Tarrytown Daily News from Tarrytown, New York (2024)

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Tarrytown Daily Newsi

Tarrytown, New York

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A Section Gannett Westchester Newspapersriday September 5 1986 9 Kevin Greenburgh pub lic works commissioner said Thursday that all Highway Depart ment employees as well as any other employees who drive town vehicles participate in an ongoing driver safety training program Deputy Commissioner Lou Giampiccolo who is responsible for the program could not be reached for comment The state Department of Motor Vehicles records show that Hevern was convicted in 1984 of three traffic violations an im proper turn in Tarrytown passing a red light in Tarrytown and speeding in Half Moon near Sara toga Springs Battista was convicted of speed ing in Bedford in 1983 HIJACK rom page one said the hijack leader identified only as Mustafa In Cyprus and Lebanon con flicting claims were made linking the gunmen to pro Libyan and pro Iranian groups Civil Aviation Administration director general Khurshid Manwar Mirza said they demanded an American flight crew come aboard and fly the plane to Cyprus where they wanted to free Palestinian hijackers jailed in Larnaca He said they wanted the crew to in clude a speaker of Arabic In exchange they offered to release least the women and children and perhaps said Mirza who was negotiating with the hijackers from the control tow er He told The Associated Press that a Pan Am flight crew was flying in from rankfurt West Ger many The original three member flight crew escaped through an emergency hatch when the gunmen seized the plane at about 5 a But Mirza said govern ment told Pakistan the plane would not be allowed to land there He said that at Pakistani offi request the hijackers moved back to 11 pm (2 pm EDT) their deadline for a flight crew to come aboard Two earlier deadlines were extended and the hijackers never specified what would happen if a flight crew was not provided Mirza said police and troops had been pulled back from around the plane are not bothering the hijackers in any he said US Embassy officials in Isla mabad said they could not com ment on the negotiations In Washington a Pentagon offi cial said the aircraft carrier or restal and an unspecified number of smaller warships today cut short a port call in Naples Italy and set out for the central Mediterranean as a precaution in case the hijack ers should fly to Cyprus The official who spoke on con dition of anonymity did not specify what action the ships might take In Cyprus an anonymous caller to a Western news agency said a previously unknown group called the Libyan Revolutionary Cells was responsible But a statement later was delivered to newspaper offices in Beirut Lebanon claim ing it was the work of Jundullah or Soldiers of God a pro Iranian Mos lem group long active in Lebanon state run Tripoli radio monitored in Nicosia said the gov ernment of Moammar Gadhafi had no role in the hijacking Pakistani intelligence officials said the hijackers arrived in Kara chi from Bahrain the last week of August They identified one of the hijackers as Gomer Hussain and said he was holding a Bahrain passport This did not rule out his being a Palestinian since many Palestinians hold passports of Arab nations The gunmen dressed as airport security guards opened fire as they seized light 73 after it ar rived from Bombay en route to West Germany Scores of people were boarding at the time and at least 30 fled in terror as the gunmen ran up the steps of the plane firing shots that wounded two baggage loaders One was in critical condition with a head wound officials said The hijackers left a sack of hand grenades and several clips of machine gun bullets on the tarmac when they stormed the plane Mir za said they had machine guns and grenades aboard the jet Pakistani army commandos sur rounded the aircraft and sealed off the area Senior military officials took charge of operations from the control tower An airport worker was wounded when the hijackers fired from the plane hours later An American passenger of Indi an origin Kumar Rajish who was shot aboard the plane and thrown onto the tarmac died later while being operated on at Jinnah hospi tal the government said Mustafa the leader later told Pakistani officials in the control tower the hijackers were about shooting the passenger and that the other hos tages were being well looked after Pakistani officials said Mustafa was quoted as saying no one else would be hurt you take action Mirza said no such move was planned Pamela Hanlon another Pan Am spokeswoman in New York said there were 345 passengers and 13 crew members on the plane Officials in Pakistan however said there were 389 passengers and 15 flight attendants Pan Am officials in Pakistan said 41 Americans most of Indian or Pakistani origin were on the plane along with two Canadians and 43 Europeans of various na tionalities Most of the remaining passengers were Indians or Paki stanis Confusion about who was on the plane resulted from the fact that some passengers boarded it in Bombay India but got off in Kara chi while others who were booked to board in Karachi had not done so when the plane was seized The flight was scheduled to arrive at Kennedy International Airport at 3:25 pm EDT today according to Pan Am Pervaiz Sharif of Los Angeles who was about to board the plane when it was stormed said he saw a uniformed gunman holding a wom an cabin attendant at gun point at the top of the stairs He said he saw the captain climbing down a rope from the co*ckpit saw it I did not believe he told the AP at the airport lounge Airline spokesman James A Arey in New York said the pilot and two other crew members es caped through an emergency hatch in the co*ckpit roof In a telephone call to a Western news agency in Nicosia an anony mous caller claiming to speak for the Libyan Revolutionary Cells claimed US intelligence officials were on the plane and said revolutionaries will punish these by execution" The statement issued in Beirut in the name of Jundullah claimed Israeli and US secret service agents and US Army officers were on board Peter Roussel a White House spokesman in California with the vacationing President Reagan said the president was keeping abreast of the situation through National Security Adviser John Poindexter On March 2 1978 a man tried to seize a Pakistan International Airlines jumbo jet on a flight from Islamabad to Karachi but was jumped by three passengers A grenade went off tearing off the arm and injuring his assailants The hijacker was hanged in 1979 On Jan 20 1978 a masked hijacker seized a plane carrying 22 passengers at Karachi airport and asked to be flown to India for cancer treatment Pakistan Inter national Airlines chairman Nur Khan boarded the plane to nego tiate with the man then jumped on him and overpowered him 0 OPIL 0 Tfrom page A1 captain offered to fly to plane to Cyprus if the hijackers were dis armed first tell me what hap pened and I knew enough not to Mrs Thomas said want to jeopardize Mrs Thomas said she first heard of the hijacking when her sister called from Annapolis Md on Thursday night after hearing reports on the news Am called about a half hour later I was told last night that I probably would hear from him but she said finally got through just 45 minutes ago It was a real long Thomas who was born in Trigg County Ky has been flying for Pan Am for 19 years his wife said The plane had just arrived in Karachi from Bombay India and was due to take off for rankfurt West Germany when it was hi jacked The Thomases have two chil dren Nicole 14 and Matthew 12 Nicole had already left for school when her father called but Mrs Thomas interrupted a tele phone conversation with a reporter to take a call from her daughter see any reason to keep the children sitting around she said I just wanted to let her know her father was Major terrorist incidents for 1986 pura 33 miles away The military command blamed Tamil rebels JULY 25 Masked Sikh extremists hi jacked an intercity bus in the northern Indian state of Punjab separated the Hindu passen gers and shot 14 of them to death At least six others were injured JULY 25 A 66 pound bomb exploded at the headquarters of a major West German defense contractor Windows shattered but no one was hurt Authorities suspected supporters of the Red Army action leftist terror group JULY 26 Suspected Basque terrorists killed two Spanish paramilitary policemen with a booby trap bomb as they were investigating an earlier rocket attack No claimed responsi bility for the attack but authorities blamed ETA the Basque separatist organization JULY 28 White Mercedes Benz sedan packed with a quarter ton of explosives blew up in east Beirut's Ein Rummaneh residential district killing 32 people and wounding 140 No one claimed responsibility for the attack JULY 29 Gray Volkswagen Golf packed with 165 pounds of explosives blew up in a Moslem west Beirut market full of pedestrians merchants and taxicabs killing 25 people and wounding 170 No one claimed responsibility SEPT 5 our Palestinians armed with machine guns seize a Pan Am jumbo jet with about 400 people aboard at the Karachi Paki stan airport cabin of TWA jetliner over Greece killing four Americans Arab terrorists are suspected APRIL 5 Bomb explodes in West Berlin discotheque killing an American soldier and a Turkish woman and injuring 230 others in cluding 63 Americans Arab or West German terrorists are suspected JULY 21 Twelve rockets were fired at Spain's Defense Ministry and a car bomb exploded minutes later Nine people were in jured in the attacks ETA the Basque separat ist group claimed responsibility for the blast two days later JULY 21 In Paris a bomb exploded outside the offices of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development The extreme leftist group Direct Action claimed responsibility No one was injured JULY 22 A remote controlled bomb exploded under a passenger bus in Vavuniya Sri Lanka killing at least 29 civilians most of them Sinhalese The government blamed Ta mil rebels JULY 23 Eleven people most of them Tamils were injured when abomb exploded near a crowded restaurant in Vavuniya Sri Lanka There was no claim of responsibility JULY 24 A parcel bomb exploded aboard an intercity bus in northcentral Sri Lanka killing 12 civilians and wounding 28 others Most of the victims were Sinhalese ie bus was en route from Vavuniya to Anuradha By The Associated Press Here is a brief chronology of major terrorist attacks this year around the world JAN 21 Car bomb explodes near east Beirut office of Christian Phalange Party kill ing 22 people irst In series of such bombings that kill at least 30 more people EB 3 Bomb explodes on Champs Ely sees in Paris wounding eight people Arab group claims responsibility Begins string of Paris bombings in stores and shopping malls In which two people are killed and 41 wounded EB 6 Suspected Basque terrorists throwing grenades and firing machine guns kill Spanish Vice Adm Cristobal Colon Car vajal in Madrid EB 21 Peruvian leftist guerrillas toss dynamite from speeding cars at US and other embassies government offices and political party headquarters No one reported hurt EB 28 Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme is shot dead on a downtown Stockholm street Killing remains unsolved MARCH 12 Bomb planted by Afghan rebels explodes on bus in city of Herat killing eight civilians Afghan government reports MARCH 29 Alleged Sikh terrorists fire submachine guns at Hindu villagers in India's Punjab state killing at least 10 Similar attack one day earlier killed nine APRIL 2 Bomb explodes in passenger ry A Pan Am Boeing 747 jet sits idle on the runway of a Pakistan airport after plane was seized by gunmen Associated Press 2 groups claim responsibility for hijacking By The Associated Press Two groups today claimed re sponsibility for commandeering a Pan Am jumbo jet in Pakistan and threatened the lives of US intelli gence officials they alleged are aboard There was no way to verify the validity of either claim one by a previously unknown group called the Libyan Revolutionary Cells and the other by the Moslem fun damentalist group Jundullah An anonymous caller claiming to speak on behalf of the Libyan Revolutionary Cells made the first claim of responsibility by tele phone to a Western news agency in Nicosia Cyprus In Libya state controlled Radio Tripoli denied Libya was in any way connected with the hijacking In Beirut Lebanon the pro Irani an Moslem fundamentalist group Jundullah delivered a type written statement to newspaper offices claiming responsibility for seizing control of the plane The group said it targeted US Army officers and secret service officials aboard the aircraft The statement said agents of the Israeli intelligence service Mossad also were aboard wish to stress that we are not targeting American citizens or the American people but we are after repressive tools recruited by the administration of the great satan especially President Rea the statement said attack great success and ac cording to the premeditated Bhutto a former Pakistani prime minister was overthrown and cxe It said Ali cuted by the government of Presi UNCLAIMED REIGHT A container load of Sewing Machines from Necchi Sewing Machine Company scheduled to be shipped to an overseas dealer was cancelled A distributor in the Middle East ordered these machines Because of critical war situation the government refused to pay the balance of payment so shipment could be made These machines must be sold All sewing machines offered are new and in original cartons These machines are made of metal and sew all fabrics Levis canvas upholstery nylon stretch vinyl and silk These machines are new with a 25 yr warranty With a new 1986 Necchi Model you just set the dial and see magic happen: straight sew zig zag buttonholes appliques sew in buttons snaps top stitch elastic stitch all this and more 1 78 with ad Reg price without ad Place: Holiday Inn 125 Tuckahoe Rd Yonkers NY 476 4446 Exit 6W 6E Thruwayl Date: September 6TH ONE DAY Time: Saturday 1 0 AM 5 PM Bhutto's Squad" carried out the dent Gen Zia ul Haq 790 ON YOUR HOME LOAN AT THE DIME Low Origination ee Low Caps on Interest Rates Low Closing Costs This is a annual adjustable rate loan The interest rate remains constant for the first year and cannot increase by more than two percent each year thereafter Ask about our 48 hour service for credit loans Pan Am monitors varied reports on hijacking NEW YORK (AP) Buffeted by conflicting reports Pan Am offi cials today tried to make sense of what was happening at a Pakistani airport where a band of Palestin ians took over a jumbo jet carrying up to 400 people Pan Am spokesman Jim Arey said communications between Ka rachi and New York where the airline is based were difficult He said as far as he knew a passenger said by Pakistani officials to be shot dead was still alive Contradictory reports also in volved the number of people on the plane Pan Am officials in New York said there were 345 passen gers and 13 crew members on the plane Officials in Pakistan howev er said there had been 389 passen gers on board and 15 flight attendants The problem Arey said was that airline officials believe the plane was only about 70 percent boarded when the attack occurred and Pan Am was struggling to determine who was on the plane and who was not Pan Am said people who think their relatives may be on the hi jacked flight should call Pan Am at 800 221 1111 Arey said Pan Am had received about 150 calls from friends and relatives of those bc lived to be on board and more casual inquiries The plane had been scheduled to arrive at Kennedy International Airport in New York at 3:25 pm EDT today Pan Am said That was its ultimate destination it was to have made a stop in rankfurt first and some of the passengers on board were only making that leg of the flight Pan Am in Bombay said 44 passengers were American citizens rom page one IN WHITE PLAINS ROM ESCARGOT to STEAK PO1VRE LAMBE LEIMSTIS 6 Quarropaa St 949 2311 or more information call: 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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.