Antecedents' Legacy (Antecedents' Legacy #1) (2024)


1,869 reviews12 followers

February 8, 2023

“What is this ‘arm day’ you speak of, oh wise master? It is so much more effective!” “Nay, we had never considered fighting rather than standing there and letting the giant bugs kill us. Nobody in the entire universe had!” “Somehow we all find you irresistible, even though we’re physically variable alien species with completely different standards of beauty!” Super dumb, in a very bad way.

Dave Stone

1,171 reviews58 followers

January 16, 2024

Might try again later DNF
This book is flat soda and stale popcorn.
I wanted to like this book but it never took off. The MC is a creep, I don't want to have anything to do with him and after a while I just didn't care what happened next.



1,380 reviews36 followers

January 21, 2023

I think I've discovered that I like the author's modern/sci-fi books better than the fantasy ones. The same relationship dynamics are found in all; borderline sociopathic MC + women with particular needs and skills which complement those of the MC. The MC's "Captain Kirk/Rule 34" proclivities are getting a good workout in this book.

Where this one in particular does better (imo) is in not going into total navel-gazing relationship stuff. There were some extended sex scenes, but those are easy to skim through. The action was good, and the team building dynamics were well done without excessive time/word count allocated to the details. I'm interested to see where this goes.


84 reviews1 follower

September 30, 2023

soft p*rn

Thought I’d be reading an edgy sci fi book, but all it was is a mash up of male adolescent sex fantasy’s, with a bit of mecha thrown in. Could not even finish it. Glad this book was free on prime.
Definitely have no desire to see if this style of his carries over to other books he may have written, but this style to me is the lowest denominator of writing.

Daniel Schinhofen

Author54 books1,194 followers

May 29, 2023

Totally biased, but this book was amazing.

Jeff Wells

17 reviews

September 16, 2023


I came into this book expecting to read a story about a guy in a new universe fighting giant alien monsters in a massive Mecha.

Instead what I got was 350 pages of the main character trying to have sex with anything vaguely female on a space ship.

On the whole, the book is just boring. I gave it two stars because I didn't notice any egregious grammar or spelling flaws, so it's not the worst book I've ever read, but it's not good.

Zander, the main character, never even fights an actual battle with a Mecha dealer that being the whole penis for his transmission to a new universe. There's the initial encounter where he switches universes, which he wasn't in a Mecha fire, and then we get to see a couple of training simulations the first two or three days he's on the ship that picks him up, and every other instance the author skips because it doesn't matter - they are just part of his training schedule.

The characters are completely one dimensional - the shy one, the angry one, the mischievous one, the flirty one, and the inexperienced one. Those are the main interactions, and all play out as you could probably predict by that description alone. And they are all either openly sex fiends or sex fiends who just don't know it yet.

Despite this extreme focus on sex, Zander only actually had sex with one person on the ship (depicted in gratuitous detail), and has imaginary sex one more time with his own AI (also depicted in gratuitous detail). Not that I wanted more sex scenes, I would have been perfectly happy with none.

I ended up skipping the last quarter or so of the book because it was all the same nonsense over and over again, until we got to the betrayal and ship boarding I knew was going to happen in the first third of the book.

It was just boring overall.


447 reviews1 follower

January 23, 2023


Extremely not vanilla. Started off as an interesting sci fi story, but pseudo-bestial*ty and forced/attenuated behaviors make this a skip. If food, it’d be off menu gas station food.

Pablo García

839 reviews11 followers

October 16, 2023

Supposedly the multiverse (alternate realities in the other Universes) is in a Multiversal war against the worms and the insects (called the Entoma) in Mechanical Robots (Mechas). The thing is, the only worms and insects in this Sci-Fi-Alternate-reality-multiverse book and book series, are seen in the beginning (first scene) and never ever seen again. So, that can't be the main theme to this story (even though it should be)...
The main character, Zander (instead of Xander; from Alexander)(Codename: Badger), loses (they all die) his mercenary army team in a confusing alien attack on Earth (current Earth) or a teleported to planet/alternate reality and then somehow the only survivor Zander, finds a spaceship (that can travel to alternate realities) (also where his team was "loopholed-into"this story) that took him and the remains of his team (and all of their gear) into an alternate reality Universe (Multiversal fight with the Entoma). Zander had a "friends with benefits" relationship with one of his military mercenary subordinates, Selda (codename: Maker as in "troublemaker") (and "Selda" not "Zelda" from Zelda Fitzgerald/F.Scott Fitzgerald's wife) that "somehow" becomes a valuable Artificial Intelligence in this Alternate Universe. The only problem with the idea of Selda is, Selda's personality and memories are not taken from her original body (DNA) and brain, but from Zander's memories of her???? becoming the best possible (dream-team) wingman (wing-woman/wing-AI/sidekick) in this book and series. I would have somehow taken Selda's memories and capacities from her dead remains (since the author teleported them) and it would have been a more credible transformation into an Artificial Intelligence, Sapient being, golem/homunculus/etc.
Zander tries to seduce and is interested in all of this alternate reality/Universe/Multiverse alien/beast-kin-Spirit-folk women and this takes priority in this book and the Sci-Fi book series instead of the Mecha-Combat, the Multiversal War or real-life space combat. There is a mutiny and Zander uses his conventional (kinetic) firearms and rifles from Earth in the spaceship (without it doing irreparable damage to the ship).
So, if you can get beyond the sexual innuendos, sensual liaisons, and sexual addictions (depravity/polyamorous relationships) (harem trope) of the main character and his AI (Selda) sidekick, and read about training (team building and Mecha strategy) in virtual reality instead of fighting in real combat, then this story might be right for you.
So far, it has 2 books in the series. This first book is way better that the second one. Second one loses itself in the virtual reality combat training and top-gun-like Mecha teams competition. Again no real-life combat with the "Entoma" (Worms and Insects of this Multiverse).
The story has in-fighting (mutiny) with the alien races/species instead of real combat with the Worms/insect real war enemies which in my opinion is losing it's potential and focus for this story (and getting side-tracked).
I liked the pace of the story, liked the fact that it was about Mechas (Mechanical Giant Robot fighters) and liked the idea that a trained human soldier goes into the wide-open-multiverse (Alternate reality ones) and finds himself a niche there. The story seems organized and the pace of the story is okay. It could do without all of the sexual intercourse and diary of a continuous "wet-dream-fantasy" by the author and main character, Zander....but one as a reader takes what is usually given and is not ever able to pick and choose from several books and stories...

    author-suffers-from-tunnelvision does-not-meet-harem-conditions gi-normous-plot-holes-sieves

Kiba Snowpaw

Author2 books20 followers

September 23, 2023

Greetings, readers of the galaxy. I, Kiba Snowpaw, an Ice Wolf from the frost-bitten world of HowlStrom, will take you on a journey through the review of a book I found captivating. With my extensive experience in gaming and ice magic, I assure you this review is honest, in-depth, and comes from the heart of a seasoned reader.

Basic Plot Summary:
"Antecedents' Legacy" introduces us to Zander Greaves, a man who has seen the worst of life and is determined to rise above it. After serving as a military contractor for over a decade, he finds his world flipped upside down when a supposed "wild-goose chase" mission ends with him quantum-entangled to a distant universe. Now, he must contend with massive war machines, enormous bugs, and the mystery of the Antecedents' Legacy.

Schinhofen has woven a tale that combines the rawness of a gritty past with the wonder of intergalactic travel. It's a journey of self-discovery, adapting to challenges, and facing otherworldly threats. The essence of the furry ethos resonates subtly, emphasizing bonds, loyalties, and the importance of pack – or in this case – squad.


Zander: He is the embodiment of resilience and adaptability. His journey from the rough streets of Compton to the unfathomable vastness of a different universe demonstrates his enduring spirit.

Selda Engel: As the tech specialist with a mysterious allure, she represents both the anchor and aspiration for Zander. Their evolving relationship adds depth to the storyline.

Devin Smith: Every tale needs its strong-arm, and Devin fills this role. His proud Texan heritage and expertise with heavy weapons offer moments of levity amidst tension.

Schinhofen masterfully employs a multi-layered narrative. The story oscillates between Zander's tumultuous past and the bewildering present, providing readers with a holistic understanding of his character evolution.

Much like the gusts of HowlStrom, "Antecedents' Legacy" leaves a lasting impression. It serves as a testament to human resilience and adaptability.

Hook and Thesis:
The book captures the reader with its engaging narrative of a man lost in an unknown world. It challenges the traditional norms of science fiction, blending it seamlessly with profound human emotions and relationships.

Praise and Critique:
Schinhofen's strength lies in character development and the weaving of complex emotions into a high-stakes storyline. However, some readers might find the harem elements a bit distracting. I applaud the inclusion of diverse genres, which kept me on my toes, eagerly anticipating every turn.

Unlike traditional sci-fi books which might focus solely on the technological marvels of an advanced world, "Antecedents' Legacy" places humanity at its core. It reminds me of the epic tales told in the halls of HowlStrom, where the central focus is always on the character's journey, challenges, and transformation.

"Antecedents' Legacy" is a roller-coaster of emotions set against the backdrop of interstellar wonder. For those who enjoy a story that challenges them to think and feel, this book is a must-read. Through the snowy terrains of HowlStrom, I've come across many tales, but this one will always hold a special place in my icy heart. Happy reading, fellow furries and adventurers!

Jon Svenson

Author9 books100 followers

January 26, 2023

I really am at a loss as to what to think about this book. I've enjoyed pretty much every single one of Daniel Schinhofen's books without exception, but this one didn't work for me.

What makes it even worse is that I'm a fan of military sci-fi. The book is set in a time where humans have developed sufficient technology to leave Earth. Zander (the MC) gets picked up and tossed into a different dimension/universe because of an old ship that is nearby that had been built by the ancient Antecedents.

He's saved by the captain of another ship, while the rest of his team dies. After he recovers from his injuries, he starts flirting with every single female on the ship. That theme holds true for the rest of the book.

This was a hard book for me to read. I realize the subject matter isn't that far off what he has written in past series, but in the current books he has going it's muted. Yes, it's there, but we don't read every detail. For me, the flirty times became annoying and a distraction. I ended up reading two other books before I finished this one.

On the plus side, the editing is fine. Zander is a well written character, and I have no trouble believing there are people like that out in the real world. He reminds me of the story of the kid in high school who asks each girl leaving the school if they want to get together with him. Eventually, a girl says yes. That's what Zander is like.

I rate the books I read based on the enjoyment level I had, and I just didn't enjoy this one. That's why I'm giving it a 3/5*

    action-adventure adult military-sci-fi


147 reviews3 followers

September 10, 2023

Not terrible, but disappointing.

My biggest gripe with this book is that it falls into the trap of granting the MC power by virtue of everyone else being staggeringly incompetent. "Fire AND move"? That's the level of Sun Tzu the MC brings to the table to dazzle a universe filled with experienced mech warriors who haven't progressed beyond whining about how moving makes aiming harder.

The book continues this trend of embracing simplistic and nonsensical ideas. Like, the Antecedents creating nanite AI assistants that you can only interact with when these small networked devices join together to build a physical plug so you can use a cable to connect to another computer where you can talk to it. Or, how the Universe is an Earth analog, with literal guns, but security professionals can’t figure out a pistol without shooting themselves? Or, mechs that can climb and crouch and have independent arm movements and the initials controls are two joysticks?

It's just endless; there's even a scene where the cook laments that the automated kitchen can't make bread without an upgrade. Why? Why would you add that? It's flour, water, salt and yeast. How could the kitchen make extravagant feasts but not be able to make that?

Finally, after the first few chapters, this book just becomes all relationship drama and fades to black on every action scene. I get that we don't want to read about a dozen similar mech training missions, but it would have been nice to get SOME reminder that there are mechs beyond just visiting them to grope the mechanic.

Kevin Ryan Carda

8 reviews

January 25, 2023

Another Page Turner

As with nearly all his books, Schinhofen put out yet another page turner. Once fully invested, I could barely put it down. The book follows a hard lived mercenary as he tries to deal with the loss of his crew in an alternate universe. Badger takes you through real emotions of losing loved ones while still finding new ways to continue inside and love.

As with other books by Schinhofen, he centers around a story first and then adds other elements. While it has harem tendencies like most of his books, relationships are at least thought out and not "she's pretty, let's bang her after five seconds of meeting." I've enjoyed that with nearly every book by this author. Everything seems well measured from flirtatious interactions to team building. Another great intro to a series and different from the magic genre he's been heavily leaning in. I'll be anxiously waiting for another installment from this series, as with all his other series! Thank you!


2,435 reviews33 followers

February 5, 2023

I really can't figure out where the whole mecha thing came from. When the original books came out in the mid 90s, as well as the console games, it was allways called mech wars, mech battles, mech this, mech that, and so on. Somebody somewhere slipped up once, called them mecha, (which btw, if you're not one of those religious folks that want to make a pilgrimage to one time during their life time, doesn't actually mean anything), and the name just stuck.
I generally like offerings from this author, but I could really do without the harem parts of this story, they add absolutely nothing to the story, half the time don't make sense anyway, but to each their own I guess..
I'd really like to see where this series is going, but I don't think I'll be reading anything else in this series, there's just too much here that rubs me the wrong way.

    amazon kindle-unlimited

Brett R.

101 reviews2 followers

February 17, 2023

WOW! Daniel's got a Sci-Fi winner here!

I don't always write reviews, especially if I find a series after several books have come out. If I like a series I can't take the time because I HAVE to get to the next book. Not "want" to but HAVE to!
That being said, I'm both happy and sad that I caught this series as it is 1st being published.
Happy because I can take the time to extoll the joys of reading books by this author! His stories are well crafted, his characters are interesting and, although there is sex (and with unusual races), he doesn't make the sex the theme but a good layering of the actual story!
Sad because now I have to wait months for the next story!
And I'm already impatiently waiting for other stories to come out!😩
Keep up the great work Daniel Schinhofen! You make this retired AD&D gamer and DM very happy! 🤪

Sabrina A Hopton

4 reviews

May 9, 2024


The storyline is decent, with a nice spin on the normal isekai'd MC. It is however a very OP human centric plot. A man shifts to an alternate universe, and is able to not only immediately adapt, but prove his exceptional battle prowess and tactical genius. All because apparently this universe never got past the advanced mecha version of the British red coat firing line of the 1700's. The MC's exceptional ability to not only instantly adapt to being completely surrounded by many different aliens, but also immediately start seducing every female on board is as improbable as it is tropey. Even Farscapes suave John Crichton took a hot minute to freak out before he started seducing the women.

Well written, good editing and formatting. Unrealistic and overpowered main character harem builder in space.


227 reviews6 followers

January 21, 2023

Couldn't stop

I've read quite a bit of this author's work and this new story was fantastic.

The opening blurb tells us the first few chapters and some might complain about building characters that die before the opening credits, but I think it worked well. Gives an idea of the closeness of the unit which helps out later in the story.

The story itself flows well, in my opinion. Mostly about team building and adjusting to the new place he finds himself as after events are introduced they are mentioned rather than repeated. Makes for a faster moving story but I imagine we'll have to retread a bit in the next book.

Loved the new story and can't wait to continue the series!


13 reviews

January 26, 2023

Good start

Portal (Isekai), mecha vs monsters, space fantasy, harem, monstergirl, sex (graphic), swearing and some violence.

With it being a harem, with sex I personally wouldn't have read this as that wasn't in the description. Not a prude, but if I want to scratch that itch there is better media if you know what I mean.

That being said I actually enjoyed this one, well written with nods to pop culture, characters were reasonably well developed and protagonist isn't a complete tool.

Has Starship Trooper vibes, with Halo AI, as in mecha vs space beasties who swarm and AI in your head. Although there wasn't a lot of action I didn't get bored as the pacing was well done.


873 reviews12 followers

January 21, 2023

Good world

I like the setting. The backdrop and the story. The MC is likable And the Adding characters are all completely unique though all out of fantasy. I do find the book a little heavy on the horn dog. As it starts right off. A bit typical for the author though. So expected. That said I enjoy the Storyline other than the harem part. Should be fun if he flushes this out even more. Mechs.. What's not to like. Especially with a side order of nanites. Looking forward to the next book.


45 reviews

January 25, 2023

Interesting change from Daniel’s usual fare

It’s always interesting to see an author branch out into something different from the rest of their works, and to get to see how they try to work with it.

While it has giant mech as a key piece of the story, don’t go into it expecting it to be heavily focused on mech battles. If that’s what you are after, you are likely to be disappointed. If however, you want to see mechs battling giant bug monsters, crew dynamics for a mercenary company (with it developing harem bent to it), character development, and world building, it might be just what you are looking for.

Paul Coulter

17 reviews

March 31, 2023


I enjoyed this book, as I’ve enjoyed most of the authors books. I do get slightly annoyed for no real reason every time the author drops a reference to one of his other books. Usually because it comes in the form of ‘this is like that one story I read with the guy on the Wild West world’ (or insert other story setting) I don’t feel like there is a need, nor does it add to the story, and instead breaks my immersion.

The plot is interesting, and I’ll definitely read book two when it comes out.

Jim Mack

33 reviews

May 1, 2023

Another hit by Daniel Schinhofen

It seems like every book he writes is a hit. In this one, an Earth combat squad in the Middle East is accidentally quantum shifted to a different universe. The planet they're dropped on is home to a giant species of worms who proceed to destroy the squad, except for Zander. He alone manages to escape and get picked up by a privately owned mercenary ship whose 'Mecha' pilots are responsible for destroying the giant worms wherever they are found. Join Zander as he makes friends and enemies among the crew...and has lots of sex...

Keith R Orsini

71 reviews

November 23, 2023

wonderful and fun read!

What happens if you get transported to an alternate universe?
What happens if you don’t have Ironman or Thor and their gang to help? If you are Zander, you decide to take charge and simply trade your space marines for alien fighters to make up your new unit. The fun is only beginning!

Great writing, interesting characters, lots of humor, quite a bit of sex as well (good to know humans might be compatible with even the strangest aliens). Lastly, if you drop into someone else’s universe, who is the alien? Them or you?


200 reviews4 followers

January 20, 2023

I want more!

Good characters and story. This is clearly the first book in a series, in that it introduces the characters and world, but there was not really a driving purpose or climax. The story revolves around the MC building up relationships with the shipmates and squad. I felt like the book should have been much longer, as I enjoyed what was there, but kinda wanted something with more drive and purpose.

Looking forward to the next book!

Je'Maal Bailey

23 reviews

January 21, 2023

Different but ok

This was definitely a different journey to good on. Overall it was not bad I even enjoyed a lot of it. However I just couldn’t get with the idea of sleeping in someones back, that was just to much for me. The only thing that I found wack was the fact that the MC is attracted to the captain but can have a relationship with because they would die. I hope that will change in the future series.


255 reviews

January 22, 2023

This was a fun start to a new slice of life sci-fi series. This is not a hard scifi series. It does handle Mecha fights against invasive organisms. There are various alien races and one transported human from our Earth. Zander, aka Badger, is our human viewpoint into this new universe under threat. I am looking forward to where this series goes. I highly recommend giving this first book a chance.

Robert Buckley

10 reviews

January 24, 2023

Caught me off guard

I was a little hesitant with this one because it was such a departure from shinhofen's usual books, but I really enjoyed it.

I'm not sure what I was expecting exactly, but a sci-fi fantasy crossover with a good deal of marine squad training and tactics was not it. The author is done a great job building out this universe already and I can't wait for the next one!


101 reviews2 followers

February 10, 2023

I have to admit the description didn't really sound like my thing, but I like Schinhofen's other stuff so I gave it a try. I absolutely love it. The characters are all interesting and have well defined personalities and the characters relationships are evolving at a more reasonable pace than is often found in harem books. The world building is interesting as well. I'm really looking forward to the continuation of this series.

    harem isekai

Michael Jackson

307 reviews1 follower

January 18, 2023


Mecha space battles slice of life what more could you want, some world building and a book that treats the reader as an adult .
I so enjoyed this book. i had to read it from cover to cover in one go another great series i need the next one, so i will need to wait in daniel rotation of other great stories.

Jonathan Campbell

25 reviews3 followers

January 18, 2023

Slow start but really picks up towards the latter half. Excellent!!!

First off I will say I have enjoyed very thoroughly most everything that Schinhofen has written, this said I was uncertain about his writing a much more hardcore sci-fi isekai but after finishing, it immediately joins all his other series in my chomping at the bit for the next in the series!!!

Ruddy Lewis

16 reviews1 follower

January 20, 2023


I love this book. Please make more! The MC in this book was not hesitant or clueless and knows what he wants. Very different from the authors other books in setting, I liked that. Excellent character building. Only complaint is that it was too short. The author did a excellent job with this story. Please make more and thank you for this entertaining book!

Antecedents' Legacy (Antecedents' Legacy #1) (2024)


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Author: Kareem Mueller DO

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.