The Miami Herald from Miami, Florida (2024)

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PAGE TWELVE A HERALD TELEPHONE 2-7401 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 30 1935 THE HERALD MIAMI FLORIDA HERALD TELEPHONE 2-7401 GATORS AND PLAINSMEN AWAIT BATTLE Henry Russell Easily Wins Miami Biltmore Thanksgiving Golf Tourney 1 Climax of Brilliant Football Festival Week Arouses Wide-Spread Interest Youngster Overwhelm Frank Smyrak Finishes Morning Round 9 Up Henry Russell the red-headed golfing demon from Coral Gables routed Frank Smyrak Minneapolis 12 and 10 in tbe 36-hole final of the Miami Biltmore Thanksgiving Day tournament yesterday at the Miami Biltmor MIAMI RETAINS IRL TUBBS FOR 1936 Dr Ashe president of the University of Miami announced yesterday Coach Irl Tnbbs would be retained to direct the football team next year The announcement was made as the Hurricanes prepared to play Boston University In their Intersectional Pat Boland will continue as line coach at the university Dr Ashe said Of six games this season excepting last night Miami has lost three and won as many It defeated Rollins Wake Forest and Southeastern Louisiana and lost to Georgetown Tampa University and Stetson It will finish Its schedule here next Friday night against TICKETS TO BE SOLD AT BU RHINE'S TODAY All available Florida-Auburn game tickets wilt he on sale this morning at Sports Shop until 11:30 Then they will be transferred to the stadium where sale will begin at 12 noon Despite a heavy sale jesterday athletic officials of the Lnlverslty of Florida said last night that many desirable seats were still obtainable A Pattlllo assistant athletic director here In charge of tickets Ticket booths at the stadium will be at the southeast and southwest corners The General Information booth will be at the south end of the stadium With good weather In prospect for great Southeastern Conference grid battle fans are urged to make their ticket purchases at this morning before and after that all tickets at the stadium course Off to a fast start Russell played near-par golf all morning to finish the first 18 holes with a 0 up lead Only eight holes on the final round were required to clinch the title for the Coral Gables youth whose qualifying score Monday was a mediocre 84 He was fifth in the medal column and Smyrak was co-runnerup Russell won a leg on the trophy established tor the tournament by Fred Meyer president of the Fonrleo Corporation A handsome silver cup the prize must be won three times for permanent possession The Coral Gables youth shot a 78 on the morning round 10 stroke under his opponent He took th first four holes In rapid succession Smyrak rallied to halve the next two but Henry oroke loose again on th seventh eighth and ninth The tenth was square and then Henry took three more In a row Russell lost the fourteenth but regained th margin on the fifteenth and went 9 up on the seventeenth In th afternoon Russell tqpk the first thre holes squared the next three and then won the next two to end th match on the eighth green A Turrell West Newton won the second flight championship with 1-up victory over Grubb St Louis Mo Th card Morning round: Par out Russell out 544 Smyrak out 635 Par 443 Russel In 543 Smvrak Afternoon round Russell out 534 Smyrak out 645 ANOTHER CLASSIC PLANNED IN WEST Former Champion Is For Anything anti Free To Fight BY UNITED PRESS I BREMERHAYEN Germany Nov 29 -Max Schmeling Germany's former heavyweight champion of the world sailed aboard the Bremen for America today for anything and free to fight Schmeling who may fight either James Braddock or Joe Louis this summer disclosed the receiving of an offer from Madison Square Garden to-fight Braddock for the title Schmeling said: have a good look at the Brown Bomber too I'm planning to return to Germany by Christmas but naturally I will miss no opportunity to investigate any offers rumor that the Garden Is willing to put me in the ring with Braddock only if I first eliminate Louis is untrue Joe Jacobs has negotiated for a fight against Louis but lost Interest when I insisted on financial safeguards It seems that Louis figures he can bide his time and make hay by accepting many opponents before risking Braddock Well I C' Commission Questions 11 About Identity of Boxer Stopped By Knight The Miami Beach boxing commission Investigating a report that the heavyweight knocked out by Joe Knight Monday night at the Beach arena was masquerading under the name of another boxer Jack Kranz questioned 11 sportsmen yesterday afternoon and adjourned without taking any action The matter was taken under advisem*nt and the commission did not Indicate when a decision If any will be rendered The next regular commission meeting la scheduled for next Tuesday Publicized as Jack Kranz of Chicago who stayed the limit with Joe Louis in an eight-rounder last year the pugilist turned out to be an awkward performer who was floored nine times in the three ludicrous rounds the 10-round bout lasted The Investigation began after the commission had received the following telegram from Jor-ph Trinor chairman of the Illinois State Athletic Commission: Kranz in our office today and submitted conclusive evidence that he has not left the state of Indiana for the past 90 days Fighter knocked out by Joe Knight was masquerader and we trust your commission will investigate and punish him severely as our Jack Kianz has been done irreparable The man knocked out by Knight has not been seen here since the night of the fight It was brought out at the investi-gation that in his application for the fight the boxer wrote his correct As the University of Florida Gators clash this afternoon on the Miami Stadium greensward with the Plainsmen of Auburn the principals will figure prominently In the attempts to register an outstanding Southeastern Conference football upset the defeat of Auburn The list Includes at upper left the cheerleaders left to right bark row Ben Krentzman Head Cheerleader Lewis Buzzell of Miami Floyd Cox Ewell Menge front row left to right Bud Brown and John Cheney npper right Jack Butler of Miami president of the University of Florida student body the majority of which Is here to see the game below the All-Alumni coaching staff which has been under fire throughout the state left to right Rainey Cawthon Bowjer Ben (lemons Head Coach Stanley Welcome Shearer and Carlos Proctor By BINTY DENNIS Sparta Editor Tor The Herald The first Southeastern Conference football game ever to be played In southeast Florida will be staged right here at 230 this afternoon on the Miami Stadium grid before a crowd which Is assured to fill every one of 12290 seats In new municipal stadium The principals will be the Plainsmen of Auburn up Alabama way and the Gators of Gainesville in the area north of the cross-state canal Despite your personal opinion on who will win or lose this patltering In stadium undoubtedly Will be the largest and most colorful fcrld throng ever to attend a contest In this sector The ticket sale has been little less than terrific during the last 10 days folk are coming here from throughout Florida as well as Georgia and Alabama and then there are several thoi'-sand of our early winter visitors rho like these major sports presentations the bands and cheering sect on of the state university University of Miami Miami Junior Dr-m and Bugle Corps and all Metropolitan Miami high schools will be thee in full regalia Ernie Seller director of the stadium has found an ui'mlted amount of gay collegiate colors and flags and has his sports center bedecked in Its best dress and of course there are the two grid teams of Auburn and Florida and despite the colorful sidelights after all this Is a football battle with the Plainsmen determined to continue their creditable record and the Gators determined to revenge recent humlla-tions by staging what would certainly be a breath-taking upset the defeat of these Plainsmen Discussing the matter of Auburn and Florida on the basis of football the Plainsmen cannot be figured any other way than decisive winners In this fifteenth of the grid battle between the two lnsttutlons To date the series shows seven victories for each team the Gators dominating the last half of this series To offer details the last time the Plainsmen defeated the Saurlans was In 1932 when the famous championship Auburn eleven tallied a 21 to 0 triumph During the last two years the Gators have won 14 to 7 in both games With this one exception one of these so-called athletic hoodoos or Jinx has prevailed whenever the Plainsmen and Gators met despite the quality of team Auburn sent on the field It Is a matter which may not mean much to the average sports follower but to Auburn It Is very embarrassing and they are determined to halt this hoodoo In a decisive fashion which will cause the folk to talk for many days The Plainsmen have been classed by many sports writers as the To this writer they are a great I gridiron combination wblch plays in flashes or one week a championship team and the next week a mediocre ball club Among their victories have been Impressive wins over Kentucky Georgia Tech Tulane Georgia and a great triumph over Duke the club which halted North brilliant undefeated string Yet they lost to Tennessee In an early season game and Tennessee is ranked a very very mediocre eleven They were also beaten by but that Is not a disgrace as about every team playing the Bayou Tigers Is receiving that brand of treatment Today they offer their squad In top condition at full strength and ready to stage their best exhibition In this final game of their schedule In that backfleld are Scarborough Hitchco*ck Kilgore and Jimmy Fenton the latter a Florida boy from Lakeland and brother of Benny Fenton the All-Southern grldster who Is an assistant coach at Miami High It Is a quartet which has demanded the headlines many times this saeson by Its stellar performances In the line are Eaves the sensational Paterson Gantt Gilbert McCroskey Roton and Captain Morris It Is a forward wall which ranks as one of the South's best and one of the greatest lines ever produced at Auburn Clicking It Is a ball club that should give a football show and gain a victory tbet will satisfy Auburn for many moons Over on the bench things IiV Catholic National Collegiate Title Grid Game Slated SAN FRANCISCO Nov 29 OP I Far Western football with its Rose Bowl and East-West classics will edd a new post-season game to Its schedule either next month or early in Janu ary to be billed as Catholic national collegiate The powerful Holy Cross eleven undefeated to date and favored to beat Boston College tomorrow will be the first Eastern representative in the annual San Francisco game if it accept an invitation already tendered Sponsors of the game the local organization of the Knights of Columbus bope to induce St College to represent the West Five dates December 22 Chrlstma day January 5 11 and 12 were submitted for approval by Holy Cross St Mary's Gaels still have three hard home games against Washington Stat tomorrow University of Oregon December 8 and the University of California at Los Angeles December 14 the only blots on their record are a defeat by California and a tie with Fordham can wait too Out of UDinty's UDiijout DEPUTIES GALLED IN TRACK DISPUTE By Dinty Dennis Sports Editor tor Tko Herald ELMIRA HIGH DEMANDS ATTENTION Greyhound Owners Fear Pois Jack Belir and John Hendrix Lose However In Lakeland Tennis Tourney (BT THE ASSOCIATED PRESS! LAKELAND Fla Nov Most of the leaders coasted into the semifinals of the second annual Lakeland city tennis tournament today as quarterfinals matches were completed Martin Buxby of Miami seeded first among the men downed Vernon Marcum of Lakeland $-3 6-1 while Frank Guernsey of Orlando defending champion and seeded third ousted John Hendrix Lakeland atudent at the University of Miami 6-0 6-3 In a belated second round match Marcum of Lakeland scored an upset by defeating Jack Behr of Miami seeded sixth 2-6 6-2 6-4 But yriTH the final whistle of grid battle between High and Miami High sportsdom of Elmira offered a notable INJURED FOOTBALLER II I FIGHTING CHANCE LEXINGTON Kv Nov 29 British Light Heavy Now In Line For Bout With John Ilenry Lewis fBY THE ASSOCIATED PRFSS 1 NEW YORK Nov 29 Jock McAvoy British middle and light heavyweight champion began bis first American campaign tonight "with a cleancut 10-round victory over A1 McCoy Boston Prench-Canadlan In Madison Square Garden McAvoy weighed 1681 and McCoy 170l2- A disappointing crowd of not more than 6 000 customers paid only 11-360 to see the Britisher in his debut The victory puts McAvov in line for a shot at John Henry American light heavyweight crown Neither fighter proved himself a sensation but many agreed McAvoy is far and away the best fighter England has sent across the Atlantic in many moons He has a good left hand a right that can do things he knows how to behave himself in the ring and he can take it The Associated Press score card gave McAvoy six rounds Three went to McCoy and one was called even The aggressor from the start the trim black-haired Englishman gave McCqy the sentimental as well as the betting favorite the boxing lesson of his life He kept the Bostonian away with his left and used his right to land two-thirds of all the punches the fight produced cleverness was a more telling factor In his victory than his punching ability McCoy known throughout the East as a rugged puncher was so bottled up by the ring craft that most of his punches fill harmlessly on arms or shoulders On the few occasions McCoy did connect cleanly McAvoy shrugged and laughed off the blows oning of Racing Dogs Fear that their racing greyhounds might be poisoned continued to pie-vail last night among greyhound kennel owners it was revealed by deputies of the office last night A call W'as received early in the evening from the West Fiagler Kennel club where many greyhounds ore kenneled awaiting settlement of the registration dispute and opening of the West Flagler meeting Investigators said a shot was fired and a knife drawn but no one Injured and all appeared peaceful Later in the night another call was received from that area and deputies again investigated The latter call followed a disturbance as grevhounds arrived from the Biscayne Kennel club under two guards and succeeding argument amorg the owners and the guards Finally five men including the two 1 guards were brought to the sheriffs office by Deputies I Mills and A Buford for investigation but released when they promised peaceful settlement of future arguments Twenty-one-year-old Herbert Tade tonight was given a chance" to recover from a fractured skull suffered in Tennessee-Ken-tucky football game Dr Vane attending the youthful Tennessee center said he Is slightly since he trephined the frontal cranial fracture Offensive seeking the assignment for the annual Christmas day high school iaitersectional game here The offensive extended outside of Elmira and a series of telegrams and telephone calls yesterdav indicated that Elmira High has a myriad of friends throughout the East Leading the list was a telegram to The Herald from Frank Tripp general manager of the Gannett Newspapers who stated: Miami high schools want the best Northern team for their Christmas day game they will Invite the Elmira High school's unbeaten New York state champions I know football and can guarantee this is the team you are after Their record and qualifications are just what you are after and they have earned the honor besides Just talked with Frank Gannett who Joins me in the plea to put this announcement to Miami sportsdom in order that they may have the best for Miami which Is next In our hearts to our homes up Then another" came winging from Alan Gould general sports editor of The Associated Press stating: appreciate The Herald sports department calling attention to proper authorities and Miami sportsdom to the qualifications of Elmira High undefeated football squad for annual Christmas day high school Intersectional battle Elmira has won seven straight and ranked best in central New York It is the best team in years measuring up fully with high state eligibility standards I can recommend wholeheartedly as one of best high school outfits in the The Dugout could give you a dozen more but these two statements et forth the plea and desire clearly Realizing that it is impossible for Miami authorities to issue an invitation for this game until after the Miami High-Miami Edison game on December 14 it is recommended that Elmira High be given full consideration In the final selection It is a team undoubtedly with a great record and It also represents a large population center and a people who spend thousands of dollars in Miami annually The city of Elmira is so well represented here that even Elmira street in our northeast section boasts none other than former Elmira residents Such a game against either Miami High or Miami Edison would have a tremendous drawing power as well as greater Northern publicity than any team which is undefeated and deserves the selection It also might be noted that Tampa is making a (Strong bid for New York favor in its winter tourist visitations by selecting Utica High Here is an opportunity to get the central New York champions and we're on record cheering their cause OFFICIAL FOOTBALL DUNCE Sponsored bit ralveMlty of Florida A 1 tun fit Association of Miami and Die University of Floridn Club he encountered Arthur Hendrix of Lakeland seeded No 2 In the quarterfinals and went out quickly 6-1 6-0 Arlene Kruse of Eustls No 1 woman player entered the semifinals on a C-3 6-0 victory over Frances Hurlln of St Petersburg while Mrs Ralph Marlowe of Lakewood No 2 won a quarterfinals match from Mrs Don Rombo of Lakeland 6-1 6-0 The only doubles match completed found Gardner Mulloy of Miami and Behr victors over Bob Wilson of St Petersburg and Manuel Falaez of Orlando 6-4 8-6 Buxby and Marcum had won the first set 6-3 when darkness halted their match with Willard McGinnes of Lakeland and Marcum The match will be completed tomorrow Harris Everett and Bob Dickson both of Jacksonville defaulted to Hendrix and Guernsey In the mixed doubles Mrs Joe Dillon and Jim Vullle of St Petersburg won over Marcum and Helen Cowles Tampa 7-5 6-3 Mulloy meets Hendrix and Buxby plays Guernsey in the men's singles semifinals tomorrow The women's singles semifinal matches bring together Miss Kruse and Mrs Dillon Mrs Marlowe and Mrs Washington CARDINALS DETROIT AND GIANTS TOP PROS Honoring Auburn and University of Florida THE MIAMl' BILTMORE COUNTRY CLUB name as George Blackburn and his ring name Jack Krantz (spelled with a He gave his address as Clinton Ind rural route 2 Much of the Investigation centered around the testimony of Frankie Hughes welterweight boxer from Clinton Ind who brought Knight's opponent to Miami after making the match for him Hughes said he did not know the fighter he brought here was not the Jack Kranz who lasted eight rourids against Joe Louis last year at Chicago Hughes said he never had seen Blackburn or Kranz fight before this week but that he still believed him to be the real Jack Krantz spelling his name with a He said the fighter was recommended to him by Jones also of Clinton who claimed to be manager Judge Daniel Galen commissioner who conducted the investigation at the request of Chairman Fla-men Adae asked Hughes if he thought he did the right thing by bringing in a fignter whose ability he did not know Hughes replied that be thought the fighter had a good record and that be had known his manager for 15 years or more He also said Knight's opponent told him he fought Joe Sekyra and Babe Hunt well-known heavyweights Others questioned by the commissioners were Buck Everett heavyweight boxer Jimmy Erwin his manager Petey Sarron featherweight boxer Capt Peeples jr Miami matchmaker Eddie Coachman referee Bill Gore gymnasium proprietor Larry K-lley and Griffith matchmakers lor the Beach arena Warren Murray wrestling matchmaker and Dale Gardner trainer Everett said a man pointed out to him In the gymnasium as Jack Kranz was not the Jack Kranz he fought as an amateur It was brought out that Everett reported to have made a statement at the fight that Knight's opponent was not Jack Kranz did not attend the boxing ehow The others were able to shed no light on the affair Kelley and Griffith both said they made the match in good faith and presented a telegram from Hughes representing the fighter as Jack Kranz Judge Galen and Adae asked all of them why they had not reported rumors about the fighter to the commission Those who had heard the rumors said that such reports often exaggerated crop up before many fights and so are given little credence want to notify all of Judge Galen said "that If there Is any suspicion that something is not right with a fight you had better report it to the commiaston That goes for everybody at this Prt TP OP 667 163 111 667 92 77 6 46 168 90 556 172 99 Pet TP OP 700 146 82 GOLF TOURNEY DTED CHICAGO Nov 29 The Na tional Professional Football League standing to date WEST Detroit 6 3 2 Chi Cardinals 6 3 1 Green Bav 7 4 0 Chicaeo Bears 5 4 1 FAST New York 7 3 0 Broovkln 5 5 0 Pittsburgh 4 6 0 Philadelphia 2 7 0 Boston 180 Thursday Results New York 21 at Brooklvn 0 Green Bav 7 at Cardinals 9 Bears 2 at Detroit 14 Games New York at Philadelphia Cardinals at Bears Brooklvn at Detroit Pittsburgh at Boston NEW YORK Nov 29 MV-The public links championship won last year by Frank Strafaci of New York with San Antonio Texas taking the team title be played over the Beth-page state park course at Farming-dale I July 20-25 1936 the United States Golf association announced JN THE headlines today are the Army-Navy Southern Methodist-Texas Christian and Auburn-Florida grid games Miami is fortunate to have Saturday Nov 30 1935 Ml SIC BY Chet Orchestra TIME: 10 In 2 A $100 $150 COUPLES DAREDEVILS TOP soccer League Tigers und Cardinals Also Win At Buena Vista one of these headliners the Auburn-Florida game However let's look a bit deeper than the actual playing of the game on November 30 1935 For many years Metropolitan Miami has made strong attempts to have the University of Florida place one of its conference games on our regular sports schedule It has been a real battle and until several months ago appeared we were only bucking our heads against a stone wall Now Florida is going to play Auburn hPre It takes cash customers for backers of football to retain enthusiasm about a city as a site for one of their big games It also takes co-operation between sportsdom city and university officials In a fashion Metropolitan Miami is on the spot today because the crowd at this game and its success unquestionably will be a measuring stick for the future Despite the tact that the 1935 Gators have experienced a disastrous season and figure to get a shellacking today let's see the colorful battle entertain our visitors in true Miami spirit and make it Inexcusable for the Gators to eliminate Miami when they make their site selections for the 1936 selections And for you other fellows the members of the Florida alumni we have not changed our minds about the coaching situation and have real optimistic hopes that changes are on the way and next year the Fighting Gators will again be a potent force MlfiDHT Please Torn to Next Page I 'LV-r DARTMOUTIFS HERO FIS ALLY REWARDED New Haven Conn Nov 29 (TS) Mike Besko Is going to get his varsity letter for football after alL It will be a big to reward Mike's trying to die for dear old Dartmouth In the Princeton game when Mike became twelfth man on the Big Green team for one play Mike who was a spectator forward-passed himself from the stands past the sideline offlelals and tried to stop a Tiger running attack He was drop-kicked out of the stadium by police Tomorrow Mike Resko who runs a hot dog stand at Kah-Rah-Rahwar will be the guest of honor of the New York Yale club at the Y'ale-Prlnceton game In the Tale bowL He will be met at the railroad station by a band and escorted to the bowl In grand style There daring the half-time Intermission MJke will be presented by the wits of The Y'ale Record with a sweaterwith a huge on It Just to prove that someone appreciated his serv Ices even though Dartmouth did not varsity plating Columbia In New York will be without services for the day ROSS DEFEATS GARCIA EASILY emsusgn The Daredevils continued to set fast pace in the Buena Vista Morning Soccer League last week with a 2-1 victory over the Dynamite Kings Huston Holl kicked one goal and Grady Taylor and Bakfer pushed the second over to keep the Daredevils in the undefeated class Marshall Pillar accounted for the losing score Capt Richard goal supplied the margin for the Tigers 1-0 triumph over the Yankees and the Cardinals defeated the Pattle-snakes 2-0 In the other games Battln Middleton Virgil Middleton Don Yopp and James Th re Iked were outstanding for the Tigers and Roy Ing-man William Beers and Don Burroughs for the Yankees Marvin Skinner Carl Hudnal Paul Evans Marvin Tinsley and Fred Costello played well for the Cardinals and William Pinder Robert Frudhomme Lee Davis David Johnson and Billy Evans for the Rattlesnakes Schedule for the week: Wednes day Rattlesnakes vs Yankees Dynamite Kings vs Cardinals Tigers vs Daredevils Friday Yankees vs Dare-vils Rattlesnakes vs Dynamite Kings Tigers vs Cardinals REAL KRANZ WORKING IN GARY MONDAY NIGHT CHICAGO Nov 29 (jPj Jack Kranz GRID DANCE TONIGHT AT MIAMI BILTMORE Tbe official football dance honoring the Auburn and Florida teams will be glTen tonight at the Miami Biltmore Country club by the Miami Alumni Association of the University of Florida In conjunction with the University of Florida club Chet Brownagle and hlg orchestra will furnish the mulc starting at 10 All proceeds will go to the scholarship fund of the Inl-Tcrslty of Florida Garcia made a terrific fight of It to the halfway mark but from the sixth Welter Champion Gains Revenge Over Filipino CHICAGO Nov 29 VP) Fighting as If hia championship were at stake Barney Ross welterweight champion decisively defeated his Filipino challenger Ceferino Garcia In a blistering 10-round battle at the Chicago Stadium tonight By his victory Ross avenged the humiliation suffered when he fought Garcia In San Francisco last September In that battle the' Filipino dropped Ross twice In the first round Ross got up however to win a disputed decision UVSOvJ lKKE2a AVEai Gary Ind heavyweight boxer called at the offices of the Illinois State Athletic Commission today to insist that he was not knocked out by Joe Knight at Miami Beach Fla Monday night as reported Kranz brought evidence that he worked all dav Monday in a Gary steel mill and could not have been knocked mil in Florida that night Joseph Triner chairman of the commission said he would ask the Miami Beach commission to make investigation to determine if someone else had borrowed Kranz's name ST BOR I DECISION DIE MOND4Y PASADENA Calif Nov 29 iP) Stanford's Rose Bowl opponent for the annual New day Intersectional football game probably will be chosen Monday A1 Masters graduate manager said on arrival here today to set up a ticket cilice Tonight there was no doubt a a to result Sosa tet fan own gacea gurioua rush that bewildered Garcia round to the end Ross moved on with 23.

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