coral community was observed on the cone feature at approximately 1,000 m depth despite relatively low dissolved oxygen concentrations (~1.7mgL–1). Highlights from these dives included documenting a snail preying upon a crinoid, an interaction known previously only from Paleozoic fossils (e.g., Gahn and Baumiller, 2003), the first observation for the central Pacific of a benthic jellyfish (Ptychogastria) known from polar oceans, and a rare observation of a sea star preying on a crinoid.

12 ROV dives36,800 km2 of

17 biological & 13 geological

samples collected

7 high density coral communities

seafloor mapped

Summit Depth: 600 m

Figure 3. In several instances, mapping operations found significant differences in both form and depth of the sea-floor when compared to satellite altimetry data. Here, a ridge-like feature is revealed to be a guyot when mapped with high-resolution multibeam sonar. Inset: Same for-mation derived from satellite altimetry.

Summit Depth:1,160 m

N· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (84)


Expedition OverviewThe 2017 Laulima O Ka Moana expedition focused on collect-ing critical baseline information about unknown and poorly known deepwater areas in the Johnston Atoll Unit (JAU) of PRIMNM to support science and management needs. Fourteen ROV dives from 250 m to 2,600 m depth investi-gated seamounts, manganese-encrusted seafloor habitats, and both benthic and water column communities (Figure 1). Five of these dives were conducted on seamounts mapped in January 2017 by the Schmidt Ocean Institute’s R/VFalkor in the unexplored western part of the JAU.

Mapping operations focused on adding coverage to exist-ing mapping data, conducting surveys to support ROV dive site planning, and underway transit mapping of uncharted areas. A total of approximately 38,331 km2 of seafloor were mapped, including about 23,161 km2 inside of the JAU (Figure 1). This effort yielded complete or near complete high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter coverage of eight previously unmapped seamounts. Two other seamounts were partially mapped for the first time, and coverage was added to fill gaps in the data on four additional seamounts.

Diverse Deep-Sea HabitatsMore than 99% of the JAU seafloor is in deep water and most has not been previously explored. A key expedition objective was to examine the diversity and distribution of benthic com-munities, including precious as well as non-precious corals

Laulima O Ka Moana: Exploring Deep Monument Waters Around Johnston AtollBy Christopher Kelley, Christopher Mah, Mashkoor Malik, and Kelley Elliott

and sponges. Of particular interest was the presence of two large-scale environmental phenomena within the JAU that may cause geographic and depth differences in communities: (1) currents moving east to west in opposite directions that potentially divide the northern and southern halves of the monument, and (2) shoaling of the oxygen minimum zone from north to south in this region. The CTD data showed the lowest oxygen levels at approximately 500 m depth at the northernmost seamounts, and at approximately 350 m depth at the southernmost. Thus, dives were conducted on the pre-viously unexplored southern seamounts for comparison to northern seamounts where data already existed. Shallower surveys around Johnston Atoll and in the water column exam-ined potential impacts of oxygen levels on community compo-sition. Video annotation and data analysis are already under-way to determine possible impacts from these phenomena.

Deep-Sea Coral and Sponge CommunitiesOne dive was designed to determine if commercially valuable precious corals were present in the JAU. The only location shallow enough for these corals is Johnston Atoll. During our dive, a spectacular bed of the precious coral Hemicoralliumsp. (Figure 2) was found at 400–550 m depth in very low oxy-gen conditions, suggesting commercially harvested shal-lower coralliid species can tolerate a wide range of oxygen levels and potentially colonize a relatively wide latitudinal range in the central Pacific.

Documenting communities on manganese-encrusted seafloor was a CAPSTONE priority, and consequently, 13 dives were conducted within the manganese crust mining depth range of 1,000 m to 2,500m (Hein et al., 2009). During the surveys, corals, sponges, many other invertebrates, and fishes were encountered on crust substrate. These data will be combined with those from other CAPSTONE cruises to provide a detailed compilation of benthic communities living in the Prime Crust Zone, so designated for its mining potential.





























2017 ROV Dive Sites

2015 ROV Dive Sites

Johnston Atoll Unit PRIMNM: Pre-2014 Expansion

Johnston Atoll Unit PRIMNM: Current Boundary

Okeanos Explorer Multibeam Data

Nautical Miles

0 30 60 120


th (m







Figure 1. Map showing bathymetry data and ROV dive locations from the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer expeditions to the Johnston Atoll Unit of PRIMNM. Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GISUserCommunity· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (85)


An important related objective was to determine if high-density coral and sponge communities exist on manga-nese crusts in the JAU because only one “patchy high-density” Chrysogorgia sp. community was found in 2015. During the 2017 cruise, high-density communities were found consis-tently on four of the 13 dive sites, each with a unique species composition and different dominant taxa: two with bamboo corals (family Isididae), another with a deep species of coralliid (Hemicorallium), and the fourth with sponges in the families Euplectellidae and Farreidae (Figure 3). Three other patchy high–density communities were found at sites with large blocks and/or other elevated topography. Dominant taxa in these communities included corals in the family Plexauridae, needle-like carnivorous sponges (?Cladorhizidae), and yet another with a mix of corals and glass sponges. The shallower Johnston Atoll dive also documented high-density patches on large blocks; in one case, glass sponges in the genus Farrea covered one side of the block while another side was covered by acanthogorgiid corals.

Ecological Observations and Undescribed SpeciesNoteworthy observations included over a dozen new obser-vations of sea star predation on corals, including at least three attributed to new, undescribed species (Figure 4). Sea stars represent ecologically important predators in shallow- water ecosystems, and those in deep-sea systems likely show parallel relevance. Other significant ecological observations

include a large sea spider (Pycnogonida) feeding on the spiral coral Iridigorgia and multiple observations of a small narco-medusae feeding on octocorals.

A large diversity of undescribed animal species were observed, including a new species of snailfish and abyssal nudibranch (genus Bathydoris), multiple new species of sea stars, and many undescribed octocorals and glass sponges. Collection was often critical for identification. One sponge, identified from photographs for years as being in the calcarean genus Clathrina, was collected and found to be a hexactinellid, a completely different class. It was further discovered to have a commensal hexacoral (a sea anemone or a zoanthid) growing in association with the skeleton of the glass sponge.

Geological HistoryThe geologic age of a seamount can only be determined by geochemical analyses and basalt dating techniques of col-lected samples. Therefore, rocks were collected at every dive site except Johnston Atoll (with carbonate substrate) and Horizon Guyot (limited time and no suitable rocks) for a total of 24 rock samples. Dive video from 13 sites clearly showed thick manganese crusts on exposed rocks, which is indicative of great age (i.e., 60–80 million years). Mapping data also pro-vided clues to the ages of some of the previously unmapped seamounts. Five of the newly mapped seamounts were guyots whose summits below 1,000 m depth make them character-istic of Cretaceous volcanoes that were once at the surface.

Figure 3. A high-density community dominated by sponges in the families Euplectellidae and Farreidae was encountered on “Ridge” Seamount. Many of the observed sponges had their concave sides directed toward the current.

Figure 2. Numerous colonies of the precious red coral Hemicorallium sp. were discovered offshore of Johnston Atoll in karstic carbonate formations.

Figure 4. A new species of sea star in the genus Hippasteria was observed feeding on this deep-sea octocoral in the genus Narella.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (86)


Deep-Sea Symphony: Exploration of the Musicians SeamountsBy John R. Smith, Meagan R. Putts, Eric Mittelstaedt, Kasey Cantwell, Elizabeth Lobecker, and Michael White

The high seas are some of the least-studied areas on the planet, yet they connect to the EEZs of countries across the globe. In 2017, NOAA and partners conducted two expe-ditions on NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer to collect critical baseline information about unknown and poorly understood deep water areas around the Musicians Seamounts, located northwest of the Main Hawaiian Islands (Figure 1). Previous research along this 1,200 km long seamount chain consisted of only low-resolution single-beam echosounding, opportunis-tic multibeam mapping during transits, and rock dredges to establish ages of some of the seamounts in the region (Clague and Dalrymple, 1975). As the final CAPSTONE expedition,

the Deep-Sea Symphony expedition aimed to characterize the biological diversity and the geologic setting of this fascinating region that lies just outside the US EEZ. Insights gained from this expedition about the potential connectivity between the Main Hawaiian Islands and the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (PMNM) and the communities that live there will inform decision-making regarding fisheries and monument management plans. Additionally, the Musicians Seamounts offer a unique opportunity to expand our geolog-ical knowledge of fracture zones, hotspot volcanism, and the interactions between mantle plumes and mid-ocean ridges.

Geological InsightsThe Musicians Seamounts were likely built from eruptions fed by partial melting of an upwelling mantle plume. The por-tions of the Musicians chain explored during this expedition formed near a mid-ocean ridge, in contrast to other linear, plume-fed seamount chains, such as Hawai‘i. As a result of its proximity to the mid-ocean ridge, the mantle plume fed not only a chain of seamounts but also two sets of volcanic ridges, or lineaments, that extend from the main seamounts eastward toward the former location of the mid-ocean ridge axis.

New mapping data reveal that the Musicians’ lineaments are constructed of large volumes of volcanic material, much greater than erupted at similar times along the main Musicians Seamounts. For example, within the northern set of lineaments, several volcanoes sit atop an extensive plateau constructed approximately 100 km east of the main seamount chain. Along the lineaments, new maps reveal many guyots (flat-topped seamounts) that likely were previously above sea level and subjected to wave and wind erosion (Figure 2). Furthermore, video observations of extensive sheet flows with little to no pillow basalt construction suggest that high-effusion-rate eruptions fed by voluminous magma supplies were the norm. Magma supply to the seamounts of the Musicians lineaments contrasts with that of seamounts along other hotspot lineaments. For example, the volume of erupted material making up the young (<2 million years old) Galápagos lineaments is a fraction of that erupted to construct the main Galápagos Archipelago (Mittelstaedt et al., 2014). Furthermore, limited photographic imagery from the Galápagos lineaments reveals significant pillow basalt eruptions, suggesting lower effusion rates. Such differences imply that the dynamics of plume-ridge interaction at the Musicians may have differed greatly from that of other near-ridge mantle plumes.

Figure 1. Map of the 2017 Deep-Sea Symphony expedition in the Musicians Seamounts.




















2017 ROV Dive Sites


Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument

Okeanos Explorer Multibeam Data

Nautical Miles



th (m




–5,000· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (87)


Flat Topped Seamounts

Volcanic Plateau

Linear Volcanic Ridges



High-Density CommunitiesHigh-density deep-sea coral and sponge communities provide habitat for other organisms, foster biodiversity throughout the ocean, contribute to important commer-cial fisheries, and are a potential source of biomedical compounds (Hourigan et al., 2017). Of regions explored during CAPSTONE, the greatest number of high- density coral and sponge communities was discovered in the Musicians Seamounts, and each site exhibited a unique composition (Figure 3). This finding was com-pletely unexpected and a marvel to behold. Some com-munities consisted of primarily one major taxa such as at Shostakovich Seamount, where bamboo corals 3 m tall and 2m wide were the predominant fauna. Paganini Seamount supported a diversity of Chrysogogiidae coral with low concentrations of other coral and sponge taxa. Mendelssohn Seamount hosted two patches of precious coral. Upon ROV touchdown, there was a dense Hemicorallium (pink coral) community composed of

large colonies (>1m wide). Upslope, a dense community of massive (2–3 m tall) bamboo colonies was discov-ered, one of the densest communities surveyed during CAPSTONE. Other locations exhibited mixed groups of high densities of precious coral (bamboo, pink, and black corals). At least one occurrence of a precious coral was recorded on each dive, marking the first observation of precious corals in the Musicians region.

At Schumann Seamount, a rare glass sponge in the subfamily Lanuginellinae, also known as the “minivan” sponge, was observed. This species was first discovered in, and is only known from, the PMNM (Wagner and Kelley, 2017). Its presence in the Musicians Seamounts may be an indication of connectivity between the two regions and the importance of the Musicians as refugia and a source of larval dispersal and genetic diversity.

Data from this expedition will be used to better under-stand regional biodiversity, interpret novel observations, inform habitat suitability models for deep-sea corals and sponges, and help unravel the complex geologic story of this region. We also anticipate future studies to evaluate the numerous high-density deep-sea coral and sponge communities discovered and to conduct further research into regional biogeographic patterning.

Figure 3. Coral communities throughout the Musicians Seamounts were diverse. Shown here is: (a) a diverse community at Debussy Seamount with several large col-onies indicating a stable environment, as well as several relatively young colonies, and (b) a dense Hemicorallium community at Mendelssohn Seamount, one of two high-density communities found during this dive.

49 days at sea

22 ROV dives

95 participating scientists

18 high density deep sea coral communities

55 biological & 31 geological

samples collected

88,600 km2 ofseafloor mapped

50 seamounts and ridges mapped in

full or in part

Figure 2. New mapping data along the northern extent of the expedition operating area revealed an elevated volcanic plateau with several guyots and lin-ear volcanic ridges. Image credit: Eric Mittelstaedt, Uni-versity of Idaho


a· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (88)


CAPSTONE Sampling Overview: Providing Insights in the Remote PacificBy Kasey Cantwell, Kelley Elliott, Christopher Kelley, and Susan Gottfried

In 2015, NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research commenced the three-year CAPSTONE effort to collect critical baseline information about the deepwater (>250 m) habitats of marine protected areas of the Pacific. The campaign targeted unex-plored and rarely explored areas to provide a founda-tion of publicly accessible information to inform management and spur follow-on research. During

CAPSTONE, 767 biological specimens were collected that include new species, new records, and range extensions, as well as morphological variations and diversity assessments. The 278 rocks collected during the multiyear campaign are available to the community to provide information on the geologic history of Pacific seamounts and characterize ferro-manganese content on seamounts in and around the Prime Crust Zone, an area of the Pacific with the highest levels of commercially valuable deep-sea mineral deposits.

The philosophy that guided sampling during CAPSTONE was deliberately different than that for traditional research cruises.Here, the science teams sought to acquire the mini-mum number of specimens that would provide a generalrep-resentation of the biological and geological setting of each dive site. Biological collections were generally limited to dominant fauna or morphotype in a habitat, undescribed organisms or those that appeared to be outside their known habitats, or other samples’ significant discovery potential. Priorities for geological sampling included obtaining rocks for geochemical analysis and age-dating, analysis of ferromanganese content, or meeting other expedition-specific objectives.

OER is committed to making its data publicly available and adheres to the federal government’s equal and open data policy (Beaujardiere and Kaske, 2015). Telepresence-enabled

operations facilitate initial sample evaluation by giving the shoreside team immediate access to digital sampling data. Throughout CAPSTONE sampling operations, collection methods and processing steps were fully documented and published to permit easy data discovery and access as well as to facilitate long-term data stewardship. Digital informa-tion collected aboard NOAA ShipOkeanos Exploreris made publicly available within 60 to 90 days after the end of a mission.The designated sample repositories provide access to samples as quickly as possible.

Acquisition, Processing, and DocumentationAs with expedition planning and execution, sampling opera-tions on Okeanos Explorer are community-driven. Leveraging the vast intellectual capital of the onshore team participating via telepresence (Kennedy et al., 2015), the onboard team opened up sample collections for community input, collabo-ratively determining the highest needs for sampling, depend-ing on the specific site and dive objectives, expedition goals, and CAPSTONE themes.

Once on board, biological samples were processed as quickly as possible to minimize tissue deterioration (Figure 1). Prior to preservation, each specimen was carefully examined to identify and remove associated fauna. All animals, whether primary specimens or associates, were preserved in either formalin or ethanol depending on which preservative was more desirable for the particular taxa and based on con-sultation with the shoreside science team. Specimens were preserved for taxonomic analysis (ethanol), genetic analysis

Figure 1. This neomeniomorph aplacophoran (Helicoradomeniasp.) was collected as an associate with a hexactinellid specimen. The shipboard team was unable to identify it, so the images were cir-culated to the shoreside science team. By the following morning, positive identification came from an expert on shore.

301 specimen


associates collected

171 primary biological samples

102 primary geological samples

85 ROV dives

1 cm· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (89)


(CHAOS buffer or OGL fix), and in some cases, histological examination (10% buffered formalin). Geological samples were also examined for biological associates, then weighed, photographed, and dried.

To facilitate post-cruise data discovery, all samples col-lected by Okeanos Explorer were documented in the Sampling Operations Database Application (SODA) created specifically for CAPSTONE. SODA was designed to efficiently create metadata records, catalog associated images and video, and create daily sampling reports. Following the completion of each cruise and quality control of database entries, collection data were provided to the sample repositories, incorporated into a specimen data layer in the Okeanos Explorer Digital Atlas (a GIS application), and then archived at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information.

One of the benefits of telepresence-enabled operations is the ability to rapidly share information not only with the expedition science team on shore but also with the broader science community. Throughout CAPSTONE, widespread distribution of imagery (Figure 2) led to discussions about fauna, quick engagement of taxa experts to ensure optimal preservation, rapid identification of unknown specimens, and the drafting of journal articles while expeditions were still underway. Beyond the formal communications among colleagues, CAPSTONE expeditions continued to expand their reach to additional experts and citizen scientists through social media.

Post-Cruise Sample Processing and CuratingAt the conclusion of each cruise, samples were catalogued and provided to appropriate facilities for curation. All biological samples are accessible through the Invertebrate Zoology col-lection, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian

Institution. When possible, selected coral and sponge spec-imens were split, with subsamples provided to the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum’s Invertebrate Zoology collection to facilitate additional access by scientists located in the Pacific Islands region. Prior to preservation, a small aliquot of tissue was also removed and preserved for genetic analysis when doing so did not effectively destroy the specimen. These tissue samples were provided to the Ocean Genome Legacy Center at Northeastern University.

Geological specimens collected during CAPSTONE (Figure 3) were shipped to the Marine Geology Repository at Oregon State University, where the rocks are curated and described from a petrology perspective (e.g., mineral content, texture, alteration, rock name). Thin and polished sections are cut, microphotographed, and entered into the repository’s sample library. The repository provides online metadata and images of the samples as well as images of thin and polished sections.

Looking AheadOER routinely evaluates its collection activities, including the types of samples to be collected, the characterizations desired for each sample type, and the appropriate repositories for the samples. Sampling operations will continue to focus on specimen collections that contribute to an interdisciplinary baseline characterization of poorly understood habitats in high-priority target areas identified by the science community. Samples will continue to be made publicly available within six to eight months of expedition completion. Future opera-tions may include incorporation of new sampling tools that permit better characterization of the water column, facilitate enhanced benthic collections, and improve real-time access to sample data and digital characterization data via telepresence.

Figure 2. A digital microscope capable of recording high-resolution video and imagery of specimens at a macro scale brought new capabilities in 2017. Its imagery was shared with the shore-based team in near-real time to facilitate taxonomic expert consultations and speci-men identification. Image credit: Chris Kelley, HURL

Figure 3. Geology Science Team Lead Matthew Jackson retrieves a sample from the ROV Deep Discoverer rock box.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (90)


Exploring the Pacific Through International PartnershipsBy David McKinnie, Randi Rotjan, and Atuatasi Lelei Peau

Science helps us to understand our natural world and provides the data and information needed to manage its resources. In Pacific Island nations, it is critical to connect science not only with decision-makers but also with traditional leadership and the people. In meeting US needs, opportunities to partner with Pacific Island nations and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) emerged, and three-year CAPSTONE effort was initiated. Through partner discussions, exploration priorities were identified, operat-ing areas were refined, and mapping and dive targets were selected. NOAA relied on SPREP to provide guidance on how best to engage local partners and communities, and Pacific Island nations helped to identify requirements, provide operational permits, and facilitate other support. This led to the exploration of unknown or poorly known deep waters of American Sāmoa, Sāmoa, the Republic of Kiribati, the Cook Islands, and New Zealand’s Territory of Tokelau.

Using NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, NOAA worked in and near the exclusive economic zones of these regions to map the deep ocean, collect high-resolution video, and take limited samples (where permitted) to give better insight into the biology and geology of these largely unknown ecosystems. NOAA also provided professional development seminars for teachers, live interactions, and public access to live explora-tion for its Pacific Islands partners. NOAA operates on an open-science, open-data model—anyone can participate in Okeanos Explorer expeditions via live video streams on the Internet, and the data are publicly available.

American SāmoaNOAA and the American Sāmoa Government Office of Samoan Affairs collaborated to set priorities for explora-tion that would meet National Marine Sanctuary System needs while being culturally relevant to American Samoans. All work performed at the National Marine Sanctuary of American Sāmoa (NMSAS) must be approached with sensi-tivity to place and the culture of American Samoan people. Three themes emerged: the connection between deepwater and shallow water ecosystems, connections between commu-nities at different seamounts, and potential geohazards such as undersea landslides. Working closely with partners at the NMSAS, NOAA conducted seven dives in American Samoan waters and mapped over 40,879 km2 in high resolution. In addition, the Okeanos Explorer team hosted tours for more than 500 people, conducted interviews with local television and radio stations, shared the excitement of ocean exploration in American Samoan waters to over 1,000 cruise ship passen-gers at the National Marine Sanctuaries Festival of Sites, and cohosted a presentation on Polynesian celestial navigation and ocean exploration in partnership with the Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration and the NMSAS (Figure 1).

SāmoaNOAA worked with the Government of Sāmoa’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, the National University of Sāmoa, SPREP, Sāmoa’s Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, and others to set priorities. While exploring within the Samoan EEZ, expedition teams mapped approximately 5,600 km2 of seafloor, including extensive uncharted areas around the entire eastern half of Upolu. Tour groups visiting Okeanos Explorer included nearly 220 people from local col-leges, the National University of Sāmoa, the Sāmoa Voyaging Society, the Sāmoa Conservation Society, environmental ministries, the US Embassy in Apia, and SPREP (Figure 2). NOAA cohosted a presentation on Polynesian celestial navi-gation and ocean exploration, in partnership with the Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration, the Sāmoa Voyaging Society, and SPREP.

Republic of KiribatiWhile exploring in and around Kiribati’s EEZ and Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA), NOAA mapped approxi-mately 25,200 km2 of seafloor in PIPA and an additional 1,200km2 in the Line Islands. This work provided new high- resolution bathymetric maps of portions of 10 seamounts,

Figure 1. Deputy Superintendent Atuatasi Lelei Peau of the National Marine Sanctuary of American Sāmoa introduces Dan Rogers of the Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration, who gave a presentation on modern and traditional ocean exploration at the Tauese P.F. Sunia Ocean Center in Pago Pago, American Sāmoa.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (91)


three prominent ridge and island flank features, and PIPA’s deepest feature, the 6,350 m deep “Hadal Trough.” Eight ROV dives were conducted in PIPA, revealing high-density coral communities, areas of high biodiversity, and large octocoral fans. According to the PIPA Science Advisory Committee, this opportunity was important for comparison across neighboring marine protected areas as part of PIPA’s collaborative arrangement with the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument.

TokelauWhile exploring New Zealand’s Territory of Tokelau, NOAA mapped approximately 13,300 km2 of seafloor, including portions of nine seamounts and five highly prominent ridge features. During two ROV dives conducted in Tokelau’s ter-ritorial waters, scientists surveyed a high diversity of coral and commercial fish at Pao Pao Seamount and observed precious corals at Ufiata Seamount. A delegation of 30 indi-viduals from Tokelau toured Okeanos Explorer during a port call in Apia, Sāmoa. The Cook IslandsWhile exploring priority areas north of the Cook Islands’ EEZ and within Marae Moana, the Cook Islands Marine Park, NOAA mapped more than 4,300 km2 of seafloor and con-ducted two dives that revealed a previously unknown large-scale, high-density deep-sea coral community. The expedi-tion team participated in a telepresence interaction with a number of Cook Islands schools, as well as a live telepresence interaction with media and participating scientists at

Figure 3. On June 8, 2017, NOAA Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Craig McLean, second from left, met with the Cook Islands Prime Minister, Henry Puna, left, at the United Nations Ocean Conference in New York. Attendees discussed the high value of the collaborative work in the region and anticipate future NOAA or partner exploration opportunities in the Cook Islands and with other Small Island Developing States.

Figure 2. While in port at Apia, Sāmoa, the mission team on board NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer led tours for nearly 220 people. Here, some of the visitors learn about the ROV Deep Discoverer and the camera sled ROV Seirios. Image credit: US Embassy, Apia, Sāmoa

New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research. On June 8, 2017, NOAA’s Assistant Administrator for Oceanic and Atmospheric Research, Craig McLean, met with the Cook Islands Prime Minister, Henry Puna, at the United Nations Ocean Conference in New York (Figure 3). Attendees who discussed the high value of the collaborative work in the region anticipate future NOAA or partner explo-ration opportunities in the Cook Islands and with other Small Island Developing States.

NOAA and SPREP reconvened in September 2017 to share expedition results and maps of deepwater areas for Pacific Island nations. Multibeam data files, water column sonar files, track and position data, environmental information, video, still images, maps, and more were provided to each international partner at this meeting. Currently, biological and geological samples are available through NOAA partner repositories at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History, and the Marine Geology Repository at Oregon State University. Results of genetic anal-ysis (and any remaining tissue samples) are available from the Ocean Genome Legacy Center at Northeastern University (see pages 84–85). In addition to sharing the live dives and the data, NOAA encouraged follow-on expeditions and research. This also provided the opportunity to discuss how future work in the regions can leverage alliances between NOAA and partner organizations, such as the Schmidt Ocean Institute and the Ocean Exploration Trust. NOAA is grateful for the opportunity to explore these regions and provide data to SPREP members, and looks forward to continuing and strengthening these partnerships.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (92)


Sponsored Projects:NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research

IntroductionBy Nathalie Valette-Silver, Frank Cantelas, Chris Beaverson, Amanda Netburn, Yvette Jefferson, Joyce Woodford, and Stephen Hammond

To help accomplish its mission to explore and characterize the deep ocean, NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research sponsors projects through grants and cooperative agree-ments, as well as intra- and interagency agreements. These projects complement systematic ocean exploration conducted by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer.

On an annual basis, OER publishes a Federal Funding Opportunity (FFO) that invites the submission of proposals focused on ocean exploration (including maritime exploration for, and of, culturally important submarine sites) and on technological innovations with the potential for increasing the pace and scope of ocean exploration.

For the past several years, dependent on OER’s year-to-year budget, the funding allocation for the FFO has ranged from $3 million to $4 million. Projects are selected based on a community- standard process of peer review, coupled with published programmatic selection factors.

Funded projects benefit from proactive OER support, including assistance with cruise planning, federal administrative reporting requirements, and communication of project dis-coveries and results by means of OER’s website.

This section highlights a few of OER’s 2017 sponsored projects in archaeology, technology, and exploration that demonstrate the breadth of work supported by OER. In addition to those presented here, two other archaeology projects were supported by OER and conducted using the Ocean Exploration Trust’s E/V Nautilus (see pages 36–38).

Competitively Awarded Projects (Fiscal Year 2017)






Pre-Proposal RequestsFull Proposal RequestsAwarded






Pre-Proposal RequestsFull Proposal RequestsAwarded











Calcified green algae are important to the bio-geochemical cycles of coral reefs. In this garden of algae, the science team observed three species of Halimeda, as well as Udotea and Rhipocephalus. See details on page89. Image credit: Cuba’s Twilight Zone Reefs and Their Regional Connectivity

A new sensor for detecting nitrogen gas was tested on Okeanos Explorer in October 2017. See details on page 96. Image credit: Charles Wilkins, Okeanos Explorer

Under the supervision of its pilots, an unmanned aircraft system takes off over Lake Huron in Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary. See details on page90. Image credit: TBNMS, NOAA· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (93)


NOAA’s Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology (CIOERT) is a partnership of Florida Atlantic University-Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, University of North Carolina Wilmington, University of Miami (UM), SRI International, and NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research. Activities focus on three themes: exploration of continental shelf edge frontiers, research on vulnerable coral and sponge ecosystems, and development of advanced underwater technologies.

From May 15 to June 13, 2017, CIOERT conducted an expe-dition to discover and characterize the extent of mesophotic reefs around Cuba and to compare the health and connectiv-ity of mesophotic and shallow coral reef ecosystems in Cuba and the United States. This collaborative effort involved six Cuban institutions and agencies (Centro de Investigaciónes Marinas at University of Havana, Centro Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, Geocuba Estudios Marinos, Guanahacabibes National Park-Sistema Nacional

de Areas Protegidas, and Acuario Nacional de Cuba), and NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, National Marine Fisheries Service, and OER. The team explored never- before-studied mesophotic coral reefs from 30 m to 150 m depth around the entire island. Details, mission blogs, and photos are available at

Through daily ROV dives from the UM R/VF.G. Walton Smith, scientists focused on characterization of deep coral reefs, documenting the geomorphology, biological zonation, and diversity of marine biota (Figures 1 and 2). Many dives were conducted in or adjacent to Cuba’s extensive network of marine protected areas to explore locations for possible creation of new MPAs or expansion of existing boundaries. Data analyses are in progress to document density and cover of corals, sponges, algae, and fishes, as well as to determine genetic connectivity among corals from Cuba, Central America, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Florida Keys.

CIOERT also supports NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program priorities to identify and under-stand deepwater sponge ecosystems, with active participation in a partner project funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 Program (SponGES). In 2017, several expeditions to the North Atlantic were conducted in support of this proj-ect aboard US, Norwegian, Spanish, Swedish, and Canadian research vessels.

CIOERT scientists participated in NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer missions, both as ship-based science leads during two legs of the Marianas Trench Marine National Monument expedition in 2016 and as shore-based science teams support-ing the CAPSTONE effort in 2016 and 2017.

Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, and Technology By Shirley Pomponi, John Reed, Joshua Voss, Dennis Hanisak, M. Cristina Diaz, Andrew David, Felicia Drummond,

Patricia González-Díaz, Linnet Busutil López, Beatriz Martínez-Daranas, Dorka Cobián Rojas, and Nathalie Valette-Silver

Figure 1. Vertical, rugged rock walls were common at most study sites in Cuban waters from 50 m to 125 m depth. Black whip corals (Stichopathes sp.) and whip gorgonians (Elisella sp.) are ubiquitous here, feeding on plankton car-ried along by deep currents. Image credit: Cuba’s Twilight Zone Reefs and Their Regional Connectivity

Figure 2. Cuba’s mesophotic reefs support an incredible diversity of beautiful organ-isms. Image credit: Cuba’s Twilight Zone Reefs and Their Regional Connectivity· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (94)


Pushing the Boundaries: Technology-Driven Exploration of Thunder Bay National Marine SanctuaryBy John Bright, Russell Green, Frank Cantelas, and Nathalie Valette-Silver

Since the expansion of Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary in 2014, the priority of sanctuary researchers has been to search new sanctuary waters to discover shipwrecks.

In 2017, Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary assem-bled a collaborative, interdisciplinary team to bring together several different remote-sensing technologies to survey both in shallow water and in some of the deepest offshore areas of Lake Huron.

Although 94 historical shipwrecks are already known throughout this area, archival research indicates that as many as 100 more are yet to be found within the expanded sanctuary. Funded by a grant from NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research to locate new wrecks, researchers conducted a four-part expedition to test new applications of tools for archaeologically focused remote sensing during the spring and summer of 2017. In particular, innovative approaches to bottom mapping were of great value to mari-time archaeologists.

The team took advantage of the exceptional early spring clarity of Lake Huron’s water to test new approaches for using unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) as marine archaeological survey tools. Camera-equipped UASs operating over the water in April to image the shallow lake floor produced imag-ery so detailed that individual timbers from shipwreck sites were easily visible. Partners from NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey’s Remote Sensing Division, Oceans Unmanned, and Trumbull Unmanned supplied the UAS platforms and pilots.

In May, the team transitioned to deepwater surveying within the sanctuary’s new northern boundary. Partnering with the University of Delaware, they used an Edgetech6205 sonar integrated onto NOAA research vessel R8001. Operating 24 hours a day, the team conducted a wide-area acoustic sur-vey, mapping 243.5 km2 of lake bottom and revealing two new targets that appeared to be historic shipwrecks.

Target investigations took place throughout June and August, starting with an assessment conducted with an AUV provided and operated by Michigan Technological University. Equipped with an EdgeTech 2205 sonar, the AUV imaged important details such as the size, shape, design, and integ-rity of each target (Figure 1). Comparing the sonar images to historical records provided the first tentative identities of each vessel. Follow-on investigations using a small ROV provided by Northwestern Michigan College confirmed the sites to be the wooden bulk carrier Ohio (lost in 1894) and the steel bulk carrier Choctaw (lost in 1915; Figure 2).

Executing the research phases sequentially reduced the amount of time between discovering a historical shipwreck and completing a detailed baseline archaeological under-standing of its remains. Likewise, the shallow-water survey completed with UAS technologies provided new insights into their broader application as valuable marine survey tools, especially within the clear waters of the Great Lakes.

Figure 2. Rendered three-dimensional bathymetric data product from the archae-ological site identified as the remains of steel bulk carrier Choctaw. Image credit: Michigan Technological University

Figure 1. NOAA archaeologist Stephanie Gandulla reviews sonar data with Michigan Tech PI Guy Meadows. Photo credit: TBNMS, NOAA· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (95)


The legacy of World War II is perhaps nowhere more evident than at Midway Atoll, a World Heritage Site located within the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument (Figure 1). One of the most decisive US victories of World War II, the Battle of Midway is considered the turning point of the war in the Pacific, and material remains on the seafloor at Midway are considered war graves. Archival research reveals that at least 31 planes (22 American and 9 Japanese) crashed within 5km of Midway Atoll (Linville, 2010), and dozens more are probably resting further away from it. June 2017 marked the 75th anniversary of this battle, and our project aimed to raise awareness and honor the legacy of the brave men who per-ished during the battle.

In May 2017, using small boats provided by the US Fish and Wildlife Service, a team of archaeologists and biologists conducted an exploratory search for sunken aircraft associated

Exploring the Sunken Heritage of Midway Atoll at the 75th Anniversary of the Battle of Midway

By Kelly Keogh, Bert Ho, Nathalie Valette-Silver, and Frank Cantelas

with the Battle of Midway and assessed their potential as hab-itat for invasive species in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

To document and analyze known sunken aircraft remains as well as new discoveries, the team of scientists used a tech-nique called photogrammetry, which makes measurements from photographs. This tool is extremely useful in that the imagery can be collected in a short amount of time, providing scientists with a great deal of information. Photogrammetry was used at Midway to produce detailed three-dimensional images of sunken aircraft.

One of the best tools for locating cultural or man-made material underwater is a marine magnetometer, which detects variations in Earth’s magnetic field caused by ferrous material. Employing a magnetometer, the team identified 137 magnetic anomalies or “targets” for further visual investigations by divers. Using scuba equipment and freediving to explore some of the shallower anomalies, the team investigated 102 anom-alies, 86 of which had positive findings for cultural material (Figure 2). Findings included nineteenth century anchors, Navy anchors, building debris, and possibly part of a radial aircraft engine.

We believe some remarkable discoveries will emerge from this survey (Figure 3), but at this point, the specific identities of the artifacts are inconclusive. Archaeologists are continu-ing to analyze data and consult records in order to produce more conclusive identification to be shared with the public.

Figure 3. Jason Leonard photographs the remains of the radial engine from the Brewster Buffalo fighter plane. Image credit: Brett Seymour, Exploring the Sunken Heritage of Midway Atoll expedition

Figure 2. A diver documents a structure discovered by magnetometer survey for any invasive species. Image credit: Brett Seymour, Exploring the Sunken Heritage of Midway Atoll expedition

2 km

Figure 1. Aerial view of Midway Atoll. Image credit: Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument/NOAA· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (96)


In June and September 2016, Ocean Exploration Trust cruises explored cold seeps along the continental margins of Washington, Oregon, and northern California. Work aboard E/V Nautilus included bathymetric and water column map-ping surveys that identified hundreds of new methane bubble stream sites, which were subsequently explored with ROV Hercules (Embley et al., 2017).

In 2017, Nautilus cruises NA080 and NA088 conducted seafloor and water column surveys using the EM 302 multi-beam echosounder, adding substantially to the database of methane bubble stream sites off the Cascadia continental margin (Figure 1). Subsequent initial processing of the 2017 data aided in the identification of many additional sites in water depths ranging from 83 m to 1,972 m. The NA080 survey added data to an area extending 68 km north of the 2016 surveys, inclusive of the western edge of Coquille Bank and extending west to the base of the continental slope. Cruise NA088, on the northern Oregon continental slope, added considerably to the 2016 survey of this area. During the 2017 field season, Nautilus also collected multibeam data on transits along the Cascadia margin in addition to the two planned surveys.

Data from the 2016 and 2017 Nautilus surveys are being collated, along with new data from other sources, into an expanded database of methane bubble sites along the entire Cascadia margin. Applying a spatial filter with a 300 m radius, the 2016 and 2017 Nautilus surveys located 380 new methane bubble stream sites, about three and a half times the number of sites known prior to 2016. These new data, in addition to new sites identified on 2016 and 2017 multibeam surveys from the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary con-ducted by NOAA Ship Rainier, as well as survey lines made by academic research vessels, provide a significantly expanded baseline for research on potential effects of climate change and tectonics on the ocean carbon cycle. These data sets will also be important for assessing the distribution and extent of methane vent-associated chemosynthetic communities and hard-ground habitat on the Cascadia continental margin.

Cold Seeps of the Cascadia MarginBy Robert Embley, Susan Merle, Nicole A. Raineault, Lindsay Gee, Nathalie Valette-Silver, and Stephen Hammond




2017 SurveyBounds

2016/2017Nautilus BathyDepths (m)





125°W 124°W


Figure 1. Black polygons enclose the main areas surveyed on the Cascadia margin in 2017 by E/V Nautilus. Image credit: Susan Merle, NOAA PMEL· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (97)


Exploring US Mid-Atlantic Margin Methane Seeps: IMMeRSS, May 2017By Carolyn Ruppel, Amanda W.J. Demopoulos, and Nancy Prouty

The May 2017 Interagency Mission for Methane Research at Seafloor Seeps (IMMeRSS) expedition studied the geology, ecology, chemistry, and physics of methane seeps between Baltimore and Norfolk Canyons on the US Mid-Atlantic mar-gin (Figure 1). IMMeRSS was led by US Geological Survey (USGS) scientists in collaboration with the British Geological Survey (BGS) and with support from NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research and the US Department of Energy.

The IMMeRSS team used Deep Sea Systems ROV Global Explorer, managed by Oceaneering International Inc., to com-plete five dives from May 3 to May 11, 2017, at water depths of 425 m to 1,450 m (Figure 1). The cruise marked the first time that the University of Delaware’s R/V Hugh R. Sharp was used for ROV operations in water depths greater than 500 m.

Since 2012, over 600 methane seeps have been discovered between Cape Hatteras and Georges Bank on the US Atlantic margin. The seeps occur from the outer continental shelf (~100 m depth) to the middle of the continental slope (~1,500 m depth), with many located on the uppermost slope (150–450 m depth), just shallower than the landward limit of gas hydrate stability. Only a handful of these cold seep sites have been visited by ROVs or the submersible Alvin. During

the 2017 IMMeRSS cruise, researchers carried out detailed surveys at seeps where chemosynthetic communities had previously been identified, and conducted discovery dives at recently detected seeps (Figure 2).

A key focus of IMMeRSS was acquiring samples of methane- derived authigenic carbonates, unique seafloor rocks that form in their present locations as a result of micro-bial processes. BGS scientists are analyzing the carbonates using uranium-thorium radioisotopic methods to constrain the age of methane emissions responsible for the formation of these rocks. To characterize benthic community ecology, researchers sampled chemosynthetic organisms such as mussels and surveyed the distribution of benthic biota along video transects that crossed seep fields. Biogeochemical data acquired from the organisms, surrounding sediment, and deep ocean waters are being analyzed to determine how environmental factors affect seep ecology. Researchers also collected samples that can be used to infer whether microbial processes or processes like those responsible for petroleum formation produce the methane that is leaking at the seeps.

Outreach activities included real-time video streaming of the ROV dives to onshore web portals managed by OER and Oceaneering International Inc. The video stream received more than 22,000 individual views, with the highest number accessing the portal when an intact baleen whale skeleton was found on the seafloor. The image-only video stream was sup-plemented with real-time social media updates coordinated by the USGS. The Facebook posts increased likes, reach, and engagement for the USGS Coastal and Marine Geology page by more than 2,000% according to detailed analytics compiled during the IMMeRSS cruise.




Hudson CanyonBaltimore








May 2017 ROV DivesMethane Seeps

Cape Hatteras200 km


Figure 1. Map showing location of meth-ane seeps (red circles) and dives led by the USGS using ROV Global Explorer from R/V Hugh R. Sharp in May 2017.

Figure 2. A newly discovered methane seep at approximately 1,000 m water depth offshore Virginia. The bubbles are emanating from a densely populated field of Bathymodiolus mussels. Lasers (green dots) are separated by 10 cm. Image credit: USGS· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (98)


Innovative Observing Approaches to Better Understand the Big PictureBy Gabrielle Canonico and Margot Bohan

NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research provides funds for and advocates on behalf of two independent, com-plementary ventures that are tapping into new methods for observing the marine environment. The NOAA California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations (CalCOFI) Genomics Project (NCOG) and the US Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON) place high value on biolog-ical observing to increase our understanding of the Great Lakes, coasts, and ocean, and to augment existing ecosystem assessment and monitoring efforts.

Since 2014, as a component of CalCOFI, NCOG scientists have sequenced marine rDNA and mRNA and conducted associated bioinformatics to identify and quantify microbial organisms and their functions within the context of physical and chemical conditions in the southern California Current ecosystem. Understanding the sensitivity of marine micro-bial populations to natural and anthropogenic stressors will expand our current insights into ecosystem resiliency, enabling us to better predict environmental tipping points.

MBON scientists working on three demonstration proj-ects (Arctic, Santa Barbara Channel, and National Marine Sanctuaries MBON) are also collaborating to define and develop common biological observing methods and stan-dards to be used as model practices for a national biodiversity observing network. They are making progress on molecular eDNA techniques to evaluate habitat and multi-trophic-level diversity. This novel approach will aid in the detection of sig-nificant change in biodiversity (Figure 1) over time, and help identify invasive species. MBON teams are also focused on multivariate remote-sensing techniques to evaluate dynamic seascapes from regional to global scales, enhancing the spatial footprint of in situ observations.

To maximize sustainable use of ocean resources for economic growth and to improve livelihoods and jobs, we need refined tools such as those stemming from NCOG and MBON to provide a fuller, more integrated picture of how our ecosystems function.

Figure 1. Marine biodiversity is key to ocean health and human well-being. Image credit: Gustav Paulay and Steve Haddock· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (99)


This expedition was the second transboundary US–Canada collaboration; the first was completed in 2014. Through this partnership and sharing of resources, an international team of scientists has gained a better understanding of deep-sea com-munities on both sides of the border. The data collected both support science and provide resource managers with informa-tion to better inform management and conservation actions. In fact, the majority of sampling locations were selected based on the data needs of the New England Fishery Management Council and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. This collaboration also supports NOAA interests in the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation and the newly formed ASPIRE campaign (pages 97–101).

Northern Neighbors: Transboundary Exploration of Deepwater CommunitiesBy Martha Nizinski and Caitlin Adams

In June 2017, a team of scientists aboard NOAA Ship Henry B. Bigelow spent 14 days at sea exploring canyon and slope habitats off the coast of the northeast United States and Atlantic Canada. Using the Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility’s (CSSF) ROV ROPOS, the team targeted minor can-yons between Nygren and Heezen Canyons (United States; Figure 1), Georges and Corsair Canyons and Fiddler’s Cove (Canada), and sites in western and central Jordan Basin in the northern Gulf of Maine (United States, Canada; Figure 2).

The research team completed 11 ROV dives between 152m and 1,200 m depth for a total of 180 hours of bottom time. Over 125 physical samples were collected for studies on taxonomy, population connectivity, coral reproduction, age, and growth.

Figure 1. A diverse assem-blage of deep-sea corals found on a ledge in an unnamed canyon between Heezen and Nygren Can-yons (United States). Image credit: Northern Neighbors: Transboundary Exploration of Deepwater Communities

Figure 2. A coral garden found ona large outcrop in western Jordan Basin, northern Gulf of Maine (United States). Image credit: Northern Neighbors: Transboundary Exploration of Deepwater Communities· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (100)








P (d


T (°C) O2 (µmol kg–1)S GT (mbar) ΔN2 (µmol kg–1)





10 20 30 33 34 35 0 100 200 900 1,000 0 10 20












Innovative Nitrogen Sensor Maps the North Pacific Oxygen Minimum Zone By Craig McNeil, Eric D’Asaro, Andrew Reed, Mark A. Altabet, Annie Bourbonnais, and Chris Beaverson

Figure 1. Map showing 10 CTD stations (red markers) along the cruise track of NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer between Hawai'i and Panama that crosses the eastern tropical North Pacific oxygen minimum zone where loss of nitrogen-based nutrients to N2 gas occurs (approximate location of high N2 regions indicated by the shaded gray region. Image credit: Google Earth overlay with high N2 regions taken from Figure 1 in Deutsch et al. (2014)

Figure 2. Preliminary data collected at 10 CTD stations (refer to map in Figure 1) showing vertical profiles (plotted to hydrostatic pres-sure P) of seawater temperature (T), salinity (S), and dissolved oxygen concentration (O2) collected by an SBE 43 electrochemical sen-sor; gas tension (GT) measured by the new sensor described here; and derived excess nitrogen concentration (ΔN2). Data are color coded by longitude (see color bar). Solid lines indicate depth binned (5 m) CTD data and dashed lines linear interpolation between equilibrated data points (colored dots). Inter-calibrations and data quality control will be performed during post-cruise analysis.

Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) play important roles in regulating the ocean’s global carbon and nitrogen cycles. In these functionally anoxic waters, denitrifying and anammox (short for anaerobic ammonium oxidation) microbes remove nitrogenous nutrients from the biosphere by transformation to biologically unavailable nitrogen gas (N2). A newly devel-oped sensor can detect this “excess” N2 in OMZ regions in order to quantify these nitrogen-loss processes. The near-term goal is to explore OMZs and collect high-quality excess N2 data to document their baseline inventories. The long-term objective is to determine if excess N2 inventories in OMZs are increasing as a result of ocean deoxygenation (Stramma et al., 2008; Schmidtko et al., 2017).

N2 Sensor. Although this new gas tension device (GTD; McNeil et al., 2006) was designed as a low cost, fast response profiling sensor for NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer’s CTD, it could easily be deployed on AUVs, wire crawlers, and gliders. Concentration of N2 in anoxic waters is derived from gas ten-sion using Henry’s Law and expressed as excess N2, or ΔN2, relative to atmospheric equilibrium. A standard dissolved oxygen probe compensates the GTD signal for O2 in hypoxic waters. Biogenic production of N2 is evidenced by ΔN2 > 0.

Sensor tests were performed on Okeanos Explorer in October 2017 while the ship transited the eastern tropical North Pacific OMZ during a multibeam bathymetry survey (Figure 1). This is the first instance of an OER Federal Funding Opportunity project that leverages Okeanos Explorer’s capabilities.

Preliminary Results. With the ship on station and the new sensor mounted, the CTD was lowered to a depth of 600m to soak for 10 minutes to equilibrate heat and gases with the surrounding seawater. After Niskin bottles were triggered, the CTD was raised to the next sampling depth. Repeating this procedure approximately 10 times during the same cast created accurate vertical profiles of dissolved O2 and N2. Ten casts during the cruise provided approximately 100 samples.

The measurements (Figure 2) show strong vertical and longitudinal variability. Several layers of waters with different properties are indicated, including: (1) a warmer, fresher, aer-ated and well-mixed near surface layer; (2) a subsurface layer at 80–200 m depth with minimum salinity; and (3) a weakly stratified deeper layer at 300–600 m depth with low O2. High ΔN2 was found in the upper layer of the low O2 waters, consis-tent with organic matter export from the sea surface fueling microbial denitrification there. Strong longitudinal variability in O2 was observed with generally lower O2 and shallower oxycline toward the east, and minimum O2 in the OMZ core region. Peak ΔN2 was found in the OMZ core region at 60–300 dbar. Further analysis will consider mixing effects and the source water supply of ΔN2 to the region.

The new sensor appears to have worked well and allowed real-time measurement of ΔN2 on the ship. During post-cruise analysis, these ΔN2 measurements will be compared to independent estimates derived from N2/Ar ratios by mass spectrometry and biogenic N2 using nutrient data.


Panama· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (101)





















0 50 100 150 20025Kilometers

E Veri�ed (cored) seepsUnveri�ed (acoustic) seepsLophelia Other coralsAtlantic Planning AreaCanyons/Channels






Blake Plateau

Blake Outer Ridge

Norfolk Canyon

Keller CanyonHatteras Canyon

Pamlico Canyon

South Atlantic Planning Area

Mid-AtlanticPlanning Area

Realizing Capabilities Through Broad and Expanding Partnerships

DEEP SEARCH: Deep Sea Exploration to Advance Research on Coral/Canyon/Cold Seep HabitatsBy Erik Cordes, Amanda W.J. Demopoulos, Gregory Boland, and Caitlin Adams

Launched in August 2017, Deep Sea Exploration to Advance Research on Coral/Canyon/Cold seep Habitats (DEEP SEARCH) is a multiyear, multi-agency study to characterize the deep-sea ecosystems of the US Mid- and South Atlantic (Figure 1). The study is funded through an interagency partnership between NOAA, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), and the US Geological Survey, and it is sponsored by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program. DEEP SEARCH will spend four and a half years (from 2017 to 2021) researching the habitats of the US Atlantic to better understand the distribution of sensitive seafloor communities to inform potential offshore energy development and other deep-sea management needs.

With DEEP SEARCH, each agency is contributing in a distinct way. BOEM initiated the work with its studies development plan and contracted TDI-Brooks International Inc. through a competitive award process to conduct the research. The USGS identified five complementary research areas integrated into the study and is supporting the partici-pation of collaborating investigators. NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research is providing the assets (ship and submersible), as well as expedition coordination, data man-agement, and engagement support, for all research cruises.

TDI-Brooks has assembled an interdisciplinary team, led by author Erik Cordes, with scientists from six US institutions: Temple University, University of New Hampshire, Nova Southeastern University, University of Georgia, Florida State University, and Harvey Mudd College.

From September 12 to 22, 2017, Chief Scientist Amanda Demopoulos, the lead of the USGS component of DEEP SEARCH, completed the first expedition aboard NOAA Ship Pisces, using AUV Sentry to survey the seafloor and collect baseline imagery of gas seep habitats and deep-sea coral

Figure 1. Map showing the full extent of the DEEP SEARCH study area. Image credit: NOAA OER/BOEM/USGS

Without partnerships, NOAA could not fully realize its potential for ocean explo-ration. The partnerships featured in this section, DEEP SEARCH and SEDCI, are representative of the broad, integrative coalitions that help the national ocean explo-ration community meet its goals. In 2018, these partners will work in close commu-nication with the NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer team to align cruise planning and exploration opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean. These efforts are components of the ASPIRE campaign, a large cross-Atlantic basin effort in sup-port of the 2013 Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation, an initiative between the United States, Canada, and the European Union to advance knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean to improve stewardship and understanding.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (102)


features (Figure 2). During this expedition, Pisces mapped 44.7 km (linear distance) of seafloor, and Sentry mapped an additional 145 km (linear distance) of seafloor. Despite three hurricanes, three Sentry dives were completed; two sur-veyed previously unverified seeps located offshore of North Carolina (Figure 3), and one investigated a potential coral habitat located off South Carolina. The team ground truthed several unverified seeps, imaged multiple seep habitats, and collected corresponding acoustic sub-bottom and backscatter data. The deep-sea coral habitat data will inform future dives in this area and determine the siting of benthic landers that will provide continuous environmental data around these features. Lastly, water column and sediment samples were collected using the ship’s CTD rosette and monocore to help better understand the explored environment.

In 2018 and 2019, there will be additional DEEP SEARCH expeditions to the US Mid- and South Atlantic to expand

the study area and further investigate these sensitive habitats using a submersible to capture video of the seafloor and col-lect samples. Each year of the study, scientists will collect data to better understand the functional roles of these hardbottom habitats where environmental complexity influences the distribution and abundance of deep-sea organisms, includ-ing many commercially important species. The knowledge generated by this work will improve our ability to predict sensitive areas of the deep sea and inform future management decisions in the region.

Figure 3. AUV Sentry captured this image of an extensive bacterial mat (white areas) at an unver-ified seep target off the coast of North Carolina. Image credit: NOAA OER/BOEM/USGS

Southeast Deep Coral Initiative: Exploring Deep-Sea Coral Ecosystems off the Southeast United States

By Daniel Wagner, Peter J. Etnoyer, Martha Nizinski, George P. Schmahl, Emma Hickerson, Travis Sterne, and Marissa Nuttall

In 2016, NOAA launched a four-year initiative to study deep-sea coral ecosystems in waters off the southeast United States (Figure 1). This multidisciplinary effort, known as the Southeast Deep Coral Initiative (SEDCI), is led by a NOAA team from multiple offices and works in collaboration with partners from federal and academic institutions. Funding for SEDCI is provided primarily through NOAA’s Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program.

SEDCI builds on previous multi-agency collaborations aimed at increasing our understanding of the deep sea. Most recently, CAPSTONE completed a successful study

of deep-sea habitats across the Pacific. Modeled after CAPSTONE in many ways, SEDCI’s goals are to collect and provide data to support science-based decision-making and to ensure public access to this information.

SEDCI’s priorities were developed in consultation with fishery management councils and national marine sanctu-aries, as well as partners from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, US Geological Survey, and academic institu-tions (Schull et al., 2016; Wagner et al., 2017). Through this collaborative approach, SEDCI strives to collect information needed by agencies that manage deep-sea coral ecosystems.

Figure 2. AUV Sentry is secured into its cradle following completion of the DEEP SEARCH 2017 expedition aboard NOAA Ship Pisces. Image credit: NOAA OER/BOEM/USGS· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (103)


SEDCI fieldwork started in 2016 with expeditions to the northwestern Gulf of Mexico and submarine canyons off North Carolina. Fieldwork continued in 2017, with expedi-tions that returned to these areas and to additional habitats on the West Florida Slope (Figure 2).

North Carolina Canyons During 2016–2017, NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research and SEDCI provided support for two expeditions aboard NOAA Ship Pisces that explored five submarine canyons off North Carolina. Using AUV Sentry, 10 dives to depths between 700 m and 2,000 m were conducted, totaling 150 hours of bottom time and covering a distance of over 200km. In addition to AUV surveys, monocore sample col-lections, multibeam mapping, and CTD casts were performed in order to further characterize canyon habitats. Preliminary analyses revealed the presence of deep-sea corals in each sur-veyed canyon. However, coral diversity and abundance varied widely, with each canyon appearing to have its own signature.

Gulf of Mexico Northwestern Banks Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary’s (FGBNMS) R/V Manta supported 2016–2017 surveys of mesophotic and deepwater banks in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Using ROV Mohawk, these expeditions surveyed depths between 50m and 200 m on 12 banks, all of which are under consider-ation for expansion of FGBNMS. Seventy-seven dives yielded over 75 hours of bottom time, and included visual surveys as well as biological specimen collections to support taxonomic and phylogenetic studies. A total of 119 biological specimens were collected, including several black corals that represent new species based on preliminary observations. Furthermore, many, but not all, banks hosted dense communities of corals and other invertebrates, highlighting the importance of these surveys to support management decisions.

West Florida SlopeIn August 2017, NOAA Ship Nancy Foster supported deep-sea surveys on the West Florida Slope using ROV Odysseus that focused primarily on four areas that are under consider-ation for new habitat areas of particular concern (HAPC). A total of 13 ROV dives collectively surveyed 13 km of seafloor during 51 hours of bottom time. Large aggregations of corals were documented within all proposed HAPCs (Figure 2). Additionally, 53 biological samples were collected for studies on population connectivity, taxonomy, age, and reproduction. In addition to ROV dives, the expeditions included CTD casts and multibeam mapping of over 2,750 km2 of seafloor.

ConclusionWhile the 2016–2017 SEDCI expeditions provided a great amount of information, much remains to be done. In late 2017, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer returned to the Atlantic to support exploration in the Gulf of Mexico and North Atlantic. These expeditions will support not only SEDCI, but also other multi-agency collaborations such as DEEP SEARCH and ASPIRE. Given the vast expanses of seafloor that remain to be explored, collaborations among numer-ous partners will continue to be essential for advancing our understanding of the deep sea.

Figure 2. A thorny tinselfish, Gram-micolepis brachiusculus, swims above a dense aggregation of Lophelia per-tusa and the squat lobster Eumunida picta at 496 m depth on the West Florida Slope. Image credit: NOAA SEDCI-Pelagic Research Services

Figure 1. Map showing areas surveyed using deep-sea submersibles during SEDCI-funded expeditions in 2016–2017. These areas include (a) deepwater banks in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico surveyed using ROV Mohawk, (b) West Florida Slope habitats surveyed by ROV Odysseus, and (c) submarine canyons off North Carolina surveyed using AUV Sentry. Map credit: NOAA








c· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (104)


In 2017, CAPSTONE completed its successful three-year effort to explore deep-sea habitats across the central and western Pacific Ocean. As the deepest part of Earth’s ocean, this region has few landmasses and a remoteness that has presented logistical challenges for studying its vast resources. Through CAPSTONE, NOAA and numerous partners from federal and academic institutions mapped, surveyed, and sampled deep-sea habitats, the vast majority of which had never before been explored. The telepresence exploration aboard NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer focused on areas in and around national marine sanctuaries and monuments, providing a great wealth of publicly available data to sup-port decision-making.

2018: A Shift in the Focus of Deep-Sea ExplorationDaniel Wagner, Scott C. France, and Caitlin Adams

In addition to collecting the first high-resolution maps, images, and video footage of numerous deep-sea areas in US waters of the Pacific, CAPSTONE also marked the first-ever collection of geological and biological specimens in this region by Okeanos Explorer. Rock samples will support stud-ies of the geologic history of Pacific seamounts. Biological specimens were collected if they were suspected to be species new to science, or represented significant range expansions of known species. These specimens, along with the great amount of publicly available video and mapping data collected during CAPSTONE, will support scientific studies for years to come.

Many exciting outcomes from CAPSTONE expeditions have already been published, such as high-resolution maps of

Figure 1. The coral community at Sibelius Seamount was one of several high-density communities discovered during CAPSTONE in the central Pacific.

Figure 2. Massive sponge pho-tographed at 2,117 m depth during the 2015 CAPSTONE expedition to the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

submarine features that had never before been mapped, discovery of high-density communities of deepwater corals and sponges (Figure 1) including the largest known sponge on the planet (Figure 2), and the first in situ observations of several deepwater species. Ongoing and future analyses of these data will undoubtedly lead to many more discoveries.

In 2018, Okeanos Explorer will shift its geographic focus and support deepwater investigations in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Atlantic (Figures 3 and 4). Major fisheries and substantial oil and gas reserves drive the need for exploration and management in this region. These deep waters are far less remote and better known than the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean explored during CAPSTONE. While the· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (105)


20°N l

30°N l

40°N l






0 125 250

Nautical Miles


Atlantic Ocean has been more extensively studied than the Pacific Ocean, much remains to be explored. For instance, the majority of the US EEZ in the Atlantic Ocean has never been mapped at high resolution, and only a tiny fraction of that area has been surveyed by deepwater submersibles.

In contrast to the CAPSTONE expeditions where vast expanses of seafloor were completely unexplored, the plan-ning and selection of targets for future Atlantic expeditions will benefit from, and be guided by, rich existing data sets. Over the years, many programs, institutions, and investiga-tors have explored the deep sea in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Atlantic. Using Okeanos Explorer, NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research conducted a series of successful expeditions in these regions from 2011 through 2015. Collectively, these past explorations will allow us to refine our future exploratory efforts. Furthermore, these past explorations have informed proposals for new management areas, including expansions of the Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, potential new habitat areas of particular concern in the Gulf of Mexico, and potential new special management zones in the US South Atlantic. Okeanos Explorer will be able to survey many of these proposed man-aged areas, thereby providing information that is needed to evaluate these proposals.

Much like the successful CAPSTONE effort, future explo-ration of the North Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico will con-tinue to require collaborations among myriad partners. With both the DEEP SEARCH study (pages 97–98) and SEDCI (pages 98–99) already working in the region, Okeanos Explorer has the opportunity to align field efforts with many existing US federal and academic partners. These efforts, as well as previous expeditions, such as the US-Canadian Northern

Figure 3. Map showing the region that will be targeted for deep-sea exploration by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer in 2018. This region includes areas that are the focus of several multi-agency collaborations such as DEEP SEARCH, SEDCI, and ASPIRE. Upcoming fieldwork by Okeanos Explorer will support all of these efforts and thereby advance our knowledge of the deep sea.

Neighbors: Transboundary Exploration of Deepwater Communities expedition (page 95), are all part of the ASPIRE campaign, a multiyear, multinational collaborative field pro-gram focused on raising our collective knowledge and under-standing of the North Atlantic. NOAA is partnering with Canada and the European Union to conduct work in support of the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation, an initiative to advance knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean leading to improved stewardship and understanding. Only by work-ing together, will we be able to advance our understanding of the deep sea.

Figure 4. NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer officially returned to the Atlantic basin on November 15, 2017, when the ship made an overnight transit through the Panama Canal. Image credit: Commander Eric Johnson· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (106)


R/V Falkor, pictured here recovering ROVSuBastian near Palmyra Atoll during the Unraveling Ancient Sea Level Secrets research cruise, has been con-ducting scientific expeditions for five years.

102· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (107)


PART 3Schmidt Ocean Institute

– R/V Falkor

103· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (108)


Five Years of Research Aboard R/V Falkor By Carlie Wiener, Victor Zykov, and Victoria Sindorf

In 2017, Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI) celebrated five years of research aboard its research vessel Falkor after a series of science shakedown cruises in 2012. To date, 42 expeditions have been conducted in all parts of the ocean, logging more than 416,820 km—the equivalent to seven trips around the globe. Schmidt Ocean Institute remains committed to foster-ing innovation and using the best platforms and tools, as well as increasing access to data from remote and hard to reach places, to accelerate scientific understanding of our ocean. Through strategic partnerships, SOI leverages expertise and encourages broader community involvement to help marry science and technology. The development of Squidle+, a software platform for annotation of seafloor imagery, is one example of such a collaboration. The program was demon-strated onboard Falkor in 2015, and was further developed this year, allowing researchers on the ship to explore, manage, and annotate images collected by the cameras on the Institute’s ROV SuBastian. Future development of Squidle+ includes looking to sync the local annotations with an online version so that scientists can continue annotating after the cruise or involve collaborators from shore in real time. Open sharing of

information and broad collaborations encourage global adop-tion of effective marine survey and data analysis methods that can lead to more effective ecosystem management practices, risk mitigation strategies, educational materials, and globally relevant conservation policies.

Falkor has been used to support many high-impact research projects that continue to make a difference. The year 2017 was the first full research year for the 4,500 m depth capable ROV SuBastian. In the South Pacific, the ROV successfully sam-pled ancient corals, deep-sea biological samples, and geolog-ical treasures, from pillow lavas to active hydrothermal vents. The unique open design of ROV SuBastian allows scientists to incorporate many instruments and collection systems based on the needs of each expedition. For example, the newly devel-oped “squishy fingers” or soft robotics actuators were tested and redesigned this year during ROV dives in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area within the Republic of Kiribati. This tool development allowed the research team to expand their


R/V Falkor at sea during the Unraveling Ancient Sea Level Secrets expedition, which took place off the Hawaiian Island of Moloka'i, as well as Palmyra Atoll and Kingman Reef. Image credit: SOI

ROV SuBastian is launched from R/V Falkor’s aft deck (from the same cruise as background image). Image credit: SOI· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (109)


collection capabilities to fragile, soft-bodied organisms that could not otherwise be collected intact. ROV SuBastian also completed its first 100 dives in 2017, a significant milestone since field testing in 2016. All of the dives have been shared through the Institute’s website, YouTube, and (new this year) our Facebook Live page, allowing million of viewers to watch and listen to the expeditions in real time.

For the past five years, SOI has helped challenge the pre-vailing paradigm of how ocean research is conducted and communicated. The Institute prides itself on hosting a wide variety of science and engineering projects, allowing for new discovery and advancement across multiple systems. SOI has added to the bathymetric map coverage of the ocean floor, contributing to the discovery of over a dozen new under-water features. In 2017, two new features near Palmyra Atoll were mapped, including Phobos Seamount, an underwater mountain that rises almost 4,000 m from the seafloor, and Cornerstone Ridge, a underwater ridge at 4,953 m depth (both feature names have been proposed to the International Hydrographic Organization).

The ocean is a huge source of biodiversity and our only life support system. As we look to the future, Schmidt Ocean Institute is excited to continue advancing oceanography using innovative approaches that help to answer questions about a changing ocean. The Institute looks forward to finding new ways of organizing and sharing data, leading to outcomes of scientific discovery and effective environ-mental conservation.


ROV pilots holding position and operating the hydraulic arms to gather samples of ancient, drowned corals. Image credit: SOI

Victorgorgia soft coral with a chirostylid squat lobster associate in the Phoenix Islands, in Kiribati during the Discovering Deep Sea Corals in the Phoenix Islands research cruise. Image credit: SOI

ROV SuBastian puts a marker down near a hydrothermal

vent chimney at ~2,300m depth to celebrate the

ROV’s 100th dive during the Underwater Fire expedition off Tonga. Image credit: SOI· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (110)


Eyes Below: Mapping Johnston Atoll – Chief Scientist John R. Smith, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

R/V Falkor’s first expedition of 2017 was conducted around Johnston Atoll in the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument. This region is known to be populated with a high density of deep-sea corals and sponges, and is of particular interest to researchers because it may serve as a stepping-stone between distinct marine ecosystems in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands and the central and South Pacific. Over 11,000 km2 of seafloor were mapped

using Falkor’s multibeam sonar system. These high- resolution maps, the first of this area, are an import-

ant step toward more focused follow-up studies with manned and robotic submersibles. The

maps revealed fascinating structures, includ-ing a large seamount dotted with smaller

peaks, currently referred to as “Edmondson Seamount” (name to be officially con-

firmed), after marine biologist Charles Edmondson of the Tanager Expedition.

The geologic implications of such a formation suggest that four distinct

volcanoes, rising from 5,000 m water depth, merged through

eruption and erosion into one large, subsurface mountain.

Sea to Space Particle Investigation– Chief Scientist Ivona Cetinić,

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Technological advancement and inno-vation abounded on a 25-day expedition across the Pacific, where a multidisci-plinary team of oceanographers, engineers, biologists, and computer scientists debuted numerous new instruments aimed at measur-ing phytoplankton community dynamics. This expedition allowed scientists for the first time to follow particles identified with NASA satellites through the surface of the ocean to ocean depths. The ground-truthing analysis is aimed at developing more robust methods of studying phytoplankton and nutrient cycles through remote sensing, but early results also reveal some unexpected players in oceanic carbon export. Time-lapse sediment trap and holographic cameras provided new imagery and data about particle size distribution, collecting over one million images and over two billion continuous hyperspectral data points. Used in connection with the NASA-funded Flow Extended Range Particle Sensor, these data will allow the development of mathematical mod-els to differentiate types of phytoplankton observed with next-generation satellites. Never-before-used, near-real-time virtual reality allowed scientists to immerse them-selves in the data, and it continues to be an effective investigative and educational tool.

R/V Falkor in 2017


Composite image of findings from one of the gel sediment

traps, created from a series of photos taken with a

microscope. Aggregates, fecal pellets, phyto-plankton, zooplank-ton, and other parti-cles can be identified. Image credit: Melissa Omand, University of Rhode Island

Melissa Omand deploys a sediment trap during the Sea2Space research cruise, which aimed to improve the accuracy of particle size distribution products gathered from satellite and remote-sensing data. Image credit: SOI

High-resolution map of seamounts around Johnston Atoll, created from data collected by R/V Falkor, January 2017. Image credit: SOI· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (111)


Unraveling Ancient Sea Level Secrets– Chief Scientist Ken Rubin, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

Ancient changes in sea level were investigated through their geologic record in fossilized coral reefs around Hawai‘i using a combination of mapping, obser-vations, and sample collections. As an isolated volcanic island free from major influences of continental plates and glacial dynamics, the “drowned reefs” of Hawai‘i and the Line Islands offer an ideal geological record for relative sea level reconstruction. The study was designed to look at the impact of sea level change on coral reef structure, morphology, and ecology at the two study sites. The last deglaciation (end of the ice age) represents the last time in Earth history when sea level changed at rates similar to those predicted for the future, so research-ers aim to use reefs from this time to help make predictions about future sea level change impacts. The first leg of the expedition focused on mapping with R/VFalkor’s multibeam system and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s AUV REMUS 600. Detailed mapping and imaging of the Penguin Bank region will help to form the basis of an innovative remote-sensing reconstruction of the ice age reef structure. During the second leg of this expedition, ROV SuBastian was used to ground truth the mapping data. Nearly 200 coral samples were collected, and they will lead to a vastly improved quantitative understanding of sea level change. The discoveries made regarding the impacts of past sea level change as read through coral reef deposits will improve predictions of future sea level change in Hawai‘i and elsewhere in the central Pacific Ocean.

Discovering Deep Sea Corals of the Phoenix Islands– Chief Scientist Erik Cordes, Temple University

In 2017, Falkor transited to the Phoenix Islands Protected Area (PIPA) in the Republic of Kiribati, one of the largest and deepest UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The team aboard the ship completed 178 hours of diving using ROV SuBastian, revealing eight previously unexplored eastern seamounts and atolls, adding knowledge to the initial exploration of the western seamounts by NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer. The live footage from the ROV was streamed from Falkor in high definition to the public, revealing new observations of octopus behavior, capturing one of the deepest records of mantis shrimp, and defining seamount habitat zones from the deep sea to the surface for the first time. More than 400 samples of deep-sea coral and a range of coral-associated fauna, sediments, and water were col-lected using new and existing technology. Daniel Vogt from the Wyss Institute at Harvard University developed new soft robotic actuators, affectionately named “squishy fingers,” for the collection of fragile and soft-bodied organisms. Further refined in situ using three- dimensional printing on board Falkor, the “squishy fingers” tools successfully collected

several specimens whose intact collection would not have been possible otherwise. These samples have con-tributed to the possible discovery of at least two new species of coral and crab, and have vastly expanded our understanding of deep-sea corals and their associates.


ROV SuBastian collecting samples of ancient drowned coral around Kingman Reef and Palmyra Atoll. Image credit: SOI

Daniel Vogt displays the “squishy fingers” sampling device. Image credit: SOI

Image of Enallopsammia, a scleractinian coral (similar to those that build large coral reefs in shallow water) with associates, including a crinoid, two urchins, and squat lobster. Image collected by ROV SuBastian while perform-ing some of the first ROV dives in the Phoenix Islands Protected Area. Image credit: SOI· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (112)


Underwater Fire: Studying the Submarine Volcanoes of Tonga– Chief Scientist Ken Rubin, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa

The Mata Volcano group and neighboring volcanoes in the northern area of the Kingdom of Tonga represents the densest collection of undersea volcanoes in the world. Following recent changes in seafloor depth observed through ongoing mapping efforts by NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research and R/V Falkor, a multidisciplinary team took a two-leg expedition to investigate the region. Prior studies lacked a geologic focus for understanding the diversity of the area’s rock types (some among the rarest on the planet), volcanic landforms, and how and why eruptions occurred here. The science team aboard Falkor was able to develop a stronger geological underpinning for the history of these volcano sites and their levels of activ-ity.Geological observation; mapping of structures and eruption deposit types; rock, sediment, biological, and hydrothermal fluid sampling; and analysis of rocks and minerals were completed during the 21 dives with ROV SuBastian. Sonar mapping with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution’s autonomous underwater vehicle Sentry during the expedition’s leg one took stock of recent changes on previously mapped volcanoes, producing the first high-resolution maps of six new eruption deposits. This expedition was the first to survey across a suite of 11 volcanoes, permitting investigation into the role of magma generation across a wide array of volcanic sites, ecosystem history, and connectivity between individual volcanoes.


Our Artist-at-Sea program flourished in 2017. Eleven artists sailed on Falkor and displayed their work at a unique traveling exhibit throughout the United States. The exhibit, featuring over 50 pieces inspired by the artists’ time at sea, was showcased at several special venues, including America’s Cup in Bermuda, the International Ocean Film Festival, Bishop Museum, and Sail Newport. The artists worked with SOI’s expedition scientists and Falkor crew to create pieces that highlight the science and data collected at sea, bringing ocean-based research to different audiences in new and engaging ways.


ROV SuBastian takes a geological sample from a hydrothermal vent chim-ney at 2,300 m depth during the Underwater Fire expedition off Tonga. Image credit: SOI

Artist-at-Sea Kirsten Carlson documented the various blue shades of the sky and the ocean’s surface on the Sea2Space expedi-tion. Watercolor, pencil, and ink.

Sonar backscatter study by Artist-at-Sea Natasha Russell. Gouache and ink on paper.· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (113)


On January 12, 2017, Falkor held a ship-to-shore video call with the Mariposa Foundation in the Dominican Republic. Ten-year-old girls learned about the ocean, and met some of the women making the Mapping The Floor expedition possible. Image credit: SOI

Young and curious, several children on board R/V Falkor for a public tour in Honolulu, Hawai'i, put ROV SuBastian’s manipulators to a special quality control test. Image credit: SOI

Schmidt Ocean Institute fosters partnerships in ocean research, education, and marine operations to leverage exper-tise, facilities, and programs. Open Vessel Data Management (OpenVDM) software is one example of this partnership. Development of this shipboard sensor data management software was supported by the Institute for several years, and is now being used on many research vessels, including R/VHelmer Hanssen, R/V Atlantic Explorer, R/V Endeavor, and R/V Annie/ROV Yogi. In 2017, SOI continued to work with its developer, expanding the base version to additionally manage data from deployable platforms such as AUVs and ROVs, including SOI’s ROV SuBastian.

Other thriving collaborations allowed for broader sharing of information and outreach to the public. SOI worked closely with the teams operating NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer to distribute high-resolution maps of the monuments in the Pacific region along with a map that illustrates joint mapping efforts. These maps were debuted at a day of joint public ship tours in Honolulu, Hawai‘i, at the University of Hawai‘i Marine Center where over 700 guests toured Falkor and Okeanos Explorer and learned about the research efforts conducted in 2017, as well as the importance of private and public entity collaborations.

Schmidt Ocean Institute was excited to be able to share some of its high-resolution imagery from the ROV dives with numerous organizations and institutions to create con-tent-rich education videos and live interactive experiences. Footage was showcased in several NASA education videos, BBC’s Oceans 2, and a documentary about the deep sea from Japan’s public broadcaster NHK. In addition to live- streaming ROV dives on the Institute’s YouTube channel, SOI also extended live broadcasts to its Facebook page this year. More than three million viewers tuned in to watch real-time science and listen to live commentary from the shipboard scientists. Through our partnerships with aquariums, universities, and school classrooms, we were able to connect science teams aboard Falkor to over 90,500 students, allowing them to share their science and answer questions. These interactions created meaningful connections that capture the imagination and inspire continued learning.

Gateways to Science – Collaborations and Outreach

Ken Rubin of the University of Hawai'i shows genuine excitement at first viewing of samples of ancient drowned coral collected by ROV SuBastian off Penguin Bank, near the island of Moloka'i, Hawai'i. Image credit: SOI· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (114)


Epilogue By Robert D. Ballard and Alan Leonardi

Exploring our largely unknown ocean is one of the great chal-lenges of our time—and great challenges breed mighty endeav-ors. NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, the Ocean Exploration Trust, and the Schmidt Ocean Institute are meeting this challenge. The accomplishments shared in this supplement to Oceanography represent the combined efforts and contributions of many talented individuals and key partnerships, including the financial support of numer-ous individuals and public and private institutions.

At first glance, ocean exploration is a simple task: deter-mine a place in the ocean no human has ever been to or seen, go to that place, and observe what is there. Yet, as the ocean exploration and ocean science communities know, executing at-sea missions is no simple task. Months, if not years, of planning are required to make sure all of the people, ships and vehicles, instruments, and shore-side capabilities are available at the same time, in the same place, and in top operating condition. Even then, expeditionary teams must remain both agile and flexible as they encounter dynamically changing conditions, such as weather delays and engine or instrument issues, or important new discoveries that require participation of experts ashore.

Given the many challenges at hand, we continually look to strengthen the footprint of our exploration capabilities and expand the reach and impact of our partnerships. In the past few years, we have focused primarily on exploring the vast Pacific Ocean and have deployed new sensors and systems, including enhancements to the existing OER and OET ROVs and bringing a new SOI ROV online.

Moving into 2018 and beyond, we will continue to expand our geographic horizons with NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer migrating east and focusing on the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Atlantic Ocean and the OET Exploration Vessel Nautilus maintaining a presence along the west coast of North America and increasingly operating in the central Pacific Ocean, particularly in and around the Hawaiian Islands. We have also begun working with the US National Science Foundation-funded National Deep Submergence Facility and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution to develop expanded ship-independent capabilities for use by the broader oceanographic community, including mobile satellite communications and fly-away 6,000 m ROV capabil-ities that should be available for community use in the 2019 timeframe. When coupled with capable vessels of opportunity such as the University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System fleet, these soon-to-be-online mobile capabilities will complement our existing dedicated exploration vessels and assets and allow us to access 98% of the world ocean floor.

Given our many accomplishments and our plans for the future, the only questions that remain are: where will we choose to go, and who will join us in these pursuits? Are you ready for the challenge?

110· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (115)


Deep-sea corals provide essential habitat for many associated fauna. Here we see a small com-munity of brittle stars, family Ophiacanthidae, and squat lobster, Munidopsis sp., at home on a large white coral, Paracalytrophora sp. This image was captured on the Musicians Seamounts expe-dition. Image credit NOAA OER

111· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (116)


AuthorsCaitlin Adams is Project Coordinator, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, on contract through CollabraLink Technologies Inc., Silver Spring, MD

Mark A. Altabet is Professor, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA

John Armor is Director, NOAA, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD

Steven Auscavitch is PhD Candidate, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Anshika Bagla is an undergraduate at the University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

Robert D. Ballard is President, Ocean Exploration Trust; Director, Center for Ocean Exploration, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI

Rachel Bassett is Biologist, NOAA, National Ocean Service, Charleston, SC, on contract through JHT Inc.

Stace Beaulieu is Senior Research Specialist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

Chris Beaverson is Technology Specialist, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD, on contract through CollabraLink Technologies Inc.

Roxanne Beinart is Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI

Debi Blaney is Senior Education Specialist, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, on contract through CollabraLink Technologies Inc., Silver Spring, MD

Margot Bohan is Science Project Coordinator, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD

DelWayne R. Bohnenstiehl is Associate Professor, North Carolina State University, Raleigh NC

Gregory Boland is Biological Oceanographer, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Sterling, VA

Annie Bourbonnais is Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Research Professor, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, and University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA

Amy Bowman is Communications and Public Affairs Management Analyst, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD, on contract through CollabraLink Technologies Inc.

John Bright is Research Coordinator, NOAA, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Alpena, MI

Kenneth Broad is Professor and Director, University of Miami, Abess Center for Ecosystem Science and Policy, Miami, FL

Linnet Busutil López is Research Scientist and Cuba Expedition Co-Chief Scientist, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, Habana, Cuba

Tim Burbank is Post Production Supervisor, Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI

Julie Bursek is Team Lead, Education and Outreach, NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary, Santa Barbara, CA

Gabrielle Canonico is US, Marine Biodiversity Observation Network, Manager, NOAA, US Integrated Ocean Observing System Program Office, Silver Spring, MD

Frank Cantelas is Marine Archaeologist, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD

Kasey Cantwell is Project Coordinator, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD, on contract through CollabraLink Technologies Inc.

Steven Carey is Professor Emeritus, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI

M. Elizabeth Clarke is Senior Scientist, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA

Dorka Cobián Rojas is Research Scientist, ECOVIDA-Parque Nacional Guanahacabibes, Sistema Nacional de Areas Protegidas, Cuba

Guy Cochrane is Research Geophysicist, USGS, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA

Dwight Coleman is Director, Inner Space Center, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI

Megan Cook is Community STEM Coordinator, Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI

Adrienne Copeland is John A. Knauss Sea Grant Fellow, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD

Erik Cordes is Associate Professor, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA

Emily Crum is Online Communications Manager, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Charleston, SC, on contract through ERT Inc.

Eric D’Asaro is Senior Principal Oceanographer and Professor, University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory, and School of Oceanography, Seattle, WA

Andrew David is Research Fish Biologist, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, FL

Loren Davis is Professor of Anthropology, Oregon State University, Department of Anthropology, Corvallis, OR

Fabio De Leo is Staff Scientist, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada

James P. Delgado is Former Director, Maritime Heritage Program, NOAA, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD, and Senior Vice President, SEARCH Inc., Jacksonville, FL

Amanda W.J. Demopoulos is Research Ecologist, United States Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center, Gainesville, FL

Richard Dewey is Associate Director, Science Services, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada

M. Cristina Diaz is Research Professor, Florida Atlantic University-Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Fort Pierce, FL

Jennifer Dijkstra is Research Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH

Felicia Drummond is Lieutenant, NOAA Commissioned Corps, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Protected Resources Division, Panama City, FL

Kelley Elliott is Expedition Manager, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD

Robert Embley is Senior Research Geophysicist (Retired), NOAA, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Newport, OR

Elva Escobar Briones is Titular Scientist, Laboratorio de Biodiversidad y Macroecología, Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (117)


Peter J. Etnoyer is Marine Biologist, NOAA, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Charleston, SC

Meredith Everett is NRC Research Associate, NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA

Jason Fahy is Commander, US Naval War College, Newport, RI

Mark Finkbeiner is Physical Scientist, NOAA, Office for Coastal Management, Charleston, SC

Carina Fish is a graduate student at the University of California, Davis, CA

Michael Ford is Oceanographer, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD

Aubrey Foulk is a recent graduate of Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Scott C. France is Professor of Biology, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA

Allison Fundis is VP of Education, Outreach, and Communications, Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI

Adriana Gaytán-Caballero is a graduate student at Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico

Lindsay Gee is Independent Contractor, Acoustic Imaging, Portsmouth, NH

Peter R. Girguis is Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Patricia González-Díaz is Director, CIM-UH and Cuba Expedition Co-Chief Scientist, Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba

Susan Gottfried is Office of Ocean Exploration and Research Data Management Coordinator, Mississippi State University/Northern Gulf Institute, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Stennis Space Center, MS

Kaitlin Graiff is Research Contractor, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Olema, CA

A scorpionfish was observed at 460 m depth next to a mushroom coral during the Musicians Seamounts expedition. Due to its extremely large pectoral fins, the fish was identified as Setarches guentheri. Unlike most scorpionfish, which are ambush predators, Setarchesguentheri swims up into the water column at night to feed. Image credit: NOAA OER

ROV Hercules prepares to take a suction sample of a galatheid crab on a pillow basalt outcrop on the slope of Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico, from E/V Nautilus cruise NA092. Image credit: D. Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility) and OET

Russell Green is Regional Coordinator, NOAA, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Alpena, MI

Stephen Hammond is Senior Scientist, Acting, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Portland, OR, on contract through ERT Inc.

Dennis Hanisak is Research Professor and Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research & Technology (CIOERT) Education Director, Florida Atlantic University-Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Fort Pierce, FL

Susan Haynes is Education Program Manager, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Barrington, RI, on contract through CollabraLink Technologies, Inc

Martin Heeseman is Staff Scientist, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada

Erin Heffron is a graduate student at the University of New Hampshire, Center for Coastal Ocean Mapping, Durham, NH

Santiago Herrera is Visiting Assistant Professor, Lehigh University, Lehigh, PA

Emma Hickerson is Research Coordinator, NOAA, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Galveston, TX

Bert Ho is Senior Underwater Archaeologist, National Park Service, Submerged Resources Center, Denver, CO

Dan Howard is Superintendent, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Olema, CA

Matthew Jackson is Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA

Yvette Jefferson is Federal Program Officer, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD

Renato Kane is Lead Mapper and Navigator, Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI

Jeffrey Karson is Professor, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY

Christopher Kelley is Program Biologist, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (118)


Katherine Kelley is Professor, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI

Brian R.C. Kennedy is Expedition Manager, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Elon, NC, on contract through University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Kelly Keogh is Maritime Heritage Coordinator at Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, NOAA, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Honolulu, HI

Jasper Konter is Associate Professor, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI

Kristopher Krasnosky is a graduate student in the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI

Atuatasi Lelei Peau is Deputy Superintendent, National Marine Sanctuary of American Sāmoa, Pago Pago, American Sāmoa

Alan Leonardi is Director, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD

Dhugal Lindsay is Senior Research Scientist, JAMSTEC/Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Yokosuka City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan

Danielle Lipski is Research Coordinator, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Olema, CA

Elizabeth Lobecker is Physical Scientist, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Durham, NH, on contract through ERT Inc.

Megan Lubetkin is a graduate student at the Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI

Christopher Mah is Research Collaborator, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC

Mashkoor Malik is Physical Scientist, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD

Catalina Martinez is Regional Program Manager, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Narragansett, RI

Beatriz Martínez-Daranas is Auxiliary Professor, Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de La Habana, Cuba

Larry Mayer is Professor and Director of the School of Marine Science and Ocean Engineering and the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

Jill McDermott is Assistant Professor, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA

David McKinnie is Engagement Lead (acting), NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Seattle, WA

Craig McNeil is Principal Oceanographer and Affiliate Assistant Professor, University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory and School of Oceanography, Seattle, WA

Kristen Mello is Research Technician, University of New Hampshire, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic Center, Durham, NH

Susan Merle is Senior Research Assistant, Oregon State University and NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Newport, OR

Anna Michel is Associate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

Steve Mihály is Staff Scientist, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada

Susan Mills is Emeritus Research Scholar, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

Eric Mittelstaedt is Geophysicist, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

Pat Montanio is Director, NOAA, Office of Habitat Conservation, Silver Spring, MD

Esmeralda Morales Domínguez is a graduate student at Ciencias del Mar y Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico

Kelly Moran is Educational Programs Assistant, Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI

Thomas Morrow is PhD Candidate, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID

William Mowitt is Deputy Director, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD

Lauren Mullineaux is Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

Scott Munro is Executive Producer, Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI

Amanda N. Netburn is Research Program Administrator, NOAA, Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research, & Technology, Silver Spring, MD

The water column, which consists of all the water in the ocean between the surface and the seafloor, makes up 95%–99% of the total livable volume on Earth, yet it remains one of the most poorly explored environments. This graceful jellyfish, Poralia rufescens, was spotted during a dive by ROV Deep Discoverer (Musicians Seamounts expedition) that was fully dedicated to exploring the water column. Image credit: NOAA OER

ROV Hercules manipulator is poised to take geochemical measurements at the Point Dume chimlets off southern California on E/V Nautilus cruise NA084. Photo credit: OET· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (119)


Martha Nizinski is Zoologist, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Systematics Laboratory, Washington, DC

Marissa Nuttall is Research Specialist, NOAA, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Galveston, TX

Nikolai Pawlenko is Lieutenant Junior Grade, NOAA Commissioned Corps, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Narragansett, RI

Dean Pentcheff is Program Coordinator, Natural History Museum of LA County, Los Angeles, CA

Brennan Phillips is Assistant Professor, Department of Ocean Engineering and the Graduate School of Oceanography, URI, Narragansett, RI

Shirley Pomponi is Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research & Technology (CIOERT), Executive Director and Research Professor, Florida Atlantic University-Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Fort Pierce, FL

Nancy Prouty is Research Oceanographer, US Geological Survey, Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA

Meagan R. Putts is Biologist, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI

Nicole A. Raineault is Vice President of Exploration and Science Operations, Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI

Andrew Reed is PhD Candidate, School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA

John Reed is Research Professor and Cuba expedition chief scientist, Florida Atlantic University-Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Fort Pierce, FL

Jan Roletto is Research Coordinator, Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, San Francisco, CA

Christopher Roman is Associate Professor, University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett, RI

Randi Rotjan is Chief Scientist and Co-Chair, Scientific Advisory Board, Phoenix Islands Protected Area, Boston, MA

Adrian Round is Director, Observatory Operations, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada

Caitlin Ruby is Project Scientist, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, Stennis Space Center, MS, on contract through Riverside Technologies Inc.

Carolyn Ruppel is Research Geophysicist, US Geological Survey, Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center, Woods Hole, MA

Craig Russell is Program Manager, Okeanos Explorer Expeditions, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Seattle, WA

Angela Sallis is Technical Editor, NOAA, National Centers for Environmental Information, Stennis Space Center, MS, on contract through General Dynamics Information Technology

Akash Sastri is Staff Scientist, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada

Miles Saunders is Lead Mapper and Navigator, Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI

Martin Scherwath is Staff Scientist, Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, BC, Canada

George P. Schmahl is Sanctuary Superintendent, NOAA, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Galveston, TX

Ervin Schumacker is Marine Resources Scientist, Quinault Department of Fisheries, Taholah, WA

Jeff Seewald is Senior Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

Claus Siebe is Investigador Titular C, Instituto de Geofísica, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad Universitaria, Mexico

Victoria Sindorf is Science Communications Intern, Schmidt Ocean Institute, Palo Alto, CA

John R. Smith is Oceanographer, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI

S. Adam Soule is Associate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

Derek Sowers is Physical Scientist, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Durham, NH, on contract through ERT Inc.

Daan Speth is Postdoctoral Researcher, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA

Travis Sterne is Research Specialist, NOAA, Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Galveston, TX

Jennifer Stock is Education Coordinator, Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary, Olema, CA

Kathy Sutton is Education Specialist, Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI

Nathalie Valette-Silver is Physical Scientist, Federal Funding Opportunity Lead and Cooperative Institute Point of Contact, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD

Hans Van Tilburg is Maritime Archaeologist, NOAA, Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Honolulu, HI

Joshua Voss is Assistant Research Professor, Florida Atlantic University-Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Fort Pierce, FL

Jenny Waddell is Research Coordinator, NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Port Angeles, WA

Daniel Wagner is Research Coordinator, Southeast Deep Coral Initiative (SEDCI), NOAA, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Charleston, SC, on contract through JHT, Inc.

Jamie Wagner is a graduate student at Duke University, Durham, NC

Katie Wagner is Communications and Public Affairs Management Analyst, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD, on contract through CollabraLink Technologies Inc.

Scott Wankel is Associate Scientist, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

Cisco Werner is Chief Science Advisor, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD

Michael White is Physical Scientist, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Durham, NH, on contract through ERT Inc.

Carlie Wiener is Communications Manager, Schmidt Ocean Institute, Palo Alto, CA

Gary Williams is Curator, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA

Samantha Wishnak is Digital Media Coordinator, Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI

Karen Wishner is Professor, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, RI

Joyce Woodford is Budget Specialist, NOAA, Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD, on contract through CollabraLink Technologies Inc.

Robert Zierenberg is Professor Emeritus, University of California, Davis, CA

Victor Zykov is Director of Research, Schmidt Ocean Institute, Palo Alto, CA· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (120)



NAUTILUS EXPLORATION PROGRAM STAFF• Robert D. Ballard67, 98, President• Katherine L.C. Bell67, Vice President, Exploration & Research• Stephanie Bewley67, Controller• Timothy Burbank67, Post Production Supervisor• Joshua Chernov67, Manager, ROV Operations• Dwight Coleman99, Director, Inner Space Center• Megan Cook67, Coordinator, Community STEM Programs• Ben Dove67, Travel Coordinator• Allison Fundis67, Vice President, Education, Outreach,

& Communications• Ethan Gold67, Director, Software & Data Engineering• Melinda Linzey67, Finance Associate• Justin Lowe67, Assistant Director, Data Engineer• Kay McConagha67, Chief Financial & Administrative Officer• Janice Meagher67, Executive Administrator• Kelly Moran67, Production Coordinator & Education

Program Assistant• Scott Munro67, Executive Producer• Angela Murphy67, Manager, Travel & Logistics• Susan Poulton67, Digital Media Consultant• Nicole A. Raineault67, Vice President, Exploration and

Science Operations• Kathy Sutton67, STEM Education Specialist• Todd Viola67, Webmaster, Nautilus Live• Samantha Wishnak67, Digital Media Coordinator• Alexandra Witten67, 98, Director, Grants & Stewardship

NAUTILUS ADVISORY BOARD 2017• Jesse Ausubel73 • Ruth Blake112 • Andrew Bowen111 • Steven Carey98 • Steven Hammond62 • Jeffrey Karson82 • Lisa Levin76 • Mary Miller20 • Kate Moran68 • Michael Mottl90 • Philipp Schmidt41

AT-SEA TEAM• Christine Adams68 • Laura Almodovar-Acevedo93 • Sulaiman Alsibani67 • Jeffrey Anderson54 • Steven Auscavitch67 • Anshika Bagla89 • Daniel Baldwin89 • David Ball6 • Emily Ballard67 • Robert D. Ballard67, 98 • Kelsey Barnhill67 • Haylee Bautista64 • Stace Beaulieu111 • Kaitlin Becker25 • Roxanne Beinart98 • Ian Beliveau68 • Jennifer Berglund25 • Jon Berkenpas45 • Zoe Bolling103 • Marisa Borreggiene102 • Robert Boyd2 • Richard Brodeur54 • Jennifer Brown56 • Jessica Brown68 • Dirk Brussow68 • Julie Bursek56 • Steven Carey98 • Daniel Cespedes70 • Natali Chavez10 • Joshua Chernov67 • Elizabeth Clarke54 • Jack Clawson67 • Dwight Coleman99 • Everett Collins97 • Megan Cook67 • Bryce Corbett80 • Widad Dabbas67 • Loren Davis70 • Alexandra Dawson11 • Alex DeCiccio99 • Letha Demont49 • Mark DeRoche67 • Jeb Dexter68 • Gregg Diffendale67 • Wetherbee Dorshow16 • Eugene Douglas49 • Michael Durbin67 • Mohamed ElSaeid94 • Claire Fackler56 • Jason Fahy106 • Michael Filimon67 • Summer Farrell67 • Carina Fish87 • Aubrey Foulk67 • Laura Francis56 • Amanda Fromm49 • Erica Fruh54 • Allison Fundis67 • Adriana Gaytan Caballero83 • Lindsay Gee67 • Amber Giacone67 • Peter Girguis25 • William Glatt68 • Ethan Gold67 • Beth Gonzalez46 • Kevin Grant60 • Valerie Grussing53 • Chad Gunderson68 • Michael Hannaford67 • Scott Hara97 • Derek Hay67 • Erin Heffron67 • Michael Hobbis68 • Daniel Howard 57 • Jonathan Howland67 • Gabrielle Inglis67 • Reyna Jenkyns68 • Paul Johnson94 • Renato Kane67 • Jason Kapit111 • Katherine Kelley98 • Mikayla Kelley67 • Brian Kennedy67 • Julie Koehlinger102 • Kristopher Krasnosky98 • Nathaniel Krafve96 • Ian Kulin68 • Jacqueline Laverdure60 • Raymond Lee68 • Amanda Leith68 • Krystina Lincoln110 • Danielle Lipski57 • Jarrett Little68 • Justin Lowe67 • Megan Lubetkin67 • Timothy Macoun68 • Michael Marin67 • Ashley Marranzino67 • Leigh Marsh67 • Larry Mayer94 • Maggie McCann56

Ocean Exploration Trust

Sampling of basaltic scoria surrounded by bacterial mat off the coast of Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico, during E/V Nautilus cruise NA092. Image credit: D. Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility) and OET

An octopus moves toward a carbonate outcrop in the northern Guaymas Basin, Mexico, vent “El Faro” on E/V Nautilus cruise NA090. Image creditOET· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (121)


• Ashleigh McCord15 • Jill McDermott30 • Andrew McLeod94 • Edward McNichol67 • Anna Michel111 • Steve Mihály68 • Reuben Mills67 • Susan Mills111 • Christopher Mobley56 • Susana Morales10 • Esmerelda Morales Domínguez83 • Kelly Moran67 • Coral Moreno94 • Victor Naklicki109 • Kyle Neumann67 • Marylynn Nichols67 • Brian Norris67 • Kathryn Nuss70 • Alexander Nyers65 • Albert Palomer Vila67 • Dean Pentcheff47 • Emil Petruncio105 • Brennan Phillips98 • Melissa Poe102 • Clifford Pontbriand25 • Abigail Powell54 • Nicole A. Raineault67 • Erin Ranney23 • Brian Raynes67 • Joaquin Reyes Chavez78 • Mallory Ringham67 • Yushet Rivera Aldaco78 • David Robertson67 • Josef Rogoschewsky9 • Jan Roletto58 • Christoper Roman98 • Jessica Sandoval67 • llan Santos67 • Miles Saunders67 • Val Schmidt94 • Chase Scott13 • Sarah Seabrook67 • Ian Searles27 • Jeff Seewald111 • William Sellers67 • Trevor Shepherd67 • Claus Siebe83 • Lily Simonson • Wendy Snyder67 • Adam Soule111 • Daan Speth8 • Loren Springer49 • Scott Stamps67 • Andrew Stevens94 • Jennifer Stock57 • Kathy Sutton67 • Jeremy Taylor54 • Joshua Tetarenko67 • Paul Thompson67 • Ali Trueworthy67 • Suna Tuzun67 • J. Ian Vaughn67, 111 • Katherine von Krusensteirn94 • Jenny Waddell60 • Jamie Wagner67 • Sarah Walsh40 • Scott Wankel111 • Robert Waters67 • Michael Wegner105 • Tammy Weyers67 • Rebecca Wipfler91 • Curt Whitmire54 • Laura Wickesburg67 • Gary Williams7 • Samantha Wishnak67 • Karen Wishner98 • Regina Yopak67 • Jonathan Zand67 • Robert Zierenberg87 • Daniel Zimmerli49

SCIENTISTS ASHORE• Alex Bradley108 • Michael Brennan67 • Frank Cantelas61 • Chris Castillo81 • David Clague42 • Elizabeth Clarke54 • Guy Cochrane104 • Raymond Colby35 • Dwight Coleman99 • Max Coleman44 • Fabio De Leo68 • Lynn Dodd100 • John Dorocicz101 • Karen Douglas101 • Lauren Dykman37 • Elva Escobar-Briones83

• Peter Etnoyer52 • Meredith Everett54 • Allison Fundis67 • Lindsay Gee67 • Chris German111 • Peter Girguis25 • Shana Goffredi66 • Kaitlin Graiff57 • Tracy Gregg84 • Martin Heesemann101 • Santiago Herrera30 • Jenna Hill104 • Tessa Hill87 • Julie Huber111 • Shannon Kobs27 • Ulrich Kueppers34 • Tom Laidig63 • Mark Legg29 • Deborah Leopo111 • Sally Leys85 • Crispin Little92 • Jeffrey Marlow25 • Steve Mihály68 • Zara Mirmalek • Victoria Orphan8 • Jenny Paduan42 • Hannah Palmer87 • Xi Pan101 • Dean Pentcheff47 • Abigail Powell54 • Nicole A. Raineault67 • Jan Roletto58 • Everett Shock4 • Andrew Shuler51 • Robert Schwemmer55 • Ronald Spelz5 • Andreas Teske95 • Ross Timmerman68 • Meghan Tomlin68 • Mike Vecchione79 • Curt Whitmire54

NAUTILUS LIVE PRODUCTION TEAM• Tim Burbank67 • Koby Gartner67 • Ryan Enko67 • Kelly Moran67 • Scott Munro67 • Michael Viveiros67

INNER SPACE CENTER STAFF• Lew Abramson97 • Erin Chille97 • Dwight Coleman99 • Alex DeCiccio97 • Joshua Ducharme97 • Ben Hooks97 • Remy Filiaggi97 • Lizzie Ilagan97 • Gloria Keough97 • David Le Page97 • Lindsay Pisapi97 • Coleen Peters97 • Derek Sutcliffe97 • Kyle Sidlik67, 97 • Regina Yopak97

NAUTILUS AMBASSADORS• Samuel Freeman Jr.32 • Catherine Greenspon72 • Katherine Gertz17 • Hector Martinez69 • Stacy Sinclair33 • Katelyn Sullivan3

SCIENCE & ENGINEERING INTERNS• Laura Almodovar-Acevedo93 • Anshika Bagla89 • Daniel Baldwin89 • Zoe Bolling103 • Marisa Borreggiene102 • Robert Boyd2 • Everett Collins97 • Bryce Corbett80 • Alexandra Dawson11 • Nathaniel Krafve96 • Krystina Lincoln110 • Ashleigh McCord15 • Victor Naklicki109 • Erin Ranney23 • Josef Rogoschewsky9 • Ian Searles27 • Sarah Walsh40 • Michael Wegner105 • Rebecca Wipfler91

SCIENCE COMMUNICATION FELLOWS• Megan Chen79 • David Downing22 • Elizabeth Fahy50 • Linda Fergusson-Kolmes71 • Fleur Ferro12 • Amy Fleischer48 • Alfonso Garcia Arriola1 • Amber Hale39 • Julie Johnson31 • Daniel Kohn28 • Kaitlyn Lowen14 • Sarah Matarese74 • Luis Mora24 • Onyeweenu Ogene21 • DJ Pevey18 • Tommy Riparetti89 • Jen Runyan86 • Jon Willi101 • Jenny Woodman 26

NAUTILUS CREW & MARITIME MANAGEMENT• Fedir Balika36 • Ievgen Bondarenko36 • Anatoliy Chamata36 • Fedir Chepoy36 • Oleg Chernichenko36 • Anatoliy Choma36 • Pavel Chubar36 • Iurii Degtiarenko36 • Mykola Gorovyy36 • Martyna Graban36 • Oleksiy Kokorin36 • Oleksiy Kryshchuk36 • Maksym Kuzmenko36 • Iurii Malchenko36 • Tetyana Malenko36 • Oleksandr Marichan36 • Sergiy Mazur36 • Neal Myles36 • Serhii sem*nov36 • Sarolta Sen Manyoki36 • Igor Sergiienko36 • John Toner36 • Sergii Tsyganenko36 • Fedir Uzun36 • Vitalii Verbyts’kyi36 • Gabriel Whitston36

AFFILIATIONS1 ACCESS Academy, Portland, OR2 American University, Washington, DC3 Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, CA4 Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ5 Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexicali, Mexico6 Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Camarillo, CA7 California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA8 California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA9 Camosun College, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada10 Channel Islands State University, Camarillo, CA11 College of Charleston, Charleston, SC12 Community College of Denver, Denver, CO13 Coquille Indian Tribe, Coos Bay, OR14 Cunningham Middle School, Corpus Christi, TX15 Duke University, Durham, NC16 Earth Analytic Inc., Santa Fe, NM17 E.K. Key Elementary School, Sulphur, LA18 eSTEM Middle School, Little Rock, AR19 Everett Middle School, San Francisco, CA20 Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA21 Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, FL22 Garland ISD, Dallas, TX23 Graduate University of Salford, Manchester, England24 Harry Bridges Span School LAUSD, Los Angeles, CA25 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA26 IEEE Earthzine, Portland, OR27 Iowa State University, Asbury, IA28 Kohn Workshop, Brooklyn, NY29 Legg Geophysical, Huntington Beach, CA30 Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA31 Lemont High School, Lemont, IL32 London Middle School, Corpus Christi, TX33 Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, CA34 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany35 Makah Tribal Fisheries, Neah Bay, WA36 Maritime Management, Wicklow, Ireland37 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA38 McAlister GeoScience, Long Beach, CA39 McNeese State University, Lake Charles, LA40 Memorial University, St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada41 MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA42 Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing, CA43 Mountain View High School, Mountain View, CA44 NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA45 National Geographic Society, Washington, DC46 National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Washington, DC47 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, CA· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (122)


48 Nauset Regional Middle School, Orleans, MA49 Naval Oceanographic Office, Stennis, MS50 New River Middle School, Fort Lauderdale, FL51 NOAA Joint Hurricane Testbed, Charleston, SC52 NOAA National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD53 NOAA National Marine Protected Areas Center, Silver Spring, MD54 NOAA Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA55 NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD56 NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Channel Islands, Santa Barbara, CA57 NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Cordell Bank, Point Reyes, CA58 NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Greater Farallones, San Francisco, CA59 NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Monterey Bay, Monterey, CA60 NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Olympic Coast, Port Angeles, WA61 NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Silver Spring, MD62 NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA63 NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA64 Northern Chumash Tribe, Los Osos, CA65 Northwest Archaeometrics, Corvallis, OR66 Occidental College, Los Angeles, CA67 Ocean Exploration Trust, Narragansett, RI68 Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada69 Olle Middle School, Houston, TX70 Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR71 Portland Community College, Portland, OR72 Project Infinite Green, Lemont, IL73 Rockefeller University, New York, NY74 Saint George’s School, Newport, RI75 San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA76 Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, CA77 Seattle Aquarium, Seattle, WA78 Secretaría de Marina-Armada de México, Mexico City, Mexico79 Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC80 Southern Illinois University, Chicago, IL81 Stanford University, Stanford, CA82 Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY83 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico84 University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY85 University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada86 University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA87 University of California Davis, Davis, CA88 University of California San Diego, San Diego, CA

89 University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA90 University of Hawai'i Mānoa, Honolulu, HI91 University of Illinois, Urbana, Urbana, IL92 University of Leeds, Leeds, England93 University of Maryland Eastern Shore, Princess Anne, MD94 University of New Hampshire Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping, Durham, NH95 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC96 University of North Florida, Bradenton, FL97 University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI98 University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography, Narragansett, RI99 University of Rhode Island Inner Space Center, Narragansett, RI100 University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA101 University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada102 University of Washington, Seattle, WA103 US Coast Guard Academy, New London, CT104 US Geological Survey Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA105 US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD106 US Naval War College, Newport, RI107 Washington State University, Pullman, WA108 Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO109 Wentworth Institute, Boston, MA110 Williams College, Williamstown, MA111 Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA112 Yale University, New Haven, CT

2017 FIELD SEASON MAJOR PARTNERS & SPONSORS• Alta Sea at the port of Los Angeles• CITGO Petroleum Corporation• Connecticut Science Center• Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island • Haivision• KVH Industries• Lyda Hill Foundation• National Marine Sanctuary Foundation• Naval Oceanographic Office• NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries• NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration & Research• Ocean Exploration Trust Directors & Sponsors• Ocean Networks Canada• Office of Naval Research• Phil Stephenson Foundation• University of California, Santa Barbara• University of New Hampshire• Perot Museum• Richard Lounsbery Foundation • Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution/Dalio Foundation

EDUCATION, OUTREACH, & MEDIA PARTNERS• Connecticut Science Center• Educational Partnership Program,

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration• Exploratorium• Houston Museum of Natural History• NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries• NOAA Office of Exploration & Research• Perot Museum of Nature and Science• Submarine Force Library & Museum• Port Royal Sound Foundation• AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles• Naval Historical Foundation • Naval History and Heritage Command

Shrimp on the surface of a pillow lava on the slopes of Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico, from E/VNautilus cruise NA092. Image credit: D. Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility) and OET118· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (123)


NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research

In 2017, NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research mapped over 250,000 km2 of seafloor using NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, which ran 24-hour operations that included ROV dives and biological and geological sample collection. Partnerships spanned Pacific Island jurisdictions and included pan-Pacific nations and resource man-agement programs at the international, federal, and state levels, as well as the industry, research, and academic sectors, and education community. CAPSTONE, the unprecedented three-year campaign to map and explore US waters in remote areas of the central and west-ern Pacific, collected critical baseline information, providing insights into US marine resources, including fisheries, energy, minerals, and conservation. The program’s accomplishments are a testament to a distinctive network of people with expertise in at-sea and shoreside operations, mapping, science and technology, data management, education, outreach and media, and administrative requirements. In 2017, existing partnerships were strengthened and new ones formed, questions answered and new ones raised, and technologies tested and new ones proposed. The business of ocean exploration improves US technical capability; provides data that helps quantify US ocean resources; and bolsters STEM education, which creates critical think-ers, increases science literacy, and enables the next generation of innovators that leads to new products and processes that sustain our economy. It is with great respect that we acknowledge the collabo-rative network of people responsible for a productive and successful 2017 ocean exploration season.

OER would like to acknowledge the graphics support provided by Matthew King, Web Designer/Graphics Specialist, NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, on contract through ERT Inc., Silver Spring, MD

MAJOR PARTNERS• American Embassy Sāmoa, Apia, Sāmoa• American Sāmoa Community College, Pago Pago, American Sāmoa• American Sāmoa Government, Pago Pago, American Sāmoa » Department of Education, Pago Pago, American Sāmoa » Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources » Department of Port Administration » Office of Samoan Affairs, Tafuna, American Sāmoa• Government of Sāmoa, Apia, Sāmoa » Department of Port Administration, Apia, Sāmoa » Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Apia, Sāmoa » Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Apia, Sāmoa » National University of Sāmoa, Apia, Sāmoa• Aquarium of the Pacific, Long Beach, CA

• Audubon Aquarium of the Americas, New Orleans, LA• Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA• Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Sterling, VA• Canadian Scientific Submersible Facility, North Saanich,

British Columbia, Canada• CollabraLink Technologies Inc., McLean, VA• Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies/CIMAS,

Miami, FL• Cooperative Institute of the North Atlantic Region/CINAR,

Woods Hole, MA• Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research &

Technology/CIOERT, Fort Pierce, FL• Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada• Dauphin Island Sea Lab, Dauphin Island, AL• ERT/Earth Resources Technology Inc., Laurel, MD• ECOVIDA - National System of Protected Areas, Guanahacabibes

National Park, Guanahacabibes, Cuba• Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta, GA• Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration, Mystic, CT• Government of Canada, Fisheries and Oceans, Ottawa,

Ontario, Canada• Government of the Cook Islands, Office of the Prime Minister,

Rarotonga, Cook Islands• Marae Moana, the Cook Islands Marine Park, Rarotonga,

Cook Islands• Great Lakes Foundation, Port Huron, MI• Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute - Florida Atlantic University,

Fort Pierce, FL• Hawai'i Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawai'i,

Kaneohe, HI• IFREMER, Paris, France• Inner Space Center, Narragansett, RI• Instituto de la Ciencias del Mar, Havana, Cuba• Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC),

Kanagawa, Japan• John G. Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, IL• Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University,

Palisades, NY• Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA• National Aquarium, Baltimore, MD• National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Auckland,

New Zealand• New England Aquarium, Boston, MA• North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC• Northeastern University, The Ocean Genome Legacy of

New England BioLabs, Boston, MA

A crinoid (Echonodermata Crinoidea Articulata) observed at water depth of 1,600 m during a dive an on unnamed guyot located in the south center of the Johnston Atoll Unit. Image credit: NOAA OER

This fangtooth fish was an exciting observation at 800m depth during a midwater transect on the Musicians Seamounts expedition. Image credit: NOAA OER· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (124)


• NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service, Silver Spring, MD

» National Centers for Environmental Information, John C. Stennis Space Center, MS• NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, MD » Marine National Monument Program, Honolulu, HI » National Systematics Laboratory, Washington, DC » Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Seattle, WA » Office of Habitat Conservation, Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program, Silver Spring, MD » Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Honolulu, HI » Pacific Islands Regional Office, Honolulu, HI » Southeast Fisheries Science Center, Miami and Panama City, FL• NOAA National Ocean Service, Silver Spring, MD » National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science, Silver Spring, MD » Office for Coastal Management, Coastal Services Center, Charleston, SC » Office of National Marine Sanctuaries, Silver Spring, MD – Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary, Galveston, TX – Maritime Heritage Program, Silver Spring, MD – National Marine Sanctuary of American Sāmoa, Pago Pago,

American Sāmoa – Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary, Port Angeles, WA – Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, Alpena, MI » US Integrated Ocean Observing System, Silver Spring, MD• NOAA Office of Education, Educational Partnership Program,

Silver Spring, MD• NOAA Office of Marine and Aviation Operations, Silver Spring, MD• NOAA Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research,

Silver Spring, MD » Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, Miami, FL » Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA• Ocean Exploration Trust, New London, CT » E/V Nautilus, AltaSea at the Port of Los Angeles• Ocean Networks Canada, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada• Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Portland, OR• Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR » Department of Anthropology » Marine Geology Repository• Oceaneering International Inc., Houston, TX

• Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, Honolulu, HI• Phoenix Islands Protected Area Conservation Trust, Bikenibeu,

Tarawa, Republic of Kiribati• Phoenix Islands Protected Area Implementation Office, Tarawa,

Republic of Kiribati• Quality Positioning Services Inc., Portsmouth, NH• Republic of Kiribati • Schmidt Ocean Institute, Palo Alto, CA• Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme,

Apia, Sāmoa• Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History,

Washington, DC• South Carolina Aquarium, Charleston, SC• State of Hawai'i, Department of Land and Natural Resources,

Honolulu, HI• SEARCH, Jacksonville, FL• SRI International, St. Petersburg, FL• Temple University, Philadelphia, PA• Texas State Aquarium, Corpus Christi, TX• The Nature Conservancy, Palmyra Program, Honolulu, HI• TDI-Brooks International, College Station, TX• University of California, Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA• University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO• University of Delaware, Lewes, DE• University of Havana, Marine Research Center, Havana, Cuba• University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, Joint Institute for Marine and

Atmospheric Research in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, Honolulu, HI

• University of Idaho, Moscow, ID• University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette, LA• University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA• University of New Hampshire, Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping,

Durham, NH• University of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington, NC• University of Rhode Island, Graduate School of Oceanography,

Narragansett, RI• University of South Florida, College of Marine Science,

St.Petersburg, FL• University of Washington, Applied Physics Laboratory, Seattle, WA• US National Park Service, Submerged Resources Center,

Lakewood, CO• US Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, DC » Rose Atoll Marine National Monument, Pago Pago,

American Sāmoa• US Geological Survey » Reston, VA » Woods Hole, MA » Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center, Santa Cruz, CA » Wetland and Aquatic Research Center, Gainesville, FL• US Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD• Waikīkī Aquarium, Waikīkī, HI• Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA

This image shows the rounded stern of USSBaltimore, which was modified to include doors and deployment rails for laying sea mines during World War I. The wreck is located about 37 km south of the island of O'ahu. Image credit: NOAA OER

This monkfish, Lophiodes miacanthus, was found squat-ting in a bed of Hawaiian gold coral, Kulamanamana haumeaae, at Middle Bank, a seamount located on the border of the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument. Image credit: NOAA OER· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (125)


ReferencesAstiz, L., and P.M. Shearer. 2000. Earthquake locations in the Inner

Continental Borderland, Offshore Southern California. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 90:425–449, 10.1785/ 0119990022.

Atwater, T.M., J. Sclater, D. Sandwell, J. Severinghaus, and M.S. Marlow. 1993. Fracture zone traces across the North Pacific Cretaceous quiet zone and their tectonic implications. Pp. 137–154 in The Mesozoic Pacific: Geology, Tectonics, and Volcanism. M.S. Pringle, W.W. Sager, W.V. Sliter, and S. Stein, eds, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC.

Bassett, R.D., M. Finkbeiner, and P.J. Etnoyer. 2017. Application of the Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification Standard (CMECS) to Deep-Sea Benthic Surveys in the Northeast Pacific: Lessons from Field Tests in 2015. NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS NCCOS 228, NOAA National Ocean Service, Charleston, SC, 49 pp.

Battista, T., K. Buja, J. Christensen, J. Hennessey, and K. Lassiter. 2017. Prioritizing seafloor mapping for Washington’s Pacific coast. Sensors 17(4):701,

Beaujardiere, J.D.L., and N. Kaske. 2015. NOAA Plan for Increasing Public Access to Research Results. NOAA Research Council, Silver Spring, MD, 23pp.,

Berndt, C., C. Hensen, C. Mortera-Gutierrez, S. Sarkar, S. Geilert, M.Schmidt, V. Liebetrau, R. Kipfer, F. Scholz, M. Doll, and others. 2016. Rifting under steam—How rift magmatism triggers meth-ane venting from sedimentary basins. Geology 44(9):67–770, 10.1130/G38049.1.

Bunnell, D.E. 1988. Sea Caves of Santa Cruz Island. Kimerly Ress Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, 123 pp.

Bunnell, D.E. 1993. Sea Caves of Anacapa Island. Mcnally and Loftin Publishers, Santa Barbara, CA, 209 pp.

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Diane’s Vent had the most vigorous fluid flow of the sites that were visited in Pescadero Basin, Gulf of California, E/V Nautilus cruise NA091. The fluid temperature was measured to be ~290°C. Image credit: OET

This Chaunux, a type of anglerfish, was observed at approximately 3,148 m depth. The bright red color and ciri on the fish’s body made it an unusual find. This ROV dive was the first in a series that investigated the similarities and differences in community composition between different features across the Musicians Seamounts. Image credit: NOAA OER

Close-up of a cirrate octopod egg case (brown) and inner chorion (purple) attached to an octocoral (Paragorgia sp.). The octopus embryo will develop within the chorion until it is ready to hatch. This image was captured on the Discovering the Deep: Exploring Remote Pacific MPAs expedition. Image credit: NOAA OER· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (129)


AcronymsABISS ............................. Autonomous Biogeochemical Instrument for In Situ StudiesAMA .............................. Reddit Ask Me AnythingASPIRE .......................... Atlantic Seafloor Partnership for Integrated Research and ExplorationAUV ............................... Autonomous underwater vehicleBGS ............................... British Geological SurveyBOEM ............................ Bureau of Ocean Energy ManagementCalCOFI ......................... California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Calit2 ............................. California Institute for Telecommunications and Information TechnologyCAPSTONE.................... Campaign to Address Pacific monument Science, Technology, and Ocean NEedsCBNMS ......................... Cordell Bank National Marine SanctuaryCIMAS ........................... Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric StudiesCINAR ............................ Cooperative Institute of the North Atlantic RegionCINMS ............................ Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary CIOERT .......................... Cooperative Institute for Ocean Exploration, Research & TechnologyCNMI ............................. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsCMECS .......................... Coastal and Marine Ecological Classification StandardCSP ................................ Community STEM ProgramCSSF .............................. Canadian Scientific Submersible FacilityCTD ............................... Conductivity, temperature, depth sensorDEEP SEARCH ............... Deep Sea Exploration to Advance Research on Coral/Canyon/Cold seep HabitatsECC ................................. Exploration Command CenterECS ................................. Extended Continental ShelfEEZ ................................. Exclusive economic zoneEiT ................................. Explorer-in-Training ProgramEPP ................................ Educational Partnership ProgramE/V ................................. Exploration VesselFFO ................................ Federal Funding OpportunityFGBNMS ....................... Flower Garden Banks National Marine SanctuaryGEBCO .......................... General Bathymetric Chart of the OceansGFNMS .......................... Greater Farallones National Marine SanctuaryGTD ............................... Gas Tension DeviceHAPC ............................. Habitat Areas of Particular ConcernIHO-IOC ........................ International Hydrographic Organization – Intergovernmental Oceanographic CommissionIMMeRSS ...................... Interagency Mission for Methane Research at Seafloor SeepsISMS .............................. In situ mass spectrometerJAMSTEC ....................... Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and TechnologyJAU ................................ Johnston Atoll UnitMBNMS ......................... Monterey Bay National Marine SanctuaryMBON ........................... Marine Biodiversity Observation NetworkMbps .............................. Megabits per secondMPA............................... Marine protected areaMTMNM ....................... Marianas Trench Marine National MonumentNCOG ............................ NOAA CalCOFI Genomics ProjectNMFS ............................ NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries ServiceNMSAS .......................... National Marine Sanctuary of American SāmoaNOAA ............................ National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (130)


OA ................................. Ocean AcidificationOER ............................... NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and ResearchOET ............................... Ocean Exploration TrustOMZ .............................. Oxygen Minimum ZoneONC .............................. Ocean Networks CanadaPIPA ............................... Phoenix Islands Protected AreaPMNM ........................... Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument PRIMNM ....................... Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument RAMNM ........................ Rose Atoll Marine National MonumentROPOS .......................... Remotely Operated Platform for Ocean SciencesROV ............................... Remotely operated vehicleR/V ................................. Research VesselSACNAS ........................ Society for the Advancement for Chicanos and Native Americans in ScienceSEDCI ............................ Southeast Deep Coral InitiativeSODA ............................ Sampling Operations Database ApplicationSOI................................. Schmidt Ocean InstituteSPREP............................ Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment ProgrammeSTEM ............................. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematicsUAS ............................... Unmanned aircraft systemUC ................................. University of CaliforniaUNCLOS ........................ United Nations Convention on the Law of the SeaUNESCO........................ United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural OrganizationUNH CCOM/JHC ........... University of New Hampshire Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/Joint Hydrographic CenterUSGS ............................. United States Geological SurveyUSS ................................ United States ShipWHOI ............................ Woods Hole Oceanographic InstitutionWHOI MISO .................. WHOI Multidisciplinary Instrumentation in Support of Oceanography Facility

On a dive at an unverified seep site off the shore of North Carolina, AUV Sentry caught a glimpse of a scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini) swimming along the seafloor. Image credit: NOAA OER/BOEM/USGS

A brittlestar associate on an octocoral (Family Anthothelidae, Victorgorgia sp.) east of Socorro Island, Mexico, from E/V Nautilus cruise NA092. Image credit: D.Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility) and OET· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (131)

Paralomissp. lithodid crabs feast on a Deepstaria sp. deep-sea scyphozoan jellyfish carcass at 899 m depth east of Socorro Island, Revillagigedo Archipelago, Mexico, during E/V Nautilus cruise NA092. These “jelly falls” are recognized as major contributors of organic flux to the deep ocean, but are rarely witnessed as they are rapidly consumed by benthic scavengers. Image credit: D. Fornari (WHOI-MISO Facility) and OET

Support for this publication is provided by the Ocean Exploration Trust, NOAA’s Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation, and the Schmidt Ocean Institute. © 2018 The Oceanography Society Editor: Ellen Kappel Assistant Editor: Vicky CullenLayout and Design: Johanna Adams Permission is granted to reprint in whole or in part for any noncommercial, educational uses. The Oceanography Society requests that the original source be credited. Single printed copies are available upon request from [emailprotected].

mailto:[emailprotected]· b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (132)

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This hydromedusan jellyfish, Crossota sp., was observed just south of O'ahu while searching for an underwater cultural her-itage site. Image credit: NOAA OER · b PREFERRED CITATION Raineault, N.A, J. Flanders, and A. Bowman, eds. 2018. New frontiers in ocean exploration: The E/V Nautilus, NOAA Ship Okeanos Explorer, and R/V Falkor - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Phone: +5023589614038

Job: Chief Executive

Hobby: Leather crafting, Flag Football, Candle making, Flying, Poi, Gunsmithing, Swimming

Introduction: My name is Mr. See Jast, I am a open, jolly, gorgeous, courageous, inexpensive, friendly, homely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.